
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

All Hail the Brotherhood of Efficiency...

...and the Freemasonry of Science!


FreeThinke said...


Before I die, I'd like to know WHY you, who have good mind and a rich sense of humor, eschew Beauty, Logic, Order and Excellence and Refinement in favor of cultural EXCREMENT?

Just because the Modern and Post-Modern Worlds have followed the downward path, there's no reason why YOU –– or anyone else who still has the capacity to think –– should follow the Demented, Demonic Pied Pipers who seem to have taken over both Academia and the Popular Culture.

This STINKING GARBAGE is eminently resistible. To acquiesce to these aggressively depraved, degenerate forces is PUSILLANIMOUS in my never-humble opinion.

jez said...

"Before I die, I'd like to know WHY..."
No you wouldn't, this is not a genuine inquiry from the looks of it.
Your friend enjoys something that you don't. Either your friend is an idiot who enjoys worthless things, in which case your question is only answered by his inadequacy, or he hears something that you don't, to which possibility you are clearly closed.

Until you modify your attitude, this must be an unproductive area of discussion.

jez said...

"Before I die, I'd like to know WHY..."
No you wouldn't, this is not a genuine inquiry from the looks of it.
Your friend enjoys something that you don't. Either your friend is an idiot who enjoys worthless things, in which case your question is only answered by his inadequacy, or he hears something that you don't, to which possibility you are clearly closed.

Until you modify your attitude, this must be an unproductive area of discussion.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


FreeThinke said...

No one asked YOU, Jez. I need no explanation as to who YOU are, and I haven't the slightest desire to know ay more about YOU than I already do.

On future I'd appreciate it very much if you did not address me here or anywhere at any time.

I do NOT value YOUR opinion any more than I value Gert's or any other of the many irritants, crackpots, know-it-alls, and malignant personalities that infest the blogosphere.

jez said...

You know what to do. Like I advised you prefer, if you want to avoid conversation, no response is best.

FreeThinke said...

Your arrogant condescension, and assumption of superiority are INSUFFERABLE< Jez.

It is YOU who have dared to attacked ME –– repeatedly –– ever since our paths first crossed.

And NOW you have the effrontery to tell ME that should simply TAKE your snide abuse without comment. Like every leftist I've ever known you are a would-be tyrant who presumes to "know" what OTHERS should and should NOT think or do.

In future I'd advise you to FUCK OFF.

FreeThinke said...

I addition, Jez, your attitude strongly suggests that YOU want always to be the one who dictates the terms of any interchange. I'd advise YOU to get down off your God-damned High Horse, and join the human race, though I doubt it possible.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

jez said...

I'm not dictating your behaviour: respond if you want, but saying nothing would be the more effective way to achieve your stated goals. Principle is widely applicable eg. I expect your blog would have quietened down pretty quickly if you'd simply deleted the spam without responding to it.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I've been undertaking a study of HG Wells, Fabian Society member, Socialist, and "Royal Academy Wannabe".

Gert said...

"FreeStinke - The Human(?) Cactus": touch it and your fingers bleed.

Lovely tune, BTW! ;-)