
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Rising Iconoclasm... and the Twilight of the Idols

What is Cancel Culture?:  The Iconoclasm of the 'Anti-' aka- Destructive Performance Art:
...and digital isolation, separation from mimetic source materials and mirror neuron capture

From video above, autism might be a defect in the proper functioning of mirror neurons. Autism is exploding…

In the year 2000, Autism affected 1 in 150 kids. In 2020, it’s 1 in 36 kids.

It’s hard to empathize digitally thru emojii’s. It requires face-to-face contact.
from Quora:
What does it mean to "philosophise with a hammer," as Nietzsche said?

It's having the courage to approach your philosophical assumptions and test them critically. The hammer referred to is that used by a doctor to test reflexes.

Metaphorically, the old philosophical ideas are the "idols". If you go up to these statues and tap them with a hammer, you'll here a hollow ringing sound. There is nothing in them anymore.

Excerpt from the introduction:
"....And are new idols sounded out? This little essay is a great declaration of war; and regarding the sounding out of idols, this time they are not just idols of the age, but eternal idols, which are here touched with a hammer as with a tuning fork: there are no idols that are older, more assured, more puffed-up — and none more hollow..."

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