from the NY Daily News
The whacko minister was caught with a truckload of kerosene-soaked copies of the Muslim holy book — 2,998 for each 9/11 victim.
Inflammatory Pastor Terry Jones has tried again, and failed, to burn Korans, authorities say.
The whack-job pastor from Gainesville, Fla., was arrested Wednesday in the Polk County town of Mulberry with with a truckful of kerosene-soaked copies of the Muslim holy book, cops said. Police found 2,998 Korans — one for every 9/11 victim.
Cops said they cuffed Jones and his associate pastor, Marvin Sapp, around 5 p.m., as the men were about to start the blaze. Each faces a felony charge of unlawful conveyance of fuel. Jones was also charged with unlawful open-carry of a firearm.
from the BBC
A mob in Afghanistan's capital Kabul has lynched a woman after she allegedly burned a copy of the Koran near a mosque, police say.
Local police commander Saleh Mohammad told the BBC she was killed when "hundreds of locals and passersby attacked her with stones and sticks".
Witnesses say her body was then set on fire. Four suspects have been arrested but the woman has not been identified.
The killing is thought to be the first incident of its kind in Afghanistan.
However, correspondents say it is fairly common in neighbouring Pakistan.
One eyewitness told the BBC how the lynching was carried out near the Shah-Du-Shamshaira mosque and shrine.
"I heard noise, I went and people said that a woman is burning Koran. When I went closer I saw angry people shouting they want to kill the woman.
"They beat her to death and then threw her on the river side and burned her. Firefighters later came and put out the fire and took the body."
Interior ministry spokesman Sediq Seddiqi said officials were not sure exactly what caused the incident.
Afghan's Tolo news agency said quoted the parents of the woman, named only as Farkhunda, as saying she had suffered from a mental illness for 16 years.
The parents, who were not named, told Tolo she had not intentionally burnt the Koran.
Will a day ever come when there will be no more cowering under pc umbrellas...? Of Donald Trump like politicians who speak without fear of "socially distancing" themselve's from others? I won't be holding my breath.
New meaning for the words "Na-na-na-na na-na na-na-na!".
I will support and defend Donald Trump's right to self-marginalization to the hilarious end.
He is, after all, Hillary's stalking horse.
Meanwhile, in the bombproof redoubt of Team Hillary...
"Of course we go with Trump. Why not? He's gone with that birther thing longer than we did..."
"...and he can distract the Tea Party from their anti-TARP, pro-Medicare, independent anti-Republican principles long enough to deny Bernie Sanders a chance. Before they know what hit them they'll be choosing between Hillary and Chris Christie."
"that's awesome! Thank you Mr. Rove."
Each faces a felony charge of unlawful conveyance of fuel. Jones was also charged with unlawful open-carry of a firearm.
Doesn't sound like an arrest for 'thought crimes' to me. It's not illegal to burn Korans, as far as I know.
unlawful conveyance of fuel? wtf is THAT? They'll never convict in an American ciurtroom. harrassment, pure and simple.
From the way the article is worded, it sounded like they were carrying kerosene-soaked books in the back of a truck.
Associate pastor, Marvin Sapp, perfect.
On the way to Venezuela, some of our furniture got soaked in diesel oil. Should the authorities have arrested the moving company executives for transporting fuel-soaked couches?
Absurd on its face.
Jones was also charged with unlawful open-carry of a firearm.
2998 Korans.... must have got them from 'Korans R Us'! 'UKoran'? ;-)
Jones was also charged with unlawful open-carry of a firearm.
unlwaful open-carry? In Florida? open or concealed carry is allowed for without a license under 790.25 for certain protected places and activities. Exceptions include in the home, place of work, hunting, fishing, camping, gun shows, or while practice shooting and while traveling to and from those activities.
All you have to say is that "I'm going to the gun range after this koran burning, officer." Besides, it's a concealed carry "shall issue" state for handgun licenses.
Interesting –– and more than a little frightening –– the way Authority strangles the Spirit of the Law and invariably twists it to suppress Freedom of Expression when those in power ether fear or dislike what is being expressed.
I'd do it, myself, of course if I had the authority. We ALL would. Every one of us has the capacity to become a bigoted tyrant given the chance.
"Beware the human heart. It is desperately wicked ..."
"We have met the enemy, and he is us."
Have you ever watched Shakespeare's "Titus Andronicus"? For me, the lesson of the play is to never delegate "power" away from yourself. If the opportunity arises, it is your duty to yourself, and loved ones, to seize it.
As Nietzsche said, "Suppose, finally, we succeeded in explaining our entire instinctive life as the development and ramification of one basic form of the will--namely, of the will to power, as my proposition has it... then one would have gained the right to determine all efficient force univocally as--will to power. The world viewed from inside... it would be "will to power" and nothing else." ("Beyond Good and Evil", s.36, Walter Kaufmann transl)
we explained everything as will to power then everything would be will to power. If we explained everything as pork and beans, then everything would be pork and beans.
Isn't Nietzsche just a tautological fallacy with some bombastic decor?
...only if the world is pork & beans.
"Suppose, finally, we succeeded in explaining our entire instinctive life as the development and ramification of one basic form of the beans, namely, of the pork and beans, as my proposition has it... then one would have gained the right to determine all efficient force univocally as- pork and beans. The world viewed from inside... it would be "pork and beans" and nothing else."
...or, I suppose, anythng else, a tautology as you have proven!
I guess I've "outgrown" Nietzsche ;)
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