Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Gods of Reason & Rationality. The Foundation? Or Just a Story?

Climate Change - Capitalism:  Hyper-objects?


  1. Ultimate reality is obscured by the very storylines our egos feed us unceasingly, and which we grasp after or are adverse to.

    Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily meerily life is but a dream.

  2. :-)

    Idealism of 60th...

    Only Lem was able to overcome it.(but, feel free to point to any other example)

  3. American Citizen With 3 Young Kids Says US Embassy Left Them Trapped in Besieged Gaza Strip: ‘We’re All Feeling Abandoned’

    Haneen Okal who lives in Union County, New Jersey, was trying to flee the Palestinian territory when an Israeli airstrike hit the last exit on Monday, she said Without any guidance whatsoever or a even a response back from the numerous times she called the Embassy, Okal said she was all but told that they were responsible for themselves. She blames President Biden for her problems. Nothing is coming from America as Biden said there was. . No products, no food, or any medicine because of the borders. We are not connected to anyone outside. I’m worried what will happen when the food and supplies run out. Where is the help that President Biden promised, and said was on the way?
    “We're American at the end of the day,” he said. “But we’re being left behind.”

    Okal said there are many other Americans in Gaza that need to be evacuated and they are all pleading to President Biden to get them out safely.

    “He needs to look out for all U.S citizens, he needs to make sure we are all out safely, we need help. But he is not”

  4. It’s absolute nothing but pure hypocrisy at its finest when a person of color is uses their heritage to demand reattributes for something that a white person clearly admires about the Black persons their ancestors and they are called racists for even talking about it .
    But When a Person of Color is “cancelling” the accomplishments of an historical figures because they don’t adhere to modern politically correct views is hypocritical yes “Racist”. Yes, I’m referring to pulling down the Statues of our historical ancestors, such as Christopher Columbus, and Thomas Jefferson , or John Hancock. There’s a saying that the past is another place where people do things differently.
    Everyone is born into their own time in history and is a product of the customs, culture, attitudes and the knowledge available to them at that time and place.
    Today, cancel culture, by definition, demands unquestioned learning. NOT where the left enforces people to silences those with contrary views and punishing people with social and economic sanctions and often is accompanied by violence. Combining hubris with hypocrisy, those conformity enforcers fault historical figures who conformed with the prevailing views of their times. But condemns historical figures. In their quasi religious mania, the left deems themselves to be the ultimate arbiters of truth and morality. Of course, the only ones they condemn are “White Males because that’s the politically correct line that is the major idea of their beliefs.

    We are often look down on the attitudes and beliefs of past times without pausing to reflect on how people in earlier times might be shocked and appalled by the prevailing views of today. Before we so quickly dismiss the customs of the past, perhaps we first should question whether what we see as progress today, people in the future might dismiss as ludicrous . I wonder whether future historians will view today’s cancel culture as we view the peoples accomplishments
    There are many that are so immersed in the prevailing Anti-white politicians that these people become blind to their own absurdities. For example, Joe Biden, or Gavin Newsom commitment to appoint a “Lesbian Woman of Color” to the late Senator Diane Frankenstein’s senate seat. Governor Gavin Newsom of California wish to appointed someone who lives in Maryland. According to the 2020 census, California is the most populous state in the union with close to 40 million people, yet Governor Gavin Newsom couldn’t find anyone in that state qualified to serve in the Senate. Strange in my view!

    Another more malevolent face of identity politics is the call for “decolonization.” Most recently that has appeared at the leftist rallies in support of the atrocities Hamas is perpetrating in Israel. Those rallies are an example of the sort of horrific acts the leftist true believers are willing to condone in the name of political correctness. Those zealots ignore the terrible cost others must pay in the name of the left’s facile and unexamined, self righteous nonsense. It says much that their ideals are such that they rally in support of the Hamas savages beheading babies.
    Make no mistake, even as we are set one against another by these influential factions, a growing distrust and true distain for them and their ideology has formed within our population. This deeply felt resistance is gaining strength and, as history has shown in countless cultures, it can’t be suppressed indefinitely. Progress is steadily being made to thwart the proponents of cancel culture and the fascism that it brings.

  5. As Hamas terrorists crosses into Israel killing not only Israeli Soldiers, but Israeli Civilians in the street, in their homes. Innocent people are being murdered, and wounded, babies were BE-HEADED, and children were set on fire and burned ato death while they were still alive. Entire families have been taken hostage by Hamas just days after Israel marked the holiest of days on the Jewish calendar. It’s unconscionable.
    The biggest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust as the world cheers on Hamas, along with kids all over the world at major universities and the leader of the free world is unable to mention by name and condemn those behind it.
    Tis was the biggest, and the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust as the world cheers on Hamas, along with kids all over the world at major universityies, and the leader of the free world is unable to mention by name and condemn those behind it.
    And our Dear Leader Joe Biden is unable to mention Iran or even Hamas as attackers or utter the word “terrorists?
    The difference between the national socialists of Germany and the world socialists of today is, the Germans tried to hide their atrocities, but today the Left shows them on Twitter and revels in it and openly celebrates it.

  6. Why is that Freeken Anti-Semitic Les Carpenter even allowed to post here where NORMAL people post?
    Could it be that the ZOO is closed?

  7. Everyone is allowed to post here, provided it isn't commercial spam. THAT goes to the spam folder.

  8. Is it usual? such downflow of no-names? ;-P

  9. It's usually for adversarial political blogs. People like to scream.

  10. \\Blogger Les Carpenter said...
    I closed it and now coming after you!

    Beat me. ;-P

  11. The masochist said to the sadist, "Beat me!"

    The sadist said, "No!"
