Socrates was known for his 'irony', Diogenes his 'cynicism'. There was no greater supporter of the Athenian regime than the 'ironic' Socrates. So by Zizekian definition, Socrates was a cynic, and Diogenes an ironist...?
...True Openness is not that of undecidability, but that of living in the aftermath of the Event, of drawing out the consequence -- of what? Precisely of the new space opened up by the Event. The anxiety of which Cereau (1) speaks is the anxiety of the act.
Today's propaganda -- not just in the narrow political sense -- targets the very possibility of all such Openness: it fights against something to which it is structurally blind -- not the actual counter-forces (political opponents), but the possibility (the utopian revolutionary-emancipatory potential) which is immanent to the situation:The goal of all enemy propaganda is not to annihilate an existing force (this function is generally left to police forces), but rather to annihilate an unnoticed possibility of the situation. This possibility is also unnoticed by those who conduct this propaganda, since its features are to be simultaneously immanent to the situation and not to appear in it, (2)
This is why enemy propaganda against radical emancipatory politics is by definition cynical -- not in the simple sense of not believing its own words, but at a bunch more basic level: it is cynical precisely insofar as it does believe its own words, since its message is a resigned conviction that the world we live in, if not the best of all possible worlds, is the least bad one, so that any radical change can only make it worse.
(1) Patrice Chereau, cited in Patrick Carnegy's "Wagner and the Art of Theatre"
(2) Alain Badiou, "Seminar on Plato's 'Republic', (unpublished), Feb 13, 2008
Zizek & Gunjevic, "God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse"
...of course, since Socrates would be the first to state that he in fact "knew nothing" of the subject, would likely exonerate him from the charge.
PS- And shouldn't all "radical revolutionary-emancipatory politics" by Zizekian definition be labelled "cynical"...since they, too, are "structurally blind" and know not either all the "unexamined possibilities" opened up by the revolutionary Event in the firm belief that the ensuing world will be a "better" one?