
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Saturday, August 29, 2020


A lesson for all armed property protection units, if attacked, do NOT flee or retreat. You make yourself a target and convey a false vulnerability that encourages further futile attacks on your position. Stand your ground, fire at attackers, and/ or retreat to nearest defensible cover.  Do not attempt to flee the scene!
Events leading up to the shooting...


Franco Aragosta said...

Inheriting the mantle of Curtis Sliwa –– and carrying Curtis's mission a few steps farther to its logical concussion.


Franco Aragosta said...

[Arizona S tate University] Conservatives Raising Funds for Kenosha Protest Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

Arizona Republic [Phoenix, AZ]

by Brooke Newman

A conservative student organization at Arizona State University announced on Friday that they will be accepting donations to support the legal defense of Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with homicide in the killing of two people at protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

College Republicans United, which split from the more mainline ASU College Republicans chapter in recent years, tweeted that a portion of the funds collected for the group would be donated to Rittenhouse.

"He does not deserve to have his entire life destroyed because of the actions of violent anarchists during a lawless riot," CRU stated in a tweet. . . .


Always On Watch said...

Warren said it exactly right at Always On Watch today:

When the Government fails to enforce its laws and abrogates its responsibilities. When it turns its back and refuses to protect its law abiding citizens against the depredations of packs of hyenas; it should expect that the citizens will take matters in their own hands.
We are not peasants or peons, we are a free people with natural rights that cannot be taken away. A government that thinks that violence or self-defense is reserved exclusively to the State is a danger to its citizens.

Does anyone care to guess what I would do to some thug threatening to harm me, or my property or my friends and family?

Always On Watch said...

It appears that Kyle Rittenhouse will have a Dream Team for his Defense. WOOT!

Franco Aragosta said...

We MUST have the unqualified right to ... K_I_L_L ... anyone who attacks or threatens us with bodily harm. I would extend that to include VANDALS who threaten to deface or destroy our homes and personal property.

In fact ALL forms of AGGRESSION should be met with LETHAL FORCE.

BLAM! ... BLAM! ... BLAM!



The rioting anarchists currently destroying our cities should be stopped with MACHINE-GUN fire.

If you can't KILL the filthy bastards, shoot 'em in the BALLS.

Officials who fail to use every possible means STOP rioters and anarchists dead in teir tracks should be automatically removed from office, and faced with charges of CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE punishable by no less than TEN years in a Federal Prison.

Thersites said...

The media continues to obfuscate everything. They are the Enemy of the People.

Franco Aragosta said...


That's why I've been calling them the ENEMEDIA for at least twenty-five years.

The term DESERVES to catch on more than it has, although I've seen it used by perfect strangers at Lucianne.com Newz Forum Homepage, where I, Alas! am persona non grata.

Franco Aragosta said...

I hope you realize I am NOT kidding?

If "WE" don't wipe "THEM" out, they will certainly wipe "US" out, –– and in jig time from the present look of things.

Be sure to remember the lin from A Midsummer Night's Dream.

"First, we kill all the lawyers."


Joe Conservative said...

I miss you, friend!

Always On Watch said...

I, too, miss Franco.