
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Zizek - Profiles in Paranoia


Franco Aragosta said...

I agreed with the content of te narrator's commentary, but I'm still trying to figure out whether this adndrogynous creature is a WOMAN? –– a MAN? –– or a TRANNY?

With ZiZEK there could be no question that he is a MAN. He's also LIKABLE and probably quite ATTRACTIVE to women. He has a genial, avuncular look and a rather sweet face, but that that too easily masks the deadly danger of his sadly insane political convictions.

That makes him a quintessentail "Culutral Marxist," even though he most assuredly is NOT a Jew.

Lenin, of course, was nt a Jew either, But the vast majority of early out-and-out Marxists WERE hining, captious, rebarbative, desperately unattractive Jewis, especially in the USA, and they were almost uniformly, grim, censorious, harsh scolding, belligerent, and out to make as much TROUBLE as they possibly could. If you dont believe me read David Horowitz's RADICAL SON.

That's why anti-Communism was wrongly-but-understandably conflated with anti-Semitism., and why the Jewish moguls who invented the movie industry and ran Hollywood so brilliantly for decades were able to make a monkey out of
poor Joe McCarthy, whose ham-handed approach to ridding the nation of pernicious Marxian Influence –– a phenomenon he RIGHTLY perceived –– was no match for the Moguls and their sympathetic confderates in congress and the judiciary.

Alas! the charming Marxist is the most DANGEROUS member of that deadly breed.

Of course, Satan, himself, is described as highly attractive, isn't he? No horns, pointed beard, pitchfork, cloven hoof, and swishing tail there! Satan is more likely to appear as a clone of The Most Interesting Man in the World, if you remember that long term ad campaign.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

kill it with fire

Thersites said...

I took issue with the narrator's commentary, as he never acknowledged the underlying truth that Zizek seeks to expose about the current late-modern, post WWII form of global capitalism.

He does capture some of the "problem's" with Zizek proposed solutions, with which I also disagree.

As for the "gender" issue...it is kali yuga, after all. ;p