Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Propulsion & Trip Duration Problems...


  1. It's all about trade-offs.

    Like it was with rockets to rise into Space.

    First, we got Tsiolkovsky Formula.

    And THEN started developing rocket techs.

    But... for now, with all that "Johnny, engage Warp Ten" Hollywood propaganda.

    We... well, westerners, unable to look at that problem with sober eyes.


  2. For example.

    Inner propulsion... can be substituted with OUTER.

    Like light sails. Or rail guns.


    It would need from us to be able to create MEGA-structures in Space.

    And that... will NOT be possible, while we still NOT mastered collecting resources in space.

    What??? To deliver everything from the surface of Earth?????

    How many Mask's SuperHeavys would be needed for that???

    How much it would cost????


    It -- not feasible.

    Even for rising mass from surface of Earth -- current techs and approaches -- NOT enough.

  3. Like.

    Let's use imagination.

    Somehow... we reached that goal -- and we are able to rise from Earth MILLIONS of tons of equipment.


    We'd be able to manage em? In Space.

    You know... we cannot just haul em, and pile up there. As we do it here... and see no problem with it -- because, it will not move, by itself. And can quietly lay down for years... or even millennias... like that scraps of your "military might" in deserts.

    But... in Space it different... even small disturbances -- will create a big movement, with time.

    And... there'd be NO way to fix that movements.

    And well... what about accidents? Human factor?

    and that all on the Earth orbit -- just above out dumb heads!!!

  4. Solution is obvious -- that MILLIONS of tons -- CANNOT be in dumb matter.

    It should be in smart matter -- even smallest individual element of it MUST have "self-awareness" -- be able to track own position. Communicate with neighbors. Make swift decisions: how to-regroup, what "team" to self-organize into, and in what "teams" to split into. On the base of ever changing orders/positions/accidents and etc...

    That... programmers KNOW how to do. As we make tools to manage millions of individual computers. In data centers and even individual ones.


    That knowledge still far-far-away from reaching "battlegrounds" of industries... which deal with matter... not mere information.

    Like mining, or building, or shipping and transportation elsewhere.

  5. Put it all in a Lagrange Point. It's what we do with STs.

  6. Lagrange Point... is not like Mohave Desert at all. ;-P

    And not like a wire-house.

    HOW you'd be rearranging it there? ;-P

    Adding new. Removing old? ;-)

    And what about ACTIVITIES.

    We deliver it there not just for it to loom there for eternity.

    It need to be used. HOW????

    With human workers??? With robots???????!!! :-)))))))

  7. Environment in space are more like one inside our body cells.

    Or... under water.

    No weight that important. But mass itself.

    And mechanisms to move one mass against another.

    In our bodies -- it mean flowing of liquids. In the ocean -- currents.

    And we... have very low, practicly unexisting abilities with such things.

    Well... we have hydrawlics. And use all kinds of pipes.

    But that pipes used to transport SAME kind of things.

    And in not flexible ways...

  8. "It should be in smart matter -- even smallest individual element of it MUST have "self-awareness" -- be able to track own position. Communicate with neighbors. Make swift decisions: how to-regroup, what "team" to self-organize into, and in what "teams" to split into. On the base of ever changing orders/positions/accidents and etc..."

  9. Let it self-organize and ride the electromagnetic Birkeland currents as plasmoids.

  10. Tsk-tsk-tsk... Know how to accomplish that?


    Just as I thought.

  11. “And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be crazy, by those who could not hear the music.” - Nietzsche

  12. Real things still the best...

  13. Think of all the mass saved on "megastructures"...

  14. You want to concentrate on "building a foundation"... but you have no idea how tall your building needs to be. My thoughts, not tall at all. Think small, but "cooperative".

  15. the cells of a body. Parts performing functions, like cell membrane, or organ (liver) to "filter fluids"... or seven cows stomachs... to recycle materials.

  16. \\Think small, but "cooperative".

    Like I told anything else.

    It's just... ;-P

    \\ the cells of a body. Parts performing functions, like cell membrane, or organ (liver) to "filter fluids"... or seven cows stomachs... to recycle materials.


    Question is... how to make a working blueprint.

    Out of such vague talks.

    Well -- there is no way. ;-P

    Same... like achieving real power from chanting Nietzsche's "will to power" endlessly.

    What is it... some mantra? ;-)

  17. Well... goal is to make tech part of biosphere.

    Not because of vague reason like to make everything Green.

    Just because -- it need to be efficient.

    And if task are to make use of global resources of whole Earth -- it's imminent.

    There is no way to achieve it any other way.

    Because for now... we are like that indigenous aftrican squatters... that occupied modern skyscrapper... and ruined it.

    And found nothing better as to use... it's lift shaft for example -- as a toilet and garbage dump.

  18. A veritable rat utopia... and yes, I am one of the beautiful ones.

  19. Well... biosphere can survive WITHOUT us... we -- cannot.

  20. Have a bad mood today?

  21. Naah. Just covering old ground. Existential crisis...

    I watched a video yesterday about the 3 local black holes in our neighborhood, from 10-30 Suns in size... remnants of an old galactic collision? I didn't realize just how nearby they were.

    Makes me wonder how much longer we have.

  22. That is... like a railways.

    If you standing on em -- nothing will save you.

    If you just meter apart -- at max you'd feel just a breeze. ;-)

    Well... asteroids and comets are much closer. Anyway.

  23. In time too.

    Big events of that kind is like 50 millions apart on average.

    And last one was... how old 65 millions? ;-)

  24. And climate change... ;-P
