Saturday, September 19, 2020

Chauncey Gardener's Weltanschauung


  1. I'm familiar with Candide as interpreted and presented theatrically by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim. I've found it an agreeably entertaining, even brilliant, work, I'm sorry to learn of Voltaire's cynicism about Christianity, idealism in general, and the hope of fulfillment through refined personal thinking, etc.

    Yet, I find the ending, which I see as advocacy of attaining the only possible mode of personal fulfillment through the production of practical, tangible, useful, attractive products and services on a purely local level, extremely appealing, because it reflects my own long held belief that we do best by bminding our own business and treating all within reach, fairly, decently and respectfully.

    But I have to say thatthis view is probably closest to the message Jesus Christ came to teach –– a message willfully misunderstood, desecrated and shamefully ministerpreted by vain, arrogant, ambitious, power-mad self-righteous individuals who have sought World Domination by CONQUEST throughout history.

    If true "reform" is ever to take place, it must come through sincere, personal conviction exemplified an acted upon by an ever-increasing number committed INDIVIDUALS.

  2. While I completely agee with Conservative-Libertarians' detestation of the late Justice Ginsburg's leftist, manifestly unconstituional, anti-American, pro-Globalist thoughts on POLICY-MAKING, I believe it important to recognize, as the late Antonin Scalia did, that her unique identity as a WOMAN, a PERSON and FELLOW HUMAN BEING deserved more consideration –– and APPRECIATION –– exclusive of her politics.

    SCALIA and GINSBURG could not had been farther apart politically. Their professed personal ideals were diametrically opposed, YET both were smart –– and humane enough –– to appreciate the considerable virtues, and remarkable accomplishments each had attained.

    RBG was a Red Diaper Baby born into the Brooklyn Jewish Community that almost universally embraced and actively promoted COMMUNISM in the first half of the twentieth-century –– beyond. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were, perhaps, the most egregious exemplars of the deplorable mentality that prevailed particularly among Brooklyn Jews at the time. If you don't want to believe me, please read David Howowitz's confessional condemnation of his OWN Jewish family and the vhemently seditious JEWISH COMMUNIST COMMUNITY of which they were active advocates and devoted supporters.

    No one can help the milieu into which he was born, any more than a Negro can be held personally responsible for the color of his skin, or a homosexual can be held responsible for his sexual orientation. Hope still springs eternal that the moral blindness that comes with traditional ethnic and cultural traits and mores may one day be overcome.

  3. In that case, she was only partially successful, in that she was raised in the tradition of the COMINTERN Red Diaper Baby, broke with and disassociated herself from Labour to embrace the minority identities of the New Left, and then ended up a tankie, returning to the promise of her parent's Stalinesque ideals of "State Socialism" mingled with the capitalism-retaining idealism of the Piketty inspired social welfare state.

  4. None of those supposely fine distictions mean tuppence to me, Joe.

    Call me a SIMPLICIST, if you like. I don't mind in the least.

    To ME any and all things emanating from LEFTISTS are ANATHEMA.



    D emonic minions of the Marx Agenda,
    E rstwhile members of the human race,
    M olest and slander Virtue to her face
    O nly hoping Virtue will surrender.
    N ever once admitting they are wrong
    R ace-baiting calumny persistently
    A ssails, misrepresents and mocks e'er long
    T ainting our ideals consistently
    I nsisting Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right
    C reating Chaos in their endless fight
    D emoralizing to produce Deracination
    U ndoing History with disinformation
    N eedling, taunting, insults, defamation
    G ive them the means to tear apart our nation.

    ~ FreeThinke
