“They saw their injured country's woe;
The flaming town, the wasted field;
Then rushed to meet the insulting foe;
They took the spear, - but left the shield.”
Interesting, but familiar for those of us who are greatly interested in history. Many confuse political systems (Totalitarianism, Democracies Kingdoms, etc) with economic systems (Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Laissez Faire etc) and they do merge frequently and sometimes illogically. Throw in the modern internet and sit back and smile.
Well, the point of this post is acknowledge that the Frankfurt Scholl did a hell of a job dissecting "capitalism" critically... but nobody's ever done that for Socialism/ Communism. I'm simply pointing to the one-sidedness of Eco's critique in the face of Zizek's post-modern father, who's mirror opposite, the Authoritarian father is almost universally derided..
...because today the Capitalist Discourse provides the "often unmentioned" overarching frame and backdrop for most political systems, even that of the CCP.
Well, there is "historical fascism", which... do not represent anything much of itself -- "fascistic" Italy -- not known for anything that much grave or obscenely evil.
That is German Nazism that IS.
But... German Nazism -- by definition given by German Nazists THEMSELF... WAS, TA-DAM! national-SOCIALISM!!!
And what was building Stalin? (and Pol Pot, and Mao)
That was SOCIALISM -- TOO!!!
And that is what Western Leftys trying to TURN THEIR FACE OFF... with ALL MIGHT.
\\...because today the Capitalist Discourse provides the "often unmentioned" overarching frame and backdrop for most political systems, even that of the CCP.
DEMN-propaganda BS... that there exist some "Capitalist Discourse".
While SAME time national-SOCIALISM curtailed under euphemism "nazism" -- shortcut that dewised to ELIMINATE that national->>>SOCIALISM<<<< IMMANENT part of it.
SAME way as CRETIN trying to ELIMINATE Human Rights... as IMMANENT consequence of Being Human -- are Human, then you have Human Rights -- WHAT CAN BE SIMPLE???
But NOT for Double Stinker New Speak liars -- DEMNs.
\\ Interesting, but familiar for those of us who are greatly interested in history. Many confuse political systems (Totalitarianism, Democracies Kingdoms, etc) with economic systems (Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, \\ Laissez Faire etc) and they do merge frequently and sometimes illogically.
And there is a REASON behind it.
Confuse people's minds -- and you'd be able to CONTROL em.
Another words... that is NOT bug, that is FEATURE.
Was that from PRIMORDIAL times of shamans and chieftains.
Shamans babbling something in favor of chiftains... so then chiftains use their force and influence to RISE status of said shaman. Then AGAIN... and, AGAIN and AGAIN...
Till that point when minds if a people filled exclusively with BS misinformation (like about some mystic "Capitalist Discourse" or... some not less mystic "Divine Right of Workers and Peasant... to Govern")
A "capitalist discourse" is necessary for the preservation of socialism/ communism. It's necessary because the normal cost-benefit analysis that governments undertake must be over-ridden to serve a "higher purpose" like achieving global domination.... and in the NeoCon case... making the world "safe for democracy". It's why we send hundreds of $$$billions to Ukraine and overthrow their government. Just ask the people at the CIA cut-out aka the NED.
Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the total integration of divergent interests into the state for the common good; however, the more democratic neo-corporatism often embraced tripartism.
Neo... tripartism aka The World Economic Forum (WEF).
Global Warming - Mom Nature vs Us. Human Nature - disagree on everything. We ponder the effects of some global pandemic maybe nuclear war, massive population migration or maybe even the 'singularity' when AI and robots take over. Meanwhile it is doggone hot out here in the west! Refrigerator - loaded with Coors
Sustainbility = the end of Evolution. Man as its' endpoint on earth. Somehow, I don't think man wins this one over the gods. Prometheus, you had a good run for a while!
Because knowledge (in accordance with Pragmatism and Technologism) -- it's something that CAN BE DONE.
And you can poo-pooh it whatever and however you want, but...
when you'd come to a doctor -- you'd not like him just to produce some mumbling of latin words of diagnosis... and even not giving you some placebo... but DO SOMETHING WITH MY *ACTUAL* PAIN, FOR GOD SAKE!!!!! scream.
Then you'd be missing the WHOLE point of "virtue" from Plato's Lache's (On courage). And no, I won't repeat the definition of the "whole" of virtue for you... AGAIN!
It's like dropping water on a stone, failing to penetrate the surface... and I haven't got 1,000 years for a shape to form.
From TEKONWATONTI: Poems of War Molly Brant (1735-1795)
If I could scratch figures I would show you fathers of the 13 Fires how my many grandfathers struggled to construct the Longhouse with two doors and a central fire which you entered and took out a lit kindling; how you took up the wisdom of our great and wise Peacemaker as you accepted our corn caught trout from our rivers, scalp-hair from our heads. If you would listen with clean ears, and I could scratch these sureties into birch bark or rock you would remember always from where your freedoms and liberties first captured your attention.
May your fire burn, and allow our fire to blaze as well... sign of spirit, symbol of survival, our corn fields, our white pine of peace, eagle diligently watching all the skies.
A people who do not remember... rain which falls upon rock.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a German-Swiss philosopher whose work did not become influential until the 20th century. He argued that truth is impossible—there can only be perspective and interpretation, driven by a person's interests or 'will to power'.
Sure, you have geometry, trigonometry, calculus and the elements of spatial dynamics (at least... until you fall into a black hole). But that's purely "form"... and the chemistry, "content following form".
As for "biological forms" you'll need to decipher bio-electricity if you wish to "shape" and "control" those kinds of "forms".
...and evolution is constantly changing the "materials" you'll have to work with. There are twice as many assembly steps at the biological level than at the early chemical stages.... and they're still "building" steps.
Where's your Mendelevian table for biology that ascribes biological function to assembly level? KPCOFGS? So what function was gained at each step of the evolutionary tree? Are you sure it wasn't simply a change in hereditary bio-electric field patterning?
\\Where's your Mendelevian table for biology that ascribes biological function to assembly level? KPCOFGS? So what function was gained at each step of the evolutionary tree? Are you sure it wasn't simply a change in hereditary bio-electric field patterning?
That is... not a question for a quick chit-chat...
Well... I was talking about StackOverflow. Idea of which was unwunded practically online. By two tech-savvy bloggers (Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood AFAIR) -- that started from "and what is there'd be Q&A site... more suiting for us, yechy people".
And here it is.
So... to have more special SOCnet suitable for discussing such type of things (there is a name already, even -- Rizome, isn't it? ;-P)... is just a question of inniciative and some thought given to it.
But well, you have time only to a SOCnet Meden Agan... which prominent trait is -- to NEVER exist.
Because "that'll be TOO MUCH" and "I'd better not too" (succesfully played by Bi-den, lately) %^))))))))))
There need to be correct framing for it. As, what we really want to know -- it's how usual Life is in Universe. Well, specialists would be glad to close all questions and find all tidbit.
But for us, colloquially, it would not provide any NEW info -- we already know that there is Life on third rock from our Sun.
So... we need more and way bigger telescopes to look into the sky, to observe early forming of solar systems as well as cataloguing all possible variants of em. And... up to sending probes, yes.
So then we could argue -- is our Earth is really VERY special (but that, again, would not add any NEW info too).
Or... Life in Universe... is like in your American sci-fi -- widespread, and even not that much different. So that is AGAIN would give no NEW info. And would make it stupid infinity of Eternal Frontier where Native eternally straggling against Space Cowboys... bleh.
Well... that last we already know is not the case -- as there if no life in our closest withinity.
So... all question is -- how rare? How Many??? other solar systems... with a suitable Goldilock?
Well... nearly 10% of stars are Yellow Dwarfs like our Sun. And let's say 10% of em formed more or less similar to our set of planets...
and even, have any kind of life on em.
But well -- that is Not The Case too. Isn't it?
As we are not much interested in spotting yet one planet with own trilobites or dinosaurs versions. Ain't I'm right???
We want to see aborigines there. Anthropomorphic ones. And better if on similar with us stage of development. But that is... where it becomes totally impossible.
As if... let's imagine that we'd have total twin of our Sun. To sustain all conditions, starting from forming solar system and central star in the same time, and consisting of that same elements and their amounts. And then going through evolution in mostly same manner.
But even then... there'd be random events -- like forming of the Moon. Or destroying of dinos.
So... even most precise synchronicity, would not allow it to happen the way to our most liking.
As for example, even smallest skews of phase of Ice ages... would mean that on our twin Earth their variant of Neanderthals STILL struggling against their version of Cromanions.
Bleh! Boooring.
PS Or what? Maybe you wanted to talk about bio-physics??? About which I have a little knowledge... and you have no clue what so ever(am I right?). And in this primitive text-oriented environment -- that do not allow to insert and refer to a NEEDED for such discussion images EVEN??? While it would be good to have access to some 3D models and other such staff, actually. And some hierarchical structure of data/content managment.
Actually, this post was on Ur-totalitarianism, originally. A domestic situation near and dear to my heart. And in the present case, tech is the problem, not the solution.
Now tech may play a part in curbing the problem, but given the history of human nature, backdoors, and scopophilia... I doubt it.
\\Actually, this post was on Ur-totalitarianism, originally. A domestic situation near and dear to my heart. And in the present case, tech is the problem, not the solution.
Your elections discussed around the World.
And you problem with techs -- LACK of NEW techs.
\\You have a way of fixing the internet privacy problem?
Make em all use one-time notebooks? ;-P
\\So what's your "wise advice" that I'm sure to ignore?
1. Your domestic problems -- is from your foreign affairs problems.
2. Your foreign affairs problems -- because of diminishing of your stance in the World.
3. Your deminishing stance in the World -- because you DO NOT propose NEW techs anymore (as it was during all of 20 century... and even before).
What solution of it could be? What could be a solution of it all??? For it all... is there a solution???
\\Now tech may play a part in curbing the problem, but given the history of human nature, backdoors, and scopophilia... I doubt it.
How many times do we have to say this, TECHs are the problem. They replaced "free markets" with a Yenta algorithm match-making market owned by Jeff Bezos who charges commissions up to 40% of exchange value. Watch the techno-feudalism video and find the internet's solution to the "high costs of free".
At least with quantum encryption, you know if someone else has read your messages cuz they cannot re-create the photon spins under re-transmission. They're "random".
\\How many times do we have to say this, TECHs are the problem.
Paracelsus -- know such guy? ;-)
"Cure illness with poison".
"Everything is a poison, everything is a cure -- measure only important".
\\Privacy is bought and sold in exchange for "free" web searches and information sharing.
People themself DON'T CARE...
\\ps - There are no "solutions"... only substitutions of existing problems for new and different ones.
Then wait until Chinese will find Final Solution against you.
Like I care... yawn.
(I am not god(Jesus) to care about that one who do not care about themself... well, even Jesus bestowed his blessing on that who cares)
\\At least with quantum encryption, you know if someone else has read your messages cuz they cannot re-create the photon spins under re-transmission. They're "random".
That is only IF (really BIG IF) your communication device not hacked (there is NO USIC backdoor... to show you that you NOT observed ;-P while you are)
And how do you think -- WILL USIC ALLOW non-hackable devices??? ;-P
Hey, I'm a nationalist. Dervy always wants to distort that to "white nationalist". Yeah, I'm a nationalist who is white, but that doesn't mean I want a nation consisting ONLY of of controlled by whites.... just like Ukraine nationalists don't want the country controlled by Nazi's.
It's like the word justice vs the words social justice. They're opposites like the one and the many.
Duval argues that“[...] innovation in general – is that[...] sometimes just showing somebody a concept is all that you have to do to start an evolutionary path. And once peo-ple get the idea of ’hey we can do that’, then somebody does something, somebody does something better, that just keeps developing.”(Duval 2011 as cited in [1])
SOCRATES: Your love of discourse, Phaedrus, is superhuman, simply marvellous, and I do not believe that there is any one of your contemporaries who has either made or in one way or another has compelled others to make an equal number of speeches. I would except Simmias the Theban, but all the rest are far behind you. And now I do verily believe that you have been the cause of another.
PHAEDRUS: That is good news. But what do you mean?
SOCRATES: I mean to say that as I was about to cross the stream the usual sign was given to me,—that sign which always forbids, but never bids, me to do anything which I am going to do; and I thought that I heard a voice saying in my ear that I had been guilty of impiety, and that I must not go away until I had made an atonement. Now I am a diviner, though not a very good one, but I have enough religion for my own use, as you might say of a bad writer—his writing is good enough for him; and I am beginning to see that I was in error. O my friend, how prophetic is the human soul! At the time I had a sort of misgiving, and, like Ibycus, 'I was troubled; I feared that I might be buying honour from men at the price of sinning against the gods.' Now I recognize my error.
PHAEDRUS: What error?
SOCRATES: That was a dreadful speech which you brought with you, and you made me utter one as bad.
SOCRATES: It was foolish, I say,—to a certain extent, impious; can anything be more dreadful?
PHAEDRUS: Nothing, if the speech was really such as you describe.
SOCRATES: Well, and is not Eros the son of Aphrodite, and a god?
PHAEDRUS: So men say.
SOCRATES: But that was not acknowledged by Lysias in his speech, nor by you in that other speech which you by a charm drew from my lips. For if love be, as he surely is, a divinity, he cannot be evil. Yet this was the error of both the speeches. There was also a simplicity about them which was refreshing; having no truth or honesty in them, nevertheless they pretended to be something, hoping to succeed in deceiving the manikins of earth and gain celebrity among them. Wherefore I must have a purgation. And I bethink me of an ancient purgation of mythological error which was devised, not by Homer, for he never had the wit to discover why he was blind, but by Stesichorus, who was a philosopher and knew the reason why; and therefore, when he lost his eyes, for that was the penalty which was inflicted upon him for reviling the lovely Helen, he at once purged himself. And the purgation was a recantation, which began thus,—
'False is that word of mine—the truth is that thou didst not embark in ships, nor ever go to the walls of Troy;' and when he had completed his poem, which is called 'the recantation,' immediately his sight returned to him. Now I will be wiser than either Stesichorus or Homer, in that I am going to make my recantation for reviling love before I suffer; and this I will attempt, not as before, veiled and ashamed, but with forehead bold and bare.
PHAEDRUS: Nothing could be more agreeable to me than to hear you say so.
“Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses” is a quote often attributed to the Latin philosopher Boethius of the late fifth and early sixth centuries. As literally as possible, it means “If you had been silent, you would have remained a philosopher”.
What is Aristotle's virtue theory? Most virtue ethics theories take their inspiration from Aristotle who declared that a virtuous person is someone who has ideal character traits. These traits derive from natural internal tendencies, but need to be nurtured; however, once established, they will become stable.
Virtue Ethics | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy https://iep.utm.edu › virtue
Aristotle was Plato's student. His was an exoteric version of Plato's esoteric "virtue theories".... which were originally Socrates'. 1st principle: "It is better to suffer harm then inflict it."
THAT is the virtue theory "in a nutshell".
All Plato did was add his "theory of forms" to it. And then all Aristotle did was add his "logical" first principle to that. Then Aristotle taught it to Alexander, who proceeded to conquer the world.
\\All Plato did was add his "theory of forms" to it. And then all Aristotle did was add his "logical" first principle to that. Then Aristotle taught it to Alexander, who proceeded to conquer the world.
Tradition only holds things together so long as people have something to lose. ...unless through no fault of their own. Then, they're likely to cling ever-more tightly to them.
...sometimes also the difference between a "good life" and a "bare life".... or like the Muselmann in the Shoa, between a "bare life" and a "living death".
\\Tech represents a solution to a problem. So how about instead of making more solutions to problems, we start making less problems requiring solutions?
No problem!
Go demonstrate -- HOW???
In a world of Entropy -- where to make something, one need to destroy something.
\\Do you know which life you're living?
Same as everyone else -- even POTUS can got COVID, for god sake. ;-P
Who is the man with no legs and hands? Nick Vujicic - Wikipedia Nicholas James Vujicic (/ˈvuːɪtʃɪtʃ/ VOO-itch-itch; born 4 December 1982) is an Australian-American Christian evangelist and motivational speaker of Serbian descent. Vujicic has tetra-amelia syndrome, a disorder characterised by the absence of arms and legs.
Nick Vujicic - Wikipedia Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Nick_Vujicic
"" Basil Cook I understand that people in the US want to vote for Trump, or Harris, or whoever. I can understand that they can sincerely like Trump, or Harris, or whomever, or love them tender and sweet, or even worship them as a deity and see the opponent as the devil in the flesh. What i cannot understand is why supporters of Trump or Harris want to spend the time of their lives trying to convince people in Ukraine, half the world away, to also worship Trump and abhor Harris, or vice versa. ""
Why do you think that that words "love", "hate", "wisdom" -- mean THE SAME to me, as they mean to you???
While they just a meaningless bunch of symbols... to me.
As I am foreigner.
Remember? Searle's Chinese Room?
Chinese room Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Chinese_room The Chinese room argument holds that a digital computer executing a computer program cannot have a "mind", "understanding", or "consciousness", ... Thechineseroom · John Searle · Anatoly Dneprov (writer)
Even if people talk VERY DIFFERENT languages and care about VERY DIFFERENT traits of said animal (like, one like to drink its milk... while other, I dunno, fear to be spitted by it) -- that basic but very prominent trait -- will not come unhinged. ;-P
"" Russian imperialism differs from, relatively speaking, European "sea" imperialism, which is based on the idea of a difference between the colonizer and the colonized. This difference - cultural, racial - cannot be overcome, especially when, towards the end of the 19th century, it began to be formulated in terms of biological race.
Russian imperialism is different, it is based on the idea of identity, at least in the case of Ukrainians and Belarusians. The Russian says: "You are just like me. You will never be second(different)!". The Russian thus dominates through identity, not otherness: everything different from him must be destroyed. Everything that is "not one nation" for Russians is a deviation, a deviation.
This is such an absolutely contradictory in itself, but understandable formula: "You are Ukrainians, but you (can) live only when you'll became Russians." Here is a tool(way) for you to become Russian - the Russian language and everything related to it. And if you want to be excellent(different), we will kill you.
Violence and fear are the only tools that have kept Russia afloat since its formation as an empire.(my correction: well, much BEFORE it...) ""
Interesting, but familiar for those of us who are greatly interested in history. Many confuse political systems (Totalitarianism, Democracies Kingdoms, etc) with economic systems (Capitalism, Socialism, Communism,
ReplyDeleteLaissez Faire etc) and they do merge frequently and sometimes illogically.
Throw in the modern internet and sit back and smile.
Well, the point of this post is acknowledge that the Frankfurt Scholl did a hell of a job dissecting "capitalism" critically... but nobody's ever done that for Socialism/ Communism. I'm simply pointing to the one-sidedness of Eco's critique in the face of Zizek's post-modern father, who's mirror opposite, the Authoritarian father is almost universally derided..
ReplyDelete...because today the Capitalist Discourse provides the "often unmentioned" overarching frame and backdrop for most political systems, even that of the CCP.
ReplyDeleteIs there OBJECTIVE definition of "fascism"???
ReplyDeleteWell, there is "historical fascism", which... do not represent anything much of itself -- "fascistic" Italy -- not known for anything that much grave or obscenely evil.
That is German Nazism that IS.
But... German Nazism -- by definition given by German Nazists THEMSELF... WAS, TA-DAM! national-SOCIALISM!!!
And what was building Stalin? (and Pol Pot, and Mao)
That was SOCIALISM -- TOO!!!
And that is what Western Leftys trying to TURN THEIR FACE OFF... with ALL MIGHT.
\\...because today the Capitalist Discourse provides the "often unmentioned" overarching frame and backdrop for most political systems, even that of the CCP.
DEMN-propaganda BS... that there exist some "Capitalist Discourse".
While SAME time national-SOCIALISM curtailed under euphemism "nazism" -- shortcut that dewised to ELIMINATE that national->>>SOCIALISM<<<< IMMANENT part of it.
SAME way as CRETIN trying to ELIMINATE Human Rights... as IMMANENT consequence of Being Human -- are Human, then you have Human Rights -- WHAT CAN BE SIMPLE???
But NOT for Double Stinker New Speak liars -- DEMNs.
\\but nobody's ever done that for Socialism/ Communism.
ReplyDeleteBecause... there's NOTHING to dissect.
"Socialism/ Communism" that is just State Monopolistic Capitalism... in its UTTER form.
For that possible ONLY under Lefty Lies proliferating freely and overwhelming people minds.
\\Blogger BB-Idaho said...
ReplyDelete\\ Interesting, but familiar for those of us who are greatly interested in history. Many confuse political systems (Totalitarianism, Democracies Kingdoms, etc) with economic systems (Capitalism, Socialism, Communism,
\\ Laissez Faire etc) and they do merge frequently and sometimes illogically.
And there is a REASON behind it.
Confuse people's minds -- and you'd be able to CONTROL em.
Another words... that is NOT bug, that is FEATURE.
Was that from PRIMORDIAL times of shamans and chieftains.
Shamans babbling something in favor of chiftains... so then chiftains use their force and influence to RISE status of said shaman. Then AGAIN... and, AGAIN and AGAIN...
Till that point when minds if a people filled exclusively with BS misinformation (like about some mystic "Capitalist Discourse" or... some not less mystic "Divine Right of Workers and Peasant... to Govern")
A "capitalist discourse" is necessary for the preservation of socialism/ communism. It's necessary because the normal cost-benefit analysis that governments undertake must be over-ridden to serve a "higher purpose" like achieving global domination.... and in the NeoCon case... making the world "safe for democracy". It's why we send hundreds of $$$billions to Ukraine and overthrow their government. Just ask the people at the CIA cut-out aka the NED.
ReplyDeleteCorporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the total integration of divergent interests into the state for the common good; however, the more democratic neo-corporatism often embraced tripartism.
ReplyDeleteNeo... tripartism aka The World Economic Forum (WEF).
In other words... Totalitarianism.
ReplyDeleteHow can the World be saved from "Global Warming" without a World Government enforcing Net Zero?
ReplyDelete...for the "higher" cause!
ReplyDeleteA "Sustainable" environment of "total control".
ReplyDeleteGlobal Warming - Mom Nature vs Us.
ReplyDeleteHuman Nature - disagree on everything.
We ponder the effects of some global pandemic
maybe nuclear war, massive population migration
or maybe even the 'singularity' when AI and
robots take over. Meanwhile it is doggone hot
out here in the west!
Refrigerator - loaded with Coors
\\ A "capitalist discourse" is necessary for the preservation of socialism/ communism.
ReplyDeleteAh, yeah... zombification method. I see. ;-P
\\A "Sustainable" environment of "total control".
Like Traditional Society not enough. ;-P
\\In other words... Totalitarianism.
Yep. Traditional Society. Yawn.
\\ It's why we send hundreds of $$$billions to Ukraine and overthrow their government. Just ask the people at the CIA cut-out aka the NED.
Tin-foil BS devised by CIA to cover their sore asses INAPTNESS? ;-P
That they CANNOT hold their secret even.
Much less... have any ability to "overthrow government". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))0
Sustainbility = the end of Evolution. Man as its' endpoint on earth. Somehow, I don't think man wins this one over the gods. Prometheus, you had a good run for a while!
ReplyDelete\\Sustainbility = the end of Evolution.
Throwing more flamable into the fire -- it's a way to extinguish it. :-))))))))))))))))))))0000
\\Somehow, I don't think man wins this one over the gods.
Man... already won over that miserly "gawds".
Where all that innumerable "almighties"????
All Osirises, Ahuramazdas, Ketsalkoarles... Zeuses????
They'd be as good as dead -- if some people would not preserve thier dried out corpses... in museums. ;-P
We're just another metope/ phase directional panel on the Parthenon, Q.
ReplyDeleteGigantomachy, Titanomachy, Amazonomachy...
...the sun-setting WEST side. :(
ReplyDeleteThat is just echolalia... and not knowledge.
Because knowledge (in accordance with Pragmatism and Technologism) -- it's something that CAN BE DONE.
And you can poo-pooh it whatever and however you want, but...
when you'd come to a doctor -- you'd not like him just to produce some mumbling of latin words of diagnosis... and even not giving you some placebo... but DO SOMETHING WITH MY *ACTUAL* PAIN, FOR GOD SAKE!!!!! scream.
Some knowledge isn't written down. It's carved in marble and made to last... and not get written-over by an algorithm!
ReplyDelete"The leaf cannot be given without the charm." Plato, "Charmides"
ReplyDeleteCuz you need to cure the whole, not just the malfunctioning "part"!
You're a slave doctor, Q! (Plato, "Laws")
ReplyDeleteNOT the doctor of free men.
ReplyDeleteps - There is no "knowledge"... only "right opinion".
ReplyDelete\\Some knowledge isn't written down. It's carved in marble and made to last... and not get written-over by an algorithm!
ReplyDeleteOh... I know such kind of knowledge.
There is lots of such.
Scribed on a marble.
On graveyard.
Well... I even know one who digging for such knowledge. ;-P
\\Cuz you need to cure the whole, not just the malfunctioning "part"!
Those who dunno DNA and how to use MRT -- will not cure a shit.
\\You're a slave doctor, Q! (Plato, "Laws")
I'm technologists.
Technologists do not give oath of Hippocrates.
\\NOT the doctor of free men.
Whose who drowning in illusions and bigotted ignorance -- cannot be free.
Ipso facto.
\\ps - There is no "knowledge"... only "right opinion".
MY knowledge -- allow me to run my computer the way I decide to.
What gives you your? ;-)
DNA is only half of it. Bio-electric fields... we're still clueless as to how it works.
ReplyDeleteWhat gives me "mine" is a 2,000+ year (mostly) continuous record or trial and error.
What gives you yours, a man who possessed THAT record and Nostradamus'd out the future?
ReplyDeleteWhat do Lem's "Provocations" mean to you? What was the "basis" for it?
ReplyDelete...a study in human psychology.
ReplyDelete\\DNA is only half of it. Bio-electric fields... we're still clueless as to how it works.
ReplyDeleteThat's whole point of developing Science... and Technologies -- to know more.
\\What gives me "mine" is a 2,000+ year (mostly) continuous record or trial and error.
Can you put em into spreadsheet and perform some calculations over it?
\\What gives you yours, a man who possessed THAT record and Nostradamus'd out the future?
I already revealed all my "secrets".
Dunno what I can say more...
Humans like to humiliate, torture and kill other humans. Nazism was nothing but a theatrical justification for those dark desires.
ReplyDeleteToday it just wraps itself in new guises.
\\What do Lem's "Provocations" mean to you? What was the "basis" for it?
ReplyDeleteSorry... not read. (apart from what was discussed here)
Well... I think I know Lem's idea of future. And agree with it -- "Freedom is The Goal!"
\\...a study in human psychology.
It's not a science.
Can an ultimate truth EVER be "disproven" by 'Science" Dr. Popper?
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to "science", I'm a Kuhnian, not a George Soros Popperian.
ReplyDelete\\Humans like to humiliate, torture and kill other humans. Nazism was nothing but a theatrical justification for those dark desires.
ReplyDeleteNazism... was child of PREViOuS World War... War -- which was called most horrible.
But then -- why it started? If not becauswe people was HABITUALLY warring for milenias???
To the level it became NATURAL thing.
And only after ww2... and a bomb usage.
People decided to change their mind... somewhat.
"...and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called, "Love"" - Plato "Symposium" (Aristophanes' Speech)
ReplyDelete...not "science".
ReplyDelete\\When it comes to "science", I'm a Kuhnian, not a George Soros Popperian.
I myself technologist... and not scientist.
ReplyDelete...and like Werner von Braun, a "technologist" will work for anyone and anything.
ReplyDelete\\...and like Werner von Braun, a "technologist" will work for anyone and anything.
ReplyDeleteBut... I still unemployed. ;-P
Confuse people's minds -- and you'd be able to CONTROL em.
ReplyDeleteCHARMing! ;P
Haven't you put in your NSF science grant application yet?
After you win it, I hear they're having a fire sale on Hugo Boss suits. ;P
ReplyDeleteSince when stating bare naked Truth became "CHARMing!" here? ;-P
Or... you same as DEMNs -- prefer euphemisms? ;-P
Like "mother of idiots always pregnant".
\\I hear they're having a fire sale on Hugo Boss suits. ;P
ReplyDeleteMilitary... is New Black. ;-P
What do I always say? CHARMides is "On Temperance". Are there no "opposing virtues" to it?
Meden agan!
ReplyDeleteIf that mean something... well, anything to you...
ReplyDeleteWell... Lem was pretty obvious... in his criticism of false temperance.
Like in that story about two brainiaks... or that next with just one.
ReplyDeleteIf they'd not go anywhere, and just stayed at home -- that'll be "temperance"? That "meden agan"? ;-P
But... that mean, there'd be NO stories.
And if Lem would decide "nobody listen to my wise words... so maybe I just need to stop... Meden Agan".
Then you'd be missing the WHOLE point of "virtue" from Plato's Lache's (On courage). And no, I won't repeat the definition of the "whole" of virtue for you... AGAIN!
ReplyDeleteIt's like dropping water on a stone, failing to penetrate the surface... and I haven't got 1,000 years for a shape to form.
From TEKONWATONTI: Poems of War
ReplyDeleteMolly Brant (1735-1795)
If I could scratch figures
I would show you fathers of the 13 Fires
how my many grandfathers struggled
to construct the Longhouse
with two doors and a central fire
which you entered
and took out a lit kindling;
how you took up the wisdom
of our great and wise Peacemaker
as you accepted our corn
caught trout from our rivers,
scalp-hair from our heads.
If you would listen with clean ears,
and I could scratch these sureties
into birch bark or rock
you would remember always
from where your freedoms and liberties
first captured your attention.
May your fire burn,
and allow our fire
to blaze as well...
sign of spirit,
symbol of survival,
our corn fields,
our white pine of peace,
eagle diligently watching
all the skies.
A people who do not remember...
rain which falls upon rock.
--Maurice Kenny
ReplyDeleteMolly Brandt, brother of Joseph. MY preferred -FJ avatar.
ReplyDeleteThayendanegea, "He who places two bets."
\\ Then you'd be missing the WHOLE point of "virtue" from Plato's Lache's (On courage).
That's what I have said myself.
\\It's like dropping water on a stone, failing to penetrate the surface... and I haven't got 1,000 years for a shape to form.
Oh... how Lindy of you.
Well... magical chants... must be in precise language and of precise form... or, they will not work.
Science -- works in whatever form and any language.
As I devise -- what you proposing for me to get know -- is some kind "magic"...
But I... see not use for "magic".
ReplyDeleteThen you've no use for wisdom, either. Cuz it's ALL charms and magic.
The world runs on bullsh*t... and all it takes is POWER to make it stick.
ReplyDeleteWell... do my (well, Lem's) parable hard to understand?
ReplyDeleteLike that about king. Line of it "one need to be wise themself, to listen to wise advice".
And isn't story itself reveal that truth through situation unrolling???
Wise Craftsman created Wise Tool. Well, King could ask that craftsman to be his assistant.
But, that King would NEVER be able to dispel his paranoia toward such outsider.
As well as craftsman himself -- would nit be able to pay all his attention to quirky desires of that king.
So... all resolved flawlessly -- with a tech. King received faithful assistant, one in whose proves and loyalty he can be sure.
And Craftsman... well, he still have his life...
Do you have a problem with following such script??? See some flaws in it?
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a German-Swiss philosopher whose work did not become influential until the 20th century. He argued that truth is impossible—there can only be perspective and interpretation, driven by a person's interests or 'will to power'.
ReplyDelete\\Then you've no use for wisdom, either. Cuz it's ALL charms and magic.
ReplyDeleteEven Mendeleev's Table? ;-)
\\The world runs on bullsh*t... and all it takes is POWER to make it stick.
Being sticky... that's natural trait if any sh_i_t.
Yes, hope and doubt unravel ALL human solutions. All it needs is a seed.
ReplyDelete...and Mendeleev's table only works for chemistry. Once you move to biological intelligences, all bets are off.
ReplyDeleteSo until you've figured out bio-electricity, you're pretty well f*cked!
ReplyDelete\\...and Mendeleev's table only works for chemistry. Once you move to biological intelligences, all bets are off.
ReplyDeleteYou think so??? %^))))))
Sure, you have geometry, trigonometry, calculus and the elements of spatial dynamics (at least... until you fall into a black hole). But that's purely "form"... and the chemistry, "content following form".
ReplyDeleteAs for "biological forms" you'll need to decipher bio-electricity if you wish to "shape" and "control" those kinds of "forms".
...and evolution is constantly changing the "materials" you'll have to work with. There are twice as many assembly steps at the biological level than at the early chemical stages.... and they're still "building" steps.
ReplyDelete...ever new "viral" alterations and combinations.
ReplyDeleteWhere's your Mendelevian table for biology that ascribes biological function to assembly level? KPCOFGS? So what function was gained at each step of the evolutionary tree? Are you sure it wasn't simply a change in hereditary bio-electric field patterning?
ReplyDeleteSymmetry? two legs becoming four? Four becoming eight?
ReplyDelete\\...and Mendeleev's table only works for chemistry.
ReplyDeleteHave you heard about vitamins?
About micro-elements? That, of which "e-le-crto-li-tes" consist? ;-)
Did it happen to you to drink mineral water... and to pay attention what written there, on the back of that battle with it?
Do you know that there is Iron... Fe(rum), needed, for our blood?
ALL Mendeleev's Table IS IN OUR VEINS. ;-)
\\Where's your Mendelevian table for biology that ascribes biological function to assembly level? KPCOFGS? So what function was gained at each step of the evolutionary tree? Are you sure it wasn't simply a change in hereditary bio-electric field patterning?
ReplyDeleteThat is... not a question for a quick chit-chat...
\\As for "biological forms" you'll need to decipher bio-electricity if you wish to "shape" and "control" those kinds of "forms".
OK, Google. "protein folding"
And... they do it on super-computers today. With help of AI.
...and what about Anaerobic respiration? Do it require Fe, also?
ReplyDeleteEarly life wouldn't have evolved if Oxygen was a prevalent as it is today.
ReplyDelete\\Early life wouldn't have evolved if Oxygen was a prevalent as it is today.
ReplyDeleteOh... that is EVEN MORE complex and hairy question.
So you only stay awake for easy questions?
ReplyDeleteAre you out of your mind? Or you thinking you can drive ME mad, with such a taunt? ;-P
ReplyDeleteI. One who revealed to you plans of sending probes to other stars...
or what, you started to believe to my mere words, and think now that that was Easy Question? ;-P
Like easy-pizzy, tomorrow we gonna launch probe toward another star(s)???? %^))))))
I just pointed to that obvious fact -- that format of this blog -- not suiting for discussion of such things...
ReplyDeleteipso facto.
Have you decided on a better one, yet? A secret SOCnet?
ReplyDeleteWell... I was talking about StackOverflow. Idea of which was unwunded practically online. By two tech-savvy bloggers (Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood AFAIR) -- that started from "and what is there'd be Q&A site... more suiting for us, yechy people".
ReplyDeleteAnd here it is.
So... to have more special SOCnet suitable for discussing such type of things (there is a name already, even -- Rizome, isn't it? ;-P)... is just a question of inniciative and some thought given to it.
But well, you have time only to a SOCnet Meden Agan... which prominent trait is -- to NEVER exist.
Because "that'll be TOO MUCH" and "I'd better not too" (succesfully played by Bi-den, lately) %^))))))))))
ReplyDeleteI'm retired. And I've more pressing issues to address. An out of control technologically and financially unlimited National Security State.
And about origin of life...
ReplyDeleteThere need to be correct framing for it. As, what we really want to know -- it's how usual Life is in Universe. Well, specialists would be glad to close all questions and find all tidbit.
But for us, colloquially, it would not provide any NEW info -- we already know that there is Life on third rock from our Sun.
So... we need more and way bigger telescopes to look into the sky, to observe early forming of solar systems as well as cataloguing all possible variants of em. And... up to sending probes, yes.
So then we could argue -- is our Earth is really VERY special (but that, again, would not add any NEW info too).
Or... Life in Universe... is like in your American sci-fi -- widespread, and even not that much different. So that is AGAIN would give no NEW info. And would make it stupid infinity of Eternal Frontier where Native eternally straggling against Space Cowboys... bleh.
Well... that last we already know is not the case -- as there if no life in our closest withinity.
So... all question is -- how rare? How Many??? other solar systems... with a suitable Goldilock?
Well... nearly 10% of stars are Yellow Dwarfs like our Sun. And let's say 10% of em formed more or less similar to our set of planets...
and even, have any kind of life on em.
But well -- that is Not The Case too. Isn't it?
As we are not much interested in spotting yet one planet with own trilobites or dinosaurs versions. Ain't I'm right???
We want to see aborigines there. Anthropomorphic ones. And better if on similar with us stage of development. But that is... where it becomes totally impossible.
As if... let's imagine that we'd have total twin of our Sun. To sustain all conditions, starting from forming solar system and central star in the same time, and consisting of that same elements and their amounts. And then going through evolution in mostly same manner.
But even then... there'd be random events -- like forming of the Moon. Or destroying of dinos.
So... even most precise synchronicity, would not allow it to happen the way to our most liking.
As for example, even smallest skews of phase of Ice ages... would mean that on our twin Earth their variant of Neanderthals STILL struggling against their version of Cromanions.
Bleh! Boooring.
PS Or what? Maybe you wanted to talk about bio-physics??? About which I have a little knowledge... and you have no clue what so ever(am I right?). And in this primitive text-oriented environment -- that do not allow to insert and refer to a NEEDED for such discussion images EVEN??? While it would be good to have access to some 3D models and other such staff, actually.
And some hierarchical structure of data/content managment.
\\An out of control technologically and financially unlimited National Security State.
ReplyDeleteBut... you have wisely suggested advice -- of how to use NEW tech as (most possibly ONLY) a way to manage it.
But... "one need to be wise... to listen to wise advices"... :-(((
Actually, this post was on Ur-totalitarianism, originally. A domestic situation near and dear to my heart. And in the present case, tech is the problem, not the solution.
ReplyDeleteNow tech may play a part in curbing the problem, but given the history of human nature, backdoors, and scopophilia... I doubt it.
So what's your "wise advice" that I'm sure to ignore?
ReplyDeleteYou have a way of fixing the internet privacy problem?
ReplyDelete...you've mastered quantum encryption?
ReplyDelete\\Actually, this post was on Ur-totalitarianism, originally. A domestic situation near and dear to my heart. And in the present case, tech is the problem, not the solution.
ReplyDeleteYour elections discussed around the World.
And you problem with techs -- LACK of NEW techs.
\\You have a way of fixing the internet privacy problem?
Make em all use one-time notebooks? ;-P
\\So what's your "wise advice" that I'm sure to ignore?
1. Your domestic problems -- is from your foreign affairs problems.
2. Your foreign affairs problems -- because of diminishing of your stance in the World.
3. Your deminishing stance in the World -- because you DO NOT propose NEW techs anymore (as it was during all of 20 century... and even before).
What solution of it could be? What could be a solution of it all??? For it all... is there a solution???
\\Now tech may play a part in curbing the problem, but given the history of human nature, backdoors, and scopophilia... I doubt it.
Wanna tech to fix human history? ;-)
Well. Kidding.
Or not. ;-P
\\...you've mastered quantum encryption?
ReplyDeleteWell... it can be fixed even without quantum mumbo-jumbo.
ACTUALLY... quantum mumbo-jumbo ACTIVELY adverised by USIC...
as a way to DECRIPT IT ALL...
and well, even if it'll be made -- who will be holding ALL quantum keys? ;-P
And will be outlawing and punishing EVERYONE who'd dare to have one, ahh???
And you problem with techs -- LACK of NEW techs.
ReplyDeleteHow many times do we have to say this, TECHs are the problem. They replaced "free markets" with a Yenta algorithm match-making market owned by Jeff Bezos who charges commissions up to 40% of exchange value. Watch the techno-feudalism video and find the internet's solution to the "high costs of free".
Privacy is bought and sold in exchange for "free" web searches and information sharing.
ReplyDeleteps - There are no "solutions"... only substitutions of existing problems for new and different ones.
ReplyDeleteAt least with quantum encryption, you know if someone else has read your messages cuz they cannot re-create the photon spins under re-transmission. They're "random".
ReplyDelete...and that's the "key".
ReplyDeleteIt's "physical".
ReplyDelete\\How many times do we have to say this, TECHs are the problem.
Paracelsus -- know such guy? ;-)
"Cure illness with poison".
"Everything is a poison, everything is a cure -- measure only important".
\\Privacy is bought and sold in exchange for "free" web searches and information sharing.
People themself DON'T CARE...
\\ps - There are no "solutions"... only substitutions of existing problems for new and different ones.
Then wait until Chinese will find Final Solution against you.
Like I care... yawn.
(I am not god(Jesus) to care about that one who do not care about themself... well, even Jesus bestowed his blessing on that who cares)
\\At least with quantum encryption, you know if someone else has read your messages cuz they cannot re-create the photon spins under re-transmission. They're "random".
That is only IF (really BIG IF) your communication device not hacked (there is NO USIC backdoor... to show you that you NOT observed ;-P while you are)
And how do you think -- WILL USIC ALLOW non-hackable devices??? ;-P
NEW spears... ;-P
ReplyDeleteNEW spears at work... ;-P
ReplyDeleteMad Max? ;-P
Hey, I'm a nationalist. Dervy always wants to distort that to "white nationalist". Yeah, I'm a nationalist who is white, but that doesn't mean I want a nation consisting ONLY of of controlled by whites.... just like Ukraine nationalists don't want the country controlled by Nazi's.
ReplyDeleteIt's like the word justice vs the words social justice. They're opposites like the one and the many.
\\Hey, I'm a nationalist.
ReplyDeleteIn your Antipode's Effect sense?
\\ Yeah, I'm a nationalist who is white, but that doesn't mean I want a nation consisting ONLY of of controlled by whites...
And what about Irish? ;-P
\\just like Ukraine nationalists don't want the country controlled by Nazi's.
Would be interesting to observe at least on Ukrainian nationalist...
\\It's like the word justice vs the words social justice. They're opposites like the one and the many.
ANY word can be re-tooled into euphemism.
Acta non verba!
"By their DEEDS you will know em".
Sure, but your example doesn't simultaneously defame the value of words. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt remains silent on the subject.
ReplyDelete...so don't make me pull out the Latin quotes regarding "silence".
ReplyDelete\\Sure, but your example doesn't simultaneously defame the value of words. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhy should I... if (so happened) they are my tools today.
Why I, as technologist, should defame my tools??? Am I idiot??? %^)))
\\It remains silent on the subject.
Well... again that lack of p2p communication...
I dunno what you referring to.
\\...so don't make me pull out the Latin quotes regarding "silence".
be my guest
Just don't treat em like some freaking Kryptonite... to which I obliged to react as some freaking Kryptonian. ;-P
ReplyDeleteWhich would be damn hard for me... to pull such trick. Even if I'd like to play such a role. ;-P
Khm... it just came to me -- DOES YOU really have NO experience communication with people from other cultures? Despite all your biography???
ReplyDeleteDuval argues that“[...] innovation in general – is that[...] sometimes just showing somebody a concept is all that you have to do to start an evolutionary path. And once peo-ple get the idea of ’hey we can do that’, then somebody does something, somebody does something better, that just keeps developing.”(Duval 2011 as cited in [1])
si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses!
ReplyDeleteExaltations to virtue! ;)
ReplyDeleteWell... again that lack of p2p communication...
ReplyDeletePlato, "Phaedrus"
SOCRATES: Your love of discourse, Phaedrus, is superhuman, simply marvellous, and I do not believe that there is any one of your contemporaries who has either made or in one way or another has compelled others to make an equal number of speeches. I would except Simmias the Theban, but all the rest are far behind you. And now I do verily believe that you have been the cause of another.
PHAEDRUS: That is good news. But what do you mean?
SOCRATES: I mean to say that as I was about to cross the stream the usual sign was given to me,—that sign which always forbids, but never bids, me to do anything which I am going to do; and I thought that I heard a voice saying in my ear that I had been guilty of impiety, and that I must not go away until I had made an atonement. Now I am a diviner, though not a very good one, but I have enough religion for my own use, as you might say of a bad writer—his writing is good enough for him; and I am beginning to see that I was in error. O my friend, how prophetic is the human soul! At the time I had a sort of misgiving, and, like Ibycus, 'I was troubled; I feared that I might be buying honour from men at the price of sinning against the gods.' Now I recognize my error.
PHAEDRUS: What error?
SOCRATES: That was a dreadful speech which you brought with you, and you made me utter one as bad.
SOCRATES: It was foolish, I say,—to a certain extent, impious; can anything be more dreadful?
PHAEDRUS: Nothing, if the speech was really such as you describe.
SOCRATES: Well, and is not Eros the son of Aphrodite, and a god?
PHAEDRUS: So men say.
SOCRATES: But that was not acknowledged by Lysias in his speech, nor by you in that other speech which you by a charm drew from my lips. For if love be, as he surely is, a divinity, he cannot be evil. Yet this was the error of both the speeches. There was also a simplicity about them which was refreshing; having no truth or honesty in them, nevertheless they pretended to be something, hoping to succeed in deceiving the manikins of earth and gain celebrity among them. Wherefore I must have a purgation. And I bethink me of an ancient purgation of mythological error which was devised, not by Homer, for he never had the wit to discover why he was blind, but by Stesichorus, who was a philosopher and knew the reason why; and therefore, when he lost his eyes, for that was the penalty which was inflicted upon him for reviling the lovely Helen, he at once purged himself. And the purgation was a recantation, which began thus,—
'False is that word of mine—the truth is that thou didst not embark in
ships, nor ever go to the walls of Troy;'
and when he had completed his poem, which is called 'the recantation,' immediately his sight returned to him. Now I will be wiser than either Stesichorus or Homer, in that I am going to make my recantation for reviling love before I suffer; and this I will attempt, not as before, veiled and ashamed, but with forehead bold and bare.
PHAEDRUS: Nothing could be more agreeable to me than to hear you say so.
“Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses” is a quote often attributed to the Latin philosopher Boethius of the late fifth and early sixth centuries. As literally as possible, it means “If you had been silent, you would have remained a philosopher”.
ReplyDeleteAnd what he did say about technologists? ;-P
\\Well... again that lack of p2p communication...
ReplyDelete\\Plato, "Phaedrus"
Lack of context. Of emotion. Of bodily expressions...
Well... I, do not see em needed, for my purposes.
But you... seems like seeking it... which I cannot provide. :-(((
Paeans to virtue... like myna's on Huxley's "island". :)
ReplyDeleteNEW spears make enemies KILL itself... ;-P
ReplyDeleteWhat is Aristotle's virtue theory?
ReplyDeleteMost virtue ethics theories take their inspiration from Aristotle who declared that a virtuous person is someone who has ideal character traits. These traits derive from natural internal tendencies, but need to be nurtured; however, once established, they will become stable.
Virtue Ethics | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
https://iep.utm.edu › virtue
Aristotle was Plato's student. His was an exoteric version of Plato's esoteric "virtue theories".... which were originally Socrates'. 1st principle: "It is better to suffer harm then inflict it."
ReplyDeleteTHAT is the virtue theory "in a nutshell".
All Plato did was add his "theory of forms" to it. And then all Aristotle did was add his "logical" first principle to that. Then Aristotle taught it to Alexander, who proceeded to conquer the world.
Machiavelli was like Aristotle... exoteric. After his "Prince" was rejected, and he was tortured, Machiavelli became MUCH better at esotericism. :(
ReplyDeleteMachiavelli's "Virtu" theory...? Embodied in The Life of Castruccio Castracani, most likely. ;)
ReplyDelete\\All Plato did was add his "theory of forms" to it. And then all Aristotle did was add his "logical" first principle to that. Then Aristotle taught it to Alexander, who proceeded to conquer the world.
ReplyDeleteWhile ignoring it in and out.
Because as we know... humans can hold only 3-5 things in their head.
ReplyDeleteAnd for Alexander it gotta be holding spear, welding sword and riding horse. ;-P
And NO place for virtues... esoteric, or exoteric.
How did Alexander conquer Egypt, Q? Spears, swords, or horses?
ReplyDeleteHow sailor conquered a whore? ;-P
ReplyDeleteConquer, or use and throw away?
ReplyDeleteIs there a difference?
ReplyDelete...between owning and renting? Towns-folk and Roma/gypsies? What do you think?
ReplyDelete...wives and whores?
ReplyDelete...short and long-term capital gains?
ReplyDeleteHabit. Yawn.
ReplyDeleteWell... that is YOUR culture story -- about hookers... and cops. ;-P
their relationship? Cops are 2nd order pimps.
ReplyDeleteYou gotcha.
What holding people together... if not habit?
ReplyDeleteYour version? ;-)
They still have something to lose.
ReplyDelete...but even THAT's going fast.
ReplyDeleteTradition only holds things together so long as people have something to lose. ...unless through no fault of their own. Then, they're likely to cling ever-more tightly to them.
ReplyDeleteFight or flight? Choose.
ReplyDelete...sometimes also the difference between a "good life" and a "bare life".... or like the Muselmann in the Shoa, between a "bare life" and a "living death".
ReplyDeleteDo you know which life you're living?
Wealth -> Health -> Life -> Death... the horsemen are coming for it.
ReplyDeleteTech represents a solution to a problem. So how about instead of making more solutions to problems, we start making less problems requiring solutions?
ReplyDeleteCan you spot the farmer?
ReplyDelete\\Tech represents a solution to a problem. So how about instead of making more solutions to problems, we start making less problems requiring solutions?
ReplyDeleteNo problem!
Go demonstrate -- HOW???
In a world of Entropy -- where to make something, one need to destroy something.
\\Do you know which life you're living?
Same as everyone else -- even POTUS can got COVID, for god sake. ;-P
\\Fight or flight? Choose.
Learned helplessness... yawn.
That looks like what you choose.
Do you know THIS MAN...
ReplyDeleteWho is the man with no legs and hands?
Nick Vujicic - Wikipedia
Nicholas James Vujicic (/ˈvuːɪtʃɪtʃ/ VOO-itch-itch; born 4 December 1982) is an Australian-American Christian evangelist and motivational speaker of Serbian descent. Vujicic has tetra-amelia syndrome, a disorder characterised by the absence of arms and legs.
Nick Vujicic - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Nick_Vujicic
Only try to compare YOUR PROBLEMS... with his.
And... BTW.
ReplyDeleteHow do you like it -- China bombers over Alaska? You have told that your sister living there, AFAIR.
Well... :-P
ReplyDeleteSecond Army of The World... ;-P
Basil Cook
I understand that people in the US want to vote for Trump, or Harris, or whoever. I can understand that they can sincerely like Trump, or Harris, or whomever, or love them tender and sweet, or even worship them as a deity and see the opponent as the devil in the flesh. What i cannot understand is why supporters of Trump or Harris want to spend the time of their lives trying to convince people in Ukraine, half the world away, to also worship Trump and abhor Harris, or vice versa.
short translation: "There is mine? Where? There? Where? There? Whe..." ;-P
So maybe we should concentrate on our own problems rather than those of others...
ReplyDelete...as you're famous for saying... NMP!
\\So maybe we should concentrate on our own problems rather than those of others...
ReplyDeleteDoesn't work either...
As we all part of SAME biosphere.
You know, butterfly flaps its wings in Amazonia and hurricane starts... in Oklahoma. ;-P
\\...as you're famous for saying... NMP!
ReplyDeleteThat's just pragmatism works. ;-P
HOW should I take... elections of dRump as MY problem -- is I cannot INFLUENCE it... anyhow.
And well, even if I'd HAVE a way, a force... how about PREDICTING results of such involvement.
And what are even worse(better?) -- even if I'd BE able to predict results -- HOW it would help ME, with MY goals????
That is... I don't get it -- why people don't get it???
That must be because I -- too stupid. And they (DEMN-cretins like Derpy) are too smart???
ReplyDeleteNaaaaah. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
...as you opposing virtue said: "As we all part of SAME biosphere."
ReplyDeleteAs in Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason"... the is also an opposing "Critique of Practical Reason" and finally... a "Critique of Judgement". ;)
ReplyDeleteHow Hegelian.
One day, you too will learn to love:hate::wisdoms
ReplyDelete\\...as you opposing virtue said: "As we all part of SAME biosphere."
ReplyDeleteHave any counter-arguments?
\\One day, you too will learn to love:hate::wisdoms
Why do you think I no do it... while calling em by differ names? ;-P
\\ love:hate::wisdom
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think that that words "love", "hate", "wisdom" -- mean THE SAME to me, as they mean to you???
While they just a meaningless bunch of symbols... to me.
As I am foreigner.
Remember? Searle's Chinese Room?
Chinese room
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Chinese_room
The Chinese room argument holds that a digital computer executing a computer program cannot have a "mind", "understanding", or "consciousness", ...
Thechineseroom · John Searle · Anatoly Dneprov (writer)
You require a metaphor? LOL!
ReplyDeleteMetaphors... do translate EVEN WORSE.
Only LOGIC do translates well.
ReplyDeleteLike camel -- that is animal with two humps.
Even if people talk VERY DIFFERENT languages and care about VERY DIFFERENT traits of said animal (like, one like to drink its milk... while other, I dunno, fear to be spitted by it) -- that basic but very prominent trait -- will not come unhinged. ;-P
BTW... EU sucked it up. Declared "we do not see that missiles that RFia launched on Ukraine but fell on NATO territory... was intentionally".
ReplyDeleteSo... this time there'd be NO Pearl Harbor... because your sissy-pussy generals will ALSO say "we... do not see that it was *intentional*" TOO??? ;-P
Or... that'll be "metaphor"?
Please. I went to the Academy. The 'Rule Book' is for suckers. They can and will do whatever the 'f they want. They are pure SuperEgo!
ReplyDeleteSomy like p*ssy, but the rest today prefer a big d*ck up *asses.
ReplyDeleteGenerals ready for a "good war" -- even worse news. Yawn.
ReplyDelete(like general Togo, or that who was preparing Barbarossa plan)
Your marines can't... ;-P
ReplyDeleteHere... is your Coast Guard EQUIPPED to track and catch something like that... and what if it'll be with nuke... or Dirty Bomb... :-(((
ReplyDeleteOr... it'll be "unintentional".
Says: And who died? ;-P
ReplyDeleteFirst hand experience... ;-P
ReplyDeleteHeh... now you OFFICIALLY opened it.
ReplyDeletePandora's box of STATE sponsored terrorism and sabotages.
(I mean what happening now in Paris)
Paris? Olympics?
ReplyDeleteAh, the Railroad arson attacks... I suppose that's what happens when you blow up oil pipelines and bridges...
ReplyDelete...but much more likely, allow the IDF to defend its' territory and attempt to rescue its' hostages.
ReplyDeleteAnd that too.
ReplyDeleteBut first of all -- being sissy-pussy. When missiles fall on your allies territory... and you make em saying "that... was not intentionally".
Had good lunch at pShaw's? (Or whereever) ;-)
ReplyDeleteWell... that spamfilter with its stopwords...becoming annoying. :-/
ReplyDeleteGreat Russia Unbound... ;-P
ReplyDeleteVirtue had to be not only cultivated in the abstract but practiced as well.
ReplyDeleteRussian imperialism differs from, relatively speaking, European "sea" imperialism, which is based on the idea of a difference between the colonizer and the colonized. This difference - cultural, racial - cannot be overcome, especially when, towards the end of the 19th century, it began to be formulated in terms of biological race.
Russian imperialism is different, it is based on the idea of identity, at least in the case of Ukrainians and Belarusians. The Russian says: "You are just like me. You will never be second(different)!". The Russian thus dominates through identity, not otherness: everything different from him must be destroyed. Everything that is "not one nation" for Russians is a deviation, a deviation.
This is such an absolutely contradictory in itself, but understandable formula: "You are Ukrainians, but you (can) live only when you'll became Russians." Here is a tool(way) for you to become Russian - the Russian language and everything related to it. And if you want to be excellent(different), we will kill you.
Violence and fear are the only tools that have kept Russia afloat since its formation as an empire.(my correction: well, much BEFORE it...)
Yes, the sea-Euro's simply employ entryism. Like an American former spy marrying a Ukrainian president....
ReplyDeleteHoneytraps are the sweetest, after all (Lessons from Perfidious Albion)
ReplyDeleteI think you need MORE direct lifeline with liliPut's propaganda. ;-P
Wikipedia? Naaah, that's neo-liberal propaganda.
ReplyDeleteNaaaah... I mean, directly from source. ;-P
ReplyDeleteThere is lots of "philosophers" among Russians. That even more bizzre then Zizek.
And their propaganda BS... even more BSier. Yammy!!!
Dugin's the only one I'm aware of...
ReplyDeleteWanna whole list from me? ;-P
ReplyDeleteHell no. Just the most interesting ones. ;)
ReplyDeleteDenied. ;-P
ReplyDeleteDenied! ;-P
ReplyDeleteWell... https://resobscura.substack.com/p/simulating-history-with-chatgpt
ReplyDeletePig-dogs! BWAH!
ReplyDeleteA LLM philosophy AI would spout gibberish.... like me! :)