Saturday, February 20, 2021

On Adam Curtis and His "Can't Get You Out of My Head"


  1. Now there's a guy who sticks to arguments that can't be corroborated with data!

  2. Where the hell is FreeStinkah?

    FreeStinkah 2024! Dahdahdingodong!!! Bullcrap you can believe in! 20 % more antisemitic for the campaign!

  3. He died last autumn. All the talk of dead people on electoral registers amuses me no end, the one dead voter I know for certain voted emphatically for trump!

  4. ...unlike all the dead Democrat voters, who have been on the voting lists since Roosevelt, and died during the Truman Administration .

  5. @Jez: I should say something nice but I can't. Nocando, sirree.

    @Thersites: and your evidence for that is?

  6. He'd have been disappointed with a platitude!

  7. Biden got millions more votes than Obama. Where'd they come from? Hades must have a PO Box.

  8. You think he might have preferred an insult? Because I've got scores of these...

  9. In 2016 Trump tempted several thousand people to vote for the first time, for him. In 2020, he did the same trick but also for people to vote against him.

  10. FJ:

    So still no evidence then, just assertions. Like Russiagate.

  11. We'll see what the Supremes say Monday and Thursday on the 3 cases.

  12. Are they gonna sing their judgements?

  13. Jokes on a stick, I can't find much about these upcoming judgements?

  14. That has nothing to do with electoral reforms, though...

  15. No, it has to do with the credibility of our democracy. I have a suspicion that after today's ruling, the electorate is about to get VERY white.

  16. So when a side loses an election the 'credibility of your democracy' is in doubt?

    Now why does that remind me of Banana Republics?

    From an outsider's perspective cries of 'the Republic is in danger!' are as old as the Republic itself. That should tell you something...

  17. Over half the ballots in 2020 were mailed in. THAT alone is worthy of a couple of banana bunches.

  18. ...and it would appear that the verification process was statistically deficient by all historical measures.

  19. In 20% of the states, unsolicited absentee ballots were mailed to every voter, created quite a surplus of ballots.

  20. Not one court has found merit in the 'steal' allegations. They must all be in on it too.

    Like troof: police, intel, DOJ all working in concert to hide the hideous truth that Bush/Mossad was wotdidit.

  21. It's hard to find merit in allegations when the Courts have deemed all post election day challenges "moot" or "without standing".

  22. The Courts are "in on it" to the extent that they are scared to death of disrupting the Democratic process and being accused of interference therein thereby gaining the "politicized" label.

  23. Your affliction is called 'hope'...

    The hope that against ALL ODDS the election result may yet be reversed... Your rational side knows it won't, of course.

  24. No, my hope was that above all odds the voting system would be fixed without a need for violence. Violence will now me almost certainly unavoidable. The Democrats fears of domestic violence And terrorism are getting baked in, as we speak.

  25. Violence will now me almost certainly unavoidable.

    Yeah, I can see where you're gonna go with that one: BLM violence perfidious, 'stop the steal' violence unavoidable (ergo 'good')

    Violence is never unavoidable: it's a path some people choose.

    Self-defense is the exception here but rightly pushing for electoral reforms does not qualify as that.

  26. When all peaceful remedies exhaust themselves, violence becomes unavoidable. The Court was supposed to be the remedy. Now it has been proven to be part of the problem.

  27. The Sacred Grove of the Eumenides, outside of Theseus' Athens, burial ground of Oedipus, has been made profane.

  28. Problem is: no Gubmint will ever give in to the demands of violent protesters. Nor should it.

    So unless these violent protesters get the upper hand (that's a coup, of course) their violence will be costly and fruitless at once. Lose/lose.

  29. Anyway, don't get killed on the barricades; it ain't wurfit!
