Slavoj Žižek,"What the left gets wrong about Gaza and “decolonisation”
The West needs to remember that not all freedom movements are progressive or democratic.When left-wing critics of Israel characterise what it is doing in Gaza as genocide, they are often accused of inverting the true relationship: Israel is just defending itself while Hamas plans an actual genocide of Jews.
But genocidal rhetoric is increasingly present in the public speeches of Israeli politicians themselves. When the defence minister, Yoav Gallant, ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip after the Hamas attack, he said: “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed… We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.” More recently, in October, when Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, he invoked the Amalek, a nation in the Hebrew Bible that the Israelites were ordered to wipe out in an act of revenge. “You must remember what Amalek has done to you,” he said in a speech announcing the start of a ground invasion in Gaza, and added that Israeli soldiers were part of a chain that goes back 3,000 years. Genocide justified by religious fundamentalism.
There is no place for peace treaties here. Tzipi Hotovely, the Israeli ambassador to the UK, insisted in an interview with Sky News on 16 October that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza: “Israel is in charge of the safety of Israelis; Hamas is in charge of the safety of the Palestinians.” Of course, there is no humanitarian crisis among the Palestinians, since the Israeli high command apparently consider them to be not fully human. No wonder that, together with Netanyahu and other leading Israeli politicians, Hotovely resolutely rejects the two-state solution: “human animals” don’t deserve a state.
A day before three Jewish hostages were mistakenly killed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza on 15 December, Netanyahu said: “I say this in the face of great pain but also in the face of international pressures. Nothing will stop us.” The addressees of this message are not only the relatives of the remaining hostages, who accuse the government of not doing enough to release the estimated 129 that remain in the Strip; the main addressees are perhaps foreign governments, including the US, that are exerting pressure on Israel to show more restraint. Netanyahu’s ultimate message is: even without the support of its Western allies, nothing will stop Israel in achieving its goals (total annihilation of Hamas; rejection of the two-state solution).
The problem with this radical stance is that, as Hani al-Masri, the director-general of the Palestinian Centre for Policy Research and Strategic Studies, pointed out correctly, in pursuing them, Israel is “a prisoner of its own unreachable goals”. Why? Because, to use another quotation, as the anarchist and pacifist president of the Palestine branch of the War Resisters’ International, Natan Hofshi, wrote back in 1946: “Without an understanding with our Arab neighbours, we are building on a volcano and our whole work is in jeopardy.”
Peace will only emerge when Palestinians are allowed to organise themselves as a strong independent political force, broadly democratic and rejecting all forms of religious fundamentalism – something Israel is doing everything possible to prevent by giving Palestinians one choice: to accept Hamas as the only voice that is fighting for them. The latest opinion polls show that anger over the war is boosting Palestinian support for Hamas, particularly in the West Bank, where the IDF is not conducting an all-out offensive and where Hamas does not have control. Throughout the Arab world, hundreds of thousands are protesting against Israel, and tensions are reaching a point of explosion. Some on the left may see in such an explosion a moment of truth, when liberal-pacifist illusions about the occupation are upended – I see in it a catastrophe, not only for Jews and Palestinians but for the world.
Netanyahu’s “nothing will stop us” speech echoes Vladimir Putin’s statement the day before, on 14 December, in which the Russian president vowed to fight on in Ukraine until Moscow secures the country’s “demilitarisation”, “denazification” and neutrality – unless Kyiv accepts a deal that achieves those goals. “There will be peace when we achieve our goals,” Putin declared. “As for demilitarisation, if they [the Ukrainians] don’t want to come to an agreement – well, then we are forced to take other measures, including military ones.” Putin couldn’t restrain himself from cynically remarking that Russia is demilitarising Ukraine by way of destroying hundreds of its tanks and guns – war is thus presented as the ultimate act of demilitarisation. But did some Western heads of state not make a similar point when, reacting to the desperate calls for a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict, they advocated a “sustainable ceasefire”? Though their idea was a ceasefire that would lead to permanent peace, it ultimately amounts to the claim that the only “sustainable” peace is that which follows a (military) victory.
The parallel between Israel-Palestine and Ukraine is imperfect: in the case of the Palestinians and their Israeli neighbours, a compromise between the two peoples is the only way out, while Ukraine is a victim of brutal aggression and has the full right to persevere until victory. Ukraine is now paying the price for exclusively choosing the side of the Western powers, ignoring the link between its struggle for independence with the developing world’s decolonisation process, as well as suppressing its own political left as suspect, somehow associated with Russia. Now that Western states are sceptical about the extent to which they can continue to help Volodymyr Zelensky’s government, Ukraine may find itself in a desperate position.
We have to engage with the topic of decolonisation. The scholars Eve Tuck and K Wayne Yang are right when they insist that “decolonisation” should not be used as a universal metaphor: “Decolonisation brings about the repatriation of indigenous land and life; it is not a metaphor for other things we want to do to improve our societies and schools. The easy adoption of decolonising discourse by educational advocacy and scholarship, evidenced by the increasing number of calls to ‘decolonise our schools’, or use ‘decolonising methods’, or ‘decolonise student thinking’, turns decolonisation into a metaphor.” Such a metaphoric universalisation blurs the actual violence of decolonisation. “Decolonised thinking” (done in a safe academic environment) is a poor substitute for the real and brutal struggle of the oppressed against their masters.
What now overshadows this is the violence of Hamas, which was perceived by many as an attempt at actual decolonisation. However, this is where things get more problematic. First, it is all too easy to dismiss the state of Israel as a result of the colonisation of the Palestinian territory – I agree with Edward Said who thought that both Palestinians and Jews have a right to live there, and that they are condemned to live there together.
I don’t consider Hamas’s stance “leftist” in any meaningful sense of the term, and I don’t envisage a military defeat of Israel as a solution to the Middle East crisis. In a recent piece for Al Jazeera, Jamil Khader, a professor at Bethlehem University, condemns my “lofty aspirational vision” as “completely disconnected from the realities on the ground”. What he finds “incomprehensible” is my insistence on “some liberal politics of hope in this catastrophic context”, like when I see a possible change coming through “the slow rise of solidarity between the Palestinian citizens of Israel and the Jews opposing the all-destructive war”. As a pragmatic realist, I am well aware that such a solidarity is difficult to imagine today. But it is here that we should resuscitate the famous motto of the May 1968 protests in Paris: Soyons réalistes, demandons l’impossible. Be realistic, demand the impossible. The truly dangerous utopia is the idea that the solution to the Middle East crisis can only be achieved through military force.
The second point to address on the subject of decolonisation is that the reality of it often is a metaphor for another process. Recall numerous African countries, from Angola to Zimbabwe, where the overthrow of Western imperial control ended up with corrupted social orders in which the gap between the new masters and the poor has become greater than it was before independence. “Decolonisation” was thus a metaphor for (or one aspect of) the emergence of a new class society.
South Africa today has the biggest gap between the poor and the rich – no wonder that a very depressing thing happened to me in July 2023. In a public debate at Birkbeck Summer School in London, a black woman from South Africa, a veteran activist for the African National Congress, which has ruled the country since 1994, said that the predominant stance among the poor black majority is now increasingly a nostalgia for apartheid. Back then, she said, that demographic’s standard of living was, if anything, a little higher than it is today, and there was safety and security (South Africa was a police state, after all). While today, the woman explained, poverty is supplemented by violence and insecurity.
If a white person were to say this, they would be, of course, immediately accused of racism – but we should nonetheless think about it. If we don’t do it, the new right will do it for us (as they are already doing, lambasting what they regard as the inability of South Africa’s black citizens to run a country properly). The temptation to risk brutal “decolonisation” irrespective of what follows should be resisted. Mao said: “Revolution is not a dinner party.” But what if the reality is that after the revolution there is nothing to eat?
The question we should raise with respect to Hamas is not just what will happen after it loses this war – it is what would happen if Hamas was to survive and continue to rule Gaza? What would be the reality in the Strip, after the waning of enthusiasm for liberation?
\\Putin couldn’t restrain himself from cynically remarking that Russia is demilitarising Ukraine by way of destroying hundreds of its tanks and guns
Reporting 750 destroyed tanks...
While at best estimates Ukraine acqured 500.
And themself bragging about 1500 built/repaired/refurbished.
500 - 750?
1500 - 750?
WHICH number looks more realistic to you?
Especially with lots of videos of burning russian tanks available. :-)))))))
PS And well... dog with foamy mouth trying to reach your throat -- is just ordinary doggy, oh yeah...
In that Dave Dubya thread...
\\If only the anti-war people had as large a propaganda network as the pro-war people.
You think that war can be stopped with mere babbling???
That's... monstrously stupid.
Sorry. But I CAN'T see it any other way. :-/
\\..Saddam was involved with 9/11.
And he was "not involved" in aggression against Kuwait?
And was not strengthening its rule to start EVEN BIGGER aggression?
And was not trying to acquire mass destruction weapon for that?
Well... I can agree that it was over-reaction. But... still, Saddam still needed to be dealt with. That was USA's mistake -- that he was not punished for Kuwait.
Problems with Putin and HAMAS -- is DIRECT consequences of that indecisivness.
Evil not punished -- only GROW bigger.
\\"Naturally the common people don't want war...but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country." -Hermann Goring
In some countries PEOPLE themself WANT IT.
Like Germans under Hitler.
Was there someone attacked Germany??? No.
That was Germans themself, that desired riches grabbed from their neighbor countries. And people of that countries as slaves.
SAME... as Palestinians want blood of innocent children of Israel.
\\I'm thankful I am old and won't have to live so long with consequences of political/military madness, and I pity the younger people most.
Irresponsible elders???
Yeah... that is the reason of all wars and monstrosity in this world. :-((((((((
\\Where prime opposition leader can be ousted from election by the way of phony court judgments. Is it what you'd call "standards of democracy"?
\\You sound like a Trump supporter with this assumption.
I just know a little about what happening in all other World. Outside of USA.
Like Turkie Erdogan -- ousting prime opposition leader out of election... and now lead its country into despoty, with goal to rebuild Osman empire.
Putin seasoning his prime opposition leader in a jail... and started monstrous war against neighbor country to rebuild Russian empire.
Xi of China ousted EVERYONE who could say no to his further plans to start a war, for the sake of rebuilding China empire.
And many-many other smaller autocrats and despot RISING their heads, crawling out of their ratholes...
And NOW... they have EVEN MORE perfect excuses for doing all that shit -- SEE, USA, that Most Brightest Democracy DO IT TOO!!!
That's... unsettling. :-(((((((
\\His violent coup and criminal conspiracy to overturn our election is reasonably called insurrection.
Yeah... and was dragged for a 3 years... decisive response and adequate punishment of it.
That's... even MORE unsettling. :-((((((((((((((((((
\\Our Constitution's 14th Amendment says:
I know enough... see above.
To know that outright TOTALITARIANS have NO problem to found plausible explanation why their political opponents must be punished...
DO YOU trying to reassure me here... that USA ALREADY ready to behave THE SAME as them???
That's... even MOAR HORENDOUSLY unsettling :-(((((((((((((((((((
\\Our Supreme Court is packed with Trump appointees and corrupt sympathizers who take bribes from billionaires. They will obviously reject the Colorado court decision.
That's only hope. That that slip into totalitarism (by the same road as in OPEN and OBVIOUS totalitarian rewgimes)... will be fixed before too late.
Small hope. :-((((((((((((((((((
For a whole World. :-((((((((((((((((((((((((
If BIGGEST Democracy in the World would not be able to overcome it...
what chance for ANY other Democracy in the World would be, aaah???
When such a "streamlining" of subversion of democratic competition... into rule of "might makes right"... will be made "yap, democracies do it too"...
So??? What's the difference between democracy and totalitarian rule there could be???? Remaining. :-((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
\\Dictatorship and banana republic are his goals. He has declared himself above the law and Constitution, as noted above.
And you choose to fix it with Totalitarian patch?
Sorry. Distaste grown too much in me. To level I might start swearing.
\\I wish. His insurrectionist mob was ready to KILL for Trump.
Putin's 'mobiks' ALREADY killing... people in Ukraine, in Syria... alongside with Erdogan's troopers.
and Xi supplying em with ammo.
Americans too... of those brave ones, who decided to go to Ukraine to fight for the Freedom.
As it was in WW1&2. Lafayettes. Interbrigades.
\\You mean Putin's threats to use nuclear weapons?
As much as USA allowing him.
You know -- Europe DO NOT have Nuclear Umbrella. Because it is impossible for such tightly packed continent.
So... if USA will derelict its duty... burrishly flamboyant as Trump... or quietly self-excusing (remember Afghanistan retreat?) as current administration.
Whole Europe will fall in hands of Putin... NO, Putin and Xi.
Where Putin will be ruling over em as a whip of horrendous threat of Nuclear Holocaust.
While Xi will be sleaziness his way into European politics as sweetest candy distributor -- riches of China Market.
What it would mean to USA??? Easy to see, but it seems that perspective is SO horrible, that USAians still instinctively turning blind eye to it. Wholeheartedly.
And that is... VERY unsettling.
As I do not believe either Putin or Xi, or them both to be benevolent rulers of the World...
\Putin couldn’t restrain himself from cynically remarking that Russia is demilitarising Ukraine by way of destroying hundreds of its tanks and guns
Reporting 750 destroyed tanks...
While at best estimates Ukraine acqured 500.
And themself bragging about 1500 built/repaired/refurbished.
500 - 750?
1500 - 750?
WHICH number looks more realistic to you?
Especially with lots of videos of burning russian tanks available. :-)))))))
PS And well... dog with foamy mouth trying to reach your throat -- is just ordinary doggy, oh yeah...
Sorry, went AWOL last week...flu virus...just starting to comeback. Anyways, the numbeers are meaningless. I haven't a clue. I only know one thing... if anyone was winning, they'd have more territory. This is Petersburg all over again.
/In that Dave Dubya thread...
\\If only the anti-war people had as large a propaganda network as the pro-war people.
/You think that war can be stopped with mere babbling???
That's... monstrously stupid.
Sorry. But I CAN'T see it any other way. :-/
You didn't live through Vietnam like I did. The Vietnam War ended when the pro-war people lost Walter Kronkite.
\\..Saddam was involved with 9/11.
/And he was "not involved" in aggression against Kuwait?
And was not strengthening its rule to start EVEN BIGGER aggression?
And was not trying to acquire mass destruction weapon for that?
Well... I can agree that it was over-reaction. But... still, Saddam still needed to be dealt with. That was USA's mistake -- that he was not punished for Kuwait.
Problems with Putin and HAMAS -- is DIRECT consequences of that indecisivness.
Evil not punished -- only GROW bigger.
I agree wholeheartedly. American has been kicking the can of conflict further down the road since Korea. Remember Korea, when America actually went into open war with China for a few months? MacArthur wanted to nuke them. But he was sent into retirement, and the can kicking began. Those real American generals are long gone.
\\"Naturally the common people don't want war...but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country." -Hermann Goring
In some countries PEOPLE themself WANT IT.
Like Germans under Hitler.
Was there someone attack Germany??? No.
That was Germans themself, that desired riches grabbed from their neighbor countries. And people of that countries as slaves.
SAME... as Palestinians want blood of innocent children of Israel.
Goerring wrote that before the a bomb. The situation has changed. At least for people who understand the tech.
\\I'm thankful I am old and won't have to live so long with consequences of political/military madness, and I pity the younger people most.
/Irresponsible elders???
Yeah... that is the reason of all wars and monstrosity in this world. :-((((((((
That and each generation grows ever stupider. There is only one possible outcome of a hard and fast conflict with Russia. MAD. When Ukraine surrendered her nukes, all she got in return was a lame promise from expended former world power. And our word isn't worth sh*t.
\\Where prime opposition leader can be ousted from election by the way of phony court judgments. Is it what you'd call "standards of democracy"?
\\You sound like a Trump supporter with this assumption.
I just know a little about what happening in all other World. Outside of USA.
Like Turkie Erdogan -- ousting prime opposition leader out of election... and now lead its country into despoty, with goal to rebuild Osman empire.
Putin seasoning his prime opposition leader in a jail... and started monstrous war against neighbor country to rebuild Russian empire.
Xi of China ousted EVERYONE who could say no to his further plans to start a war, for the sake of rebuilding China empire.
And many-many other smaller autocrats and despot RISING their heads, crawling out of their ratholes...
And NOW... they have EVEN MORE perfect excuses for doing all that shit -- SEE, USA, that Most Brightest Democracy DO IT TOO!!!
That's... unsettling. :-(((((((
Trantor is failing. We simple await the Mule.
Where "power" could once be trusted to "settle" disputes, we must now rely upon "intelligence". And as of yet, we are not very "intelligent".
\\His violent coup and criminal conspiracy to overturn our election is reasonably called insurrection.
/Yeah... and was dragged for a 3 years... decisive response and adequate punishment of it.
That's... even MORE unsettling. :-((((((((((((((((((
This song sums it up. Enjoy your f*cking, if you can. Until you can't.
\\Our Constitution's 14th Amendment says:
I know enough... see above.
To know that outright TOTALITARIANS have NO problem to found plausible explanation why their political opponents must be punished...
DO YOU trying to reassure me here... that USA ALREADY ready to behave THE SAME as them???
That's... even MOAR HORENDOUSLY unsettling :-(((((((((((((((((((
At least 30% of Americans are dependent upon the current regime for the livelihood. I no longer am.
\\Our Supreme Court is packed with Trump appointees and corrupt sympathizers who take bribes from billionaires. They will obviously reject the Colorado court decision.
That's only hope. That that slip into totalitarism (by the same road as in OPEN and OBVIOUS totalitarian rewgimes)... will be fixed before too late.
Small hope. :-((((((((((((((((((
For a whole World. :-((((((((((((((((((((((((
If BIGGEST Democracy in the World would not be able to overcome it...
what chance for ANY other Democracy in the World would be, aaah???
When such a "streamlining" of subversion of democratic competition... into rule of "might makes right"... will be made "yap, democracies do it too"...
So??? What's the difference between democracy and totalitarian rule there could be???? Remaining. :-((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
I thought you said that it was NMP? Why the change of heart? This is and always has been the central problem. The Court cannot be relied upon. At heart, it is institutionalist in its actions with one goal, "preserve the Union". But which union? That of its' citizens? Or that of its' globalist elites? Can 5 Justices defy its' "institutional" responsibility? Do they have that kind of integrity? Perhaps we'll see. But I doubt it. For they are it's elitist heart.
\\Dictatorship and banana republic are his goals. He has declared himself above the law and Constitution, as noted above.
/And you choose to fix it with Totalitarian patch?
Sorry. Distaste grown too much in me. To level I might start swearing.
But "happily ever after" fails
And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales
The lawyers dwell on small details
Since daddy had to fly...
\\I wish. His insurrectionist mob was ready to KILL for Trump.
/Putin's 'mobiks' ALREADY killing... people in Ukraine, in Syria... alongside with Erdogan's troopers.
and Xi supplying em with ammo.
Americans too... of those brave ones, who decided to go to Ukraine to fight for the Freedom.
As it was in WW1&2. Lafayettes. Interbrigades.
There was no place for them in America's armed forces anymore. They'd been replaced by trans and gay allies.
\\You mean Putin's threats to use nuclear weapons?
/As much as USA allowing him.
You know -- Europe DO NOT have Nuclear Umbrella. Because it is impossible for such tightly packed continent.
So... if USA will derelict its duty... burrishly flamboyant as Trump... or quietly self-excusing (remember Afghanistan retreat?) as current administration.
Whole Europe will fall in hands of Putin... NO, Putin and Xi.
Where Putin will be ruling over em as a whip of horrendous threat of Nuclear Holocaust.
While Xi will be sleaziness his way into European politics as sweetest candy distributor -- riches of China Market.
What it would mean to USA??? Easy to see, but it seems that perspective is SO horrible, that USAians still instinctively turning blind eye to it. Wholeheartedly.
And that is... VERY unsettling.
As I do not believe either Putin or Xi, or them both to be benevolent rulers of the World...
GB and France both are nuclear powers. Their "umbrellas" are Europe's. And as you can see from above conversations, America has bigger problems than Ukraine's independence. It's own independence is in play.
\\Sorry, went AWOL last week...flu virus...just starting to comeback. Anyways, the numbeers are meaningless.
Well, yeah... by itself.
Only inside some framework they acquire some meaning.
\\I haven't a clue. I only know one thing... if anyone was winning, they'd have more territory. This is Petersburg all over again.
Well... how to you that loses of wast swatches of territory... russian was banished from in 2022...
until "wise" "allies" from West started rationing help AGAIN.
As in pre-war times -- that miserly ammo and Javellines... in pack with "generous" suggestion to run away from capital.
\\You didn't live through Vietnam like I did. The Vietnam War ended when the pro-war people lost Walter Kronkite.
Ehm??? Afganistan?
I mean USSR's invasion.
\\ MacArthur wanted to nuke them. But he was sent into retirement
I do not feel that I posses enough knowledge to judge that.
Attack on Japan with nukes -- have had definite rational goal.
Use of nukes in Korea... I fear it would just regularized use of nukes in warfare...
and that is... First World War use of poison gases -- changes nothing, but makes it much much more dirtier.
\\ There is only one possible outcome of a hard and fast conflict with Russia. MAD.
Because USA forgot how to cook Cold War Deterrence. ;-)
HINT: make your weapon superior -- with New Techs.
\\ When Ukraine surrendered her nukes, all she got in return was a lame promise from expended former world power.
What use could make Ukraine out of that nukes???
Why Europe countries did not created Nuclear Umbrella of their own?
\\ And as of yet, we are not very "intelligent".
Because you trying to ignore what was root of your intelligence. ;-)
\\I thought you said that it was NMP? Why the change of heart?
And where you see it? That change of heart?
\\But "happily ever after" fails
Well... discussion there continues... somehow. :-)
\\They'd been replaced by trans and gay allies.
Like that 300 Spartans? :-)
\\GB and France both are nuclear powers.
Only nominally.
To be one -- one need to be able to survive MAD... somehow.
Only USSR with Syberia. And only USA... with Canada. Can (try to) pull that trick
Even China -- cannot.
Drop dozen bombs on their coastal cities -- and they are doomed.
That's why they prefer using North Korea... and now RFia, as proxies.
Might be last not (disclosed) comment there...
\\And you tell me that is the same as democratic socialism.
No. I don't.
That is just another of usual tricks of socialists... to thwart discussion.
In Soviet Union they was declaring people dissenting from "bright future of socialism/communism" crazy and put em into asylums.
Because "it's not possible for a sane people to NOT believe in Socialism".
You. Nothing different.
\\Sorry, went AWOL last week...flu virus...just starting to comeback. Anyways, the numbeers are meaningless.
Well, yeah... by itself.
Only inside some framework they acquire some meaning.
I have only inherently untrustworthy channels for building any framework.
\\I haven't a clue. I only know one thing... if anyone was winning, they'd have more territory. This is Petersburg all over again.
/Well... how to you that loses of wast swatches of territory... russian was banished from in 2022...
until "wise" "allies" from West started rationing help AGAIN.
As in pre-war times -- that miserly ammo and Javellines... in pack with "generous" suggestion to run away from capital.
The "wisdom" of "allies" is that they pursue their own interests, and their support only lasts so long as they're served. The neocons seek to bleed Russia out of pure spite, which does not bode well for Ukraine.
\\You didn't live through Vietnam like I did. The Vietnam War ended when the pro-war people lost Walter Kronkite.
/Ehm??? Afganistan?
I mean USSR's invasion.
The USSR thought that it could finally win the Great Game. It was a much more dangerous game than they, or anyone else (America included), ever anticipated. It unraveled the bi-polar world order, then the uni-polar world order. The unraveling continues.
"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." - Winston Churchill
\\ MacArthur wanted to nuke them. But he was sent into retirement
/I do not feel that I posses enough knowledge to judge that.
Attack on Japan with nukes -- have had definite rational goal.
Use of nukes in Korea... I fear it would just regularized use of nukes in warfare...
and that is... First World War use of poison gases -- changes nothing, but makes it much much more dirtier.
...and expensive, as one must always guard against the possibility. The cost of war has become "prohibitive" (at least for sensible people). And yet, here we are. Playing a global game of blind man's bluff. Now, stop punching yourself! Oh wait, you think you can "win".... You think that the game of those who are in power can't be played so as to keep them in power. I say, "f*ck them!" As mr ducky used to say, "it's a mug's game!"
\\I have only inherently untrustworthy channels for building any framework.
Such framework... it's creation of art.
Built from inside out. By the method of induction. And imagination.
And maybe even insanity... sometimes. ;-)
\\The "wisdom" of "allies" is that they pursue their own interests
To reinforce liliPut. And to show own weakness to Xi.
Is in their best interests?
I know about gambits. But it looks more like that Darwin's Prize winner... that cut own head... with a chainsaw. %)
\\The USSR thought...
That bunch of marasmatic ready to grave??? :-))))))))))))))))))))
Hanlon's razor
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki
Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." It is a philosophical ...
Bad faith · Clarke's three laws · Sturgeon's law · Idiot-proof
\\"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." - Winston Churchill
"Truth... is the out there"(c) ;-)
\\...and expensive, as one must always guard against the possibility. The cost of war has become "prohibitive" (at least for sensible people). And yet, here we are. Playing a global game of blind man's bluff. Now, stop punching yourself! Oh wait, you think you can "win".... You think that the game of those who are in power can't be played so as to keep them in power. I say, "f*ck them!" As mr ducky used to say, "it's a mug's game!"
Quote by Sun Tzu: “If you know the enemy and ...
https://www.goodreads.com › ...
Sun Tzu — 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every ...
liliPut... happen to grow in knowledge of you -- West. Because you allowed him... under your skin.
But... it became unaware of itself... in that process.
ignored need to know liliPut. Still asking blindly "Who??? And who??? Who is mr.Putin??? Why he isn't one we thought we know it is".
And. Forget who you are... very thoroughly.
That even such a mafusails as Bi-den, seems so DEMN clueless...
Seems like DiDi stopped disclosed my comments.
What was you talking about "intellectual honesty" of leftists??? :-))))))))))))
\\ Blogger Dave Dubya said...
\\ Les,
The warning flag was up when he showed us he took Hitler's words wrapped as socialism as honest expressions of his politics.
But that. That's Historical Fact.
Not only that he have written that 25-points programme -- which scream about Socialism.
But. His practices was distinctly socialistic... providing jobs and health protection and etc...
Well, under brand "for genuine Germans ONLY"... but, any and ALL socialisms... I mean, again, real historical ones... was about segregation.
On the base of ethnicity, as Hitler. Or on class base, as Stalin. Or intermixed, as Mao...
THAT IS... how you treating Historical Facts? YES, Davy?
DISTINCTLY COMMIE way -- bend it all in pretzel, for the politic sake.
PS And you will not disclose THIS comment too? Am I right?
But with that -- you'd only prove my point.
\\I have only inherently untrustworthy channels for building any framework.
Such framework... it's creation of art.
Built from inside out. By the method of induction. And imagination.
And maybe even insanity... sometimes. ;-)
That's the best part... :)
\\The "wisdom" of "allies" is that they pursue their own interests
/To reinforce liliPut. And to show own weakness to Xi.
Is in their best interests?
I know about gambits. But it looks more like that Darwin's Prize winner... that cut own head... with a chainsaw. %)
As long as they can escape blame, think they care?
\\"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." - Winston Churchill
"Truth... is the out there"(c) ;-)
I want to believe....
/Sun Tzu — 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every ...
liliPut... happen to grow in knowledge of you -- West. Because you allowed him... under your skin.
But... it became unaware of itself... in that process.
ignored need to know liliPut. Still asking blindly "Who??? And who??? Who is mr.Putin??? Why he isn't one we thought we know it is".
And. Forget who you are... very thoroughly.
That even such a mafusails as Bi-den, seems so DEMN clueless...
Putin knows us. That's why he's winning. I think maybe it's you who don't know us. You hold impressions that are altogether inapplicable to us today. Like we can do anything requiring tenacity or great will.
/Seems like DiDi stopped disclosed my comments.
What was you talking about "intellectual honesty" of leftists??? :-))))))))))))
Good luck finding one... an intellectually honest Leftist.
\\ Blogger Dave Dubya said...
\\ Les,
The warning flag was up when he showed us he took Hitler's words wrapped as socialism as honest expressions of his politics.
But that. That's Historical Fact.
Not only that he have written that 25-points programme -- which scream about Socialism.
But. His practices was distinctly socialistic... providing jobs and health protection and etc...
Well, under brand "for genuine Germans ONLY"... but, any and ALL socialisms... I mean, again, real historical ones... was about segregation.
On the base of ethnicity, as Hitler. Or on class base, as Stalin. Or intermixed, as Mao...
THAT IS... how you treating Historical Facts? YES, Davy?
DISTINCTLY COMMIE way -- bend it all in pretzel, for the politic sake.
PS And you will not disclose THIS comment too? Am I right?
But with that -- you'd only prove my point.
Just censor and ignore what you're too intellectually dishonest to address.
\\That's the best part... :)
\\As long as they can escape blame, think they care?
Suicide as effective way to avoid shame?
Samurais for at least teaching how to do that with style.
\\I want to believe....
I prefer having. ;-)
\\Putin knows us. That's why he's winning.
Only if you'd submit.
\\I think maybe it's you who don't know us.
I know only that... that I know nothing.
\\ Like we can do anything requiring tenacity or great will.
Yes. Until you pressed.
\\/Seems like DiDi stopped disclosed my comments.
What was you talking about "intellectual honesty" of leftists??? :-))))))))))))
\\Good luck finding one... an intellectually honest Leftist.
That's it.
Leftism, it's religious cult.
Totalitarian one.
\\Just censor and ignore what you're too intellectually dishonest to address.
Or just incapable... like in case with Derpy.
How do you think... can DiDi be pressed with facts? ;-)
\\He shows no capacity to differentiate one-party communist dictatorship from constitutional social DEMOCRACY that provides healthcare and education as a RIGHT
You are free to double check it for yourself -- Soviet Union Constitution.
Even though the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly set forth a right to health care, the Supreme Court's decisions in the areas of the right to privacy and bodily integrity suggest the Constitution implicitly provides an individual the right to access health care services at one's own expense from willing medical
Health Care: Constitutional Rights and Legislative Powers
Every CRS Report
https://www.everycrsreport.com › reports
1936 Constitution of the USSR, Part I
Bucknell University
https://www.departments.bucknell.edu › ...
This right is ensured by free, qualified medical care provided by state health ... Citizens of the USSR have the right to education. This right is ensured by ...
people are strange... especially smart ones.
Thank you for the compliment. :-)
Both ways. ;-)
Now we are even.
One (DiBi) took you for me. And now some other fool (in DiDi's place) trying to prove that me -- it's you.
Isn't it dumb funny... well, what you was talking about smart people? ;-)
Naaah... too boring, that DiDi.
Though, not complete imbecile like that Derpy -- for at least it know his weak spots. And know how to cover em. And not that desperate.
\\Foreign MAGAt does have a lot in common with the other foreign MAGAt. I wouldn't be surprised if they are one and the same.
There is ONLY ONE Logic. And ONLY ONE Physics.
So, why that might be SO surprising, that ones who use em -- sound alike?
That is among zealots are many cults, flavors and heresies. :-))))))))))))) Always.
\\Foreign MAGAt keeps proving he's only here to antagonize. He is a troll. He's not here to share information or even ideas. All he's doing is parroting radical Right drivel.
Pointing to the Facts of Reality is "antagonizing"???
Facts of the History and of the Science.
Now you confirmed your zealotry for sure.
As that is zealots who don't like and even fear Facts of the History and the Science.
\\Such disrespect indicates an authoritarian personality who believes others are beneath him.
What "disrespect"?
To your cult slogans and chants and mantras??? :-))))))))))))))))
\\IF he wants to post here again, I suggest he tells us where he is from and which political party/economic system he supports, and WHY. Such non-disclosure is cowardice.
\\This is his only warning.
GFY here too. Who are you to make such demands? Little authoritarian of your little blog?
PS You are totally one of Cult of Morons AKA socialists. :-)))))))))))))))))))))000
I think you should return to DiBi's blog (no, not for the sake of haunting it ;-P it's pointless)
But to take closer look at character "locumranch".
And also... I maybe wrong... but it looks like premises of something big. Well, for at least events when one of tight crowd of follower of that aging prima donna suddenly turns into dissenter... relatively rare.
Well. You are not very articulative about you interests. But as far as I was able to devise. Psychology and group dynamics is what could be interesting. For you?
So I provided that best available/known to me examples -- see, how similar is reaction of DiBi in his blog, to what "locumranch" said -- with giving direct citation of scientific facts, and how DiDi hastily tried to dismiss my screeds -- after such a OPEN, OBVIOUS and directly referring to Reality fact was given.
Well... that is how it is, in this virtual open space of thought. Or thought-killing space.
Because in absence of incentive to keep track of how one's thought are in accordance with reality...
well, happens is what happens.
That's the way the cookie crumbles. (c) :-)))
Brin & co. No thanks.
I need a break from blogs for a while.
Oh... how I understand you.
I see similarity here... with my own experience.
I first came to bloggerverse (LJ) fresh and young and with high hopes. And was bent on trying to talk with multitude of people. About anything.
Then, grow bored.
Instead of talking just started collecting "goodies".
Then, grow bored.
But then... political talks started. And I again fel myself fresh and young and bent on talking with many people.
Then, grow bored.
And just started collecting "goodies".
Then, grow bored too.
After that... after known events. I decided to try English speaking sector too.
That is when DiBi's blog happen.
With... I bet on that that we have mutual agreement on that. Completely(?). What it is. In and out.
Then, grow bored.
Well, so now I lurking as "bodiless" spirit... (shy)
Oh... Didi's reactions... priceless. :-)))))))))))))))))))0
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