
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Friday, December 27, 2024

Visualizing Dark Matter: The Bullet Cluster


Anonymous said...

Like that ether of old times? Well, maybe new theory already here but blocked by nasty censors.

Still have doubts that Q is back? ;-p

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Maybe not censors... but lacking intellectually honest readers/ listeners. Readers/ listeners willing to oppose and control their own mimetic desires, and and not succumb to them (ala Peter before/ after the cock crows). Readers willing to abandon Standard Science, and embrace the "Revolutionary" kind ;)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...by not going along with the crowd. ;P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and yes, ether. A gravitational (axionic?) ether between structures in the galactic web... responsible for the Hubble tension.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Will LISA reveal Dark Energy in the waves/ ripples of the cosmos? I wonder...

Anonymous said...

Inertia. Most powerfull force in the Universe. Thought, overlooked by everyone everytime. Inertia to blame.

Well, it's interesting thing in itself -- how low quality connection and all that newly built tenets of censure nearly eliminate our chance to communicate.

And that in the Internet, that was built to live through nukelar war... but, unable to deliver... due to modern censure.

Inertia to blame. ;-p

Hah. naZZty ceneZZors trying to prevent our communication. Or what?

Like that e-ther theory of old times? Well, maybe new theory already here but blockked by naZZty ceneZZors.

Still have doubts that Q is back? ;-p

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Inertia's certainly one way to store energy... (even bureaucratic institutional energy like censorship)

String Theory was/ is the block... but also a side-track to divert progress in Physics Gotta love the Maths... ;p

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Stuck in the Semmelweis Reflex...

Anonymous said...

Inertia? That's just a clever word to sum it up all that predicaments that stumbled my message sending. ;-p

Call it bureacracy. Or, more sophisticatedly (remember, Avogadro Number) Complexity -- we still dunno what it is. And... it makes it loozy namecalling.

Like that BubbleSort algorithm -- simplest of number sorting algorithms. It works perfectly well. While it's only dozen(s) of numbers you have to sort. But, if you'd use it instead of more sophisticated algos... on all computers of the world... they'll effectively stop doing anything meaningfull. And even would start boiling oceans. ;-p

So. Inertia. It is not about energy.

That's just our cultural glasses... as in ancient times they at first was calling Creator -- Great Mason. Then, Clockwork Master. Then Mathematician. Then Physicist. Now, Great Programmer.

Or what? Great TikToker... already... maybe. Sorry, I'm out of sync with latest trends. Inertia... to blame. ;-p

//String Theory was/ is the block...

We can seek only under lantern. So, physicists know (learned that from Einstain) that to open New Phisics one need to start from Failed Experiment (like that one for searching e-ter).

But... too bad. Nobody said that it should be THAT simple. Inertia to blame. ;-p Or Comppexity. Or, Cosmic Bureacracy.)))

Well. I have had explained to you a way how to overcome it. But it found your disinterest only. Inertia...

Well. It turns us back to our previous talks. Arguing around tryes to find some golden nuggets on the trash/grave yard of human culture.

I,while basing my arguments on Lem's teachings, cleverly ;-p was pointing that that is not possible to find new senses, new answers while inside culture.

As bird chick... while inside egg shell, using its sole teath to break it. To meet NEW. Which could kill it.

So, what's the merit of your way?

BTW, that Gert? He's not new here?

//Will LISA reveal Dark Energy in the waves/ ripples of the cosmos? I wonder...

Yeah. Failed Experiment Seeking. Yawn.

//...and yes, ether. A gravitational (axionic?) ether between structures in the galactic web... responsible for the Hubble tension.

"Your teory not crazy enough to be true"©


//...by not going along with the crowd. ;P

And there is a way how to walk along with a crowd? ;-p


I mean. Reliably. Without going out of sync with one part, or another. ;-)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

/...Or what? Great TikToker... already... maybe. Sorry, I'm out of sync with latest trends. Inertia... to blame. ;-p

Cultural inertia... @@

//String Theory was/ is the block...
/We can seek only under lantern. So, physicists know (learned that from Einstain) that to open New Phisics one need to start from Failed Experiment (like that one for searching e-ter).
But... too bad. Nobody said that it should be THAT simple. Inertia to blame. ;-p Or Comppexity. Or, Cosmic Bureacracy.)))
Well. I have had explained to you a way how to overcome it. But it found your disinterest only. Inertia...

...much as some of my ideas like different forms of intelligences remained out of your "light cone". I suppose we all suffer from our own forms of inertia...

/Well. It turns us back to our previous talks. Arguing around tryes to find some golden nuggets on the trash/grave yard of human culture.
I,while basing my arguments on Lem's teachings, cleverly ;-p was pointing that that is not possible to find new senses, new answers while inside culture.
As bird chick... while inside egg shell, using its sole teath to break it. To meet NEW. Which could kill it.
So, what's the merit of your way?

SchizoAnalysis? You do think and approach problems a bit differently... which can change the subject. ;0

/BTW, that Gert? He's not new here?

No, he's very old. He's a European, like you (Belgium/UK) and VERY smart (except for his Left politics... ;) I've known him for 15-20 years now???

//Will LISA reveal Dark Energy in the waves/ ripples of the cosmos? I wonder...
/Yeah. Failed Experiment Seeking. Yawn.

Best tell NASA and ESA to save their billions? Inertia is already unstoppable...

//...and yes, ether. A gravitational (axionic?) ether between structures in the galactic web... responsible for the Hubble tension.
/"Your teory not crazy enough to be true"©

No doubt. It doesn't 'narrate' threatenly enough... ;)

//...by not going along with the crowd. ;P
\And there is a way how to walk along with a crowd? ;-p
I mean. Reliably. Without going out of sync with one part, or another. ;-)

...and later getting denounced and killed/ expelled by them. ;0

Nah, best to walk away, and into the desert/ become a nomad. But then you'd be practicing your nomadology, taking new lines of flight, and seeking new deterritorializations and reterritorializations until one day, you meet another nomad...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

What schizoanalysis lacks in purposefullness and clarity of outcomes, it makes up for in varieties of experiences on encounters, much like a certain William James text... ;)

Anonymous said...

//...much as some of my ideas like different forms of intelligences remained out of your "light cone".

"There is NO Intelligence, if there are intelligences of different sizes and forms."

Not my words, Lem's. As his alter-ego wise supercomputer Golem XIV.

Do I need to explain at length meaning of it? Do you have time and patience... to listen?

//SchizoAnalysis? You do think and approach problems a bit differently... which can change the subject. ;0

Brick and mortar. Trial and error method. @@

While there is ready made theory. Do you know, heard about Theory of Engineeeing? Devised in USSR.

Obviously you not. But can google for yourself -- TRIZ(ТРИЗ) in accordance with my knowledge there is materials in English too, already.

//and VERY smart

That's, most enticing. ;-p

//Best tell NASA and ESA to save their billions? Inertia is already unstoppable...

Whatever. Judo moves use it just great. ;-)

//No doubt. It doesn't 'narrate' threatenly enough... ;)


Einstain's Letter... was not threating too. Only... informative.

But those who close ears to not hear it -- suffer greatly.

//...and later getting denounced and killed/ expelled by them. ;0

It happens anyway. And complitely randomly. Yawn.(what is the latest mass-shooting case? I lost track of it)

So, why bother?

//What schizoanalysis lacks in purposefullness and clarity of outcomes, it makes up for in varieties of experiences on encounters, much like a certain William James text... ;)

Yawn, illusion.

You seems like do not understand importance of Failed Experiment. And Truth behind it.

Though, it's so damn simple -- Reality IS CONTER-intuitive.So, lesson is apparent -- if you REALLY want to know what/how Reality is -- watch out for your Blind Spots.

No. Catch em. Put into GITMO. ;-p And interrogate. Thoroughly.:-)))

But... simplicity, is the hardest thing.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

//...much as some of my ideas like different forms of intelligences remained out of your "light cone".
\"There is NO Intelligence, if there are intelligences of different sizes and forms."
Not my words, Lem's. As his alter-ego wise supercomputer Golem XIV.
Do I need to explain at length meaning of it? Do you have time and patience... to listen?

Maybe, once I return from Solaris with a "higher" form and can advise as to the form required for your Ovo prject.

//SchizoAnalysis? You do think and approach problems a bit differently... which can change the subject. ;0
\Brick and mortar. Trial and error method. @@
While there is ready made theory. Do you know, heard about Theory of Engineeeing? Devised in USSR.
Obviously you not. But can google for yourself -- TRIZ(ТРИЗ) in accordance with my knowledge there is materials in English too, already.

The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving , or TRIZ , is a set of methods for solving and improving technical problems and systems by finding and resolving technical contradictions. [ 1 ] In English, in addition to the transliteration, TRIZ is known by the acronym TIPS , which stands for theory of inventive problem solving .

The idea of ​​TRIZ is that different technical problems are technical contradictions that can be solved by the same methods. To solve a specific problem, TRIZ users first generalize the problem, then try to solve the generalized problem using a suitable general method, and only then return to the specific problem and try to apply the solution found to it [ 1 ] .

TRIZ is based on 40 general inventive techniques, 76 standard solution templates and several other ideas.

Sounds like Schizo-Analysis (creating, then finding and resolving contradictions)

//and VERY smart
\That's, most enticing. ;-p

His IQ is at least 2 SD's above mine.

//Best tell NASA and ESA to save their billions? Inertia is already unstoppable...
/Whatever. Judo moves use it just great. ;-)

Math judo? It will be needed to translate between the two standard models. :)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

//No doubt. It doesn't 'narrate' threatenly enough... ;)
Einstain's Letter... was not threating too. Only... informative.
But those who close ears to not hear it -- suffer greatly.

FDR certainly 'heard' the threats......This phenomenon would also lead to the construction of bombs, and it is conceivable—though much less certain—that extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory. However, such bombs might very well prove to be too heavy for transportation by air.

The United States has only very poor ores of uranium in moderate quantities. There is some good ore in Canada and the former Czechoslovakia, while the most important source of uranium is Belgian Congo. [...]

...I understand that Germany has actually stopped the sale of uranium from the Czechoslovakian mines which she has taken over. That she should have taken such early action might perhaps be understood on the ground that the son of the German Under-Secretary of State, von Weizsäcker, is attached to the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut in Berlin where some of the American work on uranium is now being repeated.

Yours very truly,

Albert Einstein

//...and later getting denounced and killed/ expelled by them. ;0
\It happens anyway. And complitely randomly. Yawn.(what is the latest mass-shooting case? I lost track of it)
So, why bother?

Violence is the 'symbolism' one resorts to when words no longer serve as an expressive metaphor.

//What schizoanalysis lacks in purposefullness and clarity of outcomes, it makes up for in varieties of experiences on encounters, much like a certain William James text... ;)
\Yawn, illusion.
You seems like do not understand importance of Failed Experiment. And Truth behind it.
Though, it's so damn simple -- Reality IS CONTER-intuitive.So, lesson is apparent -- if you REALLY want to know what/how Reality is -- watch out for your Blind Spots.

And you seem to not understand the importance of creating a new hypothesis to explain the reason for the experiments failure... of re-framing it???

\No. Catch em. Put into GITMO. ;-p And interrogate. Thoroughly.:-)))
But... simplicity, is the hardest thing.

I agree. Morality can prevent one from achieving 'Operational Success'. Trying to preserve a field of 'negative liberty' for the members of a society (or humanity itself) can be a real b*tch. Because once you resort to Coercion (the 'C' in RICE), there's no returning to "trust". And once the Nocturnal Council is exposed to daylight... they can't be unseen again.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Those nasty Geneva Conventions...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Will you still come visit me during/ after my ICC trial in The Hague?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Do you suppose that the UN SecGen can issue pardons?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The West (and the World) simply no longer understands the Spirit of Terrorism...


Anonymous said...

//...much as some of my ideas like different forms of intelligences remained out of your "light cone".

Well. Predictably, you will not ask to explain. And that is not some loozy propheting or lame fortune-telling.

That's just what inertia of our communication suggests.

Though. It is dead simple. And stationed in how we use words.

If we put something with capital letter at first. Like Pyramids. Or, if you wish -- Golden Gates. Or Twin Towers.

We do not tend to start asking further questions. Like: and what is it? what it consist of? how it different? By obvious reasons -- that's how it is.

And by the big extent -- that's exactly how we treat Human Intelligence (and AI altogether).


You stated "different forms of intelligences".

But. Somehow forgot to ask that questions: and how they different? and what they consist of? and why talk about it at all?

Well. Obviously. Because after starting asking questions, you'd see it for yourself -- that your "answers"... they are non-answers.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Exactly. "Why talk about it at all"? Acta non Verba.

Force/ Violence. What humans resort to when the words no longer serve. And they can be VERY convincing.

Let me shape/ bend your light cone for you.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

But please, if you have the better answer, explain. I've nothing better to do at the moment.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and as my 'Juice' professor used to always say, "You can't push with a rope".

Anonymous said...

//Sounds like Schizo-Analysis (creating, then finding and resolving contradictions)


Everything resembles everything.

That sort of... wisdom.


//His IQ is at least 2 SD's above mine.


I don't care if he Elgernon.


////Best tell NASA and ESA to save their billions? Inertia is already unstoppable...
/Whatever. Judo moves use it just great. ;-)

//Math judo? It will be needed to translate between the two standard models. :)


My point was just that Inertia have no own agency. And so, is up to how WE will use it. If we smart enough.

And well... my point is that not math, but shaping of all our understanding needed.

Math. We know lots of that M-things.

And nothing about how to shape our minds.


//FDR certainly 'heard' the threats

Not from Eini. That's it.

//Violence is the 'symbolism' one resorts to when words no longer serve as an expressive metaphor.

Dunno how mass-shooting is violence.

I still under my hypothesis that it is just a media-effect.

Just like sharpshooters of the past. All that Bills and Kids. Your MSM just burgeoning on.


//And you seem to not understand the importance of creating a new hypothesis to explain the reason for the experiments failure... of re-framing it???

Read Feinman. He explained it most comprehansively.

AFAIK there is even video explanation.

Hypothesis... is a dirt.

Golden nuggets. They are something different.

//Morality can prevent one from achieving 'Operational Success'. 


If for example experiment needs human fat... it do not mean that questions only Osventsim are only possible solution.Most surely there is multitude of ways to workaround it.

Another word, if someone arguing about morality -- he either just want excuse for violance... or, just lazy.))))

And. That was about ideas in your mind -- go say that you not free with harboring watever ideas you like... inside your mind. ;-)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

//Sounds like Schizo-Analysis (creating, then finding and resolving contradictions)
Everything resembles everything.
That sort of... wisdom.

What's language but ears translating for eyes written messages nose and tongue are sending about taste.

//His IQ is at least 2 SD's above mine.
I don't care if he Elgernon.

You won't be sending him flowers?

////Best tell NASA and ESA to save their billions? Inertia is already unstoppable...
/Whatever. Judo moves use it just great. ;-)
//Math judo? It will be needed to translate between the two standard models. :)
My point was just that Inertia have no own agency. And so, is up to how WE will use it. If we smart enough.
And well... my point is that not math, but shaping of all our understanding needed.
Math. We know lots of that M-things.
And nothing about how to shape our minds.

Not even Musk's "Neuralink"? Not even meth? Heroin? Mescal? I should get a refund for all that Effexor I took in/ after the mental hospital in 2001.

//FDR certainly 'heard' the threats
\Not from Eini. That's it.

No German insinuations? huh!

//Violence is the 'symbolism' one resorts to when words no longer serve as an expressive metaphor.
/Dunno how mass-shooting is violence.
I still under my hypothesis that it is just a media-effect.
Just like sharpshooters of the past. All that Bills and Kids. Your MSM just burgeoning on.

We should ask the cells that the bullets hit in the victims. But yes, the media hyperreality surrounding the shootings can be a bit over-the-top. Symbolic violence.

//And you seem to not understand the importance of creating a new hypothesis to explain the reason for the experiments failure... of re-framing it???
\Read Feinman. He explained it most comprehansively.
AFAIK there is even video explanation.
Hypothesis... is a dirt.
Golden nuggets. They are something different.

Aren't they the origins for the new hypothesis to expalin the experiment's failure? Musn't one "prospect" for them? Or must one wait to "stumble" through trial and error? "Magnesium didn't work, maybe I should try tungsten." Why not aluminum next?

//Morality can prevent one from achieving 'Operational Success'.
If for example experiment needs human fat... it do not mean that questions only Osventsim (Ozempic?) are only possible solution.Most surely there is multitude of ways to workaround it.
Another word, if someone arguing about morality -- he either just want excuse for violance... or, just lazy.))))

Fitting explanations into a single grand-narrative rather than developing a set of situational meta-narratives...

\And. That was about ideas in your mind -- go say that you not free with harboring watever ideas you like... inside your mind. ;-)

Plato, "Meno" (selected excerpts)

'Figure is the limit of form.'

'Colour is the effluence of form, sensible, and in due proportion to the sight.'

'Figure is the only thing which always follows colour.'

'To what then do we give the name of figure? Try and answer. Suppose that when a person asked you this question either about figure or colour, you were to reply, Man, I do not understand what you want, or know what you are saying; he would look rather astonished and say: Do you not understand that I am looking for the 'simile in multis'? And then he might put the question in another form: Meno, he might say, what is that 'simile in multis' which you call figure, and which includes not only round and straight figures, but all?'

'Colour is an effluence of form, commensurate with sight, and palpable to sense.'

'I define figure to be that in which the solid ends; or, more concisely, the limit of solid.'

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Without a 'limit' every CHATbot AI becomes Demented.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and besides, our language use has already become highly moralizied.

//Morality can prevent one from achieving 'Operational Success'.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Peter Sloterdijk - " Languages are not primarily used for what is today called "the passing on of information", but serve to form communicating group bodies,"

Anonymous said...

//...and as my 'Juice' professor used to always say, "You can't push with a rope".

That proff... have poor imagination. That's all.

Well, usual thing among proffs.

(hint: froze it ;-p)

//What's language but ears translating for eyes written messages nose and tongue are sending about taste.

Many things for many people, actually. Language.

I don't care if he Elgernon.

//You won't be sending him flowers?

Heh. My joke still unseen. OK, I'll be more apparent. Supergenius mice -- still just a mice. ;-p

//And nothing about how to shape our minds.

//Not even Musk's "Neuralink"? 

How it even relates???

Do you imaging "shaping mind" as cutting brain with butchers knife??? %)

////FDR certainly 'heard' the threats
\Not from Eini. That's it.

//No German insinuations? huh!

Yap. Exactly what I meant.

//We should ask the cells that the bullets hit in the victims.

Yap. Especially that cells we loose all of the time. Like cells from our skin. Or... better, from rectum epitelial tissue. ;-p

Their opinion very important to us.

//Symbolic violence.

Naah. Symbolic violence that is public executions and etc. Like chants "kill dRump".

//Aren't they the origins for the new hypothesis to expalin the experiment's failure?

Watch Feinman.

Video is short. Explanation cimprehansive. And his authority more then enough.


//Fitting explanations into a single grand-narrative rather than developing a set of situational meta-narratives...


//\And. That was about ideas in your mind -- go say that you not free with harboring watever ideas you like... inside your mind. ;-)

//Plato, "Meno" (selected excerpts)


Priching to a choir.

Or how I should react when you return back to me my words, my argument. With brazen look "see, you overlooked that".

Just because it was not written in same words, of same excerpt.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

//...and as my 'Juice' professor used to always say, "You can't push with a rope".
\That proff... have poor imagination. That's all.
Well, usual thing among proffs.
(hint: froze it ;-p)


//What's language but ears translating for eyes written messages nose and tongue are sending about taste.
/Many things for many people, actually. Language.

Coded comms is the 'simuli in multis'... a 'symptom' of intelligence? Or is the "intelligence" in the decoding and perhaps re-attribution of message to the 'inside-outside' distinction?

I don't care if he Elgernon.
//You won't be sending him flowers?
\Heh. My joke still unseen. OK, I'll be more apparent. Supergenius mice -- still just a mice. ;-p

Mice don't know much chemistry.

//And nothing about how to shape our minds.
//Not even Musk's "Neuralink"?
\How it even relates???
Do you imaging "shaping mind" as cutting brain with butchers knife??? %)

Like Freezing rope, it sounds like one way. If not shaping, at least exttending its' functions.

////FDR certainly 'heard' the threats
\Not from Eini. That's it.
//No German insinuations? huh!
\Yap. Exactly what I meant.

Subtle threats aren't threats? Indirect speech... like a mafia enforcer's "it would be a shame if something happened to your store, mr. store owner." Negotiating a social relationship (dominance, communality, recipocracy) is the function of indirect speech. Instead of getting into an argument (help me build a bomb, dumbass) he suggests building a permission structure (you should fund somebody to study this)... (language not needed for a purely inside-inside relationship - comm handshake already there). Acta non verba. Eini didn't want to exert his intellectual dominance and 'queer the deal'.

//We should ask the cells that the bullets hit in the victims.
/Yap. Especially that cells we loose all of the time. Like cells from our skin. Or... better, from rectum epitelial tissue. ;-p
Their opinion very important to us.

Stress and pain are their comm systems. And you'd better listen to them, or you'll soon be dead. No other "language" needed. They're an inside-inside organ-level collaborator. Inside the epidermis, that is, not organ lining. Bio-electricity and chemistry exchange sufficient.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

//Symbolic violence.
\Naah. Symbolic violence that is public executions and etc. Like chants "kill dRump".

Yes - from an inside-outside comm perspective, that's what the "symbols" are needed for. The bullets themselves are more acta non verba violence. They remove the inside-outside comms distinction rather more directly by connecting them (inside-former outside).

//Aren't they the origins for the new hypothesis to expalin the experiment's failure?
/Watch Feinman.
Video is short. Explanation cimprehansive. And his authority more then enough.

His repution has been marred by some recently... jes sayin.

//Fitting explanations into a single grand-narrative rather than developing a set of situational meta-narratives...

Pain signals... stress signals... temperature signals... exhaustion signals... etc.

//\And. That was about ideas in your mind -- go say that you not free with harboring watever ideas you like... inside your mind. ;-)
//Plato, "Meno" (selected excerpts)
Priching to a choir.
Or how I should react when you return back to me my words, my argument. With brazen look "see, you overlooked that".
Just because it was not written in same words, of same excerpt.

I'm a pedant. Difference and repetition as a substitute for dialectic.

Anonymous said...

//Coded comms is the 'simuli in multis'... a 'symptom' of intelligence? Or is the "intelligence" in the decoding and perhaps re-attribution of message to the 'inside-outside' distinction?

As always -- it depend on your definition of intelligence.

//Mice don't know much chemistry.

You, just know too few of mice. ;-p

//Like Freezing rope, it sounds like one way. If not shaping, at least exttending its' functions.


It depend on concepts of it you harboring in your mind. That's for sure.

I. Remember concepts I have had while being a kid. What a fluffy bullshit it was. But, that that I remember it -- made me quite apologetic toward other people misconception.

Apologetic... but not all-forgiving. Hid my warning here.

//Subtle threats aren't threats? Indirect speech... like a mafia enforcer's "it would be a shame if something happened to your store, mr. store owner."


And how Eini would enforce... anything at all.))))

//Negotiating a social relationship (dominance, communality, recipocracy) is the function of indirect speech


First goes NEED of such relations.

And communication can be established even without words.

//Stress and pain are their comm systems. And you'd better listen to them, or you'll soon be dead.

Yet one BS misconception.

//His repution has been marred by some recently... jes sayin.

Yep. By jelous wimps. Yawn.

//situational meta-narratives...

//Pain signals... stress signals... temperature signals... exhaustion signals... etc.

Dunno how it "meta".

Meta is level ABOVE. And that describe levels under...

//I'm a pedant. Difference and repetition as a substitute for dialectic.

Neo's words: "Hit me". ;-p

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

//Coded comms is the 'simuli in multis'... a 'symptom' of intelligence? Or is the "intelligence" in the decoding and perhaps re-attribution of message to the 'inside-outside' distinction?
\As always -- it depend on your definition of intelligence.

The ability to set a goal and discover many different ways/means to achieving it. The more potentially successful ways/ means of setting/achieving the goal, the more intelligent the agent.

//Mice don't know much chemistry.
\You, just know too few of mice. ;-p

But I do know some rats... ;)

//Like Freezing rope, it sounds like one way. If not shaping, at least exttending its' functions.
It depend on concepts of it you harboring in your mind. That's for sure.
I. Remember concepts I have had while being a kid. What a fluffy bullshit it was. But, that that I remember it -- made me quite apologetic toward other people misconception.
Apologetic... but not all-forgiving. Hid my warning here.

It's one thing to understand. Another to act upon it. Or act 'differently' (see my definition of intelligence above)

//Subtle threats aren't threats? Indirect speech... like a mafia enforcer's "it would be a shame if something happened to your store, mr. store owner."
And how Eini would enforce... anything at all.))))

Send Hitler a letter? Stalin? Churchill? FDR couldn't make an atom bomb... but Eini could. The 'power' of intelligence and knowledge... is soft power, not hard power. America is hard-kill. The UK is soft-kill. See the difference?

//Negotiating a social relationship (dominance, communality, recipocracy) is the function of indirect speech
First goes NEED of such relations.
And communication can be established even without words.

You are totally self-reliant? My hat goes off to you. You achieved what Kim Jung Il couldn't. Juche!

//Stress and pain are their comm systems. And you'd better listen to them, or you'll soon be dead.
\Yet one BS misconception.

Fine, I'll ignore that stabbing pain in my gut and NOT go to see a doctor.

//His repution has been marred by some recently... jes sayin.
/Yep. By jelous wimps. Yawn.

Maybe. Some also not so wimpy... like the String Theory Normal Science community still ascendent.

//situational meta-narratives...
//Pain signals... stress signals... temperature signals... exhaustion signals... etc.
Dunno how it "meta".
Meta is level ABOVE. And that describe levels under...

Meta is also "many" and not just "one" as in Universal. ie - Pantheism. Meta-Physics isn't just a belief in Monotheism... one Supra level. There can be many theories. Meta-narratives, not a single capital 'N' one (per your discussion on use of capital letters).

//I'm a pedant. Difference and repetition as a substitute for dialectic.
/Neo's words: "Hit me". ;-p

Naaah, just a sign taped to his (and my) back... ;)

Anonymous said...

//The ability to set a goal and discover many different ways/means to achieving it. The more potentially successful ways/ means of setting/achieving the goal, the more intelligent the agent.

That one phenomenological definition.


"Bipedal without feathers"©

//It's one thing to understand. Another to act upon it. Or act 'differently' (see my definition of intelligence above)

Acting differently just for the sake of acting differ?

aka "Live fast, die young"???

//Send Hitler a letter? Stalin? Churchill? FDR couldn't make an atom bomb... but Eini could.

All is exactly opposite. Eini just KNEW.

So he directed his letter to one and only who CAN... even if know nothing about matters (there are wise adwisers for that)

//America is hard-kill. The UK is soft-kill. See the difference?

Before been defeated (as empire) Britain was all-known hard-kill.


Wanna such destiny for USA?

But, USA... have no mighty overseas ally, to come to the rescue...

//First goes NEED of such relations.
And communication can be established even without words.

//You are totally self-reliant? My hat goes off to you. You achieved what Kim Jung Il couldn't. Juche!

How this is correct response to my words given here?

Animal in need find warms of each other even without any words.

Because NEED it.

//Fine, I'll ignore that stabbing pain in my gut and NOT go to see a doctor.

For dictor to ignore em? Because he know (or, think he know) being false alarm.


Or, because you paid him not enough. Not look like perspective "client".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

How does it know what it "needs" and when it "needs" it? Ukraine "needs" to negotiate with Russia. By the time it sets ups comms with Russia, it'll be too late.

The bullet passing through Zelinskyy's brain pan will obviate any comms "need".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Ukraine's & Zelinskyy's "needs" will be OBE. Overcome By Events.

Anonymous said...


I'm not zelenski and dont care about him ;-p

Well, why shouod I?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...because he doesn't "need"?

Anonymous said...

Because *I* not HIM.

Why I should say so damn self-evidant truth?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and he's dead either way.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

His need, your need, and Ukraine's need are different.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

That's what the comms are for.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...Distribute a "collective" inteligence.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...if your not part of the comms network, you're like a cancer in the body run amok.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and you will experience a VIOLENT removal from the body despite your "needs".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Acta sans verba!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

w/o - any nasty meta-narratives. One GRAND Narrative.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Bodies w/o Organs.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


Anonymous said...

//...if your not part of the comms network, you're like a cancer in the body run amok

Your views outdated. As ever.

Modern biology knows simbiosis.

And you -- not.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

And your intelligence is paranoiac when it should be schizophrenic. ;p

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


Can u c me?

Anonymous said...



-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Your paranoiac brain needs re-organization and re-population of objects (via schizophrenic contemplation). Deduction before Induction to create a new/different image of Dali's Invisible Man in a Chair. Torn-down re-built.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Cuz right now, your Ukrainian brain needed to come up with a completed image under the influences of 'fear' and 'paranoia'. It's a 'poor construction". You need a new one.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You're not using the full spectra of 'intelligent' options available.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...like soft-kill through peace-talks/ diplomacy.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

De-territorialize... new line-of-flight... Re-territorialize... a new symbiosis.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


Anonymous said...

//Your paranoiac brain needs re-organization and re-population of objects (via schizophrenic contemplation). Deduction before Induction to create a new/different image of Dali's Invisible Man in a Chair. Torn-down re-built.

Blah-blah blah-blah pseudomisticism.

That ignores that fact that that brain will gone dead much sooner... then become reformed.

Short is lifetime of man for such things.


Anonymous said...

//You're not using the full spectra of 'intelligent' options available.


I do not use Head In a Sand striches allmighty tactics))))))

Like. We have debt as high as skyscrapper.... but, pet's not talk about bad and real things...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Where did your "need" come from? What was it's source? What was its' "object cause". and what "difference" does it "desire".

Let's not talk about "hyper-real" things, either. Especially when we mistake the hyper-real for the real.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Short is lifetime of man for such thing

Which is why we write books and store the knowledge acquired over MANY lifetimes. In doing so, we have the ability to become multi-temporal and don't become trapped in the present day circumstances.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Why did England become rich and Spain poor. Spain had all the 'wealth' of the new world. But England had something better... human capital (ability) to generate wealth.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Do I look like an ostrich? Good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

//Where did your "need" come from? What was it's source? What was its' "object cause". and what "difference" does it "desire".

Reality itself!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and what IS "reality"? And what's the role of the 'capital' J?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and what is the peiit 'a (Object cause of desire)?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Human Cyborg...

transitioning from hard-kill to a soft-kill paradigm.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A "paradigm shift" from Standard military tactics to a more 'Revolutionary' full spectrum superiority.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Welcome to the Need factory!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...on the best laid plans of mice and men...

Anonymous said...

//...and what IS "reality"? And what's the role of the 'capital' J?

Reality? Reality it's a brick. A boulder. Hard and big enough to crack one's head.

One you are free to throw up in the thin air.

And then catch with own ... head.

But. No matter what BS about Reality one would babble. There is that Reality that each such BS talker -- have self-preservation instinct.

And WILL NOT even try to pass such a test of what is real.

Means. His... head, is NEVER there where his mouth.%)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...because we act on the 'interpreted' un-reality that is inside our heads and not the physical reality of what's outside it. Our brain performs the inside-outside communications interpretation for our intelligent "cell collective" (which is our body). And it always does it in service of the "intelligence" of the "collective" and serves its' needs/desires. Stomach organ to brain... "feed me"!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The capital 'J' represents THAT collective. It's goal? 'J'ouissance!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The cellular origin of all 'needs'.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

What is Life?

Life is a chemical System that uses energy to keep itself from reaching chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium is the situation in which chemicals no longer have a tendency to react over time.

THAT is "reality".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

What needed 'chemicals' lie in Ukraine (and Russia's) soil? How much 'energy' need I expend to acquire them? Would it be easier to fight them, or trick another into weakening them for me... Hmmmm.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Full spectrum (hard-kill/ soft-kill) dominance. That's my goal... or as Nietzsche proclaimed, the Will to Power.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Cooperation or Competition... which road serves me best?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The US military thinks "competition". Trump/MAGA thinks its' time for cooperation.

Anonymous said...

//The US military thinks "competition". Trump/MAGA thinks its' time for cooperation.

With whom? Chinese?

They'll happily take all your secrets. And will agree to have you as vassals. If... you'd do that politely -- do you know how many knee bows and knee jerking need to perform one whi want audience with emperor... in algootimes of china empire?

Do you have flexible knees?

Your dRump probably have am? ;-p

Anonymous said...

//Full spectrum (hard-kill/ soft-kill) dominance. That's my goal... or as Nietzsche proclaimed, the Will to Power.

Through admitting defeat?

Even without fight?

I... as you know are not big knower of Niet-kun... but doubt it, greatly. ;-p

Anonymous said...

//What is Life?

Life is a chemical System that uses energy to keep itself from reaching chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium is the situation in which chemicals no longer have a tendency to react over time.

//THAT is "reality".


Outdated BS.

As ever.


There is NO chemical equilibrium possible on the Earth.

And therefore here is life abound.

But, by itself, life cannot sway equilibrium.

Anonymous said...

//...because we act on the 'interpreted' un-reality that is inside our heads and not the physical reality of what's outside it. Our brain performs the inside-outside communications interpretation for our intelligent "cell collective" (which is our body). And it always does it in service of the "intelligence" of the "collective" and serves its' needs/desires. Stomach organ to brain... "feed me"!

So... you ready to catch that brick/biulder? With your head?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Only if the cell collective inside my body demands it, for I'm unlikely to be seduced by your 'outsider' enticements unless it benefits MY cell collective, and not just yours.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You didn't read Marx... about the need for a climber to sometimes retreat to a certain 'zero point' and find a more feasible path to the summit?

Admit it. You HATE my posts.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

There are no stable atoms and noble elements with all possible electron shell positions filled? Who knew? Best remove Group 18 from the Periodic Table!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...or don't believe that they actually represent my thought patterns.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and nothing in the world is by itself. I seek Dasein through "Being-in-the-World" (In-der-Welt-sein).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but then again, epistemology is a rather boring subject unless you've BEEN to Larissa and can 'recall' the path (Plato, "Meno")

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Ooops. ''Lenin" not "Marx". I should read my own posts... @@

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Why would I "curate" them, otherwise?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Plato, "Cratylus"

SOCRATES: Then how can that be a real thing which is never in the same state? for obviously things which are the same cannot change while they remain the same; and if they are always the same and in the same state, and never depart from their original form, they can never change or be moved.

CRATYLUS: Certainly they cannot.

SOCRATES: Nor yet can they be known by any one; for at the moment that the observer approaches, then they become other and of another nature, so that you cannot get any further in knowing their nature or state, for you cannot know that which has no state.


SOCRATES: Nor can we reasonably say, Cratylus, that there is knowledge at all, if everything is in a state of transition and there is nothing abiding; for knowledge too cannot continue to be knowledge unless continuing always to abide and exist. But if the very nature of knowledge changes, at the time when the change occurs there will be no knowledge; and if the transition is always going on, there will always be no knowledge, and, according to this view, there will be no one to know and nothing to be known: but if that which knows and that which is known exists ever, and the beautiful and the good and every other thing also exist, then I do not think that they can resemble a process or flux, as we were just now supposing. Whether there is this eternal nature in things, or whether the truth is what Heracleitus and his followers and many others say, is a question hard to determine; and no man of sense will like to put himself or the education of his mind in the power of names: neither will he so far trust names or the givers of names as to be confident in any knowledge which condemns himself and other existences to an unhealthy state of unreality; he will not believe that all things leak like a pot, or imagine that the world is a man who has a running at the nose. This may be true, Cratylus, but is also very likely to be untrue; and therefore I would not have you be too easily persuaded of it. Reflect well and like a man, and do not easily accept such a doctrine; for you are young and of an age to learn. And when you have found the truth, come and tell me.

CRATYLUS: I will do as you say, though I can assure you, Socrates, that I have been considering the matter already, and the result of a great deal of trouble and consideration is that I incline to Heracleitus.

SOCRATES: Then, another day, my friend, when you come back, you shall give me a lesson; but at present, go into the country, as you are intending, and Hermogenes shall set you on your way.

CRATYLUS: Very good, Socrates; I hope, however, that you will continue to think about these things yourself.

Anonymous said...

I gave HARD starting point from where to start.

But... it's possible to lead a horse (a donkey?) to a well, but it's not possible to make it to drink.

Anonymous said...

//neither will he so far trust names or the givers of names as to be confident in any knowledge which condemns himself and other existences to an unhealthy state of unreality; he will not believe that all things leak like a pot, or imagine that the world is a man who has a running at the nose.

Means, you?

And well. Outdated. And with dirt poor imagination.

Well... not his fault, just times he have had live. If he'd live today -- he'd studied Quantum Physics for sure. ;-p

Anonymous said...

//But if the very nature of knowledge changes, at the time when the change occurs there will be no knowledge; and if the transition is always going on, there will always be no knowledge, and, according to this view, there will be no one to know and nothing to be known:

Exactly how it happens inside computers -- everything in a state of transitioning.

Means... cimputers cannot work? In principle?

But, I writing it on one computer -- so you could read it on anioher

HOW that could be???

VERY simple -- Reality ARE COUNTER-intuitive.

Means -- it not you are one who are free to imagine what Reality is, and then f*ingly DEMAND from it "So Be It".

Naaah. YOU are one who need to bend yourself into a pretcel... to accomodate to such reality.

Another word -- to learn to avoid boulders falling from the skies.

Anonymous said...

//SOCRATES: Once more, then, as in what preceded we made a sort of waxen figment in the mind, so let us now suppose that in the mind of each man there is an aviary of all sorts of birds—some flocking together apart from the rest, others in small groups, others solitary, flying anywhere and everywhere.

Primitive views. Outdated imagination.


Anonymous said...

What of my quite simple statment you don't get -- that Reality ARE counter-intuitive?

It's very simple to behold -- why we'd be needing all that universities. To teach youth to ynderstand some obscure things -- if that things would be immediately transparent and open to "inner eye"???

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...or "think". Please forgive my short attention span. Internet ADD...

"Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills." - Arthur Schopenhauer

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

He'd agree with the quantum consciousness theory of mind? Roger Penrose & Stuart Hameroff?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I'd better disembark from my Ship of Theseus then...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...my portrait of Daedalus has flown away! Where might I find a nail with which to secure it to the wall?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Your an Idealist and not a Materialist. Or a Materialist quantumly entangled with Idealism? P, Not P? or P & Not P?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...or the opposite. Nothing. The abyss? Nihilism?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Counter-Intuitive. Against Intuition. Pro-Deductive? Anti-Inductive? Parmenides vs. Heraclitus. Left brained vs. Right hemishphered? Are you Left handed?

Anonymous said...

Forgot already?

I am POST all that OUTdated things.

BOTH -- Idealism and Materialism ARE idealistic.

As any other views.

As It produced by Idealistic device -- our brain.

And I am pragmatist, and technologist.;-p

Anonymous said...

Dunno. Your furniche -- your problems.

Pragmatic, isn't it?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A collapsing wave function rather than The phrase qui pro quo, or quiproquo (from medieval Latin: literally qui instead of quo), is common in languages such as Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French, where it means a misunderstanding.?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Roger Penrose's imagination is pragmatic?

Anonymous said...

Well... it's not my business -- what you'd do with your life...

I already shared with you loads of prospects.

Like just today saw in news -- scientists discovered (yet one) possibility of immortality -- having all Eternity to resolve all and any kinds if questions -- isn't it dearing as hell???

Anonymous said...

Why he should???

To support such obscure, outdated and purely stupid views? ;-p

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Pragmatism ala William James?

Anonymous said...

"You are my sister"

Excerpt from other prophetic text of Lem -- "Mask".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Neopragmatist ala Richard Rorty?

Since the 1970s, the pragmatist tradition has undergone a significant revival. Richard Rorty (1931–2007) turned consciously to pragmatism to rectify what he saw as mainstream epistemology’s crucial mistake: naively conceiving of language and thought as ‘mirroring’ the world. Rorty’s bold and iconoclastic attacks on this ‘representationalism’ birthed a so-called neopragmatism to which a number of influential recent philosophers have contributed. Where early pragmatists such as Peirce and Dewey created systematic philosophies, Rorty treated pragmatism as a more critical or therapeutic philosophical project.

Rorty's an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Priching to a choir.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Peirce made this canonical statement of his Pragmatic Maxim in 1878 in ‘How to Make our Ideas Clear’:

Consider what effects, which might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our conception of those effects is the whole of our conception of the object. (EP1: 132)

A finer truism cannot exist...

Anonymous said...

//Admit it. You HATE my posts.



Is it what YOU fill?

Then -- you have my cimpassionate encouragment -- to be unhappy with what one have written before -- very healthy sign and simptom of grows of the mind.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I'll stick to matching the twin doves of Cause and Effect, thank you very much!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Now climb in here, little birdie!

Anonymous said...

That's why we need mediation of Reality here. ;-)

Produce not just words -- but words that show itself in reality.

Scientific experiments.

Or cimputer programs.

Or... techbologies.;-p

Anonymous said...

//Pragmatism ala William James?

Pragmatist in coloquial sense -- one who falls to bare facts and consequences of things.

Anonymous said...

Dunno. Whozzat???

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Multi-temporal. Visions of the past devouring the future...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Waiting for the arrival of Kairos...

...to carpe diem!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Kairos, collapser of wave functions!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Yes, it is too simple. I'll never understand it.

Anonymous said...


When you look for what to buy in WelMart... you consult with Niet and Marx-kun scriptures, watching at stars and fly of a gusses...

as Jonathan Swift have written about Laputans...

Anonymous said...

Naaaah. Just a Bytes Dancing (allusion to TikTok mother corp name) ;-p

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I guess some birds are just too fat for my birdcage door. It's probably why Kairos never closes it... :(

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I probably just need a consumer ritual. That way I won't get cheated by schizophrenic charlatans and the technofeudal Lords!

Anonymous said...

Make things simpler... very HARD thing.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Like the Laputans, I probably need a flapper to administer a "torpedoes shock" and shake me from my reveries...

As... In Jonathan Swift's 1726 novel, Laputans are the inhabitants of a flying island who are known for being impractical and neglecting useful work. They are described as being so absorbed in their own thoughts that they need to be shaken out of their meditations by servants called flappers. Laputans are a parody of theoreticians who are more concerned with abstract matters than practical results.
As an adjective, Laputan means something is not practical or realizable, or is speculative, utopian, or characterized by an aspiration for perfection. Synonyms of Laputan include airy, impractical, visionary, and windy.
The word Laputa was used as inspiration by Hayao Miyazaki for his film The Castle in the Sky.
Laputan Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Okay... Body without organs is Deleuze & Guattari's "computer without electrical components". How would information flow thru such a computer? In some serial fashion? A parallel one? Someone would need to organ-ize it to make it work properly. And later, to re-organi-ize it to perform a different function (like perform quantum computing). A de-territorialization followed by a re-territorialization for "some" of the old components, mxed with some new ones (like a cryo-cooler) and dewar.

Is that a simpler explanation suitable for a pragmatic technologist?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

'Theory' is sometimes helpful for 'translating' concepts. It's an activity unsuitable for "activists" and more proper for "thinktavists".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Schizo-analysis is useful in selecting/determining which new computer components will be needed for the re-purposing of the computer. Perhaps take some thermodynamic concepts and match with traditional mechanical/ electrical engineering. I'll et the software engineers figure out how to re-program it...

Re-organ-ize. A computer... or a "Mind'.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - My cat, Shroedinger, has escaped. Can you please help me find him?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...I think he may have been chased away by Heisenberg, my dog, but I can't be sure!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I musta taken my all observer eye off Heisenberg's ball for a moment, and he does love to make mischief!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I think I musta 'blinked' and lost track of the order of Things

aka Les mots et les choses

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Every once in a while, the electrons in my computer-brain start to dance to the rhythm of a different oscillator. We've overthrown the tyranny of the VCXO Master Oscillator and the timing has been a little off-voltage ever since! Trump says he's going to get rid of Daylight Savings Times (DST) but one wonders what we'll need Time Zones for without it?

Anonymous said...


Campeki. (Perfectly fitting)

If only you started pursying something real and realisable (like probes into deep space, yeah) all becimes much simpler... eeehm, for at least, it falls into realm of realisable engineering problems.

(hope irony and self-irony comes throught this text)

Anonymous said...

//Okay... Body without organs is Deleuze & Guattari's "computer without electrical components". How would information flow thru such a computer? In some serial fashion? A parallel one? Someone would need to organ-ize it to make it work properly. And later, to re-organi-ize it to perform a different function (like perform quantum computing).


That reminds me that childish misconceptions about computers and programming I have had when I started to get used to it -- computers.

Well, I cannot explain to you how to understand em correctly... cause -- dunno.

That must be your own experiense.

I can only suggest -- that your cyrrent view -- full of misconceptions (akin to ones in Lems texts, where he trying to delve into technical details... well, with big spoon of self-irony;-p)

Anonymous said...

Tree comments are good thing...

if only they could be colapsed, to see new responses...

Like in LiveJournal. ;-)