Friday, July 19, 2024

Framing Social Identities... Whether using Sincerity, Authenticity, or Profilicity based Identity Technologies

 ...and why it often fails, as many of us now insist that we alone are "allowed" to  "define" our Identity... and that its' non-negotiable.  That we don't have to "play nicely" with Others and "negotiate" our social identity/ relationships.  For we have MANY personal AND constantly changing and evolving social identities and relationships, and only one of them is the one that WE alone get to define... the one we define when we 're home alone by ourselves.  The rest of them must be socially NEGOTIATED with Others, often "in the moment".  Friend, boss, employee, father... which negotiated relationship are we playing now?

"So what were your "preferred pronouns" again?  Never-mind, I really don't care to indulge your sexual fantasies right now, sorry.  Save it for when you're with your partner in the bedroom.  I may have to show you xenia, but I don't intend to get THAT friendly with you here and now.  You do realize that social relations require negotiation and MUTUAL consent, don't you?  Anything less is just a Power grab.  Social and political equality is a two-way street, after all.  What, you're going to tell your Mommy on me?  Go ahead, I've got two Daddy's, and they can beat the cr*p out of her!"

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