Just a couple of remarks in reply to numerous critiques of my comment on Jordan Peterson in The Independent.[1]-Slavoj Zizek, "A Reply to my Critics Concerning an Engagement with Jordan Peterson"
The leitmotif of my critics in mentioning the link between Peterson and the alt-right is that I am wrong, displaying my basic lack of acquaintance with what I criticize: Petersen is a radical liberal (he supports welfare state, etc.) worried about the threat that Political Correctness, identity politics, LGBT+, etc., pose to the freedom of speech and other fundamental values of a free democratic society. In locating him within the alt-right, I act as a Politically Correct and postmodern dogmatic ignoring simple facts.
I find this line of attack very strange. Whatever one thinks about my theories, one constant in them is my critical rejection of postmodern deconstructionism and of the dismissal of modern science as yet another ”discursive practice,” the “truth-effect” of which is to be historically relativized. Furthermore, a year or so ago, when I questioned Political Correctness and some aspects of LGBT+ movement (and some other things problematic for today’s “radical Left,” like the predominant stance towards refugees), I was not only submitted to a long series of extremely brutal attacks, but I was also gradually excluded from the public media. So, now my only access to media in English are three digital outlets: The Independent, Russia Today, and a channel of the Los Angeles Review of Books (which was kind enough to publish this reply – I was not able to post it on The Independent’s site, since it was cut off as too long for a comment). The days when I was able to publish comments in The Guardian and occasionally even in New York Times are long gone, and even In These Times now refuses to publish me. The comic aspect of all this is that I am often attacked for the same text from one side for my alleged Eurocentric racism and from the opposite side for my alleged hatred of the Western tradition… Part of this comedy are many reactions to my text in The Independent: reading them one gets the impression that I am just attacking one side and not indicating how both sides are resorting to the same strategies of lying in the guise of truth.
This brings me to Peterson. I see two levels in his work. First, there is his liberal analysis and critique of PC, LGBT+, etc., with regard to how they pose a danger to our freedoms, and although there are things I disagree with at this level, I also see in it some worthwhile observations. The difference with him is that, while critical of many stances and political practices of PC, identity politics and LGBT+, I nonetheless see in them an often inadequate and distorted expression of very real and pressing problems. Claims about women’s oppression cannot be dismissed by referring to Fifty Shades of Grey, the story of a woman who enjoys being dominated (as one of my critics claims), the suffering of transgender people is all too real, etc. The way racist and sexist oppression works in a developed liberal society is much more refined (but no less efficient) than in its direct brutal form, and the most dangerous mistake is to attribute women’s inferior position to their free choice.
(NOTE FOR FT) But I do wholeheartedly disagree with Peterson when he enters the domain of conspiracy theories. What I find really problematic is that he interprets PC (and his other targets) as the extreme outgrowth of “cultural Marxism” (a block which comprises Frankfurt School, the “French” poststructuralist deconstructionism, identity politics, gender and queer theories, etc.). He seems to imply that “cultural Marxism” is the result of a deliberate shift in Marxist (or Communist) strategy: after Communism lost the economic battle with liberal capitalism (waiting in vain for the revolution to arrive in the developed Western world), its leaders decided to move the terrain to cultural struggles (sexuality, feminism, racism, religion…), systematically undermining the cultural foundations and values of our freedoms. In the last decades, this new approach proved unexpectedly efficient: today, our societies are caught in the self-destructive circle of guilt, unable to defend their positive legacy…
I see no necessary link between this line of thought and liberalism. The notion of “cultural Marxism” manipulated by some secret Communist centre and aiming to destroy Western freedoms is a pure alt-right conspiracy theory. And the fact that it can be mobilized as part of a liberal defence of our freedoms says something about the immanent weaknesses of the liberal project. First, there is no unified field of “cultural Marxism”: some of today’s representatives of the Frankfurt school are among the most vicious denigrators of “French thought”; many “cultural Marxists” are very critical of identity politics, etc. Second, any positive reference to the Frankfurt School or to “French thought” was prohibited in Socialist countries where the authorities were much more open towards Anglo-Saxon analytic thought (as I remember from my own youth), so the claim that both classic Marxism and its “cultural” version were somehow controlled by the same central agent has to rely on the very suspicious notion of a hidden Master who secretly pulls the strings. Finally, while I admit (and analyse in my books) the so-called “totalitarian” excesses of Political Correctness and some transgender orientations which bear witness to a weird will to legalize, prohibit and regulate, I see in this tendency no trace of the “radical Left” but, on the contrary, a version of liberalism gone astray in its effort to protect and guarantee freedom. Liberalism was always an inconsistent project ridden with antagonisms and tensions.
If I were to engage in paranoiac speculations, I would be much more inclined to say that the Politically Correct obsessive regulations (like the obligatory naming of different sexual identities, with legal measures taken if one violates them) are rather a Left-liberal plot to destroy any actual radical Left movement. Suffice it to recall the animosity against Bernie Sanders among some LGBT+ and feminist circles, whose members have no problems with big corporate bosses supporting them. The “cultural” focus of PC and #MeToo is, to put it in a simplified way, a desperate attempt to avoid the confrontation with actual economic and political problems, i.e., to locate women’s oppression and racism in their socio-economic context. The moment one mentions these problems, one is accused of vulgar “class reductionism.” Walter Benn Michaels and others have written extensively on this, and in Europe, Robert Pfaller wrote books critical of PC’s patronizing stance and has now started a movement “adults for adults”. Liberals will have to take note that there is a growing radical Left critique of PC, identity politics and #MeToo…
This is no place to develop extensively my views. To anyone interested in them, I propose to take a look at my book The Courage of Hopelessness, which has just appeared in the US. And a final note. I neither participate in Facebook nor do I tweet, but I was informed there are anonymous persons who are active in both media pretending to be me. All such cases are fakes. So I was surprised to learn that Peterson is challenging me to a debate, in response to a tweet operating under my name. If he really wants to, I am ready to do it during my next visit to New York next October.
[1] See http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/jord.an-peterson-clinical-psychologist-canada-popularity-convincing-why-left-wing-alt-right-cathy-a8208301.html
Thank you for the "Special Note," Farmer.
Just as our illustrious Founding Fathers found certain "TRUTHS" to be "SELF-EVIDENT," so have I found most of the analysis attributed to Jordan Peterson by Zizek in the first of Zizek's paragraphs brought to my attention.
Are you sure Zizek was not quoting ME? };^)>
He might as well have done just that, for the ideas Zizek dismisses as "mere conspiracy theory' have occurred to me INDEPENDENTLY as long as twenty-five –– even THIRTY –– years ago.
To those who denigrate and dismiss anything that smacks of "conspiracy theory" as "Delusionary Rightwing Garbage" I would remind him of the tragic events culminatung in the Revolution of 1917 in Czarist Russia –– and the hideous fate visited on Czar Nicolas and his entire family in the basement of The House of Specal Purpose –– and the dire consequences for the entire nation where JOSEPH STALIN deliberately STARVED over SEVENTY-MILLION people to DEATH, and virtually everyone suffered more horribly than they ever had under the Czars.
Zizek like most so-called "intellectuals" (I am no fan of "French Thought" either! I find it unbearably joyless, cynical, dismal, and dispiriting) loves to make things seem far more "complex" and "nuanced' than they need to be. He has a rather endearing personality, and doubltess means no"harm" to anyone, but then I doubt Karl Marx did either!
Zizek appears most of the time to be "all over the map." How anyone could hope to formulate and implement any kind of POSITIVE CONSTRUCTIVE, AMELIORATIVE AGENDA by steadfasgtly remaining "up in the air" all the time I cannot imagine.
A young Leftist Statist Globalist Elitist left over from from the Obama administration appeared on C-Span's Washington Journal earlier this morning solemnly spouting the DISINGENUOUS Hew World Orderist line.
An older gentleman from the northeast, who described himself as "A Conservative Democrat" (!) promptly told the world –– after he'd listened to the young gentleman –– for about fifteen minutes that the "guest" was a Leftist Statist Globalist Elitist.
WOO HOO! Let's chalk up one for simple, clear-cut statements of TRUTH
The MODERATOR, however, CHIDED the "Conservative Democrat" on the phone and declared him guilty of "NAME-CALLING!"
C-Span has always prided itself on being "objective"and willing to give ALL point of view EQUAL TIME.
Not so ever since Donald J. Trump began his campaign for the presidency.
C-SPAN has now become C-SPIN, and seems more than pleased to let itself be used as just another member of the Leftist Statist Globalist Elitist Chorus singing endless variations of WE MUST DUMP TRUMP.
On the rare occasions when some hapless soul gets by the C-SPIN censors to give PRAISE to President Trump, or to DEFEND his policies, that person is given short shrift, and gets cut off ASAP, while the DUMP TRUMP brigade is allowed to rail on endlessly UNINTERRUPTED. The C-SPIN moderators stop just short of APPLAUDING anyone who stops by to heap scorn on our president
Typical! Typical! Tragically typical of C-Span these days. The organization always prided itself on being "objective" and patted themselves on thle back constantly for giving ALL POINT of VIEW an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to be HEARD without fear or favor.
To that i say, "BALLS!"
It did kinda sound like you... ;)
Zizek is being "honest" when he says its' NOT a "conspiracy" (at least not entirely). He's being true to Lacanian theory in that the "Big Other" doesn't exist. One thing is for sure. Marxists of the Frankfurt School practicing "entryism" have done much cultural damage, even if it wasn't "explicitly coordinated"i conspiratorially. They didn't take over the Universities by practicing ideological neutrality in their direct competition with classical liberals and conservatives.
I'll take that partial-of-not-total SUPPORT, FJ.
Without havung studied it very much. as I've already said, I feel no attraction whatsoever toward what Zizek calls "French Thought."
How could I, as a supposedly intelligent individual, DARE to make such a blanket dismissal?
In additiin to what i said above, I'll give you an admittedly flippant answer: It doesn't pass the SMELL test.
OR –– as the immortal BITCH CASSIDY, my dear old friend from the wild, free days of David Horowitz's FrontPageMag said in reference to some swinish leftist bastard's churlish insistence that one must make a close study of Marxian Dialectics before having a right to dismiss Communism –– BITCH said:
"Honey, I don't have to eat a pound of shit to know it don't taste good."
Her memorably succinct analysis brought down the house.
By the way let me add this to the mix:
In ideogical Warfare's eternal struggle to gain ascendancy
When comparing the U.S.S.R., RED CHINA, NORTH KOREA, SOUTHEAST ASIA, CUBA, VENEZUELA, MUSLIM NATIONS, SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN TINPOT DICGATORSHITS , Stufling, Suicidal Socialist Europe, and other dreadful places to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA –– as I have been provieged to know and love her ––, I'll take the good ol' USA every single time.
How much –– and what SORT –– of effect would St. MLK, Jr. have likely had on our nation, if he had appeared in a B-I-G AFRO, carrying a SPEAR, wearing a LOINCLOTH or a DASHIKI with a RING in his NOSE?
MLK, Jr. with cheeks, chin, forehead and BARE CHEST painted in geometric patterns or red, white, ochre and blue?
MLK, Jr. with his front TEETH FILED to SHARP POINTS?
MLK, Jr. opening hismost famous oration with "I have dream that one day all these goddam white motherfuckers will start to look at me as a MAN stead of a fuckin' NIGGER."
"IMAGE" and and "STYLE of PARLANCE" suddenly take on great sigificance in light of these (admittedly absurd) suggestions, don't they?
There can be no authentic dasein in the absence of die welt.
I'm not sure I understand what that might mean, Joe, but since "die Welt" is unlikely ever to change itself to suit my indvidual needs and desires –– or yours or anyone else's –– I believe our best hope may lie in the prospect of setting goals that appeal to us, as indviduals, then "designing" our own unique methods by which we do our best to reach them.
I think i was William James who said something to this effect, "There are as many different roads that lead to God, as there are differrent numan beings."
Naturally we're bound to experience wrong turns, bramble patches, setbacks, and the occasional Dead End along the way, and must, perforce, adjust ourselves accordingly. But, we have little hope fulflling ourselves, if we fail to carry on, give up the fight, and instead let ourselves fall by the wayside.
You've heard this before, I know, because I post it frequently, but it's common sense wisdom, even though expressed with considerable asperity, is worth repeating endlessly:
"This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you're thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy."
~ G. B. Shaw (1856-1950)
I think you understood it pretty well. You have to accept the world as it is. You can't simply ignore it, and expect the world to adapt to you. You can try and change it, but to do so, you must first accept it as it is before you can ever understand how to change it.
Yes, BUT if any kind of meaningful or desirable "change" is to occur, it MUST COME from WITHIN.
That, I believe, is the essence of Christ's Purpose in the brief time He lived as one of us.
This is why I am so vehemently opposed to Cynicism, Oppositionism, all forms of Authoritarianism, and all modes of thought that seek to sow seeds of Doubt, Derision, Disrespect and Dissension
The world as it is...
Ayn Rand?
She had some intelligent perceptions, and was right on many counts, but her assertive, stone-faced atheism, dour, quintessential bitchiness, and trumpeted abhorrence for the very concept of altruism, neutralize any potential good she might have wanted to do,
I remember Rand very well from several TV appearances she made when she first burst upon the scene to take New York by Storm. I was only a child, but with the wsdm only the very young and innocent may possess I recoiled from what-seemed-to-me to be her chilly, arrogant, frankly hostile presence.
Of course she was a Jewess, athough I didn't know that then, and had no idea what that probably implied back then, but the overly assertive, overly opionated, pushy arrogance and excessive self-esteem certainly got to me, and left a bad taste in my mouth –– at age nine!
Distaste is NOT "prejudice" when it is born from personal experience.
FT: Of course she was a Jewess, athough I didn't know that then, and had no idea what that probably implied back then...
What does it imply? That you're an antisemite?
I would like to argue against your previous article, where you said: "Common anti-immigrant populists shamelessly circulate non-verified stories about rapes and other crimes of the refugees in order to give credibility to their “insight” that refugees pose a threat to our way of life. All too often, PC liberals proceed in a similar way: they pass in silence over actual differences in the “ways of life” between refugees and Europeans since mentioning them may be seen to promote Eurocentrism. Recall the Rotherham sex abuse scandal, where the race of the perpetrators was downplayed in case anything in the case could be interpreted as racist."
Isn't their faith itself to be an argument that they are a threat to our way of life considering the current environment. For example, does Islam not have teachings that are contradictory to our way of life. Previously, they would be required to follow the "laws of the land", but the current environment (from PC Liberals, they are encouraged to not change in any way) there is no requirement (or argument) to come face to face to shortcomings in their religion hence the Rotherdam Scandal.
Also, you misunderstood the scandal entirely; it wasn't that we didn't use Racial Profiling to apprehend Criminals that there was a scandal (although, personally, I think Racial Profiling should be used), it was that people, because of their socio-economic backgrounds, were overlooked, and the victims named and shamed by their own MP; all in the name of Equality.
That's not equality of individuals, it may be equality of groups, but that's ignoring the fact that different groups are, well, different.
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