
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

"Hand, SALUTE!"


FreeThinke said...

I HATE the way the "music" DROWNS OUT the VOICES!

What's with that anyway?

It seems to be yet-another lamentable "trend." Even some of the dramas on PBS, for many years one of the last bastions of excellence, suffer from a similar unsuitable imablance.

IF there is any point to this video, I failed to grasp it in the thumping bumping welter of unwanted, unneeded percussive sind.


Joe Cameltoe said...

This isn't PBS, it's PSB. This is "concert music". What to make of a "concert" that extols historical events and interleaves actual commentary from the period into its' program? I APPLAUD it. The alternative is a blaring ear-splitting drug addled HAZE.

Viva, PSB! Viva la difference!

Joe Cameltoe said...

Sometimes context is everything.

Joe Cameltoe said...

The video is the background. Not the music.

Joe Cameltoe said...

Sharing "middle class" values.

Joe Cameltoe said...

When was the last time you saw a pop-cultural artifact extolling COAL MINING? 50 years ago?

FreeThinke said...

I don't like it.


Sorry, but to me it's nothing but Mumbo Jumbo.

But then our tastes in music have rarely-if-ever been in harmony.

Thersites said...
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Thersites said...

It's been tailored to suit more modern tastes, FT. Like of those who would prefer the "decadent" style in the "Cultural Decay" post, above this one. And given the choice, I'd prefer if more modern tastes embraced this, opposed to the latter, post.

Exhort to virtue, I always say! ;)