Democrats have seen a 26 percent decrease in the number of voters and caucus goers who have showed up to the polls this year compared to 2008, when the party last had a competitive primary race.
Interestingly enough, that steep decline is the inverse of the spike in Republican turnout this cycle compared to 2012, when Mitt Romney earned the party’s nomination.
Clinton routed Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in South Carolina on Saturday, winning 74 percent of the vote to Sanders’ 26 percent. While the huge margin of victory is good news for Clinton — polls had her winning, but more narrowly — the overall voter turnout must set off alarms for her campaign, as well as for the Democratic party. Whereas 532,000 South Carolina Democrats voted in 2008, only 367,000 showed up Saturday.
That’s a 31 percent decline.
Last week’s Nevada caucuses saw a similar fall. An estimated 120,000 caucusgoers showed up in 2008 compared to 80,000 this cycle — a 33 percent ding. Clinton bested Sanders in that contest as well.
The decrease in the Feb. 9 New Hampshire primaries saw turnout fall as well, though the least of the four Democratic contests so far. In 2008, 288,672 Democrats voted. In 2016, 250,983 did so. That marks a 13 percent decline. Sanders won handily, taking 60 percent of the vote to Clinton’s 38 percent.
Just over 171,000 Iowa Democrats took part in the Feb. 1 caucuses. That’s 29 percent fewer than the estimated 240,000 who showed up in 2008.
All told, about 1.18 million Democrats across those first four states went to the polls in 2008. Just under 870,000 showed up this go-round.
That 26 percent slide mirrors the increase on the GOP side.
Just over 1 million showed up to the first four caucuses and primaries in 2012. This cycle, nearly 1.27 million Republicans have cast a vote.
Wasn't it Uncle Joe Stalin who said something to this effect?
It doesn't matter who or how many vote. All that matters is who gets to COUNT the votes.
The Dictocrats will lie cheat steal or kill to win an election including stuffing votes into the process culled from the ranks of the long dead and buried. We know this is a matter of historical fact.
Unfortunately, Dictocrats outnumber their counterparts by a considerable margin. Their numbers are especially strong in overpopulated urban areas. They seem unburdened by any qualms of conscience, and their bully boy operatives have balls of brass. In New York City, for instance, there is no point in registering as Republican, because it will practically GUARANTEE your vote's will not being counted. I know, because I was born and raised there and LIVED there as an adult for a number of years. I was told point blank NOT to try to register as a Republican. Honest to God!
With thugs, gangsters, known malefactors, shouting bullies, screaming morons, and carnie-style con artists turning the electoral process into the moral equivalent of a back alley COCKFIGHT –– staged on National TV, yet –– there seems no possible chance for dignity, propriety and integrity to hold sway the November election.
As Carping Canardo, the Braying Burro of Beantown, is fond of saying, "We are a sorry people."
I'm not that cynical yet, FT.
Nah, Trump will drive Dems and floaters to the polling booths in unprecedented numbers!
In that picture, someone should have shown him holding the nuclear launch codes, neatly stamped on golden tablets.
Heck, if he doesn't win, he can just hack Hillary's home-brew server and get the launch codes.
the People just want someone who isn't afraid to say it like it is I guess! this is one fine mess you got us into Ollie! LOL
this is one fine mess you got us into Ollie! LOL
You don't think it's just a tad simplistic to blame it all on Obama, WHT?
If Donald Trump gets the nomination, I will vote for Hillary Clinton as many times as I can.
Nah, 'President Trump' would be impeached for yoooge incompetence within three months. Man can't even run his own 'university' w/o running into trouble!
Republicans don't impeach Republicans. Heck, they can't even impeach Democrats.
Trump won't be impeached, but it's good to know President Trump can be derailed at anytime by trolling him on Twitter.
I'm sorry that you're feeling a bit excluded, FT. Most of the sparring that Gert and I engage in IS intended to be humorous. I'm sorry that you do not find it so, and if you feel the same about my conversations with beamish. I have different backgrounds and experiences with both individuals, much as I have with you. I don't expect them to appreciate or understand everything that we talk about, either. :(
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