00:00 Introduction05:12 Is Integrated Information Theory a materialist theory?08:46 Unpacking IIT: intrinsic conscious experience as the starting point11:05 Feelings have a specific structure14:37 What is 'intrinsic causal power' and why is it important?18:38 The difference between being in love and the mass of an object21:05 Unfolding the intrinsic causal power of a system21:51 Can you give me the algorithm of the taste of garlic?25:50 Consciousness is NOT the brain29:16 The unfolded causal structure of a teapot31:25 The difference between IIT and panpsychism and the consciousness of bacteria and bees35:03 Consciousness vs Self-Consciousness36:18 The combination problem and how to establish the boundary of a (conscious) system39:23 The experiment of brain bridging41:50 Split brain experiments49:45 Brains are nog magical: neuro morphic engineering52:11 What is a whole and what a part?55:55 How a larger consciousness would wipe out you and me: the Borg example from Star Trek57:03 Christof Koch on his DMT trip59:58 The ontological shock of psychedelics1:04:24 How to make sense of the psychedelic experience?1:08:50 Is IIT idealist?1:13:56 Are hearts conscious?1:15:16 On the filter hypothesis1:17:44 What can IIT say about the psychedelic state and NDE's?1:25:40 What could a couple billion dollars buy when invested in neuroscience?1:27:31 On the critique on IIT1:30:40 Why we have to remain skeptical1:32:51 'Naive' physicalism1:34:55 On the placebo effect1:40:38 The Near Death Experience on 5-MeO-DMT1:44:26 Will psychedelics change your scientific career
"If One is Not, then Nothing Is"-Plato, "Parmenides"
Integrated information theory (IIT) proposes a mathematical model for the consciousness of a system. It comprises a framework ultimately intended to explain why some physical systems (such as human brains) are conscious,[1] and to be capable of providing a concrete inference about whether any physical system is conscious, to what degree, and what particular experience it has; why they feel the particular way they do in particular states (e.g. why our visual field appears extended when we gaze out at the night sky),[2] and what it would take for other physical systems to be conscious (Are other animals conscious? Might the whole universe be?).[3]
According to IIT, a system's consciousness (what it is like subjectively) is conjectured to be identical to its causal properties (what it is like objectively). Therefore, it should be possible to account for the conscious experience of a physical system by unfolding its complete causal powers.[4]IIT was proposed by neuroscientist Giulio Tononi in 2004.[5] Despite significant interest, IIT remains controversial and has been widely criticized, including that it is unfalsifiable pseudoscience.
Notes from the Video:
Consciousness exerts "intrinsic causal power effects upon others" (Plato's "Immovable Mover" from "The Laws"). The more consciousness exists for itself, the more "integrated" it become/ ontologically "is".
Integrated Information (Phi) is NOT information in the Shannon Sense of Information.
Quantitatively you can study and count up the number of apparently individual causal objects that make up the integrated information system. How their interconnections and causal powers inter-relate determine the qualitative "feel" within, and to, the integrated information subject. Consciousness merges into and from the most maximally connected causal object existing for itself (ie - merge 2 individual human subjects (or brain hemispheres) with a mind link with quantitatively more causal interconnections than exist in either single mind, or hemisphere, and the previous integrated information consciousnesses merge and the previous singular ones ,disappear/ become indistinguishable). The whole is defined by the maximum of intrinsic causal power and per IIT, every whole is a conscious entity by itself .
It differs from Panpsychism in that not every atom and molecule assembly has "causal powers".
There are also "grades" of consciousness. For example, as children mature they become more and more self-conscious (starting in the Mirror Stage and progressing to Sincerity, Authenticity, and then to 2nd Order Identities like Profilicity or to Being-in-the-World or Dasein).
There's also no Turing Test (TT) for "Consciousness", it (the TT) can only test for "Intelligence". ChatGTP, for example, is a simulation of causal action. To test for consciousness, you need to look at the causal action substrate that it is running on, and the complexity of information interactions which generate consciousness. You cannot simulate the causal power substrate, you need the actual causal substrate/ mass that generates the causal power information (ie- in a computer simulation you can simulate the effects of gravity, but the simulation cannot [TRON, or MATRIX-like] pull the programmer into the simulation without supplying the proper information causal substrate on which to run). The spinal cord is also not necessary for consciousness (ie - paralyzed individual is still conscious)
The whole is different from the individual Parts. What is conscious, what has a conscious experience, is really the whole, this entire "maximum of causal effect power." The individual Neurons, by themselves, they are not conscious. It's not that you have individual Consciousness, and then you pack them all together and then you get the Super Consciousness. No, it's only the only the system, only the set of mechanisms that has maximum causal effect at that particular scale, not at the scale above, not at the scale below. It's very specific.
And a larger Consciousness, as you said earlier, would wipe out... sort of, if the two of us connect and it becomes this new maximum integrated, it will wipe out our conscious experience.
Correct it's like the Borg
1 Corinthians 15:50-53 (KJV)
50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
Against Entropy?
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