The cause of Picasso’s stylistic transformation is well documented. The suicide of his close friend Casagemas in 1901 deeply affected him, and he began to move towards a more reflective account of human existence. Paintings such as Absinthe Drinker (1901) explore the relationship between innocence and experience, purity and corruption. These themes found their expression in his large-scale Evocation (The Burial of Casagemas – 1901). The secular altar piece dominates the second room and depicts Casagemas ascending to heaven on a white stallion, surrounded by naked prostitutes, playful children, mourners and a Madonna and child. It is testament to Picasso’s genius that this piece, which challenged the conventions of religious art in the twentieth century, was produced when the artist was only 19 years old. The painting suggests the ambition and radical vision that Picasso was to invest into his work. It was this challenging and restless youthful energy that Picasso never lost...
An exquisite example of Picasso's "Blue Period."
As his style developed his depiction of human forms –– partcularky women – because increasingly grotesque and unflattering causing some to brand Picasso as a misogynist.
Most of his work produces an enduring fascination in the beholder –– as my unnumberable trips to New York's MOMA readily attest –– but as much as I have enjoyed observing and studying them in the museum, I never felt a longing to own one. His famous sculpture of a Pregnant Goat, centrally located in the MOMA's Sculpture Garden, always struck me as a poignant reminder of the inherent cruelty of Nature and the more harshly demanding aspects of Existence common to all forms of animal lfe.
As brilliant and evocative as Picasso's art is, most of it would be hard to live with, I should think
PS: I just fell madly i love with Roger Scruton –– my virtual alter ego! ;-)
You might find my poetic responses to his brilliant, absolutely truthful observations to be of interest.
Thank you for postung his mini-lecture, and for reminding me of its existence,
"Tis always good t learn that one is not alone after all.
C.S. Lewis had some trenchant remarks concernng Noise Pollute, himself, some of which I quoted in an essay years ago.
I'd have to retype the darned thing froma printed copy, because the blessed computer indstry keeps renderng old software Obsolete and inaccessible a true WICKEDNESS in my estimation for which society has already paid far too dearly.
The computer has done to printed LITERATURE what ARTIFICIALLY-PRODUCED, "CANNED," ELECTRONIC MEW-SICK " has done to real MUSIC. It has deprived these two media of virtually all traces of HUMANITY
...so, what's it like to meet your intellectual doppelganger? ;)
I found most of his other talks to be a bit too "old-line" conservative for my taste. He's not someone I'd take into a Meme War with me! ;)
_________ MEME-EE! _______
Your left shoe's on your right foot,
Your right shoe's on your left.
Oh! listen to me,, Meme-e:
Of reason you're bereft!
The buttons of your trousers
Are buttoned to your vest;
Oh! listen to me, Meme-ee,
No passion's in your breast!
Meme-ee, you irksome little good for nothing Meme-ee,
I'm not your guy.
Meme-ee, you crummy little dummy of a Meme-ee,
You've aimed too high!
Meme-ee, you drive me mad, please free me,
If you flee me, 'twould be dreamy.
Meme-ee, you know I'd like to have me see
You pesky Son of a Meme-ee say, Goodbye!
...... Morris Knight
I am tired of tears and laughter,
___ And men that laugh and weep;
Of what may come hereafter
___ For men that sow to reap:
I am weary of days and hours,
Blown buds of barren flowers,
Desires and dreams and powers
___ And everything but sleep ...
~ Algernon C. Swinburne (1837-1909)
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