“They saw their injured country's woe;
The flaming town, the wasted field;
Then rushed to meet the insulting foe;
They took the spear, - but left the shield.”
―Philip Freneau
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again?
Saturday, March 12, 2016
On Multitemporality... Exploring Moralities Multiculturalists Can No Longer Even Imagine
The Four Errors. Man has been reared by his errors: firstly, he saw himself always imperfect; secondly, he attributed to himself imaginary qualities; thirdly, he felt himself in a false position in relation to the animals and nature; fourthly, he always devised new tables of values, and accepted them for a time as eternal and unconditioned, so that at one time this, and at another time that human impulse or state stood first, and was ennobled in consequence. When one has deducted the effect of these four errors, one has also deducted humanity, humaneness, and "human dignity."
Oh dear! Another insufferably brash, self-absorbed DORK trying to prove he's oh-so-teddibly bright to us, but even more to convince himself.
Sorry, but I can't help but resent "The Young" daring to lecture 75-year-old me on subjects with which I've been thoroughly familiar long before these self-styled sages came into the world.
I wouldn't object if the tone, delivered with inconsiderate condescension were not so assumptive of superiority –– as though this young whippersnapper had just INVENTED ancient home truths all by his oh-so-clever self.
I see nothing too awfully wrong with his unremarkable assertions, but take umbrage at quasi-insolent manner in which he imparts his opinions. A little too reminiscent of the late, not-so-great Carl Sagan –– an arrogant know-it-all of mammoth proportions, if ever there was one.
Modesty –– even when it's affected –– is a great deal more attractive than arrogance.
His thoughts are unoriginal, I agree, but at times can be quite educational. Take him with grano salis, but please, don't a priori ignore his message. He has some good vids, even if the thoughts behind them aare not his own. It'll be hit-miss that way... but at times quite enjoyable (analyses stolen from Zizek, et al).
Nice vid. Not sure though why these are "Moralities Multiculturalists Can No Longer Even Imagine". You think modern Conservatism can still imagine them (LOL)? It does not have its recently created pedestals?
The term 'multiculturalism' itself is as recent as 1960 - 65 and may have been coined by opponents.
Modesty –– even when it's affected –– is a great deal more attractive than arrogance.
Grating on our nerves with irksome bahs Offered in a bilious spirit vile Fill with nasty thoughts some ancient Kas*. Use your time for something more worthwhile. Could you for once relent, and quit your jeering? Kindergarten kids show better manners. Your comments sound too often like Bronx cheering. Oh why must you into our works throw spanners –– Using oafish taunts and gibes and sneers? Regale us please, instead, with something pleasant. Surprise us after all these noisome jeers. Entertain –– enlighten –– give a present –– Let your mind subject itself to scouring Filth away that keeps you dark and glowering. ~ FreeThinke
____________________ *kas - (in the Netherlands and in Dutch colonies) a large cabinet of the 17th and 18th centuries, having two doors and often a number of drawers at the bottom, and usually having an elaborately painted or carved decoration with a heavy cornice. Prized today by collectors of antique furniture.
The term 'multiculturalism' itself is as recent as 1960 - 65 and may have been coined by opponents.
Indeed. THAT is when politics went "astray" and "political problems" were miraculously xformed into "cultural insurmountabilities". You couldn't tell a black person to buckle down and study, THAT would be racist... as it wasn't part of his "culture" and you couldn't expect him to have the same values...
The cultural "melting pot" became a separately compartmented "values oven".
You couldn't tell a black person to buckle down and study, THAT would be racist... as it wasn't part of his "culture" and you couldn't expect him to have the same values...
Nice try, FJ. ;-) Skilfully dodge blaming black cultural attitudes towards education by blaming the perfidious 'multicultis' instead. Transparent as a tactic and reductionist, of course.
By 1965 the Universities hadn't even been integrated yet!
Something amuses me about the Conservative mind with regards to change. First they resist it tooth and nail. Then, when modest progress is underway, they try and turn the tables and prematurely declare the process complete (see e.g. that ‘racism is now over!’ because Obama’s election). Except of course it’s far from over).
So when during a confusing period of nearly 100 years of post-abolition, relatively little was achieved and the Civil Rights movement was born and achieved much, the same calls of ‘it’s over!’ were heard (‘what are they still moaning about?’) Except... it’s still not over (how could it be when there was so much resistance to black emancipation).
By 1965 the Universities hadn't even been integrated yet!
lol! "Universal" academic integration is a multi-culturalist concept (of the "all")
Booker T Washington was college graduate. W.E.B. DuBois was a college graduate. They valued education LONG before the modern Mrs. Grundy ordained "integration" (for all).
Thanks for the vote of confidence, FT, but I'm afraid that the only votes that matters are those of the two parties to the dialectic. Rhetoric doesn't get a vote.
Oh, sorry! I knew all along along that Gert was strictly from Hunger, but avoided saying so out of a misguided desire to be polite. I'd forgotten there is a whole new breed of human intellectual-barbarians to whom being polite is insalubrious.
I found a great, old Louis Armstrong number that must have been written with someone like Gert in mind, Unfortunately, in latter years his name is now Legion:
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you, I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you, Well I let into my home, you gonna crumple at my poem I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you Now I'll be glad when you die, you rascal you,
I'll be glad, oh I'll be tickled to death, when you leave this earth it's true When you're lyin' down six feet deep, no more scorn on me you’ll heap I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you, Ah, you just ain't no good!
I'll be standin' on the corner high, when they drag your body by I'll be glad when you're gone, buried underneath the lawn I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The lyric, as originally presented, was "I'll be glad when you're dead, you bastard, you," but Alas! It was quickly bowdlerized once it moved beyond the confines of its origin. The line "You are sick. You are sick, you dirty little prick" was suppressed also.]
Oh dear! Another insufferably brash, self-absorbed DORK trying to prove he's oh-so-teddibly bright to us, but even more to convince himself.
Sorry, but I can't help but resent "The Young" daring to lecture 75-year-old me on subjects with which I've been thoroughly familiar long before these self-styled sages came into the world.
I wouldn't object if the tone, delivered with inconsiderate condescension were not so assumptive of superiority –– as though this young whippersnapper had just INVENTED ancient home truths all by his oh-so-clever self.
I see nothing too awfully wrong with his unremarkable assertions, but take umbrage at quasi-insolent manner in which he imparts his opinions.
A little too reminiscent of the late, not-so-great Carl Sagan –– an arrogant know-it-all of mammoth proportions, if ever there was one.
Modesty –– even when it's affected –– is a great deal more attractive than arrogance.
His thoughts are unoriginal, I agree, but at times can be quite educational. Take him with grano salis, but please, don't a priori ignore his message. He has some good vids, even if the thoughts behind them aare not his own. It'll be hit-miss that way... but at times quite enjoyable (analyses stolen from Zizek, et al).
This one (probably more up your alley) served as inspiration for the "Son of Ares" post, below.
Comparisons are odious. ;)
At 45 years old, I'm much older than most of humanity ever lived to be.
Discussion question: The increase in human longevity due to medicine and technology makes us more or less retrospective?
Nice vid. Not sure though why these are "Moralities Multiculturalists Can No Longer Even Imagine". You think modern Conservatism can still imagine them (LOL)? It does not have its recently created pedestals?
The term 'multiculturalism' itself is as recent as 1960 - 65 and may have been coined by opponents.
Modesty –– even when it's affected –– is a great deal more attractive than arrogance.
You should try it once.
_____________ TO A BULLY _____________
Grating on our nerves with irksome bahs
Offered in a bilious spirit vile
Fill with nasty thoughts some ancient Kas*.
Use your time for something more worthwhile.
Could you for once relent, and quit your jeering?
Kindergarten kids show better manners.
Your comments sound too often like Bronx cheering.
Oh why must you into our works throw spanners ––
Using oafish taunts and gibes and sneers?
Regale us please, instead, with something pleasant.
Surprise us after all these noisome jeers.
Entertain –– enlighten –– give a present ––
Let your mind subject itself to scouring
Filth away that keeps you dark and glowering.
~ FreeThinke
*kas - (in the Netherlands and in Dutch colonies) a large cabinet of the 17th and 18th centuries, having two doors and often a number of drawers at the bottom, and usually having an elaborately painted or carved decoration with a heavy cornice. Prized today by collectors of antique furniture.
The increase in human longevity due to medicine and technology makes us more or less retrospective?
My vote? Less. Achilles had two choices...
The term 'multiculturalism' itself is as recent as 1960 - 65 and may have been coined by opponents.
Indeed. THAT is when politics went "astray" and "political problems" were miraculously xformed into "cultural insurmountabilities". You couldn't tell a black person to buckle down and study, THAT would be racist... as it wasn't part of his "culture" and you couldn't expect him to have the same values...
The cultural "melting pot" became a separately compartmented "values oven".
...and spending his "long life" wearing a dress in Skyros wasn't considered a very "respectable" option.
You couldn't tell a black person to buckle down and study, THAT would be racist... as it wasn't part of his "culture" and you couldn't expect him to have the same values...
Nice try, FJ. ;-) Skilfully dodge blaming black cultural attitudes towards education by blaming the perfidious 'multicultis' instead. Transparent as a tactic and reductionist, of course.
By 1965 the Universities hadn't even been integrated yet!
Something amuses me about the Conservative mind with regards to change. First they resist it tooth and nail. Then, when modest progress is underway, they try and turn the tables and prematurely declare the process complete (see e.g. that ‘racism is now over!’ because Obama’s election). Except of course it’s far from over).
So when during a confusing period of nearly 100 years of post-abolition, relatively little was achieved and the Civil Rights movement was born and achieved much, the same calls of ‘it’s over!’ were heard (‘what are they still moaning about?’) Except... it’s still not over (how could it be when there was so much resistance to black emancipation).
By 1965 the Universities hadn't even been integrated yet!
lol! "Universal" academic integration is a multi-culturalist concept (of the "all")
Booker T Washington was college graduate. W.E.B. DuBois was a college graduate. They valued education LONG before the modern Mrs. Grundy ordained "integration" (for all).
...THAT is the moment when getting an education went from "being a good thing" to "acting white".
_____ GAME SCORE _____
Farmer John & CO. - 100
Belgian Gert from Wales - 0
Thanks for the vote of confidence, FT, but I'm afraid that the only votes that matters are those of the two parties to the dialectic. Rhetoric doesn't get a vote.
Nor do I understand why the village idiot thinks I'm from Wales but it matters not one iota.
He's also thought I'm Jewish.
'Nought queerer than folk', as they say here (but not in Cardiff ;-) )
Oh, sorry! I knew all along along that Gert was strictly from Hunger, but avoided saying so out of a misguided desire to be polite. I'd forgotten there is a whole new breed of human intellectual-barbarians to whom being polite is insalubrious.
I found a great, old Louis Armstrong number that must have been written with someone like Gert in mind, Unfortunately, in latter years his name is now Legion:
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you,
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you,
Well I let into my home, you gonna crumple at my poem
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you
Now I'll be glad when you die, you rascal you,
I'll be glad, oh I'll be tickled to death, when you leave this earth it's true
When you're lyin' down six feet deep, no more scorn on me you’ll heap
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you, Ah, you just ain't no good!
I'll be standin' on the corner high, when they drag your body by
I'll be glad when you're gone, buried underneath the lawn
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The lyric, as originally presented, was "I'll be glad when you're dead, you bastard, you," but Alas! It was quickly bowdlerized once it moved beyond the confines of its origin. The line "You are sick. You are sick, you dirty little prick" was suppressed also.]
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