
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Saturday, January 29, 2022

You're sooooo Meta now...

How can you tell?

You're no longer a judgmental "Critical Theory purist" claiming to "read the minds of others" and lacking a social developmental values lens.

Why aren't there more metamoderns/

Because late-capitalism's "disciplinary matrix" produces workers with Epimethean post-modern "critical" values.  It strips individuals of the "forethought" necessary for financial independence and autonomy and teaches them a proletarian reliance upon others in class-inducing vertically-hierarchical social structures like corporations that make all major decisions and ultimately control all wealth-producing means of production.


Les Carpenter said...

Well, when we realize the truth of dependent origination we begin to realize that we are not of a concrete, never changing nature. The result? The ego self gradually dissipates into a level without influence.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So you (as an individual) would deny the possibility of an "objective truth" in the Kantian sense (which a "trial by jury" seeks to emulate)? A situation in which 100% of the people involved in an event (peers having the same subjective background as the accused) agree to its' "reality"?

Perhaps I'm not as "optimistic" as you are vis "the ego".

Have you ever read Sophocles' Oresteia? If the "charm" of a trial does not take effect on the relatives of the victims and the perpetrator, The Furies" will pursue them to their inevitable conclusion. Revenge. They will never be buried in the olive groves of the Eumenides by Theseus outside of Athens at Colonus with Oedipus.

Les Carpenter said...

I am not terribly optimistic actually. The US, the large majority anyway, have absolutely no real idea of that which my post if speaking about. Abd likely if they did they (their egos) would stand in opposition to it.

No, i have not read Oresteia. I've so much to read and study already i'll add it to my bucket list of classics to read as time allows.

Revenge is the exact wrong approach. Acountability comensurate with the crime and the laws of the land is how issues ought be resolved. Assuming of course the laws are just (yes, i know there's a degree of subjectivity involved) and equitably applied.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The US, the large majority anyway, have absolutely no real idea of that which my post if speaking about

Virtue cannot be taught. As it requires "right opinion"... it can only be learned.

Les Carpenter said...

Virtue can be taught. By the example of those who actually posses it.

But of course even virtue is tinkered with and made subjective by the Legal Beagles Mindset of, if it's legal it's acceptable and permissible. Even if it's unethical or immoral. Then they go about making laws that perpetuate an unethical existence.

If people in general had an understanding of Ultimate Reality and recognized and tempered Relative Reality (the state of the mundane we live in) with that understanding the world would probably be experiencing a much better relative reality.