Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Really, What DOES it Mean?

...on both Clarifying and Blurring the Subject/Object Distinction

Is it possible to remove the Social-Symbolic-Cultural status quo from the Question and thereby Eliminate the Influence of Ideology? Or is it already "Baked-in" to every problem?


  1. ok I am drawing a map of village of NY city..lol

  2. The village is here, and the rest of the city is there.... ;)

    By Jove, I think you've GOT IT!

  3. I reason earth is short ––
    And anguish absolute --
    And many hurt ––

    But what of that?

    I reason we could die ––
    The best vitality ––
    Cannot excel decay ––

    But what of that?

    I reason that in Heaven
    Somehow it will be even ––
    A new equation given ––

    But what of that?

    ~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
