
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Indepedence Day


Franco Aragosta said...

__________ TO INDEPENDENCE __________

The fountains in the sky in brilliance burst
Over throngs who thrill as patterns spread
In radiant arms of glowing hues disbursed
Natant in the blackness overhead.
Deafening as any cannonade
Explosions follow soon the hiss and squeal ––
Preliminaries to the star brigade
Erupting floridly, yet quite unreal.
Naumachia was naught compare to this
Delirium. Decorum’s cast aside.
Enraptured like Narcissus we know bliss,
Non sequitur to what’s seen nationwide.
Could joy we take in heaven’s fireworks
Earthbound hold us, while the Devil smirks?

~ FreeThinke

Be Strong! ... Be Proud! ... Be Faithful! ... Be Grateful!

Franco Aragosta said...

____ The Fourth of July ____

Bashing the Navy blue of sky
___ fierce color whirls and thrusts itself
______ in senseless patterns!
Loud noises crack and shrill
___ in mockery of cannon shot.
___ the “Little Folk”sit and stare
Forgetting each other
___ in vapid contentment.

Sedentary buttocks spread and sag
___ in canvas deck chairs.
Ice cream-sticky,
___ chocolate-covered children
______ gape and giggle ––
_________ whine and whimper.

Rolled in a rough blanket
___ adolescent lovers
______ mockingly tempt fate,
And cling to the destruction
___ of their sweetness.

CRACK! and the sky fills
___ with cruel white light.
Now, God can see
___ each family group
______ spread in shabby rows
Neatly spelling out “DEATH,”
punctuated with beer cans.

The flag has now flown
___ and dropped its burning stars
______ one by one to the ground.
No one listens as the band plays
___ the national anthem ––
______ out of tune.

~ Al Terego

Joe Conservative said...

Our complacency is appalling...

Franco Aragosta said...

It is, indeed. Besides the decades of Cultural Marxist conditioning I harp on endlessly asa primary cause of degeneracy, I must also blame too much comfort and convenience brought o us by automation and the almost desperate urge to "outsell" one another in miendless, compulsive competition which will lead nowhere but to eventual BURNOUT.

Strange how the disparate, seeminly opposing forces of Marxism and Over-Commercialization work together inadvertently to produce maximum stress triggerings obsessive-compulsive drives that cause us to imagine we wana t whole raft of things that won' satisfy us, and we don't really need at all!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


Franco Aragosta said...


SCOTUS Rules that 'Faithless Electors' MUST Vote for Popular-Vote Winner

Just the News

by Sophie Mann

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the 538 people who cast the actual votes for president in December as members of the Electoral College must vote the way the laws of their state direct.

The high court ruled unanimously against advocates who were attempting to change the Electoral College and shift the country toward a nationwide popular voting system for the presidency.

SCOTUS ruled that presidential electors must vote as their state requires them to, which in most states means voting for the candidate who won the popular vote in the state.

Mrs. Grundy said...

Sorry, but this will lead to the complete elimination of the Electoral College.

Mrs. Grundy said...

...and the crowning of the winner of the national "popular" vote as "President".