Identity Technologies for Achieving Profilic Superiority...
...or Simply Hubris and an Inflated Self-Esteem?
The Identity Tech Underlying the Social Cancellation Phenomena
From The Book of Ecclesiastes:
1 The words of the Preacher,[a] the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
2 Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
Culture... what we CALL culture -- that is just a manure. An excrements. Rubbish and trash.
We teached to destinguish and admit ONLY when it rotting and thrown out of a window as daily trash.
REAL Culture -- that is part of a process itself. Seen by a few.
Deleuze on "Culture"
Deleuze mocks the formula: "Be yourselves - it being understood that this self must be that of others". - Culture is not a movement of normalization or conformity. - "Culture(...) is an involuntary adventure, the movement of learning which links a Sensibility, a Memory and then a Thought, with all the cruelties and violence necessary, as Nietzsche said, precisely in order to "Train a Nation of Thinkers" or to "Provide a Training for the Mind."
aka - Centuries of torture during the Middle Ages (Geneology of Morals, 2nd Essay) with which I (from Foucault) would argue it's "transition" from physical causes for culture to psychological ones today (Society of Sovereignty -> Disciplinary Society -> Control Society -> Achievement Society) moving from all stick to all carrot, from physical barriers/ pens to virtual ones.
In other words... Techno-culture.
The medium IS the message!
You know what I find fascinating. And why.
And that is not such talks.
You know -- P, for Pragmatism.
What CONCLUSION you can come up with, from such ideas you talking about???
I. Came to idea of new tech(s).
That we all should read more writings of Byung-Chul Han... :)
...and learn how to put the tech down.
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