Thursday, October 12, 2023

Mass Media per Luhmann

Excerpts from the above video:
Niklas Luhmann

Mass media, that which is "known to be known", the second order observations we all share.

"The function of the mass media lies in the constant generation and processing of irritation."

"The code of the mass media system is the distinction of information and non-information."

"The probably most important peculiarity of the code of information/ non-information is its relation to time. Information cannot be repeated. Once it is "out there", it become non-information. When news are reported a second time, they retain their meaning but lose the information value."

The media system is "making itself obsolete".

"Just like the economy... generates the need to replace spent money, the mass media generate the need to replace redundant information with new information: fresh money and new information are central motives of the dynamics of modern society."

Money and media are the "accelerators of society"

"The almost neurotic compulsion in the economy, in politics, in academia, and in are to be innovative-- although no one knows anymore what the novelty of the new consists in, or how big its supply is-- are impressive evidence (of the acceleration of society by the media)."

"The mass media, it can be said, keep society awake. They generate the continuously renewed readiness to be surprised or disturbed."

"The question is not: How do the mass media distort reality through their specific way of representing it. Asking this would presuppose an ontological, objectively accessible reality at hand which could be known without construction."

For Luhmann, the media system is one of many operationally closed, autopoietically self-reproducing, evolving communication systems that construct reality in the mode of second-order observation. Another such system is the academic system. From the perspective of this system, Luhmann’s theory observes how the media system observes. Interestingly enough, right now, you, in turn, look back at Luhmann’s academic observations of the media system through this very media system. In our complex, modern—or postmodern—society we do such complex second-and higher-order observations all the time.


  1. On Saturday Biden briefly commented after he was not to be seen for four days.
    Meanwhile his toadies continue to make excuses for their lack of intelligence gathering and funding of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.
    As evidence of one of the very worse civilian atrocities we have seen since the Holocaust President Joe Biden finally emerged from his “Hideout” where he as been hiding since last Saturday I to come into public to “Half-hearted” denounce the Hamas Terror attacks as “pure unadulterated evil” but his repudiation cannot hide the long embrace by his party’s liberals of the two main actors behind the staggering violence that rocked the Middle East: the political and military leadership in Palestine, but fell short in mentioning their backers “ Iran” No ont even the word “Iran” was mentioned. .
    Even as American hostages remained in peril, the beheaded torsos of innocent civilians, including the awful sight of beheaded little babies were collected from Israeli streets and Hamas and Tehran celebrated the bloodletting, many liberals in America were still trying to express empathy for the attackers.
    Our United States Congress Representative Rashida Tlaib had the brazen boldness, the chutzpah, the unmitigated gall, to fly a Palestinian Flag outside of her Official Congressional Office, while she suggested Israel’s counteroffensive, or even a Retaliation might be a “War Crime.” Biden’s secretary of state tweeted, then deleted a call for a “Cease-fire” just as Israel ramped up its rescue missions. A “Cease-fire”? Is he serious? After they did what they did, all of those terrible, disgusting things and the damage cased, and the Lives lost Biden is asking or even thinking of asking for a “Cease-fire”. NOW? Is he for real?
    The U.S. Department of State’s Palestinian Affairs Office literally implored Israel to “Refrain” from “Retaliatory Attacks” before reversing course. On the streets of Liberal cities and the campuses of left-leaning universities like Harvard, many even suggested Israel “DESERVED BLAME” for the Hamas’ attacks.

    “The danger is not just to Israel,” former Obama-era Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Just the News on Tuesday night. “The enemy we face in Hamas is the same enemy that America faces in ISIS and Al Qaeda. It is a radical, medieval, vicious, brutal, barbaric, jihadist group.
    “It’s not a clash of civilizations … it's a clash between a civilization and a different universe, a very dark and evil universe. And you have to believe in evil,” Oren said during an interview conducted from a bomb shelter with the Just the News, No Noise television show. “These are people who behead babies, repeatedly rape young women and strip them and march them naked through the streets of Gaza so they can be spat upon and beaten, who take entire families out and shoot them.”

  2. Continued:
    Former Trump-era Deputy National Security Adviser Victoria Coates said the blame isn’t just with Palestinian-sympathetic congresswomen and academics, it also falls on the Biden administration for Sending Millions in Aid to Hamas-controlled Palestine and for appeasing Iran with eased oil sanctions and a recent $6 billion in unfrozen assets in the name of seeking a nuclear deal even as Tehran continues to sponsor terrorism and toss out UN nuclear inspectors. Ever hear the saying “Actions have Consequences”

    Biden administration officials dismissed such criticisms, insisting that despite the deleted pro-Hamas tweets and prior appeasements to Iran that the president stands unequivocally with Israel and its right to defend itself. Administration officials also have refused to confirm reports from European intelligence that Iran helped plan the attack, even after Hamas made comments confirming such a connection.
    Already we have heard that the Leader of Hamas has called for the Murdering of Jews all over the world.
    Longtime intelligence expert Fred Fleitz, the former chief of staff to the National Security Council, said while it may take days or a few weeks for U.S. intelligence to pinpoint the exact nature of Iran’s role in the attacks, he has little doubt Tehran was involved.
    Saying that “America Stands With Israel “ may be fine, if it’s met with ACTIONS. Remember Talk is Cheap!
    Security experts said there is strong reason to fear Iranian-backed terrorists could have already crossed the southern U.S. border to be activated in the future against Americans, bringing the horror of what just happened in Israel closer to home. Biden himself raised the concern during his Tuesday press conference.
    Coates added that “Maybe the biggest threat from that particular alphabet soup of terrorism is Hezbollah. Because we know Hezbollah has been active in Latin America, they've carried out attacks against Jewish targets in Argentina, for example. So they're here. And the notion that they haven't tried to cross the border in the last two and a half years is pretty disingenuous.”
    I guess that the Biggest threat to the world is NO LONGER CLIMATE CONTROL!

  3. Come tomorrow we should find out just how many Islamic terrorists crossed the southern border to attack the "Great Satan."

  4. I believe that the war that has just erupted in the Middle East is the biggest news story in decades. This is bigger than the war in Ukraine, the pandemic, 9/11 or the Iraq War. Once Israel sends troops into Gaza, the Great Middle East War will have begun. There is going to be so much death and destruction in the months ahead, and it will not just be limited to the Middle East. There will be violence in the United States and other western nations that support Israel. In fact, I believe that eventually we are going to see an explosion of terrorism in the western world unlike anything we have ever seen before.
    Over the past couple of decades, vast numbers of migrants from countries where radical Islam is the dominant worldview have been allowed to relocate to western nations.
    Needless to say, many of those migrants are very strong supporters of terror organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
    What we just witnessed in Israel is a preview of what will eventually happen here.
    And that should chill you to the core.
    In one town in southern Israel, Hamas terrorists killed “at least 40 babies and kids”, and some of them were actually beheaded…

    With the invasion of illegals, here at our Southern Border that has taken place exponentially since January 2021 absolutely.
    The “Fundamental Transformation” Obama promised on his first day in office and the “Dark Winter” Biden promised on his first day in office are well on their way.
    Biden has let in 7 Million “refugees” into the country. Unvetted and the bulk of them men of military age..
    We don’t know who all of them are or what their plans are. Unbelievably stupid of our president and those that have backed his incompetent moves.
    Also, It’s a pity, but I must admit that I do NOT believe anything that Joe Biden says. .
    Here`s a little information for all of us th think about:.
    Terrorists can’t be managed:

  5. Do you know this schmuks?

    Or that is some talking bots, empowered by ML?

  6. People trying to do what the MSM fails to do... inform. The MSM likes to keep most of these topics out of the public's "known-knowns". These are usually Known-unknowns.

    And I only have "suspicions" as to who they are.

  7. ...or visa versa, "Unknown knowns" (unknown to those whom these "screamed messages" don't reach).

  8. When last time you have had recived important and benefitial to you informastion -- through so loud and sneaky and pushing sources??? ;-)

    If someone trying to make you know some info -- isn't that is obvious, and reasonable, to suggest that it doing it FOR ITS OWN sake... and usually detrimental to your benefit. ;-)

    (yap-yap... like I am here, trying to "infect" you with knowledge about Lem... and etc)

  9. Well, at least we're proceeding through The Cyberiad nicely... ;)

    ps - I do appreciate knowing that I'm not alone in swimming against the tide.

  10. Well... they say that flowing in a grove of likeminded even more pleasant... by, whom I kidding, I don't know that feeling to compare... ;-/
