Juliet is the Sun. Hegelian Thesis:Antithesis:Synthesis inspired from the 'musical' and Bernsteinian 'deconstructing logic' analysis post below.
from "The Unanswered Question", Leonard Bernstein @ Harvard (1973)Constructing Equality example:
Logical - Juliet is beautiful and radiant, and the sun - a star - is also beautiful and radiant, so Juliet is like the sun in terms of their beauty and radiance. (logical)
A logical Reduction through deletion -
Juliet is radiant like the sun.
An illogical Reduction through poetic deletion and harmonization -x2
Juliet is the sun.
Things tend to become more beautiful when you remove what is not necessary for their beauty even if it not logical.
Tipping the 'Goodly' scales toward Beauty - Decreasing truth to increase beauty. Creating Global Db/G/F Subcultures
Plato, "Philebus" And now we are at the vestibule of the good, in which there are three chief elements— truth, symmetry, and beauty. De-Uglification: Just another 'Noble Lie'?
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