
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Social Distancing

On Leftist Elites and Their Fears of Ideological Harassment by the White Working Class


Gert said...

I'm not going to comment on the vid which after 2 mins struck me as attention seeking, boring trash, no matter how stylishly packaged.

But going back to the 'inevitability' of violence, I do think that applies to the much needed destruction of Neoliberalism.

The ruling elites will never cede power, nobody ever does willingly.

So we will have to force them. The ballot box will not work here as the pols are in cahoots with said elites. Only brute force may work.

So a war will have to started but we need to be 'certain' of a win, otherwise it's meaningless slaughter.

Joe Conservative said...

I agree, the video was sh*t.

That's why "now" is the time for "theory" and Bartleby-an "inaction". We can all accept the immense slaughters resulting from Divine Violence (Walter Benjamin terms) but who has stomach enough to initiate even a single small "failed" (and therefore meaningless) death" through "Mythic Violence"? For there to be "virtue" in the cause of opposing "systemic" violence, it must be "successful", lest it be considered "rashly/ foolishly" (vice "wisely") initiated.

Joe Conservative said...

I, for one, currently can only see one "myth" worthy of "mythic" violence. That of a legally limited anarcho-capitalist bourgeoisie (invisible hand/radically progressive economy). Everyone who stands in its' way either gets a free one-way helicopter ride to the central Pacific Ocean, or a "first violation only" plane ticket beyond the national border. ;)

Gert said...

Your "anarcho-capitalist bourgeoisie" reminds me of a medium size village with a 'butcher, baker, candlestick maker' in a free market (but NOT capitalist, except in a ideological sense of the word)

Such an idyllic initial state can only degrade (by your invisible hand) into agglomeration into larger units and ultimately, monopolism. How do you propose to prevent that?

Joe Conservative said...

The way it has always been done, progressive taxation to 100% and corporate chartering with limited market caps.

Joe Conservative said...

If I'm going to limit "government" I can certainly limit large corporate trusts.

Joe Conservative said...

In other words, the invisible hand will be "visible" only in its' limit.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Nobody is "alienated" enough.


Joe Conservative said...

...hence the need for "Divine" violence. Believe me, when the system collapses and all those 401k's become worthless people are going to be feeling plenty 'alienated'.

Joe Conservative said...

Hope you've got some crypto.

Joe Conservative said...

,,,because unlike the Fed's printing presses, it recognizes some "limits".

Gert said...

The way it has always been done, progressive taxation to 100% and corporate chartering with limited market caps.

Because that worked so well?

Joe Conservative said...

It worked before the taxation tilts all moved to favor the inherent efficiencies of "large scale" enterprises and increasing aggregate efficiencies became the focus of, and paramount to, governmental concerns.

Gert said...

Hmmm... all the best with it anyway.

Gert said...

Why Trump isn't finished yet.

He'll stand in 2024, thereby dividing the RP in two and handing victory to the DP. 'When two dogs fight for a bone...'

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Perhaps he'll mumble the words that we all LONG to hear...


...and ALL will be well again!

Gert said...

Whatever happened to Abracadabra?

Thersites said...

...it was too ethnic specific.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Yeah Lyndon LaRouche ran for President from a prison cell too.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Are you saying he'll be the next Mandela?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Not if he gets Whitey Bulger's or Jeff Epstein's cell. There will still be the matter taking Trump supporters seriously despite there literally never existing a rational reason for doing so.

Gert said...

taking Trump supporters seriously despite there literally never existing a rational reason for doing so.

Winning one election and narrowly losing another isn't 'a for' taking them seriously'? Who knew?

Far Right populism will win elections, unless the plutocracy is beaten...

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

"Far right populism" is an oxymoron.

Gert said...

"Far right populism" is an oxymoron.

Really? In what way? What would you call Nigel's Farage's 'UKIP' party?