
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Monday, November 4, 2019

Canada on Socialism


Franco Aragosta said...

For any geographical region or designated area to qualify as a viable, productive, self-sustaining NATION it's necessary to develop, support and maintain a hOMOGENOUS culture.

"DIVERSITY" –– the hallmark darlng of leftist aims and ambitions is nothing but a code word for DIVISIVNESS.

The prominent preseence of fatuous figures like Justin Trudeau and AOC indicates an inapropriate takeover of leadership positions by shallow, callow, MISeducated, spoiled BRATS who've been sedulously CONDITIONED by their Cultural Marxist professors to BELIEVE in their own false, spoon-fed sense of OMNISCIENCE.

Alberta's embrace of pernicious Leftist Idiocy is in a very real sense SUICIDAL

Allowing ill-informed, over-confident CHILDREN with a vast sense of entitlement to run the show is tantamount to letting the inmates run the asylum or the privates to command the generals.

The result of leftist machnations has been to transform formerly rational human beings –– or children with good potential –– into a mad race of scrambling LEMMINGS each vying madly to outdistance the others in a mad STAMPEDE into the ABYSS.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

"Diversity" isn't. Try kidnapping people from the next town over and cutting out their hearts until the power company turns the lights back on. Those elitist bastards will call you "crazy."

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

we're the same color inside