Stefan Steinberg, "Slavoj Žižek’s slavish support of NATO"
In a series of articles written over the course of the past year, the Slovenian “pop” philosopher, cynic and Stalin worshipper, Slavoj Žižek, has emerged as one of the most virulent advocates of the US and NATO’s proxy war against Russia.
In an article for Der Spiegel entitled The Dark Side of Neutrality (Feb 17, 2023), Žižek denounced the principled stance taken against the NATO war by Roger Waters who stated in a speech to the United Nations Security Council: “The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not unprovoked, so I also condemn the provocateurs in the strongest possible terms.... Not one more Ukrainian or Russian life is to be spent, not one, they are all precious in our eyes. So the time has come to speak truth to power.”
This is all too much for Žižek who, in an article in Die Welt (June 20), even went so far as to call for nuclear weapons for Ukraine. He wrote: “One should not forget that Ukraine gave up all nuclear weapons to Russia when the Soviet Union disintegrated, with the promise that its borders would be recognised by Russia - would it not now have the right to get nuclear weapons (again)? Why is this obvious solution dismissed with horror even by those paying lip service to defending Ukraine?'.
Now, just a week ago, in an article in Britain’s right wing New Statesman magazine (14.08.2023) titled “Ukraine must go to war with itself” Žižek openly articulates his fears that the much heralded, spring military offensive by Ukraine is failing badly. According to Žižek, European powers, including what he describes as the European left, must redouble their efforts to prevent a shattering defeat for the Ukrainian forces. As is usually the case with his work, Žižek’s article is a combination of distortions, dissimulations, non-sequiturs and lies.
Žižek complains that “Those of us who stand firmly behind Ukraine worry about the fatigue of the West: as the war drags on, will the countries which support Ukraine gradually tire of the permanent emergency state and the material sacrifices demanded of them?”
The problem, according to Žižek, is an unholy alliance of the “extreme right and extreme left” (which he never properly identifies) espousing propaganda arguing in favour of: “abstract pacifism (we need peace, the suffering has to stop at any cost); a “balanced” view of the war (NATO’s eastward expansion provoked Russia and forced it to counterattack); and the need to protect our own national welfare (why should we give billions to Ukraine, a country run by corrupt oligarchs, when we have deep economic and problems of our own).”
Even more serious than the war weariness of the west, Žižek complains, is growing fatigue on the part of the Ukrainian population, which has paid the highest price in the war. Having been bombarded with propaganda by NATO and western politicians that Ukraine is conducting the good fight against corruption and for democracy, the Ukrainian working class observes on a daily basis how corruption continues to flourish while the country’s wealthy elite and their families flee abroad to protect their fortunes and avoid military service.
To counteract these problems and “avoid collapse in the war” Žižek calls for the building of “a truly united front against the common enemy”. Žižek demands that “leftists” and also female recruits who have encountered discrimination as members of the Ukrainian military fully subordinate themselves to the nationalist and fascist elements leading the army. Appealing directly to identity politics he declares that “only a wide popular front in which there is a place for everyone – from LGBT+ individuals to the leftists who oppose the Russian aggression – can save Ukraine.”
Sitting in the comfort of his academic lodgings in London and his flat in Lujblianja, Žižek is quite content to justify the slaughter of tens of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian recruits in a war which was incontestably provoked by the US and NATO in a land which, prior to the war, stood high in the world list of most corrupt countries and remains wracked by corruption. At the same time Žižek turns a blind eye to the various parties and groupings in Ukraine which have valiantly opposed the war and have been subsequently ruthlessly censured and repressed by the Zelensky government.
Acknowledging in his latest article that his own political trajectory is coming under increasing scrutiny, Žižek lies about his past in Slovenia, claiming that he was a victim of the “the nationalist right” which had “always castigated secular left opponents of the communist regime, as suspect, secret agents of the old communists.”
Far from being a “secular left opponent of the communist regime” Žižek quit the Slovenian Communist Party in 1988 and joined the pro-capitalist, secessionist Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (LDS) prior to the collapse of the Stalinist block. In 1990 Žižek ran as LDS candidate for the post of President of Slovenia, only losing out narrowly to another candidate. The LDS led coalition governments from 1992 to 2004 and were instrumental in implementing capitalist shock therapy economic policies in Slovenia following its secession from Yugoslavia. Žižek continued to support the party throughout this period as he developed his relations with Stalinist and pseudo-left forces in Paris.
Žižek ends his article with the ludicrous claim that NATO’s war in Ukraine can be compared to the French Revolution and European partisans opposing fascism in the Second World War. Žižek turns history on its head. Not least because the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, is an acolyte of the Ukrainian fascist leader Stepan Bandera.
His latest screed for the Statesman confirms Žižek’s role as an opportunist shill for NATO. Offering his services to the Zelenskiy government, Žižek urges his dwindling band of supporters to take up arms for a final battle which can only end in the deaths of many more thousands.
Žižek’s political lurch to the right and emergence as a slavish supporter of NATO’s proxy war against Russia is a direct response to the developing mass mobilisations of the working class world-wide. His response in the past to clashes between working-class youth and the forces of the state has always been to line up with the state. Against a background of intensifying conflict across the globe, past experience indicates that Žižek’s passage into right-wing and extreme right politics will only accelerate in the coming period.
\\cynic and Stalin worshipper,
And in what way he "worshiping" it?
Like True Russian today -- have an icon and kneeling before it?
\\Žižek denounced the principled stance taken against the NATO war by Roger Waters who stated in a speech to the United Nations Security Council: “The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not unprovoked...
But that.
\\Žižek’s article is a combination of distortions, dissimulations, non-sequiturs and lies.
If you'd ask me... it's Totally Orwellian.
Truth, it's Lie and all that.
\\will the countries which support Ukraine gradually tire of the permanent emergency state and the material sacrifices demanded of them?”
Bueraucratcs LIKE emergency states. :-))))
\\nationalist and fascist elements leading the army.
Oh, yeah, baby.
\\Stalinist and pseudo-left forces in Paris.
Har-har-har... and who is Stalin worshiper here? ;-P
Not True Scotchman, again.
\\Žižek’s political lurch to the right and emergence as a slavish supporter of NATO’s proxy war against Russia is a direct response to the developing mass mobilisations of the working class world-wide. His response in the past to clashes between working-class youth and the forces of the state has always been to line up with the state.
Oh, I know this chime. Damn too well.
Is this one on a paychecks of liliPut?
Or... just want to return to good reach times of International of Stalin?
If you follow the link, the article is posted at the website of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)...
what's left of COMINTERN, or the Communist International.
Zizek is a Eurostatist and an avowed atheist. He supports DiEM25. I suspect Ukraine would love to a part of it.
Yeah... that elusive difference... between USA Dems, Europian democrats and commies. :-))))))))))))))))))))))
They All Leftists, isn't it?
Yep, only some more intellectually honest than others. I don't worry about the ones who call THEMSElVES communists.
"Intellectual honesty"??? From those who chant dogma of Labour Theory of Value??? :-))))))))))))))))
Indeed. They secularized their anti-modernist religion with post-modern skepticism. But it's finally time be become skeptical of skepticism. It's time to "affirm" the deeper understanding of economics that we've acquired. It's time for Nietzsche's "third metamorphosis". To "push through" the skepticism of nihilism, and start to believe in something again.
Nietzsche, "Zarathustra":
THREE metamorphoses of the spirit do I designate to you: how the spirit becometh a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child.
Many heavy things are there for the spirit, the strong load-bearing spirit in which reverence dwelleth: for the heavy and the heaviest longeth its strength.
What is heavy? so asketh the load-bearing spirit; then kneeleth it down like the camel, and wanteth to be well laden.
What is the heaviest thing, ye heroes? asketh the load-bearing spirit, that I may take it upon me and rejoice in my strength.
Is it not this: To humiliate oneself in order to mortify one's pride? To exhibit one's folly in order to mock at one's wisdom?
Or is it this: To desert our cause when it celebrateth its triumph? To ascend high mountains to tempt the tempter?
Or is it this: To feed on the acorns and grass of knowledge, and for the sake of truth to suffer hunger of soul?
Or is it this: To be sick and dismiss comforters, and make friends of the deaf, who never hear thy requests?
Or is it this: To go into foul water when it is the water of truth, and not disclaim cold frogs and hot toads?
Or is it this: To love those who despise us, and give one's hand to the phantom when it is going to frighten us?
All these heaviest things the load-bearing spirit taketh upon itself: and like the camel, which, when laden, hasteneth into the wilderness, so hasteneth the spirit into its wilderness.
But in the loneliest wilderness happeneth the second metamorphosis: here the spirit becometh a lion; freedom will it capture, and lordship in its own wilderness.
Its last Lord it here seeketh: hostile will it be to him, and to its last God; for victory will it struggle with the great dragon.
What is the great dragon which the spirit is no longer inclined to call Lord and God? "Thou-shalt," is the great dragon called. But the spirit of the lion saith, "I will."
"Thou-shalt," lieth in its path, sparkling with gold- a scale-covered beast; and on every scale glittereth golden, "Thou shalt!"
The values of a thousand years glitter on those scales, and thus speaketh the mightiest of all dragons: "All the values of things- glitter on me.
All values have already been created, and all created values- do I represent. Verily, there shall be no 'I will' any more. Thus speaketh the dragon.
My brethren, wherefore is there need of the lion in the spirit? Why sufficeth not the beast of burden, which renounceth and is reverent?
To create new values- that, even the lion cannot yet accomplish: but to create itself freedom for new creating- that can the might of the lion do.
To create itself freedom, and give a holy Nay even unto duty: for that, my brethren, there is need of the lion.
To assume the ride to new values- that is the most formidable assumption for a load-bearing and reverent spirit. Verily, unto such a spirit it is preying, and the work of a beast of prey.
As its holiest, it once loved "Thou-shalt": now is it forced to find illusion and arbitrariness even in the holiest things, that it may capture freedom from its love: the lion is needed for this capture.
But tell me, my brethren, what the child can do, which even the lion could not do? Why hath the preying lion still to become a child?
Innocence is the child, and forgetfulness, a new beginning, a game, a self-rolling wheel, a first movement, a holy Yea.
Aye, for the game of creating, my brethren, there is needed a holy Yea unto life: its own will, willeth now the spirit; his own world winneth the world's outcast.
Three metamorphoses of the spirit have I designated to you: how the spirit became a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child.Thus spake Zarathustra. And at that time he abode in the town which is called The Pied Cow.
We are living in the world of the Pied Cow. Its called "Free Market Neoliberalism". It's inhabited by Nietzsche;s "Last Men". Men who "blink" a lot, like Dervy.
I have said it before.
I am miserly prol. And do not grok such high-brow metaphors... :-(((
Maybe someone from Free Arts faculty could answer to you here...
not a technologist.
You're living in half a universe, Q. As Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
I think... I can answer more thoroughly to this. Now.
After gaining some score in this almost a year of communication -- that I am not that ignorant idiot... like derpy... or not? I hope. :-)
So, as I confessed before -- I have read it. Even couple of time.
But it... do not ring a bell, to me. What is that metaphor of lion and child are? Of evolution of human's mind???
But... it is trivial and not interesting that way. As there is (nearly) 10 billions of humans on Earth now. And, will by dozens more... if we'd not f*k it all up...
So... either we was not able to learn from that "evolution of human mind". Or... there is nothing to learn.
Maybe that is opening into way to develop AI? But who said that AI MUST develop same way as humans.
You know how it in birds???
There is ones that rise their babies in nests. And second ones -- which babies became fully functional just after hetching.
Most known -- chicken.
So, it doesn't rings a bell for me. Cultural differences. That metaphors do not wisper to me.
Tryed to describe what fills my imagination with colors.
To say it short -- that promice of 60th years -- Humanity in Space.
Well... it, bastardising of it. The same as to some all Islam to that one finger pointing up. :-))))
But... how I can explain it, what metaphors to use -- metaphors which would not be understood... because of cultural differences?
That is a problem for me, I know. I am techy technologist. Far away from "cultural studies". But, does it make me a fool? Naaah. :-)
Well... I see that technological NEED.
To learn how to facilitate people to have a passion. Too.
Passion toward that idea we discussed with you -- about new techs, development of humankind, living in Space and traveling among stars...
That is question that boggling my mind. Yes.
Though, my POV on it... quite differ. Cultural differences to blame.
But some teleological too.
Sorry for cranky verbiage.
It seems it not because of bad English skills...
but because of too complex and too problematic ideas I trying to communicate.
Or... low intelligence? (shy)
For the best ideas, there are no words... yet. Given time, I'm sure you'll think of them, though. Derpy, I'm afraid, will never find them, as his mind is closed to things unpleasant to his ear. You probably find me a bit the same, though... but if you would kindly keep referring to those as "cultural differences", I'd appreciate it. :)
ps - As of tomorrow, I'm officially "retired". My last mission, XRISM, is still waiting for 3 typhoons to clear the launch area at Tanegashima before launch. I was hoping to retire immediately AFTER, but the weather confounded my well-laid plans.
\\ You probably find me a bit the same, though... but if you would kindly keep referring to those as "cultural differences", I'd appreciate it. :)
Naaah. :-)
In your case that is more of teleological difference.
You have some differ ideals and goals.
But still... I appreciate, that we still can talk.
To a mutual benefit, as knowing new thing is the biggest pleasure, I hope.
The little epiphanies of surplus enjoyment are sweet, especially when released as laughter. They signal the moment when the "hard work of thinking" is done, and a new task can be undertaken.
Let me be frank here.
I dunno what of it true.
Are you not interested to discuss that things (like excerpts from Nietzsche)? Sees it self-evidant and not deserving further elaboration?
Or you think that I am not cooperative? Would not like it?
Well... I just see no strings to pull for, into more prolonged discussion.
Or something else... I was totally unable to percieve myself.
To use another metaphor, Nietzsche's "Ariadne". You speak of teleology, of goals instead of causes. Ariadne teaches that goals get foiled, get blocked. And when blocked, we must set new ones. Ariadne was abandonded by Theseus on Naxos. She then met Dionysius. She did not kill herselves, her goals nullified. She chose new ones., and new means of achieving/ overcoming the obstacles towards her old goals.
Self evidenet? Persistence in the face of failure is not always self-evident.
You are trying to get somewhere. I am in limbo. Where do you want to be, on Mars with Elon? Then you must move closer to Elon.
\\You are trying to get somewhere. I am in limbo. Where do you want to be, on Mars with Elon? Then you must move closer to Elon.
I'm... pretty much in a limbo too. Maybe even much more in limbo then you. But that is... darn intersting but utterly useless topic to discuss/compare. ;-P
I just try to build up my limbo from inside. ;-)
To make it more comfortable... maybe.
And no... I fear to come closer to Elon... as well as to change my cultural surroundings, even though it is not very suiting... but damn habitual place to stay in. (they say that to accomplish something one need to leave zone of comfort... but, who really LISTEN to that suggestion, anyway ;-P)
So... IF you think that I want to facilitate you to leave your comfort zone... or that I want/ready to leave mine... please, try to reconcider. ;-)
\\You speak of teleology, of goals instead of causes.
Just as in case with Golem XIV.
I use words... because they are only means I can communicate my ideas with their help.
But... words have different meanings for different people -- and that can make it misleading...
but same as Lem/Golem I can only say "so be it".
Still... it have merit in itself -- revealing how other people can percieve that words differently -- have it's own value.
ONLY... I am not very accustomed to that realm, of spoken/written word... maybe just yet...
Something around this lines...
Quote by Wilfred Thesiger: “No, it is not the goal but the ... - Goodreads
www.goodreads.com › quotes › 7235826-no-it...
Wilfred Thesiger — 'No, it is not the goal but the way there that matters, and the harder the way the more worth while the journey.'
As Zarastustra would say: "Go UP on that mountain... with your ashes". ;-)
The banality of evil is gerr Pudels Kern.
Zizek this well known joke that Zizek says about a man at a mental institution who thinks a chicken is out to get him. After receiving therapy, he is convinced that the chicken is just a chicken and can't kill him. However he can not face the chicken because he doesn't know whether the chicken knows that.
Is the underlying message of this statement saying that the chicken must know that he is only a chicken or that it is sufficient for us to know that the chicken is the chicken?
^^ah the missing comment intended for another thread.^^
As Meno would ask, "Do you know the road to Larisa?"
...and I (or Socrates) would truthfully answer, "No, I don't 'know' it, but I do believe I have 'right opinion' as to how to get there."
I, too, wish to enjoy the journey. And THAT is my cause/ purpose. That, and to help other gives birth to their goals/ purposes if I can, or serve as Parsifal to the Fisher King, if only by asking questions.
And I thouight I was masterful... with that Zaratustra riff, especially. ;-)
Well, there is *important* differences to that riffs.
Faust was inclined to test all EXISTING pleasures... and then stuck in "let it never end, never change"...
Why my passion... to test what's beyond horizon.
Take whatever you want of it...
And Zaratustra -- isn't I showed that I grok it... even a little?
\\Is the underlying message of this statement saying that the chicken must know that he is only a chicken or that it is sufficient for us to know that the chicken is the chicken?
I think I can answer it too.
I think... about such questions -- what flavour of psychologosts I (am? could be?).
And that's... bicheviorist. ;-P
Means, I see reasonable to treat human as that Black Box. Which can be analised only by what inputs and what reactions to that inputs it shows. (what you can see from my talks with Derpy)
err, Behaviorist
You ring many bells, Pavlov. ;)
The Athenians used to "test" their fellow citizens with an annual bacchannalia. It was there that they witnessed their neighbors "true" nature. And at the conclusion they put on "tragedies" in an attempt to "reform" them.
Nietzsche, "Zarathustra"
WHEN I came unto men for the first time, then did I commit the anchorite folly, the great folly: I appeared on the market-place.
And when I spake unto all, I spake unto none. In the evening, however, rope-dancers were my companions, and corpses; and I myself almost a corpse.
With the new morning, however, there came unto me a new truth: then did I learn to say: "Of what account to me are market-place and populace and populace-noise and long populace-cars!"
Ye higher men, learn this from me: On the market-place no one believeth in higher men. But if ye will speak there, very well! The populace, however, blinketh: "We are all equal."
"Ye higher men,"- so blinketh the populace- "there are no higher men, we are all equal; man is man, before God- we are all equal!"
Before God!- Now, however, this God hath died. Before the populace, however, we will not be equal. Ye higher men, away from the market-place!
Phylosophical ideas... they are not for laymans -- Big News!!!... NOT. :-)))
...and he blinketh, thereby... ;P
I knew... that I trying to go by a thin ice.
Cultural differences and all.
But... did I overstepped already???
Whole post/thread of comments I see missing. One where I asked... maybe too much of frankness? Or tryed to push too much?
Well, from my POV it was damn innocent. :-)
Asking to comment some caricaturte.
But... who knows how it can look like from your side. :-(
PS And you look like less tolkative too. Also suddenly.
I don't delete any post or send them to limbo. It says' that all comments are published. As for the Big Tech censors, I don't know what they do.
I have been less talkative. Up until last Friday, I was preoccupied with "work" left unfinished before retiring. Hopefully, I'll be less pre-occupied from here on out...although I'm not too keen on spending as much time online as previously. I'm going over to my daughters today to water her lawn. She's got a client (entertainment law) up in NY launching a new tour, and she wanted to attend.
Sorry for being whiny.
But sure, it damn mistical -- whole bunch of comments, or even whole post missing.
WTF??? :-))))))
Maybe AI Spyders are removing them... because my SPAM folder is empty, and I haven't removed a single thing. I'll check TeaLeaves and empty the SPAM folder there, too, but it was empty yesterday.
More censorship wouldn't suprise me. It's the nature of the current regime.
There was one comment in SPAM, and it was my own...
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