
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Monday, March 30, 2020

A New Hope...?


Franco Aragosta said...

Nothing has EVER "changed fundamentally." Our MENTALITY as human beings has not advanced from our primitive beginnings. Only SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY have "advanced," but what real GOOD has that accomplished

These purely materialistic "advances" have mostly served to Mass Murder and Mass Destruction infintely more feasible.

I wouldn't call the PROGRESS. Id' call it MADNESS, instead.

Change for the Sake of Change is NOT "Progress." We've been terribly stupid to imagine that is IS.

The ONLY things we've prodced over time that give me any reason to hope are the (very few) great Works of Art, Literature, Music, Architcture, Interior Decoration, Landscape Architecture and Gardening.

Once we abandned Beauty, Order and Refinement as Primary Goals, we started to go downhill at increasingly terrifying rates of speed.

That's not OPINION. It's FACT.

Franco Aragosta said...

_____________ STILLNESS _____________

____________ STILLNESS ____________

No sound beyond the dropping of the leaves
Or shushing in the treetops of the stirring
In the air and periodic whirring
Soft of wings and bundling of sheaves ––

Every now and then a bird may call
Looking for or longing for his mate;
Escaping still the hunter’s dinner plate.
Scythes swish steadily as grain grown tall

Submits to delicate compelling force.
Workers silently bent to their task
Over whom hot sunshine spills its rays

Reap swiftly knowing pain could come, of course.
Later, in the afterglow they’ll bask
Dreaming –– foolishly –– of better days.

~ FreeThinke

This sonnet was inspired by Brueghel's painting "The Reapers."