
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Contra Byung-Chul Han's "What is Power?"

From Wiki:
What is Power? (2005)

"Violence and freedom are the two endpoints on the scale of power."

"The task of power is to transform the always possible 'no' into a 'yes.' "

"Power is not opposed to freedom. It is precisely freedom that distinguishes power from violence or coercion. "

"A truly powerful holder of power does not simply elicit agreement, but enthusiasm and excitement. "

"Often what is absent has more power than what is present. "

"When power is separated from any communicative context, it becomes naked violence. "

"Power is more 'spacious' than violence. And violence becomes power if it 'gives itself more time.' Looked at from this perspective, power rests on an excess of space and time. "

"Architecture is a way for power to achieve eloquence through form. "

"Rather, power is most powerful, most stable, where it creates a feeling of freedom and where it does not need to resort to violence. "

"Power is never naked. Rather, it is eloquent. "

"An absolute power would be one that never becomes apparent, never pointed to itself, one that rather blended completely into what goes without saying. Power shines in its own absence. "

"Power turns pure being into a having." 
"Violence may capture space, but it does not create space."

"Power tends to reduce openness... Power tries to solidify and stabilize its position by eradicating spaces open to play, or incalculable spaces."
"An ethos of freedom stops power from solidifying into domination and makes sure it remains an open game."

"Perhaps power is never free from a feeling of lack."

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