
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Monday, January 1, 2018

Pie's 2017 in Review


FreeThinke said...

__________ On New Year’s Day _________

Our hope would be to take the roadblocks down
No more to have to hide behind the walls
Negativity built with a frown,
Even though she smiles in gleaming halls

Welcoming all with fawning falsity,
Yet yearning all the while for something solid.
Excitement dies in stuffy halls at tea,
As hypocrisy makes discourse witless, stolid.

Rarely may we speak without a filter.
‘Tis safer not, lest someone take offense.
So, fearing to be thought bizarre –– off kilter ––
Daft –– depraved –– or simply too intense ––

A fear of ostracism serves P-C,
Yielding a moribund society.

~ FreeThinke

FreeThinke said...



I really wanna hear it, 

And I really wanna see

Nobody hafta fear it, 

Dis gubmint ob de free,

'Cause we ain't got no mo'

Any reason now to sing,

If de gubmint shuts de do'

On our doin' our own thing.

So gib me lots o’ hot dawgs

An' bacon, beans an' brats,

An' cook up all dem fat hawgs

Full o' saturated fats

"Cause I'm gonna be free

To lib de way I please,

Cause I know, an' I can see

I'm gonna get a disease,

And die like a fly

Hit by de Lawd's fly swatter,

So why shouldn't I stay high
An' live like a Gypsy squatter?

Gulp down de licker 

An' swill down de brew,

Even if it makes me sicker?

I got nuttin' else to do,

'Cause I'm a low-down redneck

An' a good-natured slob,

An' before I am a dead wreck

I'm gonna do my job

An' my job is to live

Like a mudder fuggin' fool,

While I cheerfully give

The Finger to each Assachusetts ghoul
Who dares to try to tell me how to live!

~ Jaime Titcomb Wryly

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Jaime must be a friend of Sweeney Agonistes...

FreeThinke said...

Jaime identifies most closely with Al Terego –– yet-another poetaster with above-average skills, but Alas! no true spark of genius.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Say hi to him from me, next time you see him! Genius lies in the eye of the beholder. ;)