Charles Willson Peale. Peale accompanied Custis to Mount Vernon on May 18, 1772 and stayed a fortnight to paint miniatures of Martha Washington and her children, as well as an oil of George Washington in his Virginia militia uniform, reminiscent of his participation in the French and Indian War.
Welcome, thou festal morn!
Never be passed in scorn
Thy rising sun,
Thou day forever bright
With Freedom's holy light,
That gave the world the sight
Of Washington.
Unshaken 'mid the storm,
Behold that noble form--
That peerless one--
With his protecting hand,
Like Freedom's angel stand
The guardian of our land,
Our Washington.
Then with each coming year,
Whenever shall appear
That natal sun,
Will we attest the worth,
Of one true man to earth,
And celebrate the birth
Of Washington.
Traced there in lines of light,
Where all pure rays unite,
Obscured by none;
Brightest on history's page,
Of any clime or age,
As chieftain, man, and sage,
Stands Washington.
Name at which tyrants pale,
And their proud legions quail,
Their boasting done;
While Freedom lifts her head,
No longer filled with dread,
Her sons to victory led
By Washington.
Now the true patriot see,
The foremost of the free,
The victory won.
In Freedom's presence bow,
While sweetly smiling now,
She wreaths the smiling brow
Of Washington.
Then with each coming year,
Whenever shall appear
That natal sun,
Shall we attest the worth
Of one true man to earth,
And celebrate the birth
Of Washington.
'At a meeting of the Society of St. Tammany, at their wigwam in this
city, on Monday evening last, after finishing the ordinary business of
the evening, it was unanimously resolved: That the 22d day of February
be, from this day and ever after, commemorated by this society as the
birthday of the Illustrious George Washington, President of the United
States of America. The society then proceeded to the commemoration of
the auspicious day which gave birth to the distinguished chief, and the
following toasts were drank in porter, the produce of the United States,
accompanied with universal acclamations of applause:
1. May the auspicious birthday of our great Grand Sachem, George
Washington, ever be commemorated by all the real sons of St.
2. The birthday of those chiefs who lighted the great Council Fire
in 1775.
3. The glorious Fourth of July, 1776, the birth of American
4. The perpetual memory of those Sachems and warriors who have been
called by the Kitchi Manitou to the Wigwam above since the
5. The births of the Sachems and warriors who have presided at the
different council fires of the thirteen tribes since 1776.
6. Our Chief Sachem, who presides over the council fire of our
7. The 12th of May, which is the birthday of our titular saint and
8. The birth of Columbus, our secondary patron.
9. The memory of the great Odagh 'Segte, first Grand Sachem of the
Oneida Nation, and all his successors.
10. The friends and patrons of virtue and freedom from Tammany to
11. The birth of the present National Constitution, 17th of
September, 1787.
12. The Sachems and warriors who composed that council.
13. May the guardian genius of freedom pronounce at the birth of
all her sons--Where Liberty dwells, there is his country.
"'After mutual reciprocations of friendship on the joyous occasion, the
society adjourned with their usual order and harmony.'
Thank you for ACKNOWLEDGING George Washington's Birthday –– something I failed to do, myself.
Sam on me!
de nada! :)
_____ On St. Tammany's Birthday _____
A shame the name of Tammany’s been linked
With the vilest of politicos named Tweed,
Who ran New York in manner quite distinct
Eschewing never any dirty deed.
The entity still known as Tammany Hall
Shall live in infamy, and so obscures
The truth about its namesake, overall
A noble savage, whose good name endures
Only in the writings of The Sachem,
Neddy, who on Tammany heaped praise.
But kind words today are scarce.
We rarely watch ‘em,
Because none restores these days, instead they raze.
Of Tammany, himself, we should think kindly,
Not follow false associations blindly.
~ FreeThinke
Charles Willson Peale was on of finest portrait painters. I greatly the skill –– and the immense FACILITY –– with which did his excellent work.
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