
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Aleksandr Dugin Speaks Directly to Americans



(((Thought Criminal))) said...

This fool falls for the absurdity that is actually believing civilization exists outside the borders of the United States.

His argument, tl;dr - maturity is destroying children's culture.

If he is "Putin's brain," it explains much about why Putin acts in brainless ways.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The guy thinks he can still fight liberal nihilism... what a maroon. We lost that war last century.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

He even admits that communism, fascism and racism all failed and that there's a fourth way that every nation must discover for itself. Isn't that a meta-way and not a fourth way?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

He's the "neo-Eurasianist" anti-commmunist fascist that wrote the party platform for the the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Half of his life was spent under Soviet rule being taught by people who spent their entire life under Soviet rule. That includes the travel restrictions and censorship of foreign media. Even if he somehow dodged the fetal alcohol poisoning and malnutrition that typically caps the average Russian's IQ somewhere between 55 and 72, he would have been restrained from learning anything salient about the rest of the world including America. Russia didn't invade Ukraine to stop gender identity or any of his other buzzwords. He is a man that doesn't know what he is talking about but does so anyway.

Putin isn't serving polonium tea to liberal globalist blah blah anymore than this guy really wants an alliance with anyone that does. Does he walk like he has Parkinson's to show off his KGB training too?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I think he has a pretty good argument (replicated at bottom of thread).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and you are Sting.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Nay... I am Baron Zemo lol

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Sorry... not familiar with the Baron other than what wiki says about Henrich and Helmut.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I'm sympathetic to the Marvel Cinematic Universe version. His country was destroyed by a superhero battle. Other than being a manipulative criminal mastermind and oligarch, he was pretty classy. :)

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

And his dancing recalled Sting in Quadrophenia

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Yeah, Sting was a pretty crappy dancer too. They would only film him from the waist up in Quadrophenia...

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Trivia: The Kingsmen recorded"Louie, Louie" in one take.

If you listen listen carefully at 0:56, you'll hear the drummer drop his stick and tell "F*ck!"

And thus the F-bomb entered the subconsciousness of rock and roll listeners for the rest of history.