We lack a greater Culture to which we all WISH to belong, so we cling to a minor grouping.. enter the post-modern META-narrative.... ala Modularization of the narratives into MULTI-Culturalism. But do we REALLY WISH to all be the SAME? Or do we simply WISH that OUR INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE was more GREATLY VALUED & APPRECIATED in the Greater Culture?
Instead of crafting a more Universalist Culture, our Elites DE-Represent the Majority Cultural Group, DE-legitimize it, and suppress their members Agency through trauma culture. They do so by self-imposing white guilt-pride, with those whites who suppress and de-legitimize their own majority culture doing so out of a combination of guilt relating to other historically oppressed races/ cultures that the majority culture has suppressed and their new-found pride in having abandoned and now actively suppressed other members of that former majority culture. White guilt-pride is the disease of the so-called Professional Managerial Class (PMC) (aka Surplus-Salaried Bourgeoisie).
"guilt-pride" is imaginary.
So is guilt-pride's corresponding delusions of moral superiority
how much she must be hated in the very liberal UK....I hope they listen to her!
That's Z at GeeeZ; not sure why I'm suddenly 'anonymous'
It's probably a Blogger v. WordPress thing...
...and I doubt anyone CAN listen to her in the UK... as she's been accused of 'WrongThinke".
,,,and DE-Presentationed
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