
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Celebrating Our American Heritage!

For a Fool
On earth the wise man makes the rules,
And is the fool's advisor,
But here the wise are as the fools,
(And no man is the wiser).

For One Who Gaily Sowed His Oats
My days were a thing for me to live,
For others to deplore;
I took of life all it could give;
Rind, inner fruit, and core.

For a Wanton
To men no more than so much cover
For them to doff or try,
I find in death a constant lover;
Here in his arms I lie.

For a Preacher
Vanity of vanities,
All us vanity; yea,
Even the rod He flayed you with
Crumbled and turned to clay.
Countee Cullen, "Epitaphs"


FreeThinke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gert said...

That was hilarious. A bit 'cramped', maybe!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Simply represents the level of contempt I'm feeling for our current political "parties".

FreeThinke said...

_______ THE UNHOLY TRINITY _______

________ A Mourning Meditation ________

When next you must excrete, please take the time
To gaze upon the contents of the bowl.
You will see there the Naked Face of Crime ––
The Devil’s version of The Trinity ––
A monstrous, odious, tri-partite Whole
Whose stench persists into Infinity.
For Evil stalked and plagued us in The Garden
Tempting us to sacrifice our Soul
For the pleasure of the Nether Region’s Warden.
You will, of course, be eager quick to flush
Away the proof that Hell, indeed, exists,
And yet, like an inebriated lush
Your mad delusion steadily persists:
That no excretory stench from you exists!

~ Frank Lee A. Farceur

FreeThinke said...


Be aware totalitarians

Spring not just from vain Aryans.

They can be Ecclesiastical

Or fanatically fantastical ––

Idealistic –– nihilistic ––

Or just plain barbarians.

A tyrant is a tyrant is a tyrant,

Whether coming from the Right or Left.

He'll bite you and afflict you like a fire ant,

And then reduce your store of wealth by theft.

~ Anne Animus

FreeThinke said...


A bilious temperament may shower
Many a lush and fragrant bower
With noxious regurgitation
Withering blooms and vegetation.
But roots of every healthy plant
Remain immune to toxic cant.
And soon the stink will clear away
As Beauty returns renewed by Decay.

~ FreeThinke

FreeThinke said...


I. The Minor Poet

His little trills and chirpings were his best.

No music like the nightingale's was born

Within his throat; but he, too, laid his breast

Upon a thorn.

II. The Pretty Lady

She hated bleak and wintry things alone.

All that was warm and quick, she loved too well ––

A light, a flame, a heart against her own;

It is forever bitter cold, in Hell.

III. The Very Rich Man

He'd have the best, and that was none too good;

No barrier could hold, before his terms.

He lies below, correct in cypress wood,

And entertains the most exclusive worms.

IV. The Fisherwoman

The man she had was kind and clean

And well enough for every day,

But, oh, dear friends, you should have seen

The one that got away!

V. The Crusader

Arrived in Heaven, when his sands were run,

He seized a quill, and sat him down to tell

The local press that something should be done

About that noisy nuisance, Gabriel.

VI. The Actress

Her name, cut clear upon this marble cross,

Shines, as it shone when she was still on earth;

While tenderly the mild, agreeable moss

Obscures the figures of her date of birth.

~ Dorothy Parker (1893-1967)


VII. The Closet Case

He kept his counsel quietly, and thrived 

In secret reverie, while platitudes

And mockery from prejudice derived

Surrounded him with violent attitudes.

With faith sincere he never gave up hope,

Pursued his life with diligence and zeal,

And yet, he wound up swinging from a rope.

His death made pseudo-righteousness seem real.

~ Oxcart Wylde

FreeThinke said...

____________ FINIS ____________

When someone is of wit bereft

It's likely he comes from the Left.

What he advocates is theft

From those most able, quick and deft.

~ Anne Animus

WomanHonorThyself said...

lmbooo! I shall try this recipe right now! NOT! LOL
HAPPY SUNDAY my friend!! xoxox Keep up the great fight! :)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Thanks Angel! It's always comforting to know that you and others do!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Your first poem reminds me of Zizek's "German" toilet ideology descriptions. The Left are defintiely "French". I like to think that I'm Anglo-English. ;)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I suppose I don't mind looking at it all float there, just so long as I don't have to smell it and examine it with my fingers... In other words, the visual is sufficient. I don't need complete immersion.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...with corresponding sensory overload.

FreeThinke said...

_ Fandango in Ferguson _

They’re rioting in Ferguson
(TRA la la la la LA la!)
They’re freezing in Maine
(TRA la la la la LA!)
There’re blizzards up in Buffalo
(TRA la la la la LA la!)
And the Left Coast needs rain.
(TRA la la la la LA!)

The whole country’s fracturing
Between both the poles
The Right hates the Liberals
For their proud self-righteous goals

The blacks hate Koreans, Jews,
And Immigrants and such.
Now no one likes anybody very much!

But though we are hateful
We’re thankful and proud
That we have a tank full
Of gas of which we’re very proud,
Though we know that
Some jealous looter someday
From sheer spite will light a match
And then we will be blown away!

They’re rioting in Ferguson
(TRA la la la la LA la!)
They’re freezing in Maine
(TRA la la la la LA la!)
It’s no fun to be a white American
(TRA la la la la LA la!)
Now it’s nothing but pain.
(TRA la la la la LA!)

~ FT with apologies to Sheldon Harnick