"West-east easing" (Google Translate from German)
We should play more and work less, recommends philosopher Byung-Chul Han. He argues with Asian thinking and yet is entirely in the tradition of the West. A visit to the Karlsruhe University of Design
After the death of God, wrote Friedrich Nietzsche, health became a goddess. For example in Karlsruhe? The sun shines here for 1,691 hours a year, which puts it in fifth place among all German cities in a fair-weather ranking by the men's magazine "Men's Health". There is a castle, a park and a zoo, but hardly any cultural attractions and other urban temptations. So leisure activities in the open air are ideal, sport – in short: the vita activa. “If there were a horizon of meaning that went beyond bare life,” says the philosopher Byung-Chul Han, “health would not be able to become so absolute.” But is Karlsruhe really just a place of healthy but bare life? Or maybe one for art and contemplation? These two exercises in particular are being taught at two educational institutions, and by very prominent teachers. The “Center for Art and Media Technology” (ZKM) and the “University of Design” (HfG) are located right next to each other in a faceless, albeit inner-city, district – at first glance you would not think of this area as such an extraordinary concentration of creativity and intelligence confidence.
The hall of a former industrial building in which the HfG has been housed since its founding in 1992 is almost intimidatingly large. The work of students who are enrolled in the subjects of exhibition design and scenography, communication design, art studies and media theory, media art and product design are regularly presented here in the lavishly sized interior. However, one decisive theoretician presides over all of these disciplines that extend into practice: Peter Sloterdijk has been the university's rector for ten years now. He is famous far beyond the academic world through his own television show, successful books and regular features pages. But what is it like to live and work in the shadow of the philosopher king? Who is this Byung-Chul Han, who has held a professorship at the HfG for a year and a half? Han teaches philosophy and media theory, but perhaps the definition of responsibility shouldn't be taken too narrowly. The staff of this institution enjoys great freedom in terms of content - after all, according to the rector's maxim, the university does not appoint teachers with limited subject areas, but rather authors. Especially as an author, Han, who otherwise scrupulously avoids the media spotlight and does not allow himself to be interviewed on the radio or television, has been hard to miss lately. He has already published a number of books, mostly in smaller publishers. However, his essay “Fatigue Society” attracted a lot of attention last year, an unexpected bestseller and the forerunner of the upcoming “Topology of Violence”; The short essay “Shanzai. Deconstruction in Chinese” came out. What all of these books have in common is that they deal with the pressing life questions of our time in a most elegant and clearly formulated way. Academic philosophy doesn't produce texts like this every day.
Byung-Chul Han's office doesn't give the impression that he wants to make himself too comfortable here. On the large architect's table there is only a laptop and the air pump from his bicycle, which he uses to move between the university and his home. Two or three stacks of books in the corner. Hardly any professors who teach here live in Karlsruhe, says Han, and he himself also has a second address in Berlin. On the other hand: What does the difference between Karlsruhe and Berlin mean for someone who has come to Germany from the megacity Seoul? For the Korean, things initially looked tranquil everywhere in Germany and Switzerland, where he lived and taught for several years. But how did Byung-Chul Han come to the German language and philosophy? Where does the energy come from for such a career that led to a habilitation, which is probably unprecedented for an Asian within German humanities? In our case, Han built in special hurdles to the question-and-answer game that underlies every journalistic portrait. Not only does he politely but firmly ask to leave the tape recorder turned off and trust handwritten notes - he also doesn't want to answer the simple question about his age. In Asia, he explains half flirtatiously, half apologetically, the date of birth plays a much smaller role than in the West. A culture that understands the world through its cyclically repeating process approaches neither birth nor death as pathetically as Western thought. No origin stories like in the West, no myths that founded the identity of a society. And Han is already in the middle of his theory of “decreation”, which he also explains in his most recent essay “Shanzai”. The Chinese neologism Shanzai can best be translated as fake and on the surface refers to very tangible things in the world of goods. For example, mobile phones made in China that look more or less similar to their role models and have more or less similar names such as “Nokir” or “Samsing”. Products that gradually evolve from the original, so that the established label “Adidas” first becomes Adidos, Adadas, Adadis, Adis and finally Dasida.
The term forgery only half captures these appropriations of the original, which seem brazen from a Western perspective. After all, Han notes, it is not a one-time act of creation that determines the Chinese idea of the original. There can be no question of a final identity because everything is subject to constant change. Seen through Shanzai glasses, the instance of the unique appears to be just as nonsensical as the category of counterfeit. For example, when it became known that the Chinese terracotta warriors presented by the Hamburg Museum of Ethnology in 2007 were nothing more than replicas that were made on site in China in parallel with the excavation of the ancient figures, the German museum felt compelled to do so deceived and closed the exhibition in disgust. The Chinese had absolutely no idea that they had acted with deceptive intentions or had done anything forbidden; In their eyes, the practice of replicating them was a continuous connection to the ancient production process of the figures, which – whether of old or newer date of manufacture – always fulfilled the same function.
Or the Ise Shrine, the highest shrine in Shinto Japan: millions of believers make a pilgrimage here every year, all in the belief that the sacred building is 1,300 years old. In fact, this temple complex is completely replaced every 20 years. Not only is the building demolished and completely rebuilt; The temple treasures are also removed and replaced: the combustible parts burned, metal parts buried. According to Han, the difference between the original and the copy plays no role at all. Finally, one could also say that the copy is closer to the original than the original itself, “because the older a building gets, the more it moves away from its original state. A copy would, as it were, return it to its 'original state', especially since it is not tied to an artist subject." In any case, UNESCO was not open to such an argument and removed the Ise Shrine from the list of world cultural heritage. And this despite the fact that it is precisely the ceremony of destruction and renewal that makes up the cult value of the pilgrimage site. It can be concluded that the West maintains a museum-like commemoration of dead origins, while the East stands in the middle of a living and cyclically repeating tradition.
But on which of these two sides is Byung-Chul Han, who has already written a book on the philosophy of Zen Buddhism and could therefore be considered a special representative for Far Eastern thought exercises in the European context? “Nonsense,” he waves. «I'm actually not interested in Asian thought at all. I am interested in mental models that are not tied to any cultural environment.» And China? “China is just an alibi,” says Han, “a different model of thinking and existence.” For a proper sinologist, this philosopher's work is not at all interesting; Han's philological and historical work is far too imprecise. And that's exactly how he wants it: For him, Eastern philosophy is above all a tool with which he can loosen the too tightly screwed-in relationships of Western thinking or break them down into their components.
The made-up word Shanzai refers to nothing other than a deconstruction method. “Shanzai,” says Han, “is de-creation,” and that means: Before the fetishized beginnings of the West, before myth, birth and the philosophical axiom, there was always something else – creation means there is a pool to draw from. Once we leave behind the hardened concepts of originality and genius and a creatio ex nihilo, the philosopher hopes, much more flexible thinking could be possible. Philosophy would then relax into a productive game that would lead to completely new results. “We should all,” he demands, “play more and work less. Then we will produce more!” Or is it just a coincidence that the Chinese, to whom both genius and the original are alien, are responsible for almost all the inventions that have shaped our Western culture, from pasta to pyrotechnics?
Byung-Chul Han has now written no fewer than fourteen very different books, so it is not easy to summarize them in a single term. These include monographs about Heidegger and Hegel and those about globalization, death, power and the Western passion story. «Scent of time. A philosophical essay on the art of lingering” is the name of a publication from the year before last – but woe betide the bookseller who gets the idea of classifying the book as a gift book because of its perfumed-looking title! Already here, Han brilliantly formulated a criticism of the restlessness of humans as animal laborers. Han later explained in the essay “Fatigue Society” how the constant pressure of an active life can become our downfall. The realization that the perseverance slogan of positive thinking, prompted by the pressure to increase efficiency, makes you sick, has now long since penetrated the depths of advice literature. Han bases it on pathogenetic principles. A culture that has adopted the phrase “Yes, we can” as a self-confident slogan of eternal ability to be able to do so does not suffer from illnesses such as depression, borderline syndrome or burnout syndrome for nothing. The cause of this exhaustion problem, which comes from within, is the permanent potency of a constant willingness to perform, which is perceived as positivity. The scourge of our time is voluntariness. After all, it is no longer an external, repressive power that led to the deformation of society in the last century. “The disciplinary society,” writes Han, “is still dominated by no. Your negativity creates madmen and criminals. The meritocracy, on the other hand, produces depressives and failures.” In short: The problem today is not the other, but the self (which constantly and emphatically says “Yes!”).
There is no danger from outside, no stranger, no immigrant crosses the boundaries of the individual who is geared towards limitless self-expansion. Byung-Chul Han thus advocates replacing the immunological paradigm (pernicious infection by a hostile virus) with a neuronal one (psychic implosion of the interior). The Hegelian master-slave dialectic has not yet been thought through to its conclusion: If the successful liberation of the slave from the master today consists in the masters also working like slaves - that is, everyone working like slaves - then a promising perspective remains unfulfilled: Everyone, including masters and servants, indulge in leisure! But as long as everyone, including the highest-paid manager, competes primarily with themselves in the absence of an external reward authority, this is just a beautiful utopia.
Oh right! How Byung Chul-Han came to German philosophy and language? How did he become a philosopher in Europe? Who should care, he asks back. Possibly because there were no tuition fees to pay in Germany at the time, or perhaps also because the reading load in philosophy was lower than in literary studies, which actually interested him? In any case, Han only uses Korean as his mother tongue, that is, as the language in which he speaks with his mother when he visits Seoul. Every reader of his books can see for themselves that he has an almost erotic relationship with German and is at home with it today like no other philosopher. Why can he think so well? Who knows - his first studies, still in Korea and over thirty years ago, were in metallurgy. It was primarily about the flexibility of materials.
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There are three kinds of idiots: those who can count, and those who can’t. The ones who can count are obsessed with debunking received ideas and finding the hidden truth behind it. They measure things, calculate, and through the rigorous use of their own idiosyncratic reasoning they know why the earth is flat. Then there’s idiots who want to diverge from received ideas but are more playful, willful, intentionally absurd. Byung-Chul Han reminds us of this kind of idiocy which Deleuze thought characteristic of the philosopher. Is Han this kind of special idiot? Maybe.
As Han writes in Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and the New Technologies of Power (Verso, 2017): “Idiotism discloses a field of immanence of events and singularities.” (81) Where intelligent people weigh up the evident facts and reasons, the idiot’s thought is addressed to an outside. There’s a play with language in Han of which I’m quite fond. He takes the consensus language of theory and puts the terms through permutations, opening up possible conceptual spaces outside the familiar, done-to-death ones.
For a start: what if we are not subjects, but projects. No more is it a matter of a subject internalizing external limitations and prohibitions to become productive and normative. To be a project is to be left alone to find one’s own creativity and difference. There’s no corrective agency if you get it wrong. If you get it right, you win the prize. The subject was governed by “I should.” The project is governed by “I can.”
Let’s pause here and ask: for whom might this be the case? It is easy to see why Han’s writing is popular with readers who identify with this problem of being a project, and the depression and burnout that comes from supposedly being completely sovereign, but really reduced to self-exploitation. I could think of myself as a project, for instance.
For others the world of disciplinary constraints has only intensified. The cops don’t look at a well-dressed white weirdo like me for long, but that’s not the case for a lot of others I pass on the streets of New York. The success and limitation of Han’s writing is that it universalizes the experiences of people like me, what I call the hacker class: people whose job is making new information.
Han thinks we are slaves without masters. The dialectic of master and slave did not lead to a dialectical overcoming and supersession, but rather to the totalization of the condition of the slave, universal labor. (Slave is a loaded word in English, let’s note in passing). The master is the one who performs no useful labor, who just enjoys the fruits of the work of others, and is free to pursue games of self-realization with other masters.
If one looks around there sure seems to be plenty of these about, turning their billions into weird follies like personal art museums or crusades to save the world with platitudes. As far as the internal world of the hacker class is concerned, there’s no chance for that. The latter-day slave has no relations with others that are free of purpose. This kind of capitalism – if that is what this still is – exploits not just labor but also our play, our feelings, our communication. In short it exploits our freedom.
Capital has made labor over in its own image. Han: “Capital reproduces by entering into relations with itself as another form of Capital: through free competition. It copulates with the Other of itself by way of individual freedom… [I]ndividuals degrade into the genital organs of Capital.” (3-4) It turned out Capital did not admit a dialectical negation and supersession. Does that mean that the hacker class is merely human capital, through which Capital makes more of itself? Maybe, but maybe not entirely. Maybe there’s a remainder, and maybe class antagonism now takes different forms.
Han: “industrial capitalism has now mutated into neoliberalism and financial capitalism, which are implementing a post-industrial, immaterial mode of production – instead of turning into communism.” (5) This is where Han falls a bit short of the pure immanence of philosophical idiocy to me. Why risk such a daring negation of the dialectic itself to just have it land on boring old [modifier] capitalism? Maybe there’s a novel mode of production laminated onto the old one that needs its own idiomatic language.
Here he reads as if channeling Henri Lefebvre. Han: “In our world, we no longer work in order to satisfy our own needs. Instead, we work for Capital. Capital generates needs of its own; mistakenly, we perceive these needs as if they belonged to us.” (7) And so: “we are being expelled from the sphere of lived immanence.” (7) Han strikes one of his characteristic conservative notes, which arise whenever he invokes a lost totality. That a world of freedom was achieved and has been lost is always a dangerous theme. The moment of freedom was the bourgeois emancipation form religion as transcendent other, which resulted in its replacement by a new one, a transcendent Capital. “Capital is a new God.” (8) Clicking likeis the digital amen.
Han sometimes plays with Hegelian Marxism, as above, and sometimes with Michel Foucault and his epigones. I don’t think digital panopticonis his most interesting coinage. I prefer to call the emergent technics of power the vector, after that glorious idiot Paul Virilio. But I do enjoy the gam of turning Foucault on his ear, although here the precedent is surely Jean Baudrillard.
The digital panopticon outsources Big Brother and turns everything into information as well as a commodity. This has philosophical consequences. Han: “Information represents a positive value; inasmuch as it lacks interiority, it can circulate independently, free from any and all context… The negativity of otherness or foreign-ness is de-interiorized and transformed into the positivity of communicable and consumable differences.” (9) In place of the negativity of otherness comes an affirmation of positive differences.
The vector entails a move from biopolitics to psychopolitics. (A theme from Bernard Stiegler). Han: “Digital psychopolitics transforms the negativity of freely made decisions into the positivity of factual states.” (12) It forecloses the openness of the future. It’s the negation of freedom itself, where freedom would have once been a form of negation. To be free was to join with others who are free from necessity and transform a situation at will.
Disciplinary power was a regime of norms and inhibitions that negated tendencies to difference and pushed the subject to perform as required. It turned out to be rather inefficient, and it made people dependent on constraints from without. Psychopower operates seductively. It is constantly calling on us to share, participate, confide. “Today’s crisis of freedom stems from the fact that the operative technology of power does not negate or oppress freedom so much as exploit it. Free choice is eliminated to make way for a free selection from among the items on offer.” (15) Disciplinary subject moves within a closed system, psychopower makes open projects, which will diverge but only in affirmative ways.
Han puts the Hegelian-Marxist and Foucauldian problematics together. The era of sovereignty, of the power to kill, was the era of agrarian production. The era of biopolitics, of the power to make live, is the era of disciplining bodies for the factory and urban life. But this is too crude now. Psychopower exploits unconscious, affirmative drives instead. What Han stops short at really thinking is whether it emerges out of an era in which the agrarian and industrial are subordinated to a new mode of production based on control of information that may be more than just Capital with modifers.
It seems to me fair enough though to say with Han that Foucault did not get much beyond the biopolitics of managing individuals and populations around regulative norms. His later work on neoliberalism didn’t really flesh out a corresponding technics. Han: “the blind spot in Foucault’s analysis is the technology of power under the neoliberal regime. Foucault did not see that the neoliberal regime utterly claims the technology of the self for its own purposes: perpetual self-optimization…” (28)
Capital – if that is what this still is – became immaterial and non-physical. “Now, productivity is not to be enhanced by overcoming physical resistance so much as by optimizing psychic or mental processes.” (25) Its less about disciplinary and more about aesthetic interventions in the organizing of (a) life. Here Sianne Ngai’s aesthetics categories of the zany, cute and interesting appear as useful in the way they articulate what became of labor, the commodity and the public sphere when production was subordinated to information.
Sovereign power seizes, disciplinary power produces, psychopower teases. But this may be an era of the exhaustion of the psyche as a resource, at least among those of us who belong to the hacker class in the over-developed world. As Dominic Pettman puts it, we’ve passed peak libido. There’s an obsession with productivity cults, forms of self-monitoring and positive thinking, as Melissa Gregg has chronicled. These seem a bit like a certain kind of Protestantism. One where you are left exposed and alone, not with God but with Capital, and called to make an absurd leap into servicing its every need.
The psyche cannot be subjected to positivity entirely. It gets exhausted and depressed, spirals into self-hate. The hacker class has to con itself into long periods offlow, where creative energy spools out into one’s elected medium, but it is as unbiddable as grace. It’s a world rather unlike the one George Orwell foresaw, in that at least in the bubble we inhabit it is much less about external threats and more about a psychopolitics of interior states, and an exploitation of the illusion of freedom to choose how one wants to be Capital’s bitch. (A word I choose to emphasize something Han doesn’t: the apparent feminization of working with information, and the femme-phobic fear of that among a lot of men).
This is a mode of production based less on abstractions of reason than on emotions. Han: “the pressure of acceleration now is leading to a dictatorship of emotion…. Emotions assume dimensions beyond the scope of use value. In so doing they open up a field of consumption that is new and knows no limit.” (46) Work requires not just cognitive competence but also emotional competence.
Work becomes a part of what I call gamespace, a closed world of instrumentalized play. Han: “the realm of necessity comes to colonize the realm of freedom.” (51) What Tiziana Terranova ironically calls free laborbecomes a source of value extraction as well. Happiness used to be found in unproductive things, in excess, luxury, the unnecessary, but all those are articulated to value-extraction too in the guise of competitive games. “As a means of production, gamification is destroying play’s potential to set free.” (52) And most provocatively: “the auto-exploiting subject carries around its own labor camp.” (61) Which corresponds to certain bleak observations in George Perec’s novel W.
The tech on which this all rests, what I call the vector, brings along its own ideological baggage. Rather than enlightenment, it’s about transparency. If enlightenment shed light on previously mystified things, transparency wants to thin those things out into information, leaving nowhere to hide at all. It becomes a kind of fetishism, (what Donna Haraway called code fetishism), as if the informational aspect of any given thing stood in the place of that thing and occluded the materiality of its coming into existence.
Han: “By a fatal dialectic, the first Enlightenment switched over into barbarism. Now, in the second Enlightenment – which appeals to information, data and transparency – the same dialectic threatens to do the same.” (58) It’s a new “barbarism of data.” (59) The original enlightenment had its own statistical obsessions. As Han notes, Rousseau’s general will is a calculus that is supposed to happen without mediation by politics at all – something Hiroki Azuma has already seized upon as an an affirmative model.
Han: “Now communication and control become one, without remainder.” (40) Interestingly, psychopolitics is less dependent than biopolitics on norms and corrections precisely because it has much more extensive information to go on. “In contrast to Big Brother, who could be quite forgetful, Big data never forgets anything at all.” (62) It relies on us being not its subjects but our own projects, quantifying our own actions, making and measuring ourselves in our positivity. It’s a way of being devoid of ethics or truth, because it lacks any point of negation. It never comes up against what is other to it.
The outsourcing of memory to technics changes the relation between past, present and future. Human memory is narrative, and every remembering is also a forgetting, a negation of some other possible past-present relation. Machine memory replaces the mutually exclusive alternatives of narrative arcs with statistical inference. Han: “Hegel, the philosopher of Spirit, would deem the omniscience that Big Data promises to be absolute ignorance.” (68)
Correlation replaces causality with probability. If A then probably (or not) B. This is not a relation of necessity. Only the concept makes knowledge, the concept dwells within things themselves. Absolute knowledge narrates a totality, about the Spirit as world’s interiority. This is the world foreclosed rather than the summation of reason in history. Hegelian thought is a dead dog indeed.
Perhaps the tactics used against the coercive side of enlightenment won’t work against transparency. Romanticism made a fetish of exceptions, of the anomalous, the strange, the different, the weird, the queer, the idiotic. This could include the great man who rises above the herd and masters it, as Romanticism was just as likely to break for reaction as liberation. Foucault is still working this vein in calling for practices of freedom that might bring forth new modes of existence, that are discontinuous with norms, and which generate unnamed subjectivities, relations, qualities.
Han accepts part of this program: “Neoliberal psychopolitics is a technology of domination that stabilizes and perpetuates the prevailing system by means of psychological programming and steering. Accordingly, the art of living, as a praxis of freedom, must proceed by way of de-psychologization.” (79) But it seems to me that the romance of the exception on its own is not enough. Psychopower loves differences, and assimilates them to the extraction of value from subjective states in the name of creativity and liberal self-realization.
In another short text (In the Swarm, MIT Press, 2017), Han expands on the connection between psychopower and social media. “Digital psychopolitics is taking over the social behavior of the masses by laying hold of, and steering, the unconscious logic that governs them.” (80) This too opens with a little wordplay, juxtaposing the concept of the spectacle with respect. The spectacle rewards the voyeur, the gawker, who wants to rubber-neck and sticky-beak. Respect implies distance, reserve, opacity rather than transparency. Han: “A society without respect, without the pathos of distance, paves the way for a society of scandal.” (1)
Civil society involves a looking away from what is private. Social media confuses public and private realms. “Digital communication is fostering this pornographic display of intimacy and the private sphere.” (2) Actually there’s a reversal: the private is exposed, but in the public realm, the gawker can remain an anonymous troll. Respect is not possible here. “Anonymity and respect rule each other out,” and “trust may be defined as faith in the name.” (2)
Han: “Digital windows open not onto a public space but onto other windows.” (16) In the absence of respect, what we get are social media shitstorms, immediate discharges of affect, “communicative reflux.” (3) They are produced by flattened hierarchies and a decline in values. Power might be asymmetric, but respect can be symmetrical. It commands distance.
Sovereignty used to mean commanding others to be silent. But now it’s the power to command shitstorms of outrage, volatility and scandal. Civil society requires a measured stance, but now there’s a lack of bearing and reserve. Han draws on that reactionary standby, Gustave Le Bon and good old bourgeois fear of the swarming masses. Apparently, no spirit can animate the swarm and it doesn’t cohere into a universal subject. Its ways are ludic and non-binding, fleeting patterns rather than enduring organizations. It’s what Baudrillard ironically celebrated as the black hole of the masses. I’m far less inclined than Han to mourn the decline of a bourgeois, patriarchal cultural apparatus. It seems strange to take the old broadcast era regime of the spectacle as on object of nostalgia.
It’s an eerie thought, but what if nobody rules this clusterfuck anymore? Drawing on the language of Hardt and Negri, Han writes: “No one rules the empire. It is the capitalist system itself, which encompasses everyone. Today, exploitation is possible without any domination at all.” (13) This seems far from the case, given the vast differentials of power and wealth, but that the ruling class too is subject to the same corrosive logic is a delirious thought.
Like many amateurs who stray into media theory, Han mistakes surface appearances for forms. Effects are taken as given and routed through permutations on concepts from the philosophical canon. It is simply not the case that social media is a world without intermediaries or unilateral forms of communication and control, as Alex Galloway demonstrated long ago with his study of protocol. Its networks are distributed but protocol can still be non-reciprocal.
Nor is it the case that the undermining of older forms of authority is in favor of a generalized leveling. The exposure of the private workings of the Catholic Church and corresponding decline in respect for it seems no great loss to me. And yet there seem to be no shortage of new forms of authority, such as the charismatic megachurch. If there is a “Gleichschaltung of communication” it may take the form of the sedimenting in place of the culture of a new ruling class, for whom transparency and self-actualization were temporary ideological means to an end.
For Han, as for Jodi Dean, “Transparency means the end of desire.” (25) Transparency forecloses of the future. For there to be not just civil society but for there to be history, there has to be opacity. Actually, as Randy Martin showed, the vector creates the possibility for multiple possible futures to exist at the same time. Volatility, probability and the management of risk certain constrain history to measurable futures, but it now constrains it within a matrix of possible futures in a way the classical model of Capital did not quite anticipate.
Is action still possible? Technology shifts agency from hand to finger. As Vilem Flusser says, it’s a liberation from burden of matter. Action is animated by negation, and the digital offers no material resistance. Its more and more game-like, but it doesn’t realize the freedom of the human as homo ludens, as we’re not free to play. Psychopower draws us into the race. The utopia of play became compulsory optimization, where everything in life is a speed run.
Gamespace is a world based on counting; history is a world about recounting. Gamespace is an additive, homogenous, serial time; history is a time of negation and qualitiative breaks, of kairos. Heidegger’s hand thinks rather than acts, and for him the typewriter already veils the essence of writing, that the hand is the medium of being, that thinking is handicraft. The manual atrophy of digital is making thought impossible.
Heidegger’s thinking as handicraft takes as its avatar the farmer who tills and cultivates from the depths. Who waits and picks the brain-fruit when its ripe. True logos is hidden; digital gamspace is mere shadows on the wall. Respect, distance and seclusion are all foreign to information, which is about transparency and speed. Information is cumulative and additive; philosophical truth is exclusive and selective. Han: “There is no such thing as a mass of truth.” (40)
The farmer stands subject to the nomos of the earth, the primary division that grounds all order. But for Han we are no longer subject to anything, but are our own free projects, but whose freedom to play is itself subordinated to Capital. We are projects perhaps of what Benjamin Bratton calls the nomos of the cloud. The digital turn is leaving the earth, making what I call a third nature. Han plays freely here with tainted concepts. Nazi ontology too makes a fetish of the earth and those who claim to truly belong.
The patriarchal notes in all this weighty earthiness go unacknowledged. Han: “The stone presses downward and manifests its heaviness. But what this heaviness weighs down on is us, at the same time, it denies any penetration into it” (56) Truth is in the hands of those who penetrated it, not the penetrated. The penetrated as the dark hole of profound secrets and silence.
Not all of this seems to me to be inspired philosophical idiocy. More like a philosophical nostalgia confused with nostalgia for philosophy. What is more interesting, and forward-looking is his short essay (Shanzhai: Deconstruction in Chinese, MIT Press, 2017). It starts with a contrast between western and Chinese metaphysics at an extremely general level, and in particular from Hegel’s (ethnocentric) view of Chinese culture as dishonest.
This then opens a space for some play with the language of contrasts. There is the western metaphysic of being, essence, discontinuity of events and discrete change. Then there is the Chinese metaphysic of inconstancy, decreation, absence and discreet change. Heidegger’s (western) thought is about deepening paths, versus the Chinese view of continuously variable paths.
The bifurcation continues: truth is adaptability to change (east) rather than an absolute (west). The east is about tendencies of movement rather than the west’s obsession with laws of nature. Consequently, there are concepts of power as situation (east) versus power as sovereign (west). There’s the origin or original in the west versus the east’s continuous creation, where the origin can be decided retrospectively.
In the west, Plato banished the poets. Mimesis is a bad thing in western philosophy but especially when it is not a faithful copy of an origin or original. The image lacks being in the western imagination. For Adorno, the field around an artwork shapes it but it still has an inner depth of truth. To be an artist is to be an originator of a true and unique style. It’s a culture of exclusion and transcendence (west) versus a culture of inclusion and immanence (east).
In the east, it’s about continuous change without a privileged origin and original. Han’s example is Chinese painting, where collectors add their marks and calligraphy. In the west, the work is solitary, unitary and distinct. In the east, the work is social, malleable and continuous. In the west, the best painting has a soul, and reflects the viewer. In the east, the best painting aspires to emptiness, and the viewer is lost in it.
It’s a model of the artwork as flat and empty, ideally a void. “It is not the inwardness of the essence but the outwardness of the tradition or the situation that drives change onward.” (15) In the history of Chinese painting, originals by the master might fall out of favor and be replaced by copies by others. Artists learns through copying. To get a forgery into a collection could make a career. (Everyone collector should get the paintings they deserve.) It is also not unknown for artist to borrow a masterpiece and return a copy of it.
There are two views of the copy available in eastern aesthetics: the exact replica, which might almost be the Platonic copy, but here the copy need not have a lesser degree of being than an original, as there aren’t really originals. The second concept is of reproduction with difference and variation. Like the famous Terracotta Army, mass produced but not identical. The ones sent out to western museums were then modern copies of these copies. Or the famous modern painter Zhang Daqian who caused a scandal in Paris with a show revealed to be replicas of lost paintings known only from descriptions.
While not Chinese, Han, also uses the example of the Ise Grand Shrine in Japan: a copy that is more exact that the original, as it is rebuilt every 20 years. I saw another version of copy as variation in China in the 80s, which was restorations which included improvements. Its an aesthetic of the original preserved through the copying (east) rather than the authenticity of the ruin (west).
Han thinks the Chinese (east Asians in general) would have fewer scruples about human cloning, which anticipates in a weird way a recent story about twins who were born with a genome edited using CRISPR by a Chinese researcher. Han thinks the east has a worldview where life is a cycle with variations rather than something distinct and unique. The west is obsessed with creation, but the east thinks of iteration.
It’s also the difference between operating naturally (east) versus trying to represent nature (west). Maybe I would recode this as a difference between a metonymic and a metaphoric relation between culture and nature. It’s not about mimicking original nature but about elaborating on nature’s own techniques of iteration with variation. Eastern thought, for Han, is already deconstruction.
This classical aesthetic and philosophical background opens up a way for Han to talk about shanzhai, or the copying of western products by Chinese companies, the famous example being cellphones, but there are shanzhai sneakers and even cars. Sometimes they are better than the western originals. One added a feature that could recognize counterfeit money. Han: “Gradually its products depart from the original, until they mutate into originals themselves. Established labels are constantly modified. Adidas becomes Adidos, Adadas, Adadis, Adis, Dasida, and so on. A truly Dadaist game is being played…” (72)
Shanzhai comes from ‘mountain stronghold,’ like in the classical Chinese novel The Water Margin (incidentally Mao Zedong’s favorite). Appropriations and variations on successful novels are not unknown either. The Harry Potter knock-offs are not unique in this. Where it touches on less philosophical, more venal interests, all this is fueling a trade war. Han: “The creativity inherent in shanzai will elude the West, if the West sees it only as deception, plagiarism, and the infringement of copyright.” (78)
It’s a striking essay that does what a work of speculative theory should: pose some questions rather than some answers. But it has its limitations. Like a westerner, Han still treats philosophy as origin for aesthetics as a world of appearances. This shanzhai essay is still within philosophy as a western discourse. Also: eastern discourse, if it truly had the properties Han ascribes to it, would surely have mutated into something else already. It would not reducible to an origin in even as eastern concept. Or rather it might have mutated into several things. It might have deconstructed deconstruction by now.
Han’s most cheeky suggestion is that Mao’s writings were already a kind of shanzhai Marxism (on which see Laikwan Pang). But perhaps the west also has this shanzhai worldview, and corresponding practice, in a minor mode. Maybe it is not so much deconstruction as what the situationists called détournement. And maybe the actual practices of producing concepts in historical time in the west have always been collective acts of détournement. As Han writes in Psychopower: “We would have to think with Marx beyond Marx in order to make freedom – indeed, time that is free – our own.” (51) That was already the program of the Situationist International. Moving on might not be about being faithful to that or any other original critical theory, but iterating and mutating them into new ones.
This seems more promising than some of Han’s more reactionary impulses. Conservatives, having no tradition left to conserve, end up treating yesterday’s reactions against modernity as if they were a tradition and treat them as an origin. But I think Han himself offers a better alternative in Psychopower: “The course our future takes will depend on whether we prove able, beyond the world of production, to make use of the useless.” (52) That would have to be something other than Han’s habit of critiquing the digital in a completely digital way, through binaries of terms, marked negative and positive. This is theory that is itself a media effect rather than a critique of it.
Watched good movie yesterday. "Chimera".
Posing itself as scifi, but is it really sciFI???
Scientists create chimeric organisms in their labs just now.
All other: disfunctional paretnhood, corporate slavery... do not look like fiction at all. ;-P
...so it was just a "science" movie... like Oppenheimer? :)
Science movie??? What is this?
Like some historical scientific breakthrough... like inventing the atomic bomb.
Historical drama? Or documentary?
Well... in that "chimera" flick they came close to showing banality of "scientific" work.
But well, yeah, there's NO scientific content. ;-P
Or what??? We need to treat as science all that talks in StarTrek about something-something-radioaton? Or about sparsely mentioned "midihlorians" in SW? ;-P
No, but in most science fiction movies ot books "science" is like a fantasy story's "magic". Yes, Lem does better than most others in keeping the basis for the "magic" plausible, based upon theoretical (and not necessarily "applied") physics principles, but ultimately the vast majority of the stories are pure fantasy. Fantasy is fun AND useful since, as Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
Did you watch that video I posted the other day about the Chinese in Shenzhen province next to Hong Kong? Maybe THAT is what "applied science" has become today. In the absence of "intellectual property" considerations, it could probably be done with AI... just adapting existing technologies and merging them with other techs Very banal. Very boring. Not a good basis for scifi/fantasy.
When I was in Middle School, my brother came home from his first "Sea Year" and brought back a reel-to-reel tape deck (Sony) from Japan, and a couple of hundred records from Taiwan that he had bought for $0.25 a piece. I thought, "how could it be so cheap," as records in the US sold for about $4-5 at the time. It was my first encounter to the "costs" of intellectual property.
My daughter is an "entertainment lawyer" who's business is writing contracts for recording artists and protecting their "intellectual property". I suppose that it is this "system" (along with the patent system) that rewards actual innovation instead of simple knock-offs and recombinations of techs.
Sorry, just rambling... :(
Most of my time at NASA focused on helping engineers trying to increase the speed and capabilities of existing instruments, and then combining them in smart ways to gather scientific information relevant to some NSF research priority. At other times, we were just putting together instrument suites to study a specific non-terrestrial environments (ie - Mars or Venus atmosphere - different challenges). Given the tremendous expense, one wonders whether the info gathered as "worth it". Many of the projects seemed to simply be "welfare for scientists". Money spent to keep a bunch of really smart guys "occupied". The TRL System made the "process" structured, but "banal". Rapid, paradigm shifting "leaps" were neither possible, not encouraged. The "costs" of launch were just too high. Perhaps "commercialization" of space will change this. Musk and SpaceX move MUCH more rapidly than we ever did.
\\No, but in most science fiction movies ot books "science" is like a fantasy story's "magic".
Like Asimov's? "Positronic brains"?
I do not see it fall suarely into definition of magic.
Any of variety. Is it withcraft? Or sourcery? Or some alchemy? ;-P
\\ Yes, Lem does better than most others in keeping the basis for the "magic" plausible, based upon theoretical (and not necessarily "applied") physics principles, but ultimately the vast majority of the stories are pure fantasy.
That is born trait of sci-fi... from very beginning.
Was Vern writing about science??? Or about people?
As in all and any fiction -- that is people that interesting for us. Not some mundane details of a story...
\\ Fantasy is fun AND useful since, as Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
He was diletant. And militant to boot. ;-P
Only diletants able to do new things... because they dunno about all no-nos. ;-)
\\Did you watch that video I posted the other day about the Chinese in Shenzhen province next to Hong Kong?
It seems no. :-((
\\Sorry, just rambling... :(
It is very interesting, actually.
Sorry for not answering sooner. To support this your mood.
\\Rapid, paradigm shifting "leaps" were neither possible, not encouraged.
Most probably not possible.
As I though about that thing myself. A lot.
Started from Drexler's idea of "nanotech".
As he himself obseved possibilities of achiving it -- he himself percieved that it's not possible to come to "making things from atoms" by the way of gradual refinement of our existing tools -- like making NC mills smaller and smaller, to cut metal in less and less slices.
Because on scale of not nanometers but micrometers materials do behave differently already... what few of artisans who doing their miniatures under microscope know.
And on the level of individual atoms -- it all too much different too.
So... only way he percieved -- it's by the way of development of AI...
which was shady thing in his time (80-90th).
Which was logical -- if you want to CONTROL that miriads of nano-devices...
and you NEED em to be miriads... to make anything viable.
Because they need to work in parallel. Massive-parallel way. To make some product in a viable time.
Because making even grain of sand thing atom-by-atom... but one atom in a time... even if per nanosecond. it would take milenias. :-)))
Neither human-controlled. Nor simply programmed devices -- NEITHER are possible.
It must be something more agile. And able to apply OWN smarts.
Which is TOO BIG of a LEAP in techs... I stumbled uppon in my searches too.
So... what OTHER way we can achieve progress???
All that thing scifi... I mean novice scifi promiced -- nanotech gray goo. Paradise or Hell made by a mere fingers flip...
\\Musk and SpaceX move MUCH more rapidly than we ever did.
Because they grow as that weed on a richly manured grounds.
As it was with Gates and Jobs -- when they jusy took ideas from Xerox PARC. ;-)
But now he seems like stuck. And cannot produce more "innovations".
That's why he took over Twitter -- as new toy.
Because he, in opposite to public opinion, dunno about innovations himself.
Only one snarky dude with money. Who found a way how to make MORE money of it.
As in all and any fiction -- that is people that interesting for us. Not some mundane details of a story...
It's both. People change the tech, and the tech then changes people (like interstellar travel, where would the "Federation" is Star Trek be w/o it?)
Like Marshall Mcluhan...All emerging technologies induce a kind of psychic trauma (conscious or unconscious) and require some rewiring of our critical faculties. Media, according to McLuhan, is an extension of the central nervous system, and not for nothing are newspapers and magazines known as organs—they are literally appendages of our senses. In The Gutenberg Galaxy, McLuhan describes how movable type reshaped our way of thinking by making it more linear and sequential. It also fixed much of humanity’s knowledge to bound texts (hence Mallarmé’s remark that everything in the world exists to end up in a book). Today, the Gutenberg Brain, which was once poised to know the world as one knows a book, has been stripped of its sense-making potential, and a new kind of mind is clearly needed for the digital age.
Google "search" changed the L->R sequence idea... to keywords
\\It's both. People change the tech, and the tech then changes people (like interstellar travel, where would the "Federation" is Star Trek be w/o it?)
StarTrek... that "Hornblower in Space"? Yawn. :-)
There is such a series...
SeaQuest 2032 (TV Series 1993–1996) - IMDb
www.imdb.com › title
The United Earth Oceans Organization enlists Captain Nathan Bridger and the submarine seaQuest DSV to keep the peace and explore the last frontier on Earth.In ...
Series Cast & Crew · Episode list · Don Franklin · Kathy Evison
seaQuest DSV - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › SeaQuest_DSV
SeaQuest DSV is an American science fiction television series created by Rockne S. O'Bannon. It aired on NBC between 1993 and 1996. In its final season, ...
Same motives and without need of space travels.
\\changed the L->R sequence idea... to keywords
\\Given the tremendous expense, one wonders whether the info gathered as "worth it". Many of the projects seemed to simply be "welfare for scientists". Money spent to keep a bunch of really smart guys "occupied".
Actually. I think I know what you are talking about.
I watched documentary about Cassini mission -- people was in it for 30 years. They cam as young scientists... and now they need to retire.
\\changed the L->R sequence idea... to keywords
I worked in an office before computers. Half the job was dedicated to the organization of information... employing filing systems. Duplicated Filing and cross-referencing of paper by Purchase Order number and Vendor or Requisition number and Purchase Order number, in both numerical and alphabetical formats so you could find a cross reference and locate the corresponding data point. Today, you just jumble them all together into a database and search by keyword or number and then perform a sort.
The information no longer has to be as pre-organized, you simply enter your cross-referencing search parameters as keywords.
\\I worked in an office before computers.
You think such obviousness need additional pointing? ;-)
Adds something to the screed?
\\The information no longer has to be as pre-organized, you simply enter your cross-referencing search parameters as keywords.
Heh... as programmer, I can only give sardonic smile to that. :-/
I can find anything I want on the internet. Do you remember "Yahoo" when it first came out? It was the pre-computer "office organization" approach to information management. Google quickly put them out of business.
It's what makes Deleuze and Guitari's "A Thousand Plateaus" so relevant today. It "flattened the world' of information. Information ceased being "hierarchical" and became a rhizome.
\\I can find anything I want on the internet.
Only some shit some other dude decided to drop here. ;-P
Still... some decent resources are here. But not "anything".
Far-far not.
\\Do you remember "Yahoo" when it first came out? It was the pre-computer "office organization" approach to information management. Google quickly put them out of business.
I used MetaCrawler. ;-P
\\It's what makes Deleuze and Guitari's "A Thousand Plateaus" so relevant today. It "flattened the world' of information. Information ceased being "hierarchical" and became a rhizome.
It created "waterfalls of information". Yes.
But as ever -- more rare and valuable information is still more hard to grab. ;-P
And probably even harder. Because it became harder to reach and to destinguish... in piles of shit.
Earlier you could be sure that by directing your path toward some more secluded, more elitist sources -- like somespecial libraries, one could be sure that there'd be something good.
True. I suppose that ultimately you need to stick to the known pools of "curated" information formed from the waterfalls. Until some jackass pee's in them, anyways.
If you have not viable theory inside your own mind -- any information is just a stuffing for plush Teddy bear. ;-P
Because without theory/phylosophy -- one cannot make clue -- is that information favorable or not, and for what.
Philosophy alone? Or all "Virtue"? ;)
Jowett summary of Plato', "Laches"
In the discussion of the main thesis of the Dialogue—'What is Courage?' the antagonism of the two characters is still more clearly brought out; and in this, as in the preliminary question, the truth is parted between them. Gradually, and not without difficulty, Laches is made to pass on from the more popular to the more philosophical; it has never occurred to him that there was any other courage than that of the soldier; and only by an effort of the mind can he frame a general notion at all. No sooner has this general notion been formed than it evanesces before the dialectic of Socrates; and Nicias appears from the other side with the Socratic doctrine, that courage is knowledge. This is explained to mean knowledge of things terrible in the future. But Socrates denies that the knowledge of the future is separable from that of the past and present; in other words, true knowledge is not that of the soothsayer but of the philosopher. And all knowledge will thus be equivalent to all virtue—a position which elsewhere Socrates is not unwilling to admit, but which will not assist us in distinguishing the nature of courage. In this part of the Dialogue the contrast between the mode of cross-examination which is practised by Laches and by Socrates, and also the manner in which the definition of Laches is made to approximate to that of Nicias, are worthy of attention.
Thus, with some intimation of the connexion and unity of virtue and knowledge, we arrive at no distinct result. The two aspects of courage are never harmonized. The knowledge which in the Protagoras is explained as the faculty of estimating pleasures and pains is here lost in an unmeaning and transcendental conception. Yet several true intimations of the nature of courage are allowed to appear: (1) That courage is moral as well as physical: (2) That true courage is inseparable from knowledge, and yet (3) is based on a natural instinct. Laches exhibits one aspect of courage; Nicias the other. The perfect image and harmony of both is only realized in Socrates himself.
Knowledge committed and converted into "muscle memory". Instinctive. Like Socrates' "little voice".
I do not see anything clear in such definitions.
So, I'll try to propose mine -- so you could try to discern for yourself. Where's descrepancy in our POVs.
Let's assume that there are spots on the ground -- is it information by itself? No.
Information it is in the eyes of who looking at it.
And that looks can be very different. And "information" received from it, can be... must be, very different too.
Like for hunter -- that'll be traces. And for detective -- evidances.
But for cleaner -- that's just a dirty spots one need to clean.
How different. And how antagonistic even.
To the level of possible conflict -- between hunter and detective -- who want that spots to be preserved. While cleaner need em to be erazed only.
Dunno how it is to you?? Do you see it? That what Lem teaching to see.
And that is -- intrinsic co-dependence between cleener and hunter/detective?
What if there'd be NO cleaner? Wouldn't it be much better for them?
All spots, all tracks, all evidances preserved????
That would be a mess. Where nobody would be able to find some clues. some evidances.
Only cleaner makes it so -- that new tracks became more visible.
That's a great analogy. Arabs and Jackals by Franz Kafka or "A Thousand Plateaus" by DeLeuze & Guattari, or Nietzsche on Forgetfulness.
"To redeem the past and to transform every ‘It was’ into an ‘I willed it thus!’ – that alone I call redemption!"
Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
Commit to Muscle Memory.
/intrinsic co-dependence between cleener and hunter/detective?
"Culture is, before all things, the unity of artistic style, in every expression of the life of a people." - Nietzsche
“Culture” is the name for all those things we practice without really believing in them, without taking them quite seriously." - Slavoj Zizek
Religion is the mother of culture. –René Girard
Ralph Waldo Emerson, on "Culture"
Can rules or tutors educate The semigod whom we await? He must be musical, Tremulous, impressional, Alive to gentle influence Of landscape and of sky, And tender to the spirit-touch Of man's or maiden's eye: But, to his native centre fast, Shall into Future fuse the Past, And the world's flowing fates in his own mould recast.
"Muscle Memory"
Animals scent marking a train? How many rains before they're gone? The cybernetics of books.
\\/intrinsic co-dependence between cleener and hunter/detective?
\\"Culture is, before all things, the unity of artistic style, in every expression of the life of a people." - Nietzsche
\\“Culture” is the name for all those things we practice without really believing in them, without taking them quite seriously." - Slavoj Zizek
\\Religion is the mother of culture. –René Girard
And yes, and no.
Lem said it himself -- that that is... epicycles of culture.
But his ideas -- it's an attempt to transcend it.
About courage. And virtues.
That is what your Ancient Greeks was not able to percieve.
That Courage -- it's the same time a vice. Vice of Negligance. Of own life and another.
And Wisdom -- it's same time blinding Self-Pride-Foolness.
No, that is not in a sense as it emerges in a Christianity.
Like "Satan seems SO powerful, even God cannot do anything with him... so, maybe we need to worship him first".
That is just elements of structures of the World -- that gives clear... er understanding of it.
/But his ideas -- it's an attempt to transcend it.
Like I often say, Be multi-cultural and multi-temporal. That's my way of attempting to transcend it.
/About courage. And virtues.
That is what your Ancient Greeks was not able to percieve.
That Courage -- it's the same time a vice. Vice of Negligance. Of own life and another.
And Wisdom -- it's same time blinding Self-Pride-Foolness.
They didn't miss a thing, IMO.
or temperance:negligence::success:failure
\\Like I often say, Be multi-cultural and multi-temporal. That's my way of attempting to transcend it.
So what? You have no core phylosophy behind it. No goal.
And because of it, as you said it yourself lately "Those who are devoid of purpose will make the void their purpose."
\\They didn't miss a thing, IMO.
Yeah. And what is TRUE and primal type of matter? Phlogistone? Or Unobtnium? Ether? Maybe that is Entelehia? :-/
Even Einstein proposed an "ether". Do we know what Dark Matter is? Does IT exist? Please, maybe they only missed what we're STILL missing.
And you forgot Upsedaisium. ;P
All depends on your goal.
Or... as Einstain would say: "All is relative". ;-P
I'm not disagreeing...
Idleness is the beginning of all psychology. What? Is psychology a vice?
Even the most courageous among us only rarely has the courage to face what he already knows.
To live alone one must be a beast or a god, says Aristotle. Leaving out the third case: one must be both — a philosopher.
"All truth is simple." Is that not a double lie?
I want, once and for all, not to know many things. Wisdom requires moderation in knowledge as in other things.
In our own wild nature we find the best recreation from our un-nature, from our spirituality.
How? Man is only a mistake of God? Or God merely a mistake of man?
Out of life's school of war: What does not kill me makes me stronger.
Help yourself, then everyone will help you. Principle of brotherly love.
Not to perpetrate cowardice against one's own acts! Not to leave them in the lurch afterward! The bite of conscience is indecent.
Can an ass be tragic? To perish under a burden one can neither bear nor throw off? The case of the philosopher.
If we have our own why in life, we shall get along with almost any how. Man does not strive for pleasure; only the Englishman does.
Man has created woman — out of what? Out of a rib of his god — of his "ideal."
What? You search? You would multiply yourself by ten, by a hundred? You seek followers? Seek zeros!
Posthumous men — I, for example — are understood worse than timely ones, but heard better. More precisely: we are never understood — hence our authority.
Among women: "Truth? Oh, you don't know truth! Is it not an attempt to kill our modesty?"
That is the kind of artist I love, modest in his needs: he really wants only two things, his bread and his art — panem et Circen ["bread and Circe"].
Whoever does not know how to lay his will into things, at least lays some meaning into them: that means, he has the faith that they already obey a will. (Principle of "faith".)
What? You chose virtue and took pride in your virtue, and yet you leer enviously at the advantages of those without scruples? But virtue involves renouncing "advantages." (Inscription for an anti-Semite's door.)
The perfect woman indulges in literature just as she indulges in a small sin: as an experiment, in passing, looking around to see if anybody notices it — and to make sure that somebody does.
To venture into many situations where one cannot get by with sham virtues, but where, like the tightrope walker on his rope, one either stands or falls — or gets away.
"Evil men have no songs." How is it, then, that the Russians have songs?
"German spirit": for the past eighteen years a contradiction in terms.
By searching out origins, one becomes a crab. The historian looks backward; eventually he also believes backward.
Being pleased with oneself protects even against the cold. Has a woman who knew herself to be well dressed ever caught a cold? I am assuming that she was barely dressed.
I mistrust all systematizers and avoid them. The will to a system is a lack of integrity.
#Women are considered profound. Why? Because we never fathom their depths. But women aren't even shallow.
If a woman has only manly virtues, we run away; and if she has no manly virtues, she runs away herself.
"How much has conscience had to chew on in the past! And what excellent teeth it had! And today — what is lacking?" A dentist's question.
One rarely falls into a single error. Falling into the first one, one always does too much. So one usually perpetrates another one — and now one does too little.
When stepped on, a worm doubles up. That is clever. In that way he lessens the probability of being stepped on again. In the language of morality: humility.
We hate lies and hypocrisy because our sense of honor is easily provoked. But the same hatred can arise from cowardice, since lies are forbidden by divine commandment: in that case, we are too cowardly to lie.
#How little is required for pleasure! The sound of a bagpipe. Without music, life would be an error. The German imagines that even God sings songs.
On ne peut penser et ecrire qu'assis [One cannot think and write except when seated] (G. Flaubert). There I have caught you, nihilist! The sedentary life is the very sin against the Holy Spirit. Only thoughts reached by walking have value.
There are cases in which we are like horses, we psychologists, and become skittish: we see our own shadow looming up before us. A psychologist must turn his eyes from himself to see anything at all.
Are we immoralists harming virtue? No more than anarchists harm princes. Only because the latter are shot at do they once more sit securely on their thrones. Moral: morality must be shot at.
You run ahead? Are you doing it as a shepherd? Or as an exception? A third case would be as a fugitive. First question of conscience.
Are you genuine? Or merely an actor? A representative? Or that which is represented? In the end, perhaps you are merely a copy of an actor. Second question of conscience.
Are you one who looks on? Or one who lends a hand? Or one who looks away and walks off? Third question of conscience.
Do you want to walk along? Or walk ahead? Or walk by yourself? One must know what one wants and that one wants. Fourth question of conscience.
The disappointed one speaks. I searched for great human beings; I always found only the imitators of their ideals.
Those were steps for me, and I have climbed up over them: to that end I had to pass over them. Yet they thought that I wanted to retire on them.
What does it matter if I am right? I am much too right. And he who laughs best today will also laugh last.
The formula of my happiness: a Yes, a No, a straight line, a goal.
What do you suppose Nietzsche's goal was?
“The slow arrow of beauty. The most noble kind of beauty is that which does not carry us away suddenly, whose attacks are not violent or intoxicating (this kind easily awakens disgust), but rather the kind of beauty which infiltrates slowly, which we carry along with us almost unnoticed, and meet up with again in dreams; finally, after it has for a long time lain modestly in our heart, it takes complete possession of us, filling our eyes with tears, our hearts with longing. What do we long for when we see beauty? To be beautiful. We think much happiness must be connected with it. But that is an error.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche, Schopenhaur, "The Philosopher as Educator"
Nature seems to be bent on squandering; but it is squandering, not through a wanton luxuriousness, but through inexperience; it can be assumed that if nature were human it would never cease to be annoyed at itself and its ineptitude. Nature propels the philosopher into mankind like an arrow; it takes no aim but hopes the arrow will stick somewhere. But countless times it misses and is depressed at the fact. Nature is just as extravagant in the domain of culture as it is in that of planting and sowing. It achieves its aims in a broad and ponderous manner: and in doing so it sacrifices much too much energy.
Deleuze, "Nietzsche and Philosophy"
[Nietzsche] compares the thinker to an arrow shot by nature that another thinker picks up where it has fallen so that he can shoot it somewhere else.
I pick up arrows, and shoot them again.
"I love him who loves his virtue: for virtue is the will to down-going, and an arrow of longing."
“The arrow was shot at my most vulnerable possession -- at you, whose skin is like down and even more like a smile that dies of a glance.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil"
the struggle against Plato, or--to speak plainer, and for the "people"--the struggle against the ecclesiastical oppression of millenniums of Christianity (FOR CHRISITIANITY IS PLATONISM FOR THE "PEOPLE"), produced in Europe a magnificent tension of soul, such as had not existed anywhere previously; with such a tensely strained bow one can now aim at the furthest goals. As a matter of fact, the European feels this tension as a state of distress, and twice attempts have been made in grand style to unbend the bow: once by means of Jesuitism, and the second time by means of democratic enlightenment--which, with the aid of liberty of the press and newspaper-reading, might, in fact, bring it about that the spirit would not so easily find itself in "distress"! (The Germans invented gunpowder-all credit to them! but they again made things square--they invented printing.) But we, who are neither Jesuits, nor democrats, nor even sufficiently Germans, we GOOD EUROPEANS, and free, VERY free spirits--we have it still, all the distress of spirit and all the tension of its bow! And perhaps also the arrow, the duty, and, who knows? THE GOAL TO AIM AT. . . .
\\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
What do you suppose Nietzsche's goal was?
As Lem predicted... ehm, described -- too many questions.
Without answers. Or not deserving answers...
\\we carry along with us almost unnoticed, and meet up with again in dreams; finally, after it
Dreams... they all about state of dreamer.
Like, I have dreams about going with crowds... because of being devoid of it, for some time, by obvious reasons.
But... I do not pay much attention to it -- knowing about such traits of dreams. ;-)
\\ Nature propels the philosopher into mankind like an arrow; it takes no aim but hopes the arrow will stick somewhere. But countless times it misses and is depressed at the fact. Nature is just as extravagant in the domain of culture as it is in that of planting and sowing. It achieves its aims in a broad and ponderous manner: and in doing so it sacrifices much too much energy.
Same what Lem said?
Only without poetry. And with much clearer perspective.
\\[Nietzsche] compares the thinker to an arrow shot by nature that another thinker picks up where it has fallen so that he can shoot it somewhere else.
Hmm... do you REALLY need to remind it to me? Such obviousness...
And what do I do here, from your perspective?
\\produced in Europe a magnificent tension of soul, such as had not existed anywhere previously;
And how'd he knew????
\\the tension of its bow! And perhaps also the arrow, the duty, and, who knows? THE GOAL TO AIM AT. . . .
Not at all, today... it seems.
Or... what if stray bear will awake em... for its own demise. ;-P
Do you know why Captcha exemplifies "bus", but not trolleybus, or tram???
Incidental blindness of developers?
\\What do you suppose Nietzsche's goal was?
/As Lem predicted... ehm, described -- too many questions.
Without answers. Or not deserving answers...
The purpose of philosophy (~14:15)&(~22:30) lies in the questions, not answers. Politicians usually only ask the wrong questions about to preserve and reinforce the current regime (or capitalism). We need to read the symptoms, and ask better questions. Not provide answers (like ban guns, which doesn't address the symptom of gun violence)
\\we carry along with us almost unnoticed, and meet up with again in dreams; finally, after it
/Dreams... they all about state of dreamer.
Like, I have dreams about going with crowds... because of being devoid of it, for some time, by obvious reasons.
But... I do not pay much attention to it -- knowing about such traits of dreams. ;-)
As Freud said, "dreams are wish fullfillments". You want yours to be the popular position and for people to follow you and implement your wishes.
\\ Nature propels the philosopher into mankind like an arrow; it takes no aim but hopes the arrow will stick somewhere. But countless times it misses and is depressed at the fact. Nature is just as extravagant in the domain of culture as it is in that of planting and sowing. It achieves its aims in a broad and ponderous manner: and in doing so it sacrifices much too much energy.
/Same what Lem said?
Only without poetry. And with much clearer perspective.
I wish I knew Lem better. :(
\\[Nietzsche] compares the thinker to an arrow shot by nature that another thinker picks up where it has fallen so that he can shoot it somewhere else.
/Hmm... do you REALLY need to remind it to me? Such obviousness...
And what do I do here, from your perspective?
I was merely trying to confirm your own... from "authority" (and yes, I see Nietzsche, Zizek, et al, as authority figures... at least in Philosophic Subject Matters). So "nothing", unless you want to quote from other authority figures in other subject areas.
\\produced in Europe a magnificent tension of soul, such as had not existed anywhere previously;
/And how'd he knew????
His father had been a Lutheran Minister (sexual/ bodily prohibitions) and as he says in the Second essay of "Geneology of Morals"...
All instincts which are not discharged to the outside are turned back inside. This is what I call the internalization of man. From this first grows in man what people later call his "soul." The entire inner world, originally as thin as if stretched between two layers of skin, expanded and extended itself, acquired depth, width, and height to the extent that the discharge of human instinct out into the world was obstructed. Those frightening fortifications with which the organization of the state protected itself against the old instincts for freedom—punishment belongs above all to these fortifications—made all those instincts of the wild, free, roaming man turn backwards, against man himself. Enmity, cruelty, joy in pursuit, in attack, in change, in destruction—all those turned themselves against the possessors of such instincts. That is the origin of "bad conscience."
The man who lacked external enemies and opposition and was forced into an oppressive narrowness and regularity of custom, impatiently tore himself apart, persecuted himself, gnawed away at himself, grew upset, and did himself damage—this animal which scraped itself raw against the bars of its cage, which people want to "tame," this impoverished creature, consumed with longing for the wild, had to create in itself an adventure, a torture chamber, an uncertain and dangerous wilderness, this fool, this yearning and puzzled prisoner, was the inventor of "bad conscience." With him was introduced the greatest and weirdest illness, from which human beings today have not recovered, the suffering of man from his humanness, from himself, a consequence of the forcible separation from his animal past, a leap and, so to speak, a fall into new situations and living conditions, a declaration of war against the old instincts, on which, up to that point, his power, joy, and ability to inspire fear had been based.
Let us at once add that, on the other hand, the fact that there was now an animal soul turned against itself, taking sides against itself, provided this earth with something so new, profound, unheard of, enigmatic, contradictory, and portentous [Zukunftsvolles], that the picture of the earth was fundamentally changed. In fact, it required divine spectators to approve the dramatic performance which then began and whose conclusion is not yet in sight, a spectacle too fine, too wonderful, too paradoxical, to be allowed to play itself out senselessly and unobserved on some ridiculous star or other. Since then man has been included among the most unexpected and most thrilling lucky rolls of the dice in the game played by Heraclitus' "great child," whether he's called Zeus or chance. In himself he arouses a certain interest, tension, hope, almost a certainty, as if something is announcing itself in him, is preparing itself, as if the human being were not the goal but only the way, an episode, a great promise . . .
\\the tension of its bow! And perhaps also the arrow, the duty, and, who knows? THE GOAL TO AIM AT. . . .
/Not at all, today... it seems.
Or... what if stray bear will awake em... for its own demise. ;-P
When "conquer the world" becomes that STATED goal, call me. :P
/Do you know why Captcha exemplifies "bus", but not trolleybus, or tram???
Incidental blindness of developers?
I'm missing your point, proving you're not a bot would be better if the example were a trolleybus? You'd have to click on the wires and rails to complete the "transportation system" and be given access to posting? I give up.
What about the road?
\\ We need to read the symptoms, and ask better questions. Not provide answers (like ban guns, which doesn't address the symptom of gun violence)
That is the same what Zizek did -- trying to spice up own words with Witgenstain's... to placate his right to continue unresponsible babbling.
That is -- manipulations. And not wise talks.
Same child drawning in a buth as two millenia ago -- people half-learned Wisdom of Phylosophy, speed up to work for politicaians, and became rotten fruits, and whole tree of Wizdom drying out and dies.
Sophists. Bleh.
\\As Freud said, "dreams are wish fullfillments". You want yours to be the popular position and for people to follow you and implement your wishes.
Naaah. ;-P
\\I wish I knew Lem better. :(
Well... theres simultaneously -- not a chance. And all time of the World for that reason.
As a person -- he is unaccessible.
But through his works... one can enlight himself to any extent it likes. :-)
In a sense... there is no alive phylosophers. :-/
\\\\[Nietzsche] compares the thinker to an arrow shot by nature that another thinker picks up where it has fallen so that he can shoot it somewhere else.
/Hmm... do you REALLY need to remind it to me? Such obviousness...
And what do I do here, from your perspective?
\\I was merely trying to confirm your own... from "authority" (and yes, I see Nietzsche, Zizek, et al, as authority figures... at least in Philosophic Subject Matters). So "nothing", unless you want to quote from other authority figures in other subject areas.
I mean.
My notorious refering to Lem... isn't it like that "picking arrow"???
And well... there is no authorities in "Philosophic Subject Matters".
If you'd knew it at least from university course of phylosophy.
Phylosophy by now... that is like that phylogenetical tree -- of species died out long ago.
It can give good hint of understanding about currently living beasts...
but do not corelate with mundane problems of nowaday living ones...
\\His father had been a Lutheran Minister (sexual/ bodily prohibitions) and as he says in the Second essay of "Geneology of Morals"...
I mean... sorry for my unreasonable tersiness. :-(
How he knew that there was NO such things all around the World???
Even today we have enormous barriers in spreading such information.
While that time they was unbreakable.
So, how he could know, that there somewhere... in China or among Maya... there was no same or similar tension???
\\The man who lacked external enemies and opposition and was forced into an oppressive narrowness and regularity of custom, impatiently tore himself apart, persecuted himself, gnawed away at himself, grew upset, and did himself damage...
Well, now we have computer games. where anyone can do it virtually. And to any level of brutalty it wants. ;-P
\\When "conquer the world" becomes that STATED goal, call me. :P
But there is needed one with ears, to hid that call. And some with eye open, to see the road. ;-P
See... being poetic -- is easy.
\\I'm missing your point, proving you're not a bot would be better if the example were a trolleybus? You'd
You don't know stated goal of Captcha?
That they training AI for selfmoving automobiles.
And they seems like ommiting important cases... or what, they want to make it only for USA market???
But well, there is pictures from Japan and Europe too.
Something fishy.
\\ We need to read the symptoms, and ask better questions. Not provide answers (like ban guns, which doesn't address the symptom of gun violence)
That is the same what Zizek did -- trying to spice up own words with Witgenstain's... to placate his right to continue unresponsible babbling.
That is -- manipulations. And not wise talks.
Same child drawning in a buth as two millenia ago -- people half-learned Wisdom of Phylosophy, speed up to work for politicaians, and became rotten fruits, and whole tree of Wizdom drying out and dies.
Sophists. Bleh.
You don't want to be "urban sophisticated"? Wisdom and Justice are OPPOSITE/OPPOSING virtues... balancing virtues. As are Courage and Temperance. And temperance consists of the "wise" devising "charms". Witchcraft. And "wisdom" means knowing when to apply them, and when NOT to.
Plato, "Charmides"
I am glad to find that you remember me, I said; for I shall now be more at home with you and shall be better able to explain the nature of the charm, about which I felt a difficulty before. For the charm will do more, Charmides, than only cure the headache. I dare say that you have heard eminent physicians say to a patient who comes to them with bad eyes, that they cannot cure his eyes by themselves, but that if his eyes are to be cured, his head must be treated; and then again they say that to think of curing the head alone, and not the rest of the body also, is the height of folly. And arguing in this way they apply their methods to the whole body, and try to treat and heal the whole and the part together. Did you ever observe that this is what they say?
Yes, he said.
And they are right, and you would agree with them?
Yes, he said, certainly I should.
His approving answers reassured me, and I began by degrees to regain confidence, and the vital heat returned. Such, Charmides, I said, is the nature of the charm, which I learned when serving with the army from one of the physicians of the Thracian king Zamolxis, who are said to be so skilful that they can even give immortality. This Thracian told me that in these notions of theirs, which I was just now mentioning, the Greek physicians are quite right as far as they go; but Zamolxis, he added, our king, who is also a god, says further, 'that as you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head, or the head without the body, so neither ought you to attempt to cure the body without the soul; and this,' he said, 'is the reason why the cure of many diseases is unknown to the physicians of Hellas, because they are ignorant of the whole, which ought to be studied also; for the part can never be well unless the whole is well.' For all good and evil, whether in the body or in human nature, originates, as he declared, in the soul, and overflows from thence, as if from the head into the eyes. And therefore if the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul; that is the first thing. And the cure, my dear youth, has to be effected by the use of certain charms, and these charms are fair words; and by them temperance is implanted in the soul, and where temperance is, there health is speedily imparted, not only to the head, but to the whole body. And he who taught me the cure and the charm at the same time added a special direction: 'Let no one,' he said, 'persuade you to cure the head, until he has first given you his soul to be cured by the charm. For this,' he said, 'is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians separate the soul from the body.' And he added with emphasis, at the same time making me swear to his words, 'Let no one, however rich, or noble, or fair, persuade you to give him the cure, without the charm.' Now I have sworn, and I must keep my oath, and therefore if you will allow me to apply the Thracian charm first to your soul, as the stranger directed, I will afterwards proceed to apply the cure to your head. But if not, I do not know what I am to do with you, my dear Charmides.
"Vital heat" - Courage.
\\As Freud said, "dreams are wish fullfillments". You want yours to be the popular position and for people to follow you and implement your wishes.
/Naaah. ;-P
"Interpretation of Dreams". Freud doesn't lie.
\\I wish I knew Lem better. :(
/Well... theres simultaneously -- not a chance. And all time of the World for that reason.
As a person -- he is unaccessible.
But through his works... one can enlight himself to any extent it likes. :-)
In a sense... there is no alive phylosophers. :-/
I would disagree. Byung-Chul Han and Slavoj Zizek are two, but they are also products within our age of consumerism. Which is why it pays to read them with a multi-temporal outlook... to better separate the picture from its' frame.
\\\\[Nietzsche] compares the thinker to an arrow shot by nature that another thinker picks up where it has fallen so that he can shoot it somewhere else.
/Hmm... do you REALLY need to remind it to me? Such obviousness...
And what do I do here, from your perspective?
Break & Scatter arrows? Test for soundness? Shoot back?
\\I was merely trying to confirm your own... from "authority" (and yes, I see Nietzsche, Zizek, et al, as authority figures... at least in Philosophic Subject Matters). So "nothing", unless you want to quote from other authority figures in other subject areas.
/I mean.
My notorious refering to Lem... isn't it like that "picking arrow"???
No, it's "picking up then shooting back"...
And well... there is no authorities in "Philosophic Subject Matters".
If you'd knew it at least from university course of phylosophy.
LOL! The University Discourse. Universities PAY teachers, not philosophers. And virtue cannot be taught. Only "learned". Nobody paid Socrates. But they did Gorgias, et al.
One of my favorite Roman historians was Tacitus. He, better than most, knew the importance of esoteric writing. Of the difference between discourses....
Master:University::Hysteric:Analyst and their "relations to truth".
/Phylosophy by now... that is like that phylogenetical tree -- of species died out long ago.
It can give good hint of understanding about currently living beasts...
but do not corelate with mundane problems of nowaday living ones...
Hence the need for multitemporality. To better match paintings to frames.
\\His father had been a Lutheran Minister (sexual/ bodily prohibitions) and as he says in the Second essay of "Geneology of Morals"...
/I mean... sorry for my unreasonable tersiness. :-(
How he knew that there was NO such things all around the World???
Degree? G_d is Dead! Religions were capable of building these tensions, but how many demand celibacy (priests)? Monogamy (believers)? Disavow divorce? Require fasts. Prohibit "canivals" (bachaenae)? And G_d was dead. The tension left the bow. In the secular world, what were punishments. Iron maidens. pillories. The Rack. Draw and Quarterings. Torture/ horror. Boiling in oil. Flaying. Flogging. DISCIPLINARY Society. Now, we're a society of control... evolving into an "Achievement" Society. The civil "tortures" have been turned so that they come from within (Nietsche, Genealogy of Morals, Second essay). "Psychopolitics" (Byung-Chul Han). What is pain to a whipped slave when compared to the thoughts of a spanking to a young modern schoolchild? Which "feels it' more? Why can the child no longer be spanked?
Even today we have enormous barriers in spreading such information.
While that time they was unbreakable.
So, how he could know, that there somewhere... in China or among Maya... there was no same or similar tension???
Nietzsche admired many aspects of Islam... but the tension, IMO, would have been less. More "meden agan". Read GoM second essay. Decide for Yourself.
\\The man who lacked external enemies and opposition and was forced into an oppressive narrowness and regularity of custom, impatiently tore himself apart, persecuted himself, gnawed away at himself, grew upset, and did himself damage...
/Well, now we have computer games. where anyone can do it virtually. And to any level of brutalty it wants. ;-P
School shooter...moving tension beyond the game world... beyond WestWorld.
\\When "conquer the world" becomes that STATED goal, call me. :P
But there is needed one with ears, to hid that call. And some with eye open, to see the road. ;-P
See... being poetic -- is easy.
As Zizek says, "War is for Poets". Plato bans them.
What this means is that, without shame, in conceiving art, we should return to Plato. Plato's reputation suffers because of his claim that poets should be thrown out of the city - a rather sensible advice, judging from my post-Yugoslav experience, where ethnic cleansing was prepared by poets' dangerous dreams (the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic being only one among them). If the West has the industrial-military complex, we in the ex-Yugoslavia had a poetic-military complex: the post-Yugoslav war was triggered by the explosive mixture of the poetic and the military component. So, from a Platonic standpoint, what does a poem about the holocaust do? It provides its "description without place": in renders the Idea of holocaust.
\\I'm missing your point, proving you're not a bot would be better if the example were a trolleybus?
/You don't know stated goal of Captcha?
That they training AI for selfmoving automobiles.
And they seems like ommiting important cases... or what, they want to make it only for USA market???
But well, there is pictures from Japan and Europe too.
Something fishy.
Drive on the Left vs. Drive on the Right? I thought that they only made those crazy "sign-on for comments" obstacles for blogs.
Spam reduction?
Poetry drapes the universal with robes of beauty, for even Ares weds Aphrodite.
\\You don't want to be "urban sophisticated"? Wisdom and Justice are OPPOSITE/OPPOSING virtues... balancing virtues. As are Courage and Temperance. And temperance consists of the "wise" devising "charms". Witchcraft. And "wisdom" means knowing when to apply them, and when NOT to.
Do you want to stay in same shit... forever?
Or thrug it off and try something new?
\\ And "wisdom" means knowing when to apply them, and when NOT to.
And Lem have said about it too.
That tale about machines for telling stories.
\\"Interpretation of Dreams". Freud doesn't lie.
About his delusions? Well, probably.
\\I would disagree. Byung-Chul Han and Slavoj Zizek are two, but they are also products within our age of consumerism.
Do they have SAME veneration... as Plato or Aristotle? Or Kant?
That's it. That's what I mean.
Phylosophers... is like good vine. Need time for people to acqure taste for em. ;-P
\\\\\\[Nietzsche] compares the thinker to an arrow shot by nature that another thinker picks up where it has fallen so that he can shoot it somewhere else.
/Hmm... do you REALLY need to remind it to me? Such obviousness...
And what do I do here, from your perspective?
\\Break & Scatter arrows? Test for soundness? Shoot back?
Not picking old sword(light sabre?) of Lem to continue his fight? ;-P
\\My notorious refering to Lem... isn't it like that "picking arrow"???
\\No, it's "picking up then shooting back"...
At whom???
Lem is not in this plain of reality anymore.
And you are hardly his admirer... to shot it "back at you".
It's more like picking up an old and rusty arrow, that is nearly stomped into the ground... to became part of soil and perish that way.
\\And well... there is no authorities in "Philosophic Subject Matters".
If you'd knew it at least from university course of phylosophy.
\\LOL! The University Discourse. Universities PAY teachers, not philosophers. And virtue cannot be taught. Only "learned". Nobody paid Socrates. But they did Gorgias, et al.
\\Hence the need for multitemporality. To better match paintings to frames.
Only... that is illusion.
Our talks proving it with all unpleasant verity.
I am here to provide truthful account of other places and times to you -- and how much you learned of it?
That's it.
Experiences of such kind -- do not transmit. :-/
\\Degree? G_d is Dead! Religions were capable of building these tensions, but how many demand celibacy (priests)? Monogamy (believers)? Disavow divorce?
Buddist monks pledging living in poverty and as hermits. Shamans of foster tribes.
Well... that is is even with my miserly erudition.
\\Why can the child no longer be spanked?
Because slaves cannot work on a conveyors of mass-production.
Well. Anyway. That is all nothing but our prejudges and superstitions.
Historian opened that Great Piramids was built by skilled workers... NOT slaves.
Means. There was "society of control", stirring people to achieve more... EVEN THEN.
More than 2000 years ago.
You are not jedi... yet.
\\Nietzsche admired many aspects of Islam... but the tension, IMO, would have been less. More "meden agan". Read GoM second essay. Decide for Yourself.
What for?
Could it help me to develop Tech of Third Millenium?
\\School shooter...moving tension beyond the game world... beyond WestWorld.
That's your endemic problem.
Mental virus of glorification of public violence spread through media.
And that is NOT NEW too.
Sundance Kid. Bonny and Clide. And etc.
- Athena is the goddess of strategy and tactics in war, while Ares represents the raw will and courage of soldiers.
- Ares is important for strategy because without soldiers to fight, there is no use for tactics.
And now battlefield governed by their dauther -- Techne. ;-P
/Do you want to stay in same shit... forever?
Or thrug it off and try something new?
One loves what one has tamed. Feral knowledge? Not so much. There's too much of it for a single lifetime. And once one retires, likely reduced to one's own "facticity".
\\ And "wisdom" means knowing when to apply them, and when NOT to.
/And Lem have said about it too.
That tale about machines for telling stories.
ChatGTP. Yawn. It tells stories for adults, not children (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "The Little Prince").
\\"Interpretation of Dreams". Freud doesn't lie.
/About his delusions? Well, probably.
Have you read it? I have.
\\I would disagree. Byung-Chul Han and Slavoj Zizek are two, but they are also products within our age of consumerism.
/Do they have SAME veneration... as Plato or Aristotle? Or Kant?
That's it. That's what I mean.
Phylosophers... is like good vine. Need time for people to acqure taste for em. ;-P
Lindy Effect. But no, they will never have the same level of veneration, for their usefullness is very specific to diagnosing our current age. Their usefullness is not measured by Kronos and the passage of time, but by Kairos and the opportunities they present for action. They, too, stand upon the shoulders of giants. The ancients long ago won the Battle of the Books (Swift).
/And what do I do here, from your perspective?
Shoot your arrows.
\\Break & Scatter arrows? Test for soundness? Shoot back?
/Not picking old sword(light sabre?) of Lem to continue his fight? ;-P
Whatever floats your boat.
\\My notorious refering to Lem... isn't it like that "picking arrow"???
\\No, it's "picking up then shooting back"...
At whom???
Lem is not in this plain of reality anymore.
And you are hardly his admirer... to shot it "back at you".
It's more like picking up an old and rusty arrow, that is nearly stomped into the ground... to became part of soil and perish that way.
:( You'd let that happen? You'd let the Ship of Theseus sink with its' moorings and become an unrecognizable wreck? Or wood for a library fire in Alexandria? Not implant it like a seed in a human soul, like mine, and water it?
\\Hence the need for multitemporality. To better match paintings to frames.
Only... that is illusion.
Our talks proving it with all unpleasant verity.
I am here to provide truthful account of other places and times to you -- and how much you learned of it?
That's it.
Experiences of such kind -- do not transmit. :-/
Perhaps you should apply the torpedo's shock, and disavow me of what appears to be my comfortable skepticism. Cause me to doubt what I think I know. Convince me. Perhaps take Plutarch's approach of comparing Roman to Greek. You've done a bit of that in discussing your tech idea. Have you solved the device inter-communication problem so that a "cancer" or "virus" can't develop and isolate itself/ go "rogue"? Does it's "immune system" Use T cells to identify faults and B cells to produce anti-bodies to destroy cancer and virus inducing faults?
\\Degree? G_d is Dead! Religions were capable of building these tensions, but how many demand celibacy (priests)? Monogamy (believers)? Disavow divorce?
/Buddist monks pledging living in poverty and as hermits. Shamans of foster tribes.
Well... that is is even with my miserly erudition.
Hunger, thirst, pain... these are certainly drives, but what guards the commoner (not priests) against excessive pleasures like sex (relief of pain), avarice, gluttony? For "priests" have always been considered the "commoner" equals to the nobles and knights (Nietzsche, "Beyond Good & Evil) and somewhat "feared" that they will use their influence over the people to oppose them. But how do their sacrifices translate to the commoners that fill their begging bowls?
\\Why can the child no longer be spanked?
/Because slaves cannot work on a conveyors of mass-production.
Well. Anyway. That is all nothing but our prejudges and superstitions.
Historian opened that Great Piramids was built by skilled workers... NOT slaves.
Means. There was "society of control", stirring people to achieve more... EVEN THEN.
More than 2000 years ago.
You are not jedi... yet.
Really? Then why did the Israelites flee (Bible, Exodus) both from Egypt and Mesopotamia? Societies of Sovereignty and Discipline. Primarily pain avoidant, not pleasure inducement, as today. Workers desiring to work 2-3 jobs 16+ hours a day and "burn-out". Stone-mason for job 1, Uber driver for job 2, then restaurant waiter for job 3? Hypergamous workers... always looking to "move up" the social ladder. Could all slaves do that? All be "adopted", like Moses, by Pharoes? Or advise Caliph's and Sultan's like Maimonides?
Social structures, royal bloodlines, nobility, all impaired Social mobility. Even New York once distinguished "old money" from "new money" in social circles during the gilded age. Social capital is still but one form of capital today. Hence the rise of the "Celebrity" and now "Internet Influencer". Perhaps THAT is what you need to sell your tech. I certainly have no "influence" anymore.
\\Nietzsche admired many aspects of Islam... but the tension, IMO, would have been less. More "meden agan". Read GoM second essay. Decide for Yourself.
/What for?
Could it help me to develop Tech of Third Millenium?
Is tech the only thing you need? Perhaps some rhetoric might serve you better. Seek out Gorgias or Protagoras, then.
\\School shooter...moving tension beyond the game world... beyond WestWorld.
/That's your endemic problem.
Mental virus of glorification of public violence spread through media.
And that is NOT NEW too.
Sundance Kid. Bonny and Clide. And etc.
You think violence (a result of symbolic deadlock in thought) is only America's problem? We just have access to deadlier toys/ tools.
- Athena is the goddess of strategy and tactics in war, while Ares represents the raw will and courage of soldiers.
- Ares is important for strategy because without soldiers to fight, there is no use for tactics.
And now battlefield governed by their dauther -- Techne. ;-P
Wasn't Hephaestus lame?
\\Have you read it? I have.
'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, my friend, than are dreamt...
in my philosophy. ;-)
\\Lindy Effect. But no, they will never have the same level of veneration, for their usefullness is very specific to diagnosing our current age. Their usefullness is not measured by Kronos and the passage of time, but by Kairos and the opportunities they present for action. They, too, stand upon the shoulders of giants. The ancients long ago won the Battle of the Books (Swift).
You really placed it in one bunch? ;-)
\\/And what do I do here, from your perspective?
Shoot your arrows.
My -- arrows?
\\Whatever floats your boat.
That is question about your POV.
Obviously... it cannot float MY boat.
It only can show -- is there some leaks in your. ;-)
\\:( You'd let that happen? You'd let the Ship of Theseus sink with its' moorings and become an unrecognizable wreck? Or wood for a library fire in Alexandria? Not implant it like a seed in a human soul, like mine, and water it?
And what you'd choose while being mid fire in that library?
Correct answer is -- that what closer to exit.
But you can pretend that what was saved -- is the Biggest Treasure of Humanity.
Even though that was just a stand with postcards. And some cheap comics journal...
Sorry. That is thinking flexibility training talking.
Just remembered short texts -- about archeologists of Future who trying to scavange remains after NukeAp... to find some old texts of wisdom. When suddenly found some safe with shelves of pulp-fiction. ;-P
\\Perhaps you should apply the torpedo's shock, and disavow me of what appears to be my comfortable skepticism.
From my POV you are full-fledged romantic. ;-)
\\Cause me to doubt what I think I know. Convince me.
\\Perhaps take Plutarch's approach of comparing Roman to Greek. You've done a bit of that in discussing your tech idea. Have you solved the device inter-communication problem so that a "cancer" or "virus" can't develop and isolate itself/ go "rogue"?
That is wrong question.
There CANNOT be such isolation.
Because one and the same cannot be a poison and a medicine SAME TIME.
Every time it depends on other circumstances.
Over four hundred years ago, a European doctor named Paracelsus established the basic premise of toxicology: "All substances are poisons; there is none which is not; the dose differentiates a poison from a remedy." This statement says that everything can be toxic if the dose is high enough.
I though your "Meden agan" was about it.
But it seems I was wrong.
Curse that language/culture barrier. Bless it too. ;-)
\\Does it's "immune system" Use T cells to identify faults and B cells to produce anti-bodies to destroy cancer and virus inducing faults?
Hint:Simple organisms do not have such problems.
\\Hunger, thirst, pain... these are certainly drives, but what guards the commoner (not priests) against excessive pleasures like sex (relief of pain), avarice, gluttony? For "priests" have always been considered the "commoner" equals to the nobles and knights (Nietzsche, "Beyond Good & Evil) and somewhat "feared" that they will use their influence over the people to oppose them. But how do their sacrifices translate to the commoners that fill their begging bowls?
I am prol not for nothing.
\\Really? Then why did the Israelites flee
And you believe to Yellow Press?
Well, you do...
\\Workers desiring to work 2-3 jobs 16+ hours a day and "burn-out". Stone-mason for job 1, Uber driver for job 2, then restaurant waiter for job 3?
That is all part-time jobs.
REAL jobs taking ALL your time.
Like in your dreams even you continue coding.
\\Social structures, royal bloodlines, nobility, all impaired Social mobility. Even New York once distinguished "old money" from "new money" in social circles during the gilded age. Social capital is still but one form of capital today. Hence the rise of the "Celebrity" and now "Internet Influencer".
That is just a propaganda from priests of Demn-OK-ratsy. ;-)
\\Perhaps THAT is what you need to sell your tech. I certainly have no "influence" anymore.
And who said that I desire to sell my newborn into slavery... from get go?
\\Is tech the only thing you need? Perhaps some rhetoric might serve you better. Seek out Gorgias or Protagoras, then.
Rethoric it's also tech... but unproductive, from my standpoint.
\\You think violence (a result of symbolic deadlock in thought) is only America's problem? We just have access to deadlier toys/ tools.
I can give only opinion from outside.
Not from within.
That is your job to make analysis ans synthesis.
\\Wasn't Hephaestus lame?
He was craftsman. Not technologist. ;-)
You really placed it in one bunch? ;-)
Yep, Eclesiastes 3
\\/And what do I do here, from your perspective?
Shoot your arrows.
My -- arrows?
Lem. Techie perspective.
\\Whatever floats your boat.
That is question about your POV.
Obviously... it cannot float MY boat.
It only can show -- is there some leaks in your. ;-)
There usually are....
\\:( You'd let that happen? You'd let the Ship of Theseus sink with its' moorings and become an unrecognizable wreck? Or wood for a library fire in Alexandria? Not implant it like a seed in a human soul, like mine, and water it?
/Just remembered short texts -- about archeologists of Future who trying to scavange remains after NukeAp... to find some old texts of wisdom. When suddenly found some safe with shelves of pulp-fiction. ;-P
Had Lindy curated it? Might work pretty good.
\\Perhaps you should apply the torpedo's shock, and disavow me of what appears to be my comfortable skepticism.
From my POV you are full-fledged romantic. ;-)
Indeed I am. It's your job to cure me of it. Alienate my affection for the past... and turn it towards the future. Away from Charybdis, and towards Scylla. I hear that Circe has a potion, Glaucus.
\\Perhaps take Plutarch's approach of comparing Roman to Greek. You've done a bit of that in discussing your tech idea. Have you solved the device inter-communication problem so that a "cancer" or "virus" can't develop and isolate itself/ go "rogue"?
/That is wrong question.
There CANNOT be such isolation.
Because one and the same cannot be a poison and a medicine SAME TIME.
Every time it depends on other circumstances.
Over four hundred years ago, a European doctor named Paracelsus established the basic premise of toxicology: "All substances are poisons; there is none which is not; the dose differentiates a poison from a remedy." This statement says that everything can be toxic if the dose is high enough.
I though your "Meden agan" was about it.
But it seems I was wrong.
Curse that language/culture barrier. Bless it too. ;-)
Perhaps it's more like a neuron. One "poison" is emitted from an axon. Another is emitted as a re-uptake inhibitor?. Dopamine vs seratonin.
\\Does it's "immune system" Use T cells to identify faults and B cells to produce anti-bodies to destroy cancer and virus inducing faults?
/Hint:Simple organisms do not have such problems. No symbiosis with other cells? Sounds rather "limiting" when trying to construct larger structures. Organs within bodies. Why would the respiratory and circulatory systems cooperate to feed them?
\\Hunger, thirst, pain...
I am prol not for nothing.
Then become a Master.
\\Really? Then why did the Israelites flee
/And you believe to Yellow Press?
Well, you do...
Fiction can't convey a larger truth? Poor Lem... :(
\\Workers desiring to work 2-3 jobs 16+ hours a day and "burn-out". Stone-mason for job 1, Uber driver for job 2, then restaurant waiter for job 3?
That is all part-time jobs.
REAL jobs taking ALL your time.
Like in your dreams even you continue coding.
Now that will definitely give you burnout.
\\Social structures, royal bloodlines, nobility, all impaired Social mobility. Even New York once distinguished "old money" from "new money" in social circles during the gilded age. Social capital is still but one form of capital today. Hence the rise of the "Celebrity" and now "Internet Influencer".
/That is just a propaganda from priests of Demn-OK-ratsy. ;-)
So you don't need a "Musk Connection" to sell/ produce your tech? To bridge the gap between dominance:communality:reciprocity
\\Perhaps THAT is what you need to sell your tech. I certainly have no "influence" anymore.
/And who said that I desire to sell my newborn into slavery... from get go?
Not me. But competition can get rough. By both adopters and opposers.
\\Is tech the only thing you need? Perhaps some rhetoric might serve you better. Seek out Gorgias or Protagoras, then.
/Rethoric it's also tech... but unproductive, from my standpoint.
Always helpful if more than one person needed for it to become successful.
\\You think violence (a result of symbolic deadlock in thought) is only America's problem? We just have access to deadlier toys/ tools.
I can give only opinion from outside.
Not from within.
That is your job to make analysis ans synthesis.
You aren't in a war with Rusha? You're very much wihin violence. And you want more of our toys.
Mine is merely the psycho-Analyst perspective... not the University one. They are the grown-ups. I'm just the child. btw - Does this look scary to you? Or is it just a hat?
\\Wasn't Hephaestus lame?
/He was craftsman. Not technologist. ;-)
People told him what to make? Like Prometheus or Epimetheus? Or "wise" old Zeus?
\\Yep, Eclesiastes 3
It's all inside our brain anyway.
So when you placing into same box something that better be in separate...
you creating problems only for yourself.
Father Russel looking at you scorningly. ;-)
\\Lem. Techie perspective.
That's just my experience(s). And my POV.
My phylosophy, if you want.
But... arrow???
\\There usually are....
And you plugging em... with what? ;-)
\\Indeed I am. It's your job to cure me of it. Alienate my affection for the past... and turn it towards the future. Away from Charybdis, and towards Scylla. I hear that Circe has a potion, Glaucus.
What for? ;-P
Romantics -- good workforce.
As Kurosawa in that flik showed. ;-)
\\Perhaps it's more like a neuron. One "poison" is emitted from an axon. Another is emitted as a re-uptake inhibitor?. Dopamine vs seratonin.
Neurons have no (own) goals.
So you are just a representative of that Beast with a Billion_Backs?
May you lead me to your master then? So we could speedup conversation.
\\ No symbiosis with other cells? Sounds rather "limiting" when trying to construct larger structures. Organs within bodies. Why would the respiratory and circulatory systems cooperate to feed them?
Your drawings. Your choice.
Who said that symbiosis needed???
There is tons of unknown to explore... but you think that you found certainity in Old Books? ;-)
But there is not less uncertainity and unknown.
\\Then become a Master.
And who'd be my servant? Derpy? :-)))))
\\Fiction can't convey a larger truth? Poor Lem... :(
Fiction -- do.
Journalism -- no.
And craft.
See... and you trying to scary me with all that Old Books excerpts... while your own taste... is so unrefined. ;-)
\\Now that will definitely give you burnout.
\\So you don't need a "Musk Connection" to sell/ produce your tech? To bridge the gap between dominance:communality:reciprocity
You saying words incomprehensible by this miserly prol. :-(((
\\\\Perhaps THAT is what you need to sell your tech. I certainly have no "influence" anymore.
/And who said that I desire to sell my newborn into slavery... from get go?
\\Not me. But competition can get rough. By both adopters and opposers.
That's why I hesitate.
Like... do not like my child to be used as weapon, for example. :-(((
\\Always helpful if more than one person needed for it to become successful.
For anything big team needed.
The team.
\\You aren't in a war with Rusha? You're very much wihin violence. And you want more of our toys.
I am not an actor in this game. Not even backstage worker.
You missunderstanding.
Well, understandable.
\\Mine is merely the psycho-Analyst perspective... not the University one. They are the grown-ups. I'm just the child. btw - Does this look scary to you? Or is it just a hat?
I have very little respect to that psycho-history.
Not Azimov's -- I think I understand what he did. His folk-science misinterpretation.
That was just good sci-fi... but not a science. Science is impossible. Such sicence. In our Universe.
\\\\Wasn't Hephaestus lame?
/He was craftsman. Not technologist. ;-)
\\People told him what to make? Like Prometheus or Epimetheus? Or "wise" old Zeus?
And how it relates?
\\Yep, Eclesiastes 3
/It's all inside our brain anyway.
So when you placing into same box something that better be in separate...
you creating problems only for yourself.
Father Russel looking at you scorningly. ;-)
Bertrand? Sorry, he's one "philosopher" whom I simply cannot abide. He believes that he CAN find all the answers. @@
\\Lem. Techie perspective.
/That's just my experience(s). And my POV.
My phylosophy, if you want.
But... arrow???
Yes... ARROW. To give me a torpedo's shock! (Jowett summary of Plato, "Meno")
Meno complains that the conversation of Socrates has the effect of a torpedo's shock upon him. When he talks with other persons he has plenty to say about virtue; in the presence of Socrates, his thoughts desert him. Socrates replies that he is only the cause of perplexity in others, because he is himself perplexed. He proposes to continue the enquiry. But how, asks Meno, can he enquire either into what he knows or into what he does not know? This is a sophistical puzzle, which, as Socrates remarks, saves a great deal of trouble to him who accepts it. But the puzzle has a real difficulty latent under it, to which Socrates will endeavour to find a reply. The difficulty is the origin of knowledge:—
He has heard from priests and priestesses, and from the poet Pindar, of an immortal soul which is born again and again in successive periods of existence, returning into this world when she has paid the penalty of ancient crime, and, having wandered over all places of the upper and under world, and seen and known all things at one time or other, is by association out of one thing capable of recovering all. For nature is of one kindred; and every soul has a seed or germ which may be developed into all knowledge. The existence of this latent knowledge is further proved by the interrogation of one of Meno's slaves, who, in the skilful hands of Socrates, is made to acknowledge some elementary relations of geometrical figures. The theorem that the square of the diagonal is double the square of the side—that famous discovery of primitive mathematics, in honour of which the legendary Pythagoras is said to have sacrificed a hecatomb—is elicited from him. The first step in the process of teaching has made him conscious of his own ignorance. He has had the 'torpedo's shock' given him, and is the better for the operation. But whence had the uneducated man this knowledge? He had never learnt geometry in this world; nor was it born with him; he must therefore have had it when he was not a man. And as he always either was or was not a man, he must have always had it. (Compare Phaedo.)
\\There usually are....
/And you plugging em... with what? ;-)
Strawmen? Steelmen? Both? Neither? You tell me.
\\Indeed I am. It's your job to cure me of it. Alienate my affection for the past... and turn it towards the future. Away from Charybdis, and towards Scylla. I hear that Circe has a potion, Glaucus.
/What for? ;-P
Romantics -- good workforce.
As Kurosawa in that flik showed. ;-)
Only 1/3 through it... one hour to go, doctor.
\\Perhaps it's more like a neuron. One "poison" is emitted from an axon. Another is emitted as a re-uptake inhibitor?. Dopamine vs seratonin.
/Neurons have no (own) goals.
Survival isn't one? Serving host? Connecting with other neurons?
/So you are just a representative of that Beast with a Billion_Backs?
May you lead me to your master then? So we could speedup conversation.
I no longer serve one, directly, anyways.
\\ No symbiosis with other cells? Sounds rather "limiting" when trying to construct larger structures. Organs within bodies. Why would the respiratory and circulatory systems cooperate to feed them?
/Your drawings. Your choice.
Who said that symbiosis needed???
There is tons of unknown to explore... but you think that you found certainity in Old Books? ;-)
But there is not less uncertainity and unknown.
I have no original contributions to make. I'm merely a transponder and re-Tweeter of Lindy-tested old ideas. Push a button, hear Lindy's result. I'm a midwife, not a parent.
\\Then become a Master.
/And who'd be my servant? Derpy? :-)))))
As Nietzsche would stay, “What? You seek something? You wish to multiply yourself tenfold, a hundredfold? You seek followers? Seek zeros!”
So yes, Dervy. ;)
\\Bertrand? Sorry, he's one "philosopher" whom I simply cannot abide. He believes that he CAN find all the answers. @@
Already not.
And you still not in unity with Force...
They ALL do.
ALL phylosopher think that they know it ALL. ;-P
\\Yes... ARROW. To give me a torpedo's shock! (Jowett summary of Plato, "Meno")
You still think that I have some agenda.
Easily describable with words to boot.
Socrates replies that he is only the cause of perplexity in others, because he is himself perplexed.
\\Strawmen? Steelmen? Both? Neither? You tell me.
Your boat.
And you can't tell?
I, for example -- can.
Self-revealingly. ;-P
I fixing it with making my boat not meeting water. :-)))))
Ain't I'm wise? ;-P
\\Only 1/3 through it... one hour to go, doctor.
Simple. And easy to grasp, isn't it?
I would like to discuss it with you... around that simplicity.
Also. Have you seen that flik with Mastroiani and Loren? ;-)
Marriage Italian Style
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki
Mastroianni and Loren wedding із сайту en.wikipedia.org
Marriage Italian Style is a 1964 romantic comedy-drama film directed by Vittorio De Sica, starring Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. Marriage Italian ...
\\Survival isn't one? Serving host? Connecting with other neurons?
Try to give it some more thought.
Also... you have read Second unfrozen story, isn't it?
\\I no longer serve one, directly, anyways.
That was metaphor.
I meant that Collective Unconscious of USA. Your Culture.
\\I have no original contributions to make. I'm merely a transponder and re-Tweeter of Lindy-tested old ideas. Push a button, hear Lindy's result. I'm a midwife, not a parent.
We all just an excerpts form Gene Pool... yet one sci-fi reminiscence -- this time from
The Star Kings by Edmond Hamilton
https://www.goodreads.com › ...
A fast paced action space opera from the Golden Age of Science Fiction. I never read any of the Star Kings books before but used to read Captain Future and ...
\\So yes, Dervy. ;)
There is no army if it cannon fodder only. liliPut knows it from own experience NOW.
No... it still not get it.
\\Fiction can't convey a larger truth? Poor Lem... :(
/Fiction -- do.
Journalism -- no.
And craft.
See... and you trying to scary me with all that Old Books excerpts... while your own taste... is so unrefined. ;-)
I never claimed purity. I am the Sea. And an old man, so best lie down, Procrustes. Or Wrestle with me a bit. ;)
\\Now that will definitely give you burnout.
Another *Sigh*
\\So you don't need a "Musk Connection" to sell/ produce your tech? To bridge the gap between dominance:communality:reciprocity
/You saying words incomprehensible by this miserly prol. :-(((
Sorry, thought the video on the three types of human social relations would help. If you need other people, it could be useful in selecting an approach.
\\\\Perhaps THAT is what you need to sell your tech. I certainly have no "influence" anymore.
/And who said that I desire to sell my newborn into slavery... from get go?
\\Not me. But competition can get rough. By both adopters and opposers.
/That's why I hesitate.
Like... do not like my child to be used as weapon, for example. :-(((
It will be, Dr. Oppenheimer.
\\Always helpful if more than one person needed for it to become successful.
For anything big team needed.
The team.
So, do you intend to apply dominance, communality, or reciprocity to build it? Ever read Plato's Lysis? Because that seems to be your approach so far. Communality. And that a path that can be fraught with dangers of child kidnapping. As for me, you'll need to worry that I'd replace your child with a changeling. :(
\\You aren't in a war with Rusha? You're very much wihin violence. And you want more of our toys.
I am not an actor in this game. Not even backstage worker.
You missunderstanding.
Well, understandable.
Sorry. My fears surface at times. I should know better, but I have already been dealt one psychic break over the internet (April of year 2000), I don't need another. But hey, at least I learned how to fire mind bullets back. :)
\\Mine is merely the psycho-Analyst perspective... not the University one. They are the grown-ups. I'm just the child. btw - Does this look scary to you? Or is it just a hat?
/I have very little respect to that psycho-history.
Not Azimov's -- I think I understand what he did. His folk-science misinterpretation.
That was just good sci-fi... but not a science. Science is impossible. Such sicence. In our Universe.
I agree. But I've actually taken university level classes. And there's science... and then there are "the humanities". It's more the latter. Like history itself. :)
\\\\Wasn't Hephaestus lame?
/He was craftsman. Not technologist. ;-)
\\People told him what to make? Like Prometheus or Epimetheus? Or "wise" old Zeus?
/And how it relates?
What do you think was the source of his "lame" infirmity? I can suspect it's what tied him to his workshop/ forge. Unlike Oedipus, who was able to "get around" pretty well... at least far enough to answer riddles. ;)
As for me, I may be a bit lame myself, as most "farmers" become "tied to the soil".
\\I never claimed purity. I am the Sea.
Real wind in real trees/sea/mountains beats it.
\\And an old man, so best lie down, Procrustes. Or Wrestle with me a bit. ;)
Only alternative to doing nothing is doing something. And to stop doing something one need to stop breath.
\\\\Now that will definitely give you burnout.
\\Another *Sigh*
That's why I seeking which could sparkle me again.
And something so big and glorious -- isn't it worthy of efforts?
Well... previous people leaved no accounts of what sparkled em...
\\Sorry, thought the video on the three types of human social relations would help. If you need other people, it could be useful in selecting an approach.
Do I?
I seems like want em... but do I NEED em?
\\Like... do not like my child to be used as weapon, for example. :-(((
\\It will be, Dr. Oppenheimer.
I never claimed purity too...
But, if there'd be my choice -- I'd give such a pleasure to somebody else.
\\So, do you intend to apply dominance, communality, or reciprocity to build it?
It needs BRAINS. First and foremost.
So let em be asocial and/or fanatics...
But whom we kidding -- such critters never have brains. ;-P
\\As for me, you'll need to worry that I'd replace your child with a changeling. :(
And you have enough brains for that -- go, do it.
I'm not Geracles... and would like to postpone duty to accomplish such a heroic fits... to somebody else.
\\Sorry. My fears surface at times. I should know better, but I have already been dealt one psychic break over the internet (April of year 2000), I don't need another. But hey, at least I learned how to fire mind bullets back. :)
\\I agree. But I've actually taken university level classes. And there's science... and then there are "the humanities". It's more the latter. Like history itself. :)
History... it's physics.
We just not grokked it yet.
I mean -- we do not have a framework to take into account all that real physical factors.
\\As for me, I may be a bit lame myself, as most "farmers" become "tied to the soil".
And who not?
The more you live, the more it became just a habit.
Or... like doctors joking -- Life, it's veneric desease, chronical, but deadly.
\\Bertrand? Sorry, he's one "philosopher" whom I simply cannot abide. He believes that he CAN find all the answers. @@
/Already not.
And you still not in unity with Force...
They ALL do.
ALL phylosopher think that they know it ALL. ;-P
Do they, The Stoics, too? Nietzsche? Zizek?
They know, like Socrates, that they don't know. There's the difference.
\\Yes... ARROW. To give me a torpedo's shock! (Jowett summary of Plato, "Meno")
/You still think that I have some agenda
Easily describable with words to boot.
Not agenda, but I'm sure you have things to teach me. I know that I have things to learn. I used to argue with a blogger who called himself Mr. Ducky. I learned so much from him. He had been a red diaper baby, a graduate of Cooper Union. He was a devotee of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Workers Movement (commies). He's where my love of Dali originated. And to a certain extent, jazz. And movies? The man knew film. Jean Luc Godard was his idol, and French New Wave his genre. He was to film what you are to SciFi.
/Socrates replies that he is only the cause of perplexity in others, because he is himself perplexed.
I wonder if he could have used Maimonides guide? ;)
\\Strawmen? Steelmen? Both? Neither? You tell me.
/Your boat.
And you can't tell?
I, for example -- can.
Self-revealingly. ;-P
I fixing it with making my boat not meeting water. :-)))))
Ain't I'm wise? ;-P
Reminds me of Gibbs from the NCIS tv series. He likes building boats, but the moment the boat gets put in the water, people blow it up. :( ;)
\\Only 1/3 through it... one hour to go, doctor.
/Simple. And easy to grasp, isn't it?
I would like to discuss it with you... around that simplicity.
Finished now. Yes very simple. And Yakuza code, not Bushido (Samurai). How'd you like the swamp metaphor. Great critique of post American occupation. Get rid of the disease (typhus).
/Also. Have you seen that flik with Mastroiani and Loren? ;-)
Marriage Italian Style
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki
Mastroianni and Loren wedding із сайту en.wikipedia.org
Marriage Italian Style is a 1964 romantic comedy-drama film directed by Vittorio De Sica, starring Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. Marriage Italian ...
A long, long time ago (late 60s) in a galaxy far, far away (Venezuela). I need to refresh my memory. Maybe watch it in English this time.
\\Survival isn't one? Serving host? Connecting with other neurons?
/Try to give it some more thought.
Also... you have read Second unfrozen story, isn't it?
I don't remember... the second story seemed unrelated...
\\I no longer serve one, directly, anyways.
That was metaphor.
I meant that Collective Unconscious of USA. Your Culture.
That was the "indirect" one I was referring to. My entire life has been a combination of direct and indirect service. A USAF brat in Spain & Venezuela. USMMA. BethShip repairing NAVY and USCG ships. Martin Marietta doing engineering development and logistics for MK-41 VLS launchers in CGs, DD's, and DDGs. Then 30 years NASA contractor at GSFC. Now "retired" for 2.5 months. :)
\\I have no original contributions to make. I'm merely a transponder and re-Tweeter of Lindy-tested old ideas. Push a button, hear Lindy's result. I'm a midwife, not a parent.
/We all just an excerpts form Gene Pool... yet one sci-fi reminiscence -- this time from
The Star Kings by Edmond Hamilton
https://www.goodreads.com › ...
A fast paced action space opera from the Golden Age of Science Fiction. I never read any of the Star Kings books before but used to read Captain Future and ...
@@ buy the books.... is Edmund Hamilton any good? He's got some great titles...
\\I never claimed purity. I am the Sea.
/Real wind in real trees/sea/mountains beats it.
For fragrance? I can see that. But for varied content? ;)
\\And an old man, so best lie down, Procrustes. Or Wrestle with me a bit. ;)
/Only alternative to doing nothing is doing something. And to stop doing something one need to stop breath.
\\\\Now that will definitely give you burnout.
\\Another *Sigh*
/That's why I seeking which could sparkle me again.
And something so big and glorious -- isn't it worthy of efforts?
Well... previous people leaved no accounts of what sparkled em...
Sounds like a grounds for burnout. I'll give you some gratis ad hoc contributions, but I'm not ready to strap in and burnout. I'm done "achieving".
\\Sorry, thought the video on the three types of human social relations would help. If you need other people, it could be useful in selecting an approach.
/Do I?
I seems like want em... but do I NEED em?
I thought you needed lots of them. So many problems to solve... ?
\\Like... do not like my child to be used as weapon, for example. :-(((
\\It will be, Dr. Oppenheimer.
I never claimed purity too...
But, if there'd be my choice -- I'd give such a pleasure to somebody else.
I'm sure once they catch wind, DARPA will be ALL over it.
\\So, do you intend to apply dominance, communality, or reciprocity to build it?
/It needs BRAINS. First and foremost.
So let em be asocial and/or fanatics...
But whom we kidding -- such critters never have brains. ;-P
What type of brains? Have something in mind?
\\As for me, you'll need to worry that I'd replace your child with a changeling. :(
/And you have enough brains for that -- go, do it.
I'm not Geracles... and would like to postpone duty to accomplish such a heroic fits... to somebody else.
Have any volunteers? I already have one Augean Stable to clean. And you haven't even aligned the axe handles yet, Odysseus.
\\Sorry. My fears surface at times. I should know better, but I have already been dealt one psychic break over the internet (April of year 2000), I don't need another. But hey, at least I learned how to fire mind bullets back. :)
You think I learned psychology for a hobby?
\\I agree. But I've actually taken university level classes. And there's science... and then there are "the humanities". It's more the latter. Like history itself. :)
/History... it's physics.
We just not grokked it yet.
I mean -- we do not have a framework to take into account all that real physical factors.
So what's climate modelling/ forecasting? @@
\\As for me, I may be a bit lame myself, as most "farmers" become "tied to the soil".
/And who not?
The more you live, the more it became just a habit.
Or... like doctors joking -- Life, it's veneric desease, chronical, but deadly.
May your habits change... frequently.
\\They know, like Socrates, that they don't know. There's the difference.
That's... just a pretense.
What do make em warm in their lonely nights?
Lem, was open to admit it.
\\He was to film what you are to SciFi.
Doubt it.
Have it helped him to reach his goal?
\\Reminds me of Gibbs from the NCIS tv series. He likes building boats, but the moment the boat gets put in the water, people blow it up. :( ;)
C'est la vie.
\\Finished now. Yes very simple. And Yakuza code, not Bushido (Samurai). How'd you like the swamp metaphor. Great critique of post American occupation. Get rid of the disease (typhus).
\\A long, long time ago (late 60s) in a galaxy far, far away (Venezuela). I need to refresh my memory. Maybe watch it in English this time.
Maybe not needed.
I chose it to demonstrate that difference... between percieved tension.
Do you see one in DA??? It all pretty much streamlined -- foolish thug meets his death, benevolent but also foolish doctor continue living -- there's no tension... open to a european, christianity-based eye.
And that role of Sophi Loren in MIS -- why she want to get married so much -- it pretty much would be SAME open and devoid of tension to an eye of Japanese... with their bridal habits, where wife could find mistress for her husband even... to relive him.
Well, in their tradition. Today, they more european-like.
\\I don't remember... the second story seemed unrelated...
All humanity united into one organism -- and what Will was leading it? That atropoid made of milliards of "individuals"???
Big leap of imagination... not trained with reading sci-fi propabaly needed. Too big.
That elements of a system -- do not give a damn, about goals of whole system.
In case of neurones especially.
\\That was the "indirect" one I was referring to.
but does it exit as some individual body?
One open to talks? ;-)
\\ is Edmund Hamilton any good? He's got some great titles...
Do you like Bach? Or prefer Mozart? ;-)
\\For fragrance? I can see that. But for varied content? ;)
Do you have some good piece of wilderness around you?
Some park for at least?
Something that is not concrete jungles?
\\Sounds like a grounds for burnout. I'll give you some gratis ad hoc contributions, but I'm not ready to strap in and burnout. I'm done "achieving".
That is the trick -- how to burnout others.
Probably, to much trick for such a miserly me.
\\I thought you needed lots of them. So many problems to solve... ?
My idea -- yes.
But I am not my idea.
\\What type of brains? Have something in mind?
Engineering brains. Programmers brains. Scientists brains.
Well... and someone who'd talk to a public, in language they grok... "something about -- it's Green, it will Fix Climate"
\\Have any volunteers? I already have one Augean Stable to clean. And you haven't even aligned the axe handles yet, Odysseus.
Do you remember HOW Heracles did it? ;-)
\\You think I learned psychology for a hobby?
I still not sure that there's something to learn.
But who am I to judge. I am just unsophisticated miserly prol. :-/
\\So what's climate modelling/ forecasting? @@
Climate is non-linear.
History... do not look like that.
Influenced by chaos, but I don't think it's non-linear.
\\May your habits change... frequently.
I fear -- not.
\\They know, like Socrates, that they don't know. There's the difference.
/That's... just a pretense.
What do make em warm in their lonely nights?
Lem, was open to admit it.
What makes em warm is what makes everyone warm in their long, lonely nights. A piece of "immortality". A remembered "name". A "birth" in "immortality"... myth/ legend/ history.
\\He was to film what you are to SciFi.
/Doubt it.
Have it helped him to reach his goal?
mr. ducky? You'd have to ask him. But he may be dead, or given up blogging.... haven't seen him for a few years. And yes, he taught film. He probably even had a complete Criterion film collection. He hasn't posted to his still-photo blog for quite a while ("Breathless" was a Godard film... 400 was probably his preferred film speed).
\\Reminds me of Gibbs from the NCIS tv series. He likes building boats, but the moment the boat gets put in the water, people blow it up. :( ;)
/C'est la vie.
\\Finished now. Yes very simple. And Yakuza code, not Bushido (Samurai). How'd you like the swamp metaphor. Great critique of post American occupation. Get rid of the disease (typhus).
\\A long, long time ago (late 60s) in a galaxy far, far away (Venezuela). I need to refresh my memory. Maybe watch it in English this time.
/Maybe not needed.
I chose it to demonstrate that difference... between percieved tension.
Do you see one in DA??? It all pretty much streamlined -- foolish thug meets his death, benevolent but also foolish doctor continue living -- there's no tension... open to a european, christianity-based eye.
And that role of Sophi Loren in MIS -- why she want to get married so much -- it pretty much would be SAME open and devoid of tension to an eye of Japanese... with their bridal habits, where wife could find mistress for her husband even... to relive him.
Well, in their tradition. Today, they more european-like.
You can thank MacArthur. He wrote their Constitution.
\\I don't remember... the second story seemed unrelated...
/All humanity united into one organism -- and what Will was leading it? That atropoid made of milliards of "individuals"???
Big leap of imagination... not trained with reading sci-fi propabaly needed. Too big.
That elements of a system -- do not give a damn, about goals of whole system.
In case of neurones especially.
Ah, now I remember, and I was looking for an Iceman to be spoken of. That's the cancer problem. Cells stop cooperating/communicating with system and shifts into "reproduction" mode and pursuing its' own autonomous goals. Kinda like Germany's Autonomie/ Rota Flora movements. A former/ still? (been a while) friend of mine (Nietzsche Girl/ Ali Jones) did a bunch of interviews and studies of them. She did a great YouTube talk when she was attending Cambridge writing her PhD (linked above).
\\That was the "indirect" one I was referring to.
but does it exit as some individual body?
One open to talks? ;-)
\\ is Edmund Hamilton any good? He's got some great titles...
Do you like Bach? Or prefer Mozart? ;-)
Yeah, I like em both, too.
\\For fragrance? I can see that. But for varied content? ;)
/Do you have some good piece of wilderness around you?
Some park for at least?
Something that is not concrete jungles?
Sure, there's lots of green, but it's exactly wilderness. Not "primitive area" style wilderness, anyways (forbid motor vehicles). Nothing beats a primitive are for staring at the Milky Way (my Boy Scout Days in California)... unless the deck lights go out on a ship at sea mid-Pacific (never happened to me) but I did see a few Aurora Borealis. We never ran "dark".
\\Sounds like a grounds for burnout. I'll give you some gratis ad hoc contributions, but I'm not ready to strap in and burnout. I'm done "achieving".
/That is the trick -- how to burnout others.
Probably, to much trick for such a miserly me.
Like I said, write a SciFi best-seller version of the tech implemented and the fandom world will beat a path to your door.
\\I thought you needed lots of them. So many problems to solve... ?
My idea -- yes.
But I am not my idea.
And if they were solved? What would THAT world look like? (I'm shooting in the dark, here).
\\What type of brains? Have something in mind?
/Engineering brains. Programmers brains. Scientists brains.
Well... and someone who'd talk to a public, in language they grok... "something about -- it's Green, it will Fix Climate"
An extrovert. A "science influencer". A Neal Degrasse Tyson.
\\Have any volunteers? I already have one Augean Stable to clean. And you haven't even aligned the axe handles yet, Odysseus.
/Do you remember HOW Heracles did it? ;-)
Sure, dam the river... in my case... the Potomac. ;)
\\You think I learned psychology for a hobby?
/I still not sure that there's something to learn.
But who am I to judge. I am just unsophisticated miserly prol. :-/
Modesty is not a virtue to a needy man. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Necessity is the mother of invention. Yeah, the last one.
\\So what's climate modelling/ forecasting? @@
/Climate is non-linear.
History... do not look like that.
Influenced by chaos, but I don't think it's non-linear.
I guess a butterfly's wing flapping isn't exactly linear.... :(
\\May your habits change... frequently.
I fear -- not.
Ruts only get deeper... blaze a new trail once in a while.
\\What makes em warm is what makes everyone warm in their long, lonely nights. A piece of "immortality". A remembered "name". A "birth" in "immortality"... myth/ legend/ history.
Or... dirty little thought "see... I'm smarter than that bunch of idiots". ;-)
You just trying to give it a good face.
To Pride and Jelousy.
\\\\He was to film what you are to SciFi.
/Doubt it.
Have it helped him to reach his goal?
\\mr. ducky? You'd have to ask him. But he may be dead, or given up blogging.... haven't seen him for a few years.
COVID. :-(
\\You can thank MacArthur. He wrote their Constitution.
You think that is the only reason?
And what with that idea of "very special tension in Euroean culture"?
\\Ah, now I remember, and I was looking for an Iceman to be spoken of. That's the cancer problem. Cells stop cooperating/communicating with system and shifts into "reproduction" mode and pursuing its' own autonomous goals.
Lame antropomorphism.
They have NO goals. As have not goals guiliotine.
Simple mechanisms.
\\\\ is Edmund Hamilton any good? He's got some great titles...
Do you like Bach? Or prefer Mozart? ;-)
\\Yeah, I like em both, too.
You have your answer.
\\Like I said, write a SciFi best-seller version of the tech implemented and the fandom world will beat a path to your door.
That's... even bigger fit, then one of Heracle's.
Sci-Fi in stagnation today. Same as Progress itself. :-(((
As you said yourself -- Decadance.
\\And if they were solved? What would THAT world look like? (I'm shooting in the dark, here).
Socially? You know that I am not well equiped to answer that... if any are.
Technoligically... there a lot of possible branches.
Like military, or peaceful, ot space...
Military... you have that movie -- Screachers.
Peacefull -- most unlikely... cleaning all that pollution. Gardening of the ocean. Planting trees... but, who'd be paying for that all???
But well... that tech do not need anybody involvment. Old style economy.
Energy -- go plant a seed of solar/wind energy plant. Raw material -- make horde of robots to do that. Control and Complete your mission -- well, millions of people can do that through game-like interfaces...
Of course, those "who know better". All kinds of patent and territories controlling moguls... couild be against it. ;-P
But well, who'd listen to em, if public would be ready, pleased with what they recieve?
Space... the final fronteer... ;-P
Well, basicly it need development of collecting resources and ability to live on that is available there... and further, virtually anything is possible.
Well... there could be other facets... that thing is just too damn big, for my brain alone. :-((((
\\An extrovert. A "science influencer". A Neal Degrasse Tyson.
Or... Michio Kaku. ;-)
Or Morgan freeman.
But one need to acqure access to such VIPs.
And explain it in concise English... (shy)
\\Sure, dam the river... in my case... the Potomac. ;)
With sneaky animal-like robots? ;-)
To make it look "natural incedent".
Like in Bruce Almighty re-make. ;-)
\\I guess a butterfly's wing flapping isn't exactly linear.... :(
Doesn't matter... if it can be saturated statisticly. ;-)
/You just trying to give it a good face.
To Pride and Jelousy.
It's a Universal (Plato, "Symposium") from even before. Hesiod, "Works and Days"
[11] So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two. As for the one, a man would praise her when he came to understand her; but the other is blameworthy: and they are wholly different in nature. For one fosters evil war and battle, being cruel: her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men pay harsh Strife her honour due. But the other is the elder daughter of dark Night, and the son of Cronos who sits above and dwells in the aether, set her in the roots of the earth: and she is far kinder to men. She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbour, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbour vies with is neighbour as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men. And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of minstrel.
\\\\He was to film what you are to SciFi.
/Doubt it.
\Have it helped him to reach his goal?
\\mr. ducky? You'd have to ask him. But he may be dead, or given up blogging.... haven't seen him for a few years.
\COVID. :-(
Could be. He was a Lefty, but an intellectually honest one. They are few and far between. :(
\\You can thank MacArthur. He wrote their Constitution.
/You think that is the only reason?
And what with that idea of "very special tension in Euroean culture"?
They still have bushido. We sadly, do not. We're like scared women. They would still prefer hand-to-hand one-on-one combat with katanas. We're lobbing missiles from 5k miles away. We're sexually repressed, masturbating to virtual images. Who has actual sex anymore? Where are the whore houses?
\\Ah, now I remember, and I was looking for an Iceman to be spoken of. That's the cancer problem. Cells stop cooperating/communicating with system and shifts into "reproduction" mode and pursuing its' own autonomous goals.
Lame antropomorphism.
They have NO goals. As have not goals guiliotine.
Simple mechanisms.
Naaaah. Their intelligence solves problems in metabolic space, not 3D space like ours. You haven't been watching the videos or remain unconvinced. As for me, I'm convinced he's on to something. Intelligence in different form, like Solaris.
\\\\ is Edmund Hamilton any good? He's got some great titles...
\Do you like Bach? Or prefer Mozart? ;-)
\\Yeah, I like em both, too.
/You have your answer.
Good to know.
\\Like I said, write a SciFi best-seller version of the tech implemented and the fandom world will beat a path to your door.
/That's... even bigger fit, then one of Heracle's.
Sci-Fi in stagnation today. Same as Progress itself. :-(((
As you said yourself -- Decadance.
Yes, that's the economic fragility problem I've been trying to solve. Make the legal and tax systems Anti-Corporate and Pro-Small business oriented. More... Shanzhai, less intellectual property restricted (reduce Patent lives). More "change" less "sameness". More Prosumer, less Consumer. Less mass production, more boutique production. Anti-fragile manufacturing.
\\And if they were solved? What would THAT world look like? (I'm shooting in the dark, here).
/Socially? You know that I am not well equiped to answer that... if any are.
Technoligically... there a lot of possible branches.
Like military, or peaceful, ot space...
Military... you have that movie -- Screachers.
Peacefull -- most unlikely... cleaning all that pollution. Gardening of the ocean. Planting trees... but, who'd be paying for that all???
But well... that tech do not need anybody involvment. Old style economy.
Energy -- go plant a seed of solar/wind energy plant. Raw material -- make horde of robots to do that. Control and Complete your mission -- well, millions of people can do that through game-like interfaces...
Of course, those "who know better". All kinds of patent and territories controlling moguls... couild be against it. ;-P
But well, who'd listen to em, if public would be ready, pleased with what they recieve?
Space... the final fronteer... ;-P
Well, basicly it need development of collecting resources and ability to live on that is available there... and further, virtually anything is possible.
Well... there could be other facets... that thing is just too damn big, for my brain alone. :-((((
Sounds like you need to write a really good SciFi story in you native language and let Google translate it. If it destroys the current economy, so much the better. I'm sick and tired of Fordism.
\\An extrovert. A "science influencer". A Neal Degrasse Tyson.
/Or... Michio Kaku. ;-)
Or Morgan freeman.
But one need to acqure access to such VIPs.
And explain it in concise English... (shy)
You making excuses. Explain it in concise Polish/Ukrainian/Russian and let a translator...translate.
\\Sure, dam the river... in my case... the Potomac. ;)
/With sneaky animal-like robots? ;-)
To make it look "natural incedent".
Like in Bruce Almighty re-make. ;-)
No, it'll take more than that. :(
\\I guess a butterfly's wing flapping isn't exactly linear.... :(
/Doesn't matter... if it can be saturated statisticly. ;-)
Your 3 Body Problem?
\\It's a Universal (Plato, "Symposium") from even before. Hesiod, "Works and Days"
That's why we need that thing -- Civilization. And Culture it create.
Yet one sci-fi reminiscence.
From van Vogt, who envisioned damn smart ITes... and very strong and ruthless to boot. That do not need any machinery, that much they are perfect beasts already. plus having telepathy.
But humans still over-forced em... by teaching em need to have names. And politness stemming from that thing. ;-)
\\Could be. He was a Lefty, but an intellectually honest one. They are few and far between. :(
You kidding at me. :-/
\\They still have bushido. We sadly, do not. We're like scared women. They would still prefer hand-to-hand one-on-one combat with katanas. We're lobbing missiles from 5k miles away. We're sexually repressed, masturbating to virtual images. Who has actual sex anymore? Where are the whore houses?
THEY invented that thing -- "masturbating to virtual images".
\\Naaaah. Their intelligence solves problems in metabolic space, not 3D space like ours. You haven't been watching the videos or remain unconvinced. As for me, I'm convinced he's on to something. Intelligence in different form, like Solaris.
That's our brain deceiving us.
\\Good to know.
Isn't that was obvious?
Or you just trying to establish some reper points.
\\Yes, that's the economic fragility problem I've been trying to solve. Make the legal and tax systems Anti-Corporate and Pro-Small business oriented.
That Small business appeard because of Mass Production.
Means, because of Big Corprations. ;-)
And then just grown big naturally.
That's why...
\\ Less mass production, more boutique production. Anti-fragile manufacturing.
You need totally opposite.
Something like Mass Transportation.
For example, a way to make container delivery much more fine grained...
Well, what Amazon trying to do, anyway.
\\Sounds like you need to write a really good SciFi story in you native language and let Google translate it. If it destroys the current economy, so much the better. I'm sick and tired of Fordism.
Stories do not work.
And I even tryed to bother some scifi author(s?)
And they not interested.
Stories... do not make things real.
Well, layman or for laymen stories.
\\You making excuses. Explain it in concise Polish/Ukrainian/Russian and let a translator...translate.
I do not know what pressure point to use.
I'm technologist, not an artist, you remember?
\\Your 3 Body Problem?
And is it a problem... from engineers perspective?
/Yet one sci-fi reminiscence.
From van Vogt, who envisioned damn smart ITes... and very strong and ruthless to boot. That do not need any machinery, that much they are perfect beasts already. plus having telepathy.
But humans still over-forced em... by teaching em need to have names. And politness stemming from that thing. ;-)
Egos w/ "rememberances" instead of immediate forgetfulness? We are cyborgs, not animals.
\\Could be. He was a Lefty, but an intellectually honest one. They are few and far between. :(
You kidding at me. :-/
Only half... if they were totally honest, they'd never be Lefties.
\\They still have bushido. We sadly, do not. We're like scared women. They would still prefer hand-to-hand one-on-one combat with katanas. We're lobbing missiles from 5k miles away. We're sexually repressed, masturbating to virtual images. Who has actual sex anymore? Where are the whore houses?
THEY invented that thing -- "masturbating to virtual images".
Yes, and that "unstrings the bow" (reduces sexual tension). Nevada is the only US state w/legal prostitution. It's still socially acceptable to be a geisha in Japan. Kenjutsu and martial arts weapons training is still common in Japan. You don't see it's equivalent in the USA. Even boxing is rare. Fighting is considered "bad form".
\\Naaaah. Their intelligence solves problems in metabolic space, not 3D space like ours. You haven't been watching the videos or remain unconvinced. As for me, I'm convinced he's on to something. Intelligence in different form, like Solaris.
/That's our brain deceiving us.
So they aren't really alive and thriving, cooperating within their membrane-segregated organ-based communities with the other systems that supply them with food and oxygen and carry away their waste materials? That's not "intelligent"? That is "purposeless"?
\\Good to know.
/Isn't that was obvious?
Or you just trying to establish some reper points.
No, it's something I can pursue at another time off-line. I'm not that great at multi-tasking. I prefer to be "present" when I read.
\\Yes, that's the economic fragility problem I've been trying to solve. Make the legal and tax systems Anti-Corporate and Pro-Small business oriented.
/That Small business appeard because of Mass Production.
Means, because of Big Corprations. ;-)
And then just grown big naturally.
That's why...
lol! Let's agree to disagree about cause and effect, then. I used to work for Bethlehem Steel. Let's just say that I understand the economies of vertical integration, the division of labour, and the purchasing of materials in bulk quite well.
\\ Less mass production, more boutique production. Anti-fragile manufacturing.
/You need totally opposite.
Something like Mass Transportation.
For example, a way to make container delivery much more fine grained...
Well, what Amazon trying to do, anyway.
Exactly. But I want an anti-fragile economy, not the "efficiencies" of the current "fragile" one with increasingly higher "aggregate efficiencies" and monopolization and "national/ global" spans of control. It's a different goal. It's an anti-capitalist economy with fewer billionaires and many, many more mere millionaires. A small unincorporated business-owner based economy with tax and corporate laws antithetical to our current existing ones. And B-corps? Don't even get me started.
\\Sounds like you need to write a really good SciFi story in you native language and let Google translate it. If it destroys the current economy, so much the better. I'm sick and tired of Fordism.
Stories do not work.
And I even tryed to bother some scifi author(s?)
And they not interested.
Stories... do not make things real.
Well, layman or for laymen stories.
Then your idea can't work. Because all human language and history is based upon stories. Stories people told themselves to find their place in the world. Write one good one, and let the fandom universe build on that story... like from Star Trek, to Star Wars, to Dune, to Marvel-Universe. All visions of future with a core tech and ethos.
\\You making excuses. Explain it in concise Polish/Ukrainian/Russian and let a translator...translate.
I do not know what pressure point to use.
I'm technologist, not an artist, you remember?
Write your story. Set up a website. GoFundMe/ Paypal Donate the rest. Heck I'm watching a guy build a secret tunnel system under his house, all paid for by viewers donating money. Make it interesting. If you build it, they will come.
\\Your 3 Body Problem?
And is it a problem... from engineers perspective?
Not mine. That's what we had the Flight Dynamics Facility for. Four and Five body problems... satellite formation flying w/o crashing.
\\Only half... if they were totally honest, they'd never be Lefties.
Principle of explosion - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Principle_of_explosion
That is to say, the principle of explosion is an argument for the law of non-contradiction in classical logic, because without it all truth statements become ...
\\So they aren't really alive and thriving
What Is Life? - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › What_Is_Life?
What Is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell is a 1944 science book written for the lay reader by physicist Erwin Schrödinger. The book was based on ...
\\\\Yes, that's the economic fragility problem I've been trying to solve. Make the legal and tax systems Anti-Corporate and Pro-Small business oriented.
/That Small business appeard because of Mass Production.
Means, because of Big Corprations. ;-)
And then just grown big naturally.
That's why...
\\lol! Let's agree to disagree about cause and effect, then.
You don't need to believe to me.
But do you not believe to Adam Smith???
Well... and there is no such apparent cause-effect manifestation in a social system.
It's co-dependence and feedback loops.
\\Let's just say that I understand the economies of vertical integration, the division of labour, and the purchasing of materials in bulk quite well.
That's just half of it.
Would you treat as competent physician who'd learned anatomy from half of anatomic atlas... from waist and below? And would allow him to treat your heart problem? Or even your psyche?
\\Exactly. But I want an anti-fragile economy, not the "efficiencies" of the current "fragile" one with increasingly higher "aggregate efficiencies" and monopolization and "national/ global" spans of control. It's a different goal.
Go change the laws of Nature of the Universe.
Concentration of respources and efforts that is NATURAL thing in this world -- OR... we would not have a Sun...
Then your idea can't work. Because all human language and history is based upon stories. Stories people told themselves to find their place in the world. Write one good one, and let the fandom universe build on that story... like from Star Trek, to Star Wars, to Dune, to Marvel-Universe. All visions of future with a core tech and ethos.
Well. Drexler have written a good one -- so what?
Lenat didn't written -- but was able to show something amazing -- so what?
Well... my problem that I have no similar paths trotted out previously.
Naah... I see some -- like with Manhattan Project... :-/
\\\\Yes, that's the economic fragility problem I've been trying to solve. Make the legal and tax systems Anti-Corporate and Pro-Small business oriented.
/That Small business appeard because of Mass Production.
Means, because of Big Corprations. ;-)
And then just grown big naturally.
That's why...
I'm not interested in the current late-modern paradigm. I want to build a new one.
\\lol! Let's agree to disagree about cause and effect, then.
/You don't need to believe to me.
But do you not believe to Adam Smith???
Well... and there is no such apparent cause-effect manifestation in a social system.
It's co-dependence and feedback loops.
Adam Smith didn't like British Mercantilism either (State Capitalism).
\\Let's just say that I understand the economies of vertical integration, the division of labour, and the purchasing of materials in bulk quite well.
/That's just half of it.
Would you treat as competent physician who'd learned anatomy from half of anatomic atlas... from waist and below? And would allow him to treat your heart problem? Or even your psyche?
You're an economist? Then forgive me....
\\Exactly. But I want an anti-fragile economy, not the "efficiencies" of the current "fragile" one with increasingly higher "aggregate efficiencies" and monopolization and "national/ global" spans of control. It's a different goal.
/Go change the laws of Nature of the Universe.
Concentration of respources and efforts that is NATURAL thing in this world -- OR... we would not have a Sun...
And what if you could rewrite the laws of physics? What would be natural, then? What if laws (of nature, or of man) were rewritten so as to FORCE other choices of action? Wouldn't these new choices now seem "natural"? There is nothing "natural" about a tax table, is there?
\\Then your idea can't work. Because all human language and history is based upon stories. Stories people told themselves to find their place in the world. Write one good one, and let the fandom universe build on that story... like from Star Trek, to Star Wars, to Dune, to Marvel-Universe. All visions of future with a core tech and ethos.
/Well. Drexler have written a good one -- so what?
Lenat didn't written -- but was able to show something amazing -- so what?
Well... my problem that I have no similar paths trotted out previously.
Naah... I see some -- like with Manhattan Project... :-/
Unless you have a few billion $ laying around, a Manhattan Project is out of the question. Even THEN you'd need a story to raise the billions and make it seem like a worthwhile or profitable venture.
\\I'm not interested in the current late-modern paradigm. I want to build a new one.
But you do not want to admit that you need New Tech for that. ;-)
\\Adam Smith didn't like British Mercantilism either (State Capitalism).
Because he was not a cybernetic. ;=)
\\You're an economist? Then forgive me....
I am just a miserly prol... that have read some books.
And from them I know, that apart from all that well known to us things as chains of production, transportation system, energy pants and factories...
there is such thing as markets.
Which basilcly are embodiment of people's desires of reaches and cosiness, and as easy way of life as possible. ;-)
\\And what if you could rewrite the laws of physics?
For that... I would need to know Source Code of it. ;-)
And for that... you know damn well what is needed. Isn't it?
So... first things first. Engineer's Approach. KISS. ;-)
\\What would be natural, then? What if laws (of nature, or of man) were rewritten so as to FORCE other choices of action? Wouldn't these new choices now seem "natural"? There is nothing "natural" about a tax table, is there?
Well... there is SecondLife-like virtual universes.
Well... what Lem prophesied...
\\Unless you have a few billion $ laying around, a Manhattan Project is out of the question. Even THEN you'd
That was not the story -- how many people did read that Einsatin's letter anyway?
Same... maybe you could reveal some more about it -- John Kennedy have said "we'd fly to the Moon".
But certainly -- that was NOT his idea. Not his plan. He was not an engineeer.
So, there was some inner system working -- that delivered to him -- what is possible and what is not.
And in the center of it was ideator -- Verner von Braun??? Or somebody else?
And well... Manhattan was so costly because:
1) Rare materials needed. In big amounts.
2) Industry was undeveloped.
3) There was no such projects before and there was neither approaches nor tools needed.
PLUS... damn government secrecy.
PLUS... time constraints.
That made it 100X 1000x costs.
My idea based on ALL things that already here -- Fast computers, that can do symulations and AI, flexible industrial capabilities -- as 3D ptinting, engineering approaches like "everything is a code" and etc...
\I'm not interested in the current late-modern paradigm. I want to build a new one.
/But you do not want to admit that you need New Tech for that. ;-)
No, an old tech (tax code) will work fine.
\\You're an economist? Then forgive me....
/I am just a miserly prol... that have read some books.
And from them I know, that apart from all that well known to us things as chains of production, transportation system, energy pants and factories...
there is such thing as markets.
Which basilcly are embodiment of people's desires of reaches and cosiness, and as easy way of life as possible. ;-)
See you down at the welfare office, then.
\\And what if you could rewrite the laws of physics?
/For that... I would need to know Source Code of it. ;-)
And for that... you know damn well what is needed. Isn't it?
So... first things first. Engineer's Approach. KISS. ;-)
The Source code for a government is its' tax code. Can you say "70% capital gains bracket"?
\\What would be natural, then? What if laws (of nature, or of man) were rewritten so as to FORCE other choices of action? Wouldn't these new choices now seem "natural"? There is nothing "natural" about a tax table, is there?
/Well... there is SecondLife-like virtual universes.
Well... what Lem prophesied...
There is also the Capitalist Discourse, which few people ever discuss, but everyone follows w/o thinking (out of habit).
\\Unless you have a few billion $ laying around, a Manhattan Project is out of the question. Even THEN you'd
/That was not the story -- how many people did read that Einsatin's letter anyway?
Same... maybe you could reveal some more about it -- John Kennedy have said "we'd fly to the Moon".
But certainly -- that was NOT his idea. Not his plan. He was not an engineeer.
So, there was some inner system working -- that delivered to him -- what is possible and what is not.
And in the center of it was ideator -- Verner von Braun??? Or somebody else?
And well... Manhattan was so costly because:
1) Rare materials needed. In big amounts.
2) Industry was undeveloped.
3) There was no such projects before and there was neither approaches nor tools needed.
PLUS... damn government secrecy.
PLUS... time constraints.
That made it 100X 1000x costs.
My idea based on ALL things that already here -- Fast computers, that can do symulations and AI, flexible industrial capabilities -- as 3D ptinting, engineering approaches like "everything is a code" and etc...
People must have really taken Einstein's story to heart in order to "see it through" and commit $$billions. As for Kennedy's, he signed a federal budget for NASA that fit/ suited his engineer's "imaginings" for the future.
\\No, an old tech (tax code) will work fine.
Even against riches stored in Bitcoins? ;-P
Against real estate on the Moon or in deeps of the Ocean? ;-P
Remind me... what happened with that Russian oligarchs yachts... West tryed to put santions on? ;-P
\\See you down at the welfare office, then.
Dunno how it relates.
\\The Source code for a government is its' tax code. Can you say "70% capital gains bracket"?
There's tons of EXPLOITS avalable. ;-)
\\There is also the Capitalist Discourse, which few people ever discuss, but everyone follows w/o thinking (out of habit).
Because it allows riches and pleasures. ;-)
\\People must have really taken Einstein's story to heart in order to "see it through" and commit $$billions.
I didn't researched it too deep.
But I think reports of secret services was much more important -- that Nazis would have A-bomb first.
And they have had means of delivery EVEN. F-!, F-2 especially. ;-)
\\As for Kennedy's, he signed a federal budget for NASA that fit/ suited his engineer's "imaginings" for the future.
HIS imagining???
Or... as they reveal it about Musk -- that he is not engineer, everbody praisining him to ne.
He just clever dude with money -- who placed his bets cleverly. On REAL engineers. With NASA or Big Industry training.
\\No, an old tech (tax code) will work fine.
/Even against riches stored in Bitcoins? ;-P
Against real estate on the Moon or in deeps of the Ocean? ;-P
Remind me... what happened with that Russian oligarchs yachts... West tryed to put santions on? ;-P
Nothing's "foolproof". The point is to lesson the need for foolers. A market that discourages tomfoolery and rewards those who play the game as intended. As Lacan would say, "les non dupes errant.
\\See you down at the welfare office, then.
/Dunno how it relates.
Polemical argument.
\\The Source code for a government is its' tax code. Can you say "70% capital gains bracket"?
/There's tons of EXPLOITS avalable. ;-)
As I said before, nothing's foolproof. It just needs to be meden agan.
\\There is also the Capitalist Discourse, which few people ever discuss, but everyone follows w/o thinking (out of habit).
/Because it allows riches and pleasures. ;-)
...and imposes no "limits" on them. No "meden agan". Figure is the Limit of Form (Plato, "Meno")
The fourfold division in Plato’s Philebus develops machinery to decide the contest between pleasure and reason for second place after the mixture in the debate about the good life. The machinery consists of the limit, the unlimited, the mixture of limit and unlimited, and cause of the mixture. Plato’s Socrates collects instances of the unlimited and mixture to determine their unified nature and marks off the cause from the other three kinds and argues for its priority. We gain understanding of the limit by considering its operation in relation to the other three kinds. The limit is responsible for external and internal boundaries in an unlimited, bringing definiteness either by marking something off from things outside it or by providing internal structure. Chapter 5 argues that one key function of the limit is omitted in the fourfold division: guaranteeing the goodness of a mixture.
\\People must have really taken Einstein's story to heart in order to "see it through" and commit $$billions.
/I didn't researched it too deep.
But I think reports of secret services was much more important -- that Nazis would have A-bomb first.
And they have had means of delivery EVEN. F-!, F-2 especially. ;-)
Fear can't form the basis for a story?
\\As for Kennedy's, he signed a federal budget for NASA that fit/ suited his engineer's "imaginings" for the future.
/HIS imagining???
Or... as they reveal it about Musk -- that he is not engineer, everbody praisining him to ne.
He just clever dude with money -- who placed his bets cleverly. On REAL engineers. With NASA or Big Industry training.
He gave the "idea" a possibility for life. That's not "nothing", much as any "influencer" isn't
"nothing". He created (or gave credence to) the "collective fantasy" of possibilities.
\\Nothing's "foolproof". The point is to lesson the need for foolers. A market that discourages tomfoolery and rewards those who play the game as intended. As Lacan would say, "les non dupes errant.
Then... go create virtual world... where'd you be in full control.
And will be able to understand how hard it is -- to be gawd. ;-P
\\\\See you down at the welfare office, then.
/Dunno how it relates.
\\Polemical argument.
I with my non-awarness of your culture could not understand...
now you know my problem trying to talk in English.
\\As I said before, nothing's foolproof. It just needs to be meden agan.
That's EXACTLY what Gorbachev's ReBuilding/Perestroyka was...
as you and everbody else was able to see -- it crumbled in the midst of that re-building.
Well... even without Gorbachev DOING something EVEN.
As ALL what he ever deed -- it's not some sharp moves, force applyed.
He JUST declared it.
And system dissolved as that vapor in the air. From mere words.
Go try to imagine to yourself -- what would it be -- if it'd tryed to apply some force.
It would blow! :-)))))
THERE Is No Ways to reform any complex system.
ONLY building anew new system alongside it...
that is the Truth of systems engineering. ;-)
\\...and imposes no "limits" on them. No "meden agan". Figure is the Limit of Form (Plato, "Meno")
There's no (engineering) wisdom in it.
Engineering wisdom tells, that (almost) only important thing -- availability of suitable spare part in your workshop.
Then... anything of suitable size/functioning could be used.
Springs can be substituted with pumped pillows. Levers with ropes. Electric motors with hydravlics.
And etc, and etc, and etc...
But if your shalves are empty... you busted. No matter how good your imagination about perfect forms. ;-P
\\Fear can't form the basis for a story?
Some phantom fear?
\\He gave the "idea" a possibility for life.
That was fear of Russian Rocket... carring Russian Bomb. Mother of All Bombs. ;-P
\\Nothing's "foolproof". The point is to lesson the need for foolers. A market that discourages tomfoolery and rewards those who play the game as intended. As Lacan would say, "les non dupes errant.
/Then... go create virtual world... where'd you be in full control.
And will be able to understand how hard it is -- to be gawd. ;-P
That's NOT the world the gods designed. Evolution is that world. Survival of the fittest, not "most controllable".
\\\\See you down at the welfare office, then.
/Dunno how it relates.
\\Polemical argument.
/I with my non-awarness of your culture could not understand...
now you know my problem trying to talk in English.
An argument taken to it's extreme end... the top of its' flagpole.
\\As I said before, nothing's foolproof. It just needs to be meden agan.
/That's EXACTLY what Gorbachev's ReBuilding/Perestroyka was...
as you and everbody else was able to see -- it crumbled in the midst of that re-building.
Well... even without Gorbachev DOING something EVEN.
As ALL what he ever deed -- it's not some sharp moves, force applyed.
He JUST declared it.
And system dissolved as that vapor in the air. From mere words.
Go try to imagine to yourself -- what would it be -- if it'd tryed to apply some force.
It would blow! :-)))))
THERE Is No Ways to reform any complex system.
ONLY building anew new system alongside it...
that is the Truth of systems engineering. ;-)
Creative destruction. Gorbachev's problem was that his words destroyed all previous Communist leader's words. He exposed the hyper-reality of Communism's initial "Noble Lie". The one that George Kennan saw, and led to the US foreign policy of "Containment". And now "our" Noble Lie is being exposed as well. That the "People" of a democracy are "in charge", and not the pampered 1st World elites who pretend to represent them. That democracy, like communism "reformed over time," becomes a "sham"... an "appearance" as in Baudrillard's four phases of an image.
Phases of the Image:
1. It Reflects Reality
2. It Masks Reality
3. It Masks the Absence of Reality
4. It has no Relation to Reality Whatsoever
A hypernormalised hyper-reality. One with Dervy serving as the Mynah bird's of Huxley's "Island". "Read the News"... "quote the News".... "Attention to the latest News edition!"
\\...and imposes no "limits" on them. No "meden agan". Figure is the Limit of Form (Plato, "Meno")
/There's no (engineering) wisdom in it.
Engineering wisdom tells, that (almost) only important thing -- availability of suitable spare part in your workshop.
Then... anything of suitable size/functioning could be used.
Springs can be substituted with pumped pillows. Levers with ropes. Electric motors with hydravlics.
And etc, and etc, and etc...
But if your shalves are empty... you busted. No matter how good your imagination about perfect forms. ;-P
Sure there is. "Better is the Enemy of Good Enough" and "Tomorrow is another day". ;)
\\Fear can't form the basis for a story?
/Some phantom fear?
There are no ghost stories? No PsyOps?
\\He gave the "idea" a possibility for life.
That was fear of Russian Rocket... carring Russian Bomb. Mother of All Bombs. ;-P
...and also a great cover story for developing missile technology with the Anti-War Movement and all the American peace activists of the 1960's...
Did you watch the Musk Starship2 failure? The fuel-flip problem was anticipated... but not adequately compensated for.
Every tech have its limits...
\\That's NOT the world the gods designed. Evolution is that world. Survival of the fittest, not "most controllable".
Even if there is no gawd... there still are limitations. (known as Laws of Nature... and their queen -- Entropy)
One need to take em into his account, if one want to override em. ;-)
Ignorance... is not an option.
\\\\\\See you down at the welfare office, then.
/Dunno how it relates.
\\Polemical argument.
/I with my non-awarness of your culture could not understand...
now you know my problem trying to talk in English.
\\An argument taken to it's extreme end... the top of its' flagpole.
Arrow that missed target by a mile. :-/
I understand what you tryed to do.
But still... there is not enough breadcrumbs for me... to connect the dots... in a way you like. (or even somehow)
Now,looks like we are even now. You cannot connect my dots, I cannot yours. :-/
\\THERE Is No Ways to reform any complex system.
ONLY building anew new system alongside it...
that is the Truth of systems engineering. ;-)
\\Creative destruction.
There... is no such thing.
Yeah. You can have some use of prts of broken thing -- we here, on the Earth used to it -- each beast that using flesh of another to build up own body. Plants that use our remains to bloom more brightly. Our late ancestors and foster tribes that using skins and bones of animals.
But that is merely a Recycling.
Not Creation.
\\Gorbachev's problem was that his words destroyed all previous Communist leader's words.
Problem was that his words was just words.
System itself FORGOT how it working.
That is like cellphone/smartphone leaved in the closet.
Or late mechanical clocks/watches.
It will continue ticking... but only until battery/spring will have energy. But then, somebody need to come and plug in charger/wind up spring.
But... looks like Gorbachev lost the Key.
Which is not surprising, in a hindsight, given with what happened before him.
\\He exposed the hyper-reality of Communism's initial "Noble Lie".
Naaah. He didn't.
And what's the problem if he did?
Khruschov did it BEFORE. And USSR not broke that time.
Same as with Mao in China.
Means... that's not the problem At All.
\\ That democracy, like communism "reformed over time," becomes a "sham"... an "appearance" as in Baudrillard's four phases of an image.
You are much closer.
And more competent to judge.
Than me.
\\A hypernormalised hyper-reality. One with Dervy serving as the Mynah bird's of Huxley's "Island". "Read the News"... "quote the News".... "Attention to the latest News edition!"
Well... that is not that cycle that is broken.
It is basicly the same as in:
OODA loop - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › OODA_loop
According to Boyd, decision-making occurs in a recurring cycle of "observe, orient, decide, act". An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that ...
So, what's the problem? Doc
\\Sure there is. "Better is the Enemy of Good Enough" and "Tomorrow is another day". ;)
Problem is.
We already in that Tomorrow.
But our shelves -- Empty!
Because we somehow FORGOT that sombody need to restock em.
Like that Gorbachecv FORGOT that he need to wind up the clocks.
Or... did we lost the Keys too???? :-))))))
\\\\Fear can't form the basis for a story?
/Some phantom fear?
\\There are no ghost stories? No PsyOps?
And hiromantia. Astrologia. Prophesing by the fly of wild gooses???
Yeah. Of course. That all are part of our story and our cultural heritage...
Lem was talking about it. Precisely.
\\...and also a great cover story for developing missile technology with the Anti-War Movement and all the American peace activists of the 1960's...
That's what Humanity are. And always was.
What part of it was EVER doing something necessary/working...
and what part was going in circles: dancing, drinking, declamating poetry, etc... ;-)
\\That's NOT the world the gods designed. Evolution is that world. Survival of the fittest, not "most controllable".
/Even if there is no gawd... there still are limitations. (known as Laws of Nature... and their queen -- Entropy)
One need to take em into his account, if one want to override em. ;-)
Ignorance... is not an option.
...not if evolution be our guide, anyways.
\\\\\\See you down at the welfare office, then.
/Dunno how it relates.
\\Polemical argument.
/I with my non-awarness of your culture could not understand...
now you know my problem trying to talk in English.
\\An argument taken to it's extreme end... the top of its' flagpole.
Arrow that missed target by a mile. :-/
I understand what you tryed to do.
But still... there is not enough breadcrumbs for me... to connect the dots... in a way you like. (or even somehow)
Now,looks like we are even now. You cannot connect my dots, I cannot yours. :-/
I was trying to say that if the current economy continues as it is, and AI get's thrown into the mix, you will soon be put out of a job with automation replacing your hands and AI replacing your brains. So what will the oligarch's do with all their tech and all our useless mouths to feed. Make you "eat the bugs", of course. "See you at the welfare office". Sarcasm? Irony? Satire?
\\THERE Is No Ways to reform any complex system.
ONLY building anew new system alongside it...
that is the Truth of systems engineering. ;-)
Sure there is. Upgrade the individual subsystems. Move from Analog to Digital. We did it with all our Near Earth Network (NEN) and Deep Space Network (DSN) Ground Stations. The Systems remained the same, only they became much more capable (now digital)... and so were then integrated into a larger supersystem (SCaN).
\\Creative destruction.
/There... is no such thing.
Yeah. You can have some use of prts of broken thing -- we here, on the Earth used to it -- each beast that using flesh of another to build up own body. Plants that use our remains to bloom more brightly. Our late ancestors and foster tribes that using skins and bones of animals.
But that is merely a Recycling.
Not Creation.
Gut the church and build a skateboard park inside it. ;P Is THAT "recycling"? Then recycling is a form of creative detruction. Make something new and different from something old. And save money (dual use) thereby.
\\Gorbachev's problem was that his words destroyed all previous Communist leader's words.
/Problem was that his words was just words.
System itself FORGOT how it working.
That is like cellphone/smartphone leaved in the closet.
Or late mechanical clocks/watches.
It will continue ticking... but only until battery/spring will have energy. But then, somebody need to come and plug in charger/wind up spring.
But... looks like Gorbachev lost the Key.
Which is not surprising, in a hindsight, given with what happened before him.
That's the point of the experiment though (Nietzsche). "The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified."
Gorby lacked the strength/ power/ ruthlessness of his predecessors. He had undermined it all by speaking aloud the unwritten rules that sustained the regime. He shouted, "the emperor is naked"... and to no one's surprise, everyone heard him. Private knowledge became public knowledge. Everyone knew that they now knew. Communism was "done".
\\He exposed the hyper-reality of Communism's initial "Noble Lie".
/Naaah. He didn't.
And what's the problem if he did?
Khruschov did it BEFORE. And USSR not broke that time.
Same as with Mao in China.
Means... that's not the problem At All.
U Sure? The Soviet Bureaucratic Structures never matched the "Communitas", in an autopoiesis sense.
\\ That democracy, like communism "reformed over time," becomes a "sham"... an "appearance" as in Baudrillard's four phases of an image.
You are much closer.
And more competent to judge.
Than me.
Crooked/ Rigged elections say it all, for me.
\\A hypernormalised hyper-reality. One with Dervy serving as the Mynah bird's of Huxley's "Island". "Read the News"... "quote the News".... "Attention to the latest News edition!"
/Well... that is not that cycle that is broken.
It is basicly the same as in:
OODA loop - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › OODA_loop
According to Boyd, decision-making occurs in a recurring cycle of "observe, orient, decide, act". An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that ...
So, what's the problem? Doc
If you act today based soley on today's headlines, you act with incomplete "observation". You then mis-orient, decide, and act.
\\Sure there is. "Better is the Enemy of Good Enough" and "Tomorrow is another day". ;)
/Problem is.
We already in that Tomorrow.
But our shelves -- Empty!
Because we somehow FORGOT that sombody need to restock em.
Like that Gorbachecv FORGOT that he need to wind up the clocks.
Or... did we lost the Keys too???? :-))))))
Hesiod, "Works and Days" 25] Perses, lay up these things in your heart, and do not let that Strife who delights in mischief hold your heart back from work, while you peep and peer and listen to the wrangles of the court-house. Little concern has he with quarrels and courts who has not a year's victuals laid up betimes, even that which the earth bears, Demeter's grain. When you have got plenty of that, you can raise disputes and strive to get another's goods.
Sound's like Gorby forgot the first lesson of the Plymouth Colony and first tier of Maslow's hierarchy. Self (vice other) reliance before other reliance..
\\\\Fear can't form the basis for a story?
/Some phantom fear?
\\There are no ghost stories? No PsyOps?
/And hiromantia. Astrologia. Prophesing by the fly of wild gooses???
Yeah. Of course. That all are part of our story and our cultural heritage...
Lem was talking about it. Precisely.
Then use "smart" ones. March to battle, observe the enemies numbers and dispositions. THEN sacrifice a chicken and read it's entrails. If your army is poorly situated and undermanned, read the portent "wisely" and through some clever diversion, remove your army from the battlefield. For the "G_d's" have so ordered it....
\\...and also a great cover story for developing missile technology with the Anti-War Movement and all the American peace activists of the 1960's...
That's what Humanity are. And always was.
What part of it was EVER doing something necessary/working...
and what part was going in circles: dancing, drinking, declamating poetry, etc... ;-)
Now we're back to where we started... “The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
\\...not if evolution be our guide, anyways.
Like this ;-P
\\I was trying to say that if the current economy continues as it is, and AI get's thrown into the mix, you will soon be put out of a job with automation replacing your hands and AI replacing your brains. So what will the
Lame prediction that was disproved many-many-MANY times... yawn.
Go read something about futurology and history of economical and social predictions like this...
hint:Carl M-f-r Marx. ;-P
\\\\THERE Is No Ways to reform any complex system.
ONLY building anew new system alongside it...
that is the Truth of systems engineering. ;-)
\\Sure there is. Upgrade the individual subsystems.
That... only if some smart Engineer predicted it, and leaved enough space for future upgrades. ;-)
But... even such stubs with time coming to an end.
Well... you cannot change engine of a taxi on-the-go anyway. ;-P
\\Gut the church and build a skateboard park inside it. ;P Is THAT "recycling"? Then recycling is a form of creative detruction. Make something new and different from something old. And save money (dual use) thereby.
That's just scavenging.
Go try to create NEW Church. ;-P
THAT'll be TRUE Creation. ;-)
Well... Lem again.
\\Gorby lacked the strength/ power/ ruthlessness of his predecessors. He had undermined it all by speaking aloud the unwritten rules that sustained the regime. He shouted, "the emperor is naked"... and to no one's surprise, everyone heard him. Private knowledge became public knowledge. Everyone knew that they now knew. Communism was "done".
Well... and russians despise him for that...
\\U Sure? The Soviet Bureaucratic Structures never matched the "Communitas", in an autopoiesis sense.
Still... it worked for 70+ years... somehow.
\\Crooked/ Rigged elections say it all, for me.
That is more like NORM than aberration.
That way you just showing yourself being ordinary country... like everybody else. ;-P
\\If you act today based soley on today's headlines, you act with incomplete "observation". You then mis-orient, decide, and act.
You mean... one must do it with Wisdom? Based on observation of Real World?
And not just some excerpts from ancient books? ;-)
\\Sound's like Gorby forgot the first lesson of the Plymouth Colony and first tier of Maslow's hierarchy. Self (vice other) reliance before other reliance..
I never was interested in knowing what Gorby have had thought...
\\Then use "smart" ones. March to battle, observe the enemies numbers and dispositions. THEN sacrifice a chicken and read it's entrails. If your army is poorly situated and undermanned, read the portent "wisely" and through some clever diversion, remove your army from the battlefield. For the "G_d's" have so ordered it....
You describing to me how your Deep State making decisions? ;-)
\\Now we're back to where we started... “The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
All question is -- for what???
Which Goal?
Without it any questions and any answers... will be meaningless.
\\...not if evolution be our guide, anyways.
/Like this ;-P
\\I was trying to say that if the current economy continues as it is, and AI get's thrown into the mix, you will soon be put out of a job with automation replacing your hands and AI replacing your brains. So what will the...
/Lame prediction that was disproved many-many-MANY times... yawn.
Go read something about futurology and history of economical and social predictions like this...
hint:Carl M-f-r Marx. ;-P
And you've never been to Sandtown district of Baltimore. Ever watched "The Wire"? The only "work/ business" for the vast majority of Baltimore residents is drugs/ or something illegal. LOTS of people there would love employment. There is NONE available. Unless you can count rat fishing as a tourist industry draw... :(
\\\\THERE Is No Ways to reform any complex system.
ONLY building anew new system alongside it...
that is the Truth of systems engineering. ;-)
\\Sure there is. Upgrade the individual subsystems.
/That... only if some smart Engineer predicted it, and leaved enough space for future upgrades. ;-)
But... even such stubs with time coming to an end.
Well... you cannot change engine of a taxi on-the-go anyway. ;-P
You never heard of a "retrofit"? No advance engineering required. We once retrofit 5 Maersk line RoRo's to serve as maritime preposition ships for a Marine Amphibious Brigade. It wasn't pretty, but it sure beat the cost of "new". Instead of carrying cars, it carried tanks, humvees, and Bradley's. I got to help watch the M60's drive through the refurbished ship end-to-end checking for clearances.
\\Gut the church and build a skateboard park inside it. ;P Is THAT "recycling"? Then recycling is a form of creative detruction. Make something new and different from something old. And save money (dual use) thereby.
/That's just scavenging.
Go try to create NEW Church. ;-P
THAT'll be TRUE Creation. ;-)
Well... Lem again.
Will it? There are no Autochthonous men who like Achilles' Mermidons (sprang from the Earth) or Athena (sprang from the head of Zeus fully armoured). Every creation is born of "recycled" ideas.
\\Gorby lacked the strength/ power/ ruthlessness of his predecessors. He had undermined it all by speaking aloud the unwritten rules that sustained the regime. He shouted, "the emperor is naked"... and to no one's surprise, everyone heard him. Private knowledge became public knowledge. Everyone knew that they now knew. Communism was "done".
/Well... and russians despise him for that...
They shouldn't. Control Societies are ultimately MUCH more productive than Disciplinary ones. Gorby hadn't invested enough in cybernetics (like Allende did).
\\U Sure? The Soviet Bureaucratic Structures never matched the "Communitas", in an autopoiesis sense.
/Still... it worked for 70+ years... somehow.
Lindy tested the OLD structures.
\\Crooked/ Rigged elections say it all, for me.
That is more like NORM than aberration.
That way you just showing yourself being ordinary country... like everybody else. ;-P
Didn't use to be that obvious.
\\If you act today based soley on today's headlines, you act with incomplete "observation". You then mis-orient, decide, and act.
/You mean... one must do it with Wisdom? Based on observation of Real World?
And not just some excerpts from ancient books? ;-)
It helps to use both. Multitemporal. Multicultural. Apply Lindy's lessons.
\\Sound's like Gorby forgot the first lesson of the Plymouth Colony and first tier of Maslow's hierarchy. Self (vice other) reliance before other reliance..
/I never was interested in knowing what Gorby have had thought...
Me neither. I didn't have to shop at GUM.
\\Then use "smart" ones. March to battle, observe the enemies numbers and dispositions. THEN sacrifice a chicken and read it's entrails. If your army is poorly situated and undermanned, read the portent "wisely" and through some clever diversion, remove your army from the battlefield. For the "G_d's" have so ordered it....
/You describing to me how your Deep State making decisions? ;-)
No. They see the bigger army before them and order their allied velites to attack while they watch from a hilltop.
\\Now we're back to where we started... “The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
/All question is -- for what???
Which Goal?
Without it any questions and any answers... will be meaningless.
What's your "truth"? That Ukraine will DEFEAT Russia?
\\And you've never been to Sandtown district of Baltimore. Ever watched "The Wire"? The only "work/ business" for the vast majority of Baltimore residents is drugs/ or something illegal. LOTS of people there would love employment. There is NONE available. Unless you can count rat fishing as a tourist industry draw... :(
Your CNN... or that is their counterpart european DW (Deutsche Welle)... not showing to you shitholes of all of the World???
That you life, even there, still not that bad...
\\You never heard of a "retrofit"? No advance engineering required. We once retrofit 5 Maersk line RoRo's to serve as maritime preposition ships for a Marine Amphibious Brigade. It wasn't pretty, but it sure beat the cost of "new".
As they say.
Columbus ships... you know, Santa Maria. Ninia. Third name? Can you conclude this quiz? ;-)
Was old cargo ships too. ;-P
Looks like it was delivered to you... that time. That idea.
\\Every creation is born of "recycled" ideas.
Priching to a choir.
My idea exactly are "refurbishing" of our contemporary engineering prctices.
Idea how to use old cargo ships to open America... of, I mean Columbia... oh, sorry, that was India -- in the initial plan. ;-P
\\They shouldn't. Control Societies are ultimately MUCH more productive than Disciplinary ones. Gorby hadn't invested enough in cybernetics (like Allende did).
they was SCARRIED of it.
Because Cybernetics claiming that some OPEN and OBVIOUS algorithms possible.
And their rule was based on idea that State Power is based on such arcane and not for laymen knowledge... that ONLY better few allowed to do it.
\\Lindy tested the OLD structures.
Just wind up of a spring ended.
\\That way you just showing yourself being ordinary country... like everybody else. ;-P
\\Didn't use to be that obvious.
Knowing History too little.
I was giving to you that Mark Twain text. ;-)
\\Me neither. I didn't have to shop at GUM.
That is "Berezka" shops. ;-P
Where it was still possible to buy counterfeit goods from "nasty nasty wrong" West. ;-P
That was the TRUE reason - it's hard to base your propaganda narrative on "they are filthy bad... they, on the West"... while si,ultaneously ALL know that Western goods is MUCH BETTER and everyone desire em.
THAT IS YOUR >>>ROOT<<< of your current problem.
This and only this.
That you NOT able to provide NEW FANCY goods. Which would be desirable for everyone.
And you even trying to proclaim "back to the caves" goal...
\\No. They see the bigger army before them and order their allied velites to attack while they watch from a hilltop.
Byzantine Politics?
Go, explain it to me.
I know too little about it. :-)))) SARCASM!!!
\\― Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
/All question is -- for what???
\\Which Goal?
\\Without it any questions and any answers... will be meaningless.
\\What's your "truth"? That Ukraine will DEFEAT Russia?
Dunno how it relates.
OBVIOUSLY. That cannot be MY goal. Me, as individual.
Incomparable -- one miserly prol AGAINST 140 million country.
It... do not work like that.
Maybe only in your comices... Super Villain against the World. Or... Superman, to SAVE the World.
Is it??? What you mean?
\\And you've never been to Sandtown district of Baltimore. Ever watched "The Wire"? The only "work/ business" for the vast majority of Baltimore residents is drugs/ or something illegal. LOTS of people there would love employment. There is NONE available. Unless you can count rat fishing as a tourist industry draw... :(
/Your CNN... or that is their counterpart european DW (Deutsche Welle)... not showing to you shitholes of all of the World???
That you life, even there, still not that bad...
Not so good, either. And philosophy's goal is to lead a good, an "examined" life. Not "preclude" one.
/Columbus ships... you know, Santa Maria. Ninia. Third name? Can you conclude this quiz? ;-)
Was old cargo ships too. ;-P
Looks like it was delivered to you... that time. That idea.
Pinta. And it delivered an unexpected "America", not the original idea "path to India and spices".
\\Every creation is born of "recycled" ideas.
/Priching to a choir.
My idea exactly are "refurbishing" of our contemporary engineering prctices.
Idea how to use old cargo ships to open America... of, I mean Columbia... oh, sorry, that was India -- in the initial plan. ;-P
Recycling/ Mulching organic materials can get pretty stinky...
\\They shouldn't. Control Societies are ultimately MUCH more productive than Disciplinary ones. Gorby hadn't invested enough in cybernetics (like Allende did).
they was SCARRIED of it.
Because Cybernetics claiming that some OPEN and OBVIOUS algorithms possible.
And their rule was based on idea that State Power is based on such arcane and not for laymen knowledge... that ONLY better few allowed to do it.
Hubris. "Pride Goeth before the Fall".
\\Lindy tested the OLD structures.
Just wind up of a spring ended.
Sounds like it simply needed a "higher energy density" source of power. ;)
\\That way you just showing yourself being ordinary country... like everybody else. ;-P
\\Didn't use to be that obvious.
/Knowing History too little.
I was giving to you that Mark Twain text. ;-)
Huck Finn? ;)
\\Me neither. I didn't have to shop at GUM.
/That is "Berezka" shops. ;-P
Where it was still possible to buy counterfeit goods from "nasty nasty wrong" West. ;-P
That was the TRUE reason - it's hard to base your propaganda narrative on "they are filthy bad... they, on the West"... while si,ultaneously ALL know that Western goods is MUCH BETTER and everyone desire em.
THAT IS YOUR >>>ROOT<<< of your current problem.
This and only this.
That you NOT able to provide NEW FANCY goods. Which would be desirable for everyone.
And you even trying to proclaim "back to the caves" goal...
That's it exactly. Our currency is worth "sh*t". There is no "foreign currency" with which to buy "nice" things, anymore. It's all been borrowed and spent with corporate neoliberal credit faux-rubles. It's why we're living in a age of post-capitalism. The "Gilded Age" has become the "Gelded Age". We can't afford to send trillions to the ME and trillions more to Central Europe. It will collapse, just like the USSR did.
\\No. They see the bigger army before them and order their allied velites to attack while they watch from a hilltop.
/Byzantine Politics?
Go, explain it to me.
I know too little about it. :-)))) SARCASM!!!
So you are a Triari. Good for you.
\\― Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
/All question is -- for what???
\\Which Goal?
\\Without it any questions and any answers... will be meaningless.
\\What's your "truth"? That Ukraine will DEFEAT Russia?
/Dunno how it relates.
OBVIOUSLY. That cannot be MY goal. Me, as individual.
Incomparable -- one miserly prol AGAINST 140 million country.
It... do not work like that.
Maybe only in your comices... Super Villain against the World. Or... Superman, to SAVE the World.
Is it??? What you mean?
No, that sustaining your "truth" would require "Superman". America/ NATO is more "Batman" but without Bruce Wayne's billions.
\\Not so good, either. And philosophy's goal is to lead a good, an "examined" life. Not "preclude" one.
And where's that philosophers to lead you to that better life???
\\Pinta. And it delivered an unexpected "America", not the original idea "path to India and spices".
I mean idea of reusing. Have came to your grounds in the same used ships.
(ref to your re-using Roman Republic structures... for clarity)
\\Recycling/ Mulching organic materials can get pretty stinky...
That's why I talking about non-organic.
\\Hubris. "Pride Goeth before the Fall".
Pride of a prol???
Dunno what that could be. ;-P
\\Sounds like it simply needed a "higher energy density" source of power. ;)
Mother of All Bombs energy... you STILL see as "not enough"?
Chernobil -- not enough too???
\\I was giving to you that Mark Twain text. ;-)
\\Huck Finn? ;)
Twain -- Governor.
Yankee from Conecticut... is good too.
Neat and simple explanation of complex ideas.
Contemporary ones.
THOSE... about which Ancient Greek was knowing nothing. And could have NO opinions.
\\The "Gilded Age" has become the "Gelded Age".
That's because you do not want to disrupt em... with New Tech. ;-)
\\ It will collapse, just like the USSR did.
USSR just post purpose of living.
USA... do not look like that at all.
That's just after-retirment stress talking in you.
Have you come trough some psychological observation/trainings???
Such a great organization as NASA should have something like that?
Or... that is only more newer organizations can have something like that?
\\/Byzantine Politics?
Go, explain it to me.
I know too little about it. :-)))) SARCASM!!!
\\So you are a Triari. Good for you.
Eastern Roman Empire.
NOT Western one.
You have lost any memories of your long as lost twin brother? It seems.
\\No, that sustaining your "truth" would require "Superman".
Fortress of Solitude?
Anybody can (pretend) have one.
Just by closing one's eyes and ears and mumbling "boo-boo-boo, I don't hear you, boo-boo-boo, I don't listen to you"...
Have you watched... by any chance... recent "Shasam!" of your Hollywood.
Your Hollywood looks like very ampt to show your inner state.
\\America/ NATO is more "Batman" but without Bruce Wayne's billions.
B-21 Rider that is just a Joker's Toy... out of papiemashe???
China and Rush'A would be glad to think that way...
\\Not so good, either. And philosophy's goal is to lead a good, an "examined" life. Not "preclude" one.
/And where's that philosophers to lead you to that better life???
In the mirror.
\\Pinta. And it delivered an unexpected "America", not the original idea "path to India and spices".
/I mean idea of reusing. Have came to your grounds in the same used ships.
(ref to your re-using Roman Republic structures... for clarity)
Like Ship of Theseus, one plank at a time? Think Lloyd's would insure the voyage?
\\Recycling/ Mulching organic materials can get pretty stinky...
/That's why I talking about non-organic.
And if non-organic self-replicating and self-reliant intelligent forms came into existence, why would they need us Neanderthals?
\\Hubris. "Pride Goeth before the Fall".
/Pride of a prol???
Dunno what that could be. ;-P
There are no proud Marxists? I always thought the LOT were too cocky. Moralistically arrogant, anyway.
\\Sounds like it simply needed a "higher energy density" source of power. ;)
/Mother of All Bombs energy... you STILL see as "not enough"?
Chernobil -- not enough too???
You don't want a Dyson Sphere?
\\I was giving to you that Mark Twain text. ;-)
\\Huck Finn? ;)
Twain -- Governor.
Yankee from Conecticut... is good too.
Neat and simple explanation of complex ideas.
Contemporary ones.
THOSE... about which Ancient Greek was knowing nothing. And could have NO opinions.
Ancient Greeks thought better of themselves. They even laughed at Archimedes, the Syracusan. Advanced weapons turned men into cowards. Ships made men run away from battles, like triremes at Troy. Just look what cowards we are today? Who wants to do single combat with equal arms today? Who will ride along the line of battle in chariots calling out challenges? No, women fly drones from outside of Las Vegas looking for flies to swat in Syria and Iraq.
\\The "Gilded Age" has become the "Gelded Age".
/That's because you do not want to disrupt em... with New Tech. ;-)
Aren't men cowardly enough without new tech? How much armour must your hoplites wear? Must they all look like French chevaliers with plate mail over chain mail?
\\ It will collapse, just like the USSR did.
/USSR just post purpose of living.
USA... do not look like that at all.
That's just after-retirment stress talking in you.
Have you come trough some psychological observation/trainings???
Such a great organization as NASA should have something like that?
Or... that is only more newer organizations can have something like that?
Please. NASA is a shell of its' former self. They're more worried about meeting DEI goals than TRLs. And since the housing market crash in 2008... all the financial standards have been abandoned. We're in a financial death spiral while everything hollows out. Even their bond ratings have gone to sh*t. You couldn't pay me to buy a worthless T-bill. The Fed can't even sell the ones they have anymore. They "buy" them from themselves. And they're holding $trillions worth and I no longer believe their reports.
\\/Byzantine Politics?
Go, explain it to me.
I know too little about it. :-)))) SARCASM!!!
\\So you are a Triari. Good for you.
/Eastern Roman Empire.
NOT Western one.
You have lost any memories of your long as lost twin brother? It seems.
Indeed. We look to Rome, not Constantinople. Although my sister could probably tell me about it (Russian Orthodox now).
\\No, that sustaining your "truth" would require "Superman".
/Fortress of Solitude?
Anybody can (pretend) have one.
Just by closing one's eyes and ears and mumbling "boo-boo-boo, I don't hear you, boo-boo-boo, I don't listen to you"...
Have you watched... by any chance... recent "Shasam!" of your Hollywood.
Your Hollywood looks like very ampt to show your inner state.
Yes, I think I saw it... corny kids movie shown on HBO. I don't remember it much though. Went in one ear and out the other.
\\America/ NATO is more "Batman" but without Bruce Wayne's billions.
B-21 Rider that is just a Joker's Toy... out of papiemashe???
China and Rush'A would be glad to think that way...
\\/And where's that philosophers to lead you to that better life???
\\In the mirror.
That's... dangerous.
\\Like Ship of Theseus, one plank at a time? Think Lloyd's would insure the voyage?
After making that "Ship of Theseus" out of freshly cutted Virginia woods? ;-)
\\And if non-organic self-replicating and self-reliant intelligent forms came into existence, why would they need us Neanderthals?
Why organic self-replicating and self-controlling... baby, still needs a mother? ;-P
Well... you have read that Second Thawed story. But you already forgot -- what costituted problem for that Nation-Sapience? Why it tryed to poison itself? With a hemlock, to boot.
\\There are no proud Marxists? I always thought the LOT were too cocky. Moralistically arrogant, anyway.
Where did you saw prol Marxist???
They all are from "thisrd caste" -- Intelligentia. ;-P
\\You don't want a Dyson Sphere?
And not SuperNova? ;-P
\\Ancient Greeks thought better of themselves.
Same as modern DEMNs? ;-)
\\Who will ride along the line of battle in chariots calling out challenges?
You just far away from subculture where they do.
Like that volontiers from the West... that coming to Ukraine, and dying there.
Though, there was absolutely no need to. For them.
\\Aren't men cowardly enough without new tech? How much armour must your hoplites wear? Must they all look like French chevaliers with plate mail over chain mail?
You forgot your own motto, FJ?
That. In headline of your blog.
\\/And where's that philosophers to lead you to that better life???
\\In the mirror.
/That's... dangerous.
It's the tragic nature of choice. All the great goods cannot live together.
\\Like Ship of Theseus, one plank at a time? Think Lloyd's would insure the voyage?
/After making that "Ship of Theseus" out of freshly cutted Virginia woods? ;-)
It's still his ship? Or is it mine, Aristotle? btw - See you at Rashomon, Kurosawa!
\\And if non-organic self-replicating and self-reliant intelligent forms came into existence, why would they need us Neanderthals?
/Why organic self-replicating and self-controlling... baby, still needs a mother? ;-P
Well... you have read that Second Thawed story. But you already forgot -- what costituted problem for that Nation-Sapience? Why it tryed to poison itself? With a hemlock, to boot.
We are Borg? ...or we are not? Are we off to Elysium? Or are we stuck on Earth? Are you the 3%, tested for WILL as well as intelligence? Or just a slum dweller? Yin or Yang? CoDependent. Me? I'm only 5%. I won't make the cut for the useful "dot" in the robots eye.
\\There are no proud Marxists? I always thought the LOT were too cocky. Moralistically arrogant, anyway.
Where did you saw prol Marxist???
They all are from "thisrd caste" -- Intelligentia. ;-P
I thought there was a dictatorship of the proletariate? Not a "vanguard".
\\You don't want a Dyson Sphere?
/And not SuperNova? ;-P
If you're not careful, you might get both. ;P
\\Ancient Greeks thought better of themselves.
/Same as modern DEMNs? ;-)
Maybe. Until the Romans came and made them their slaves. Meden agan!
\\Who will ride along the line of battle in chariots calling out challenges?
/You just far away from subculture where they do.
Like that volontiers from the West... that coming to Ukraine, and dying there.
Though, there was absolutely no need to. For them.
Sorry, I wouldn't make the age cut. And I'd make a bad peltast, anyways. The gladius' go un-used.
\\Aren't men cowardly enough without new tech? How much armour must your hoplites wear? Must they all look like French chevaliers with plate mail over chain mail?
You forgot your own motto, FJ?
That. In headline of your blog.
The motto comes from an uncle of mine. I am more of an Archilochus. The motto beneath. Lyric, not Epic poetry. But perhaps more meden agan?
\\It's the tragic nature of choice. All the great goods cannot live together.
It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.
\\It's still his ship? Or is it mine, Aristotle? btw - See you at Rashomon, Kurosawa!
Watched it, actually. Recently.
With japanese track. And latino subtitles... I both barely know. ;-P
Well... did you watched it till the end? And till the very last scene? ;-)
\\We are Borg? ...or we are not? Are we off to Elysium? Or are we stuck on Earth? Are you the 3%, tested for WILL as well as intelligence? Or just a slum dweller? Yin or Yang? CoDependent. Me? I'm only 5%. I won't make the cut for the useful "dot" in the robots eye.
Breath, FJ, just breath. ;-)
\\I thought there was a dictatorship of the proletariate? Not a "vanguard".
Same as your Freedom through Voting (DEMNs... or Reps). ;-P
\\\\You don't want a Dyson Sphere?
/And not SuperNova? ;-P
\\If you're not careful, you might get both. ;P
Hah. :-)))
\\Maybe. Until the Romans came and made them their slaves. Meden agan!
Slaves? By buying on all of their stories?
then you are slaves of Russians. ;-P
\\Sorry, I wouldn't make the age cut. And I'd make a bad peltast, anyways. The gladius' go un-used.
Billionaire Warren Buffett's son donates almost $3 million to ...
https://mil.in.ua › ... › News
Howard Buffett donated $2.7 million to the Ukrainian servicemen and joined the list of famous philanthropists who help Ukraine.
He's your age?
Feel free to explore more his adventures in Ukraine.
Those who telling -- don't do, those who doing... well, making video blog. ;-)
\\It's the tragic nature of choice. All the great goods cannot live together.
It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.
Risk is risk. Meden agan.
\\It's still his ship? Or is it mine, Aristotle? btw - See you at Rashomon, Kurosawa!
/Watched it, actually. Recently.
With japanese track. And latino subtitles... I both barely know. ;-P
Well... did you watched it till the end? And till the very last scene? ;-)
It's been a while...
\\We are Borg? ...or we are not? Are we off to Elysium? Or are we stuck on Earth? Are you the 3%, tested for WILL as well as intelligence? Or just a slum dweller? Yin or Yang? CoDependent. Me? I'm only 5%. I won't make the cut for the useful "dot" in the robots eye.
/Breath, FJ, just breath. ;-)
What, me Worry?
\\I thought there was a dictatorship of the proletariate? Not a "vanguard".
/Same as your Freedom through Voting (DEMNs... or Reps). ;-P
Very true. Ever hear of a "caucus"? It's the bane of every democratic system.
\\Maybe. Until the Romans came and made them their slaves. Meden agan!
/Slaves? By buying on all of their stories?
then you are slaves of Russians. ;-P
Plutarch's "Lives". It pay's to have a culture that requires the captured prisoners to "perform" at funerals.... as if for the gods.
\\Sorry, I wouldn't make the age cut. And I'd make a bad peltast, anyways. The gladius' go un-used.
/Billionaire Warren Buffett's son donates almost $3 million to ...
https://mil.in.ua › ... › News
Howard Buffett donated $2.7 million to the Ukrainian servicemen and joined the list of famous philanthropists who help Ukraine.
He's your age?
Feel free to explore more his adventures in Ukraine.
Those who telling -- don't do, those who doing... well, making video blog. ;-)
Sorry, I don't have shares in Berkshire Hathaway. And as I told David Birn, you know how I feel about throwing away money. "If your going ensure making a worthwhile "donation", you need to "live" the problem you're trying to solve first hand." ;P
\\We are Borg? ...or we are not? Are we off to Elysium? Or are we stuck on Earth? Are you the 3%, tested for WILL as well as intelligence? Or just a slum dweller? Yin or Yang? CoDependent. Me? I'm only 5%. I won't make the cut for the useful "dot" in the robots eye.
/Breath, FJ, just breath. ;-)
\\What, me Worry?
Lem have a story about wanting to have answers of too many questions too. ;-)
\\Very true. Ever hear of a "caucus"? It's the bane of every democratic system.
All is a poison. All is a cure...
\\Sorry, I don't have shares in Berkshire Hathaway. And as I told David Birn, you know how I feel about throwing away money. "If your going ensure making a worthwhile "donation", you need to "live" the problem you're trying to solve first hand." ;P
I can only lead you to a ford... ;-P
\\We are Borg? ...or we are not? Are we off to Elysium? Or are we stuck on Earth? Are you the 3%, tested for WILL as well as intelligence? Or just a slum dweller? Yin or Yang? CoDependent. Me? I'm only 5%. I won't make the cut for the useful "dot" in the robots eye.
/Breath, FJ, just breath. ;-)
\\What, me Worry?
/Lem have a story about wanting to have answers of too many questions too. ;-)
You do want to be ready to seize his forelocke when Kairos passes by.
\\Very true. Ever hear of a "caucus"? It's the bane of every democratic system.
/All is a poison. All is a cure...
Meden agan
\\Sorry, I don't have shares in Berkshire Hathaway. And as I told David Birn, you know how I feel about throwing away money. "If your going ensure making a worthwhile "donation", you need to "live" the problem you're trying to solve first hand." ;P
/I can only lead you to a ford... ;-P
Figures... cuz I'm a Chevy man. ;)
\\You do want to be ready to seize his forelocke when Kairos passes by.
I am systems engineer (self-proclaimed).
Not sprinter.
\\\\Very true. Ever hear of a "caucus"? It's the bane of every democratic system.
/All is a poison. All is a cure...
\\Meden agan
Just for clarification.
Is it like Tertium non datur.
In logic, the law of excluded middle (or the principle of excluded middle) states that for every proposition, either this proposition or its negation is true. It is one of the so-called three laws of thought, along with the law of noncontradiction, and the law of identity.
Law of excluded middle - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Law_of_excluded_middle
Sorry for verbosity.
\\/I can only lead you to a ford... ;-P
\\Figures... cuz I'm a Chevy man. ;)
Either to drink... or cross. ;-P
I'll try to make it up into such story...
Old Tech: I'll use Eiffel Tower as example (there's lots of good documentaries)
New Tech: On example of that Artificial Fish I mentioned.
First things first -- one must choose material.
O: choice is obvious -- best available. and that is metal bars... one must be able to make em himself. ;-)
N: there is dozens of different plastics available. and even more glues... that without all other materials. one can be better under one conditions, second... on a stage of production, use, recycling (wouldn't it be good to make it out of biodegradable plastic? but, how it'll be in sync with all our requirements?)
Second -- choose form.
O: Very simple -- Static Mechanics at your service. If you like, you can add some beautifiers... if they'll not overweight construction.
N: form? it is not constant at all. first -- it's moving thing. that consist of different materials -- so design must thoughtfully take into account that reality... and do not forget about limitations of technological process of production... and not forget about recycling.
Well... programmers will add couple more requirements to a pile, anyway. ;-P
Third -- make use of it.
O: It -- stands. What you more you want of it? Well... you can use it as flag pole. And an antenna. And well... it looks good on a postcards. WHAT MORE ANYBODY can want of it?
N: It -- moving. Must be. Mobilis in mobile. but also it need to withstand all harsh reality (like shark trying to nibble at it). And "feed" itself... like from Sun light... but what if there is storm/night? And it need to PERFORM FUNCTION... another way it is useless.
and that function -- can be achieved ONLY while it'll work as a system... in co-operation with other systems... and with reserved space to work with future systems.
PS Is it concise enough?
\\You do want to be ready to seize his forelocke when Kairos passes by.
/I am systems engineer (self-proclaimed).
Not sprinter.
The back of his head is shaven, so not even the fastest sprinter can catch him. You have to grab him the instant he meets you... from the hair in the front (not the back). Spartans always had LONG hair (video sounds like bs to me) in the back... because IMO, it's the part of him you'll never see. He won't be "running away". ;)
\\\\Very true. Ever hear of a "caucus"? It's the bane of every democratic system.
/All is a poison. All is a cure...
\\Meden agan
/Just for clarification.
Is it like Tertium non datur.
In logic, the law of excluded middle (or the principle of excluded middle) states that for every proposition, either this proposition or its negation is true. It is one of the so-called three laws of thought, along with the law of noncontradiction, and the law of identity.
Law of excluded middle - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Law_of_excluded_middle
Sorry for verbosity.
No. I take it in the Greek sense on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. None too Much. Water is good, but too much water will drown you. More "All is poison, all is cure"... just don't take too much or it will be a poison. One modern interpretatio is moderation... but it's actually the Greek virtue of "Temperance. It's more "male-ish" opposite virtue is "Courage", but's its' more an "active" holding back/ restraint (not feminine).
\\/I can only lead you to a ford... ;-P
\\Figures... cuz I'm a Chevy man. ;)
Either to drink... or cross. ;-P
No excluded middles? It must be a beautiful site... can't I look at it and then go home (w/o drinking or crossing)? Like at Oxford? :)
/I'll try to make it up into such story...
Old Tech: I'll use Eiffel Tower as example (there's lots of good documentaries)
New Tech: On example of that Artificial Fish I mentioned.
First things first -- one must choose material.
O: choice is obvious -- best available. and that is metal bars... one must be able to make em himself. ;-)
N: there is dozens of different plastics available. and even more glues... that without all other materials. one can be better under one conditions, second... on a stage of production, use, recycling (wouldn't it be good to make it out of biodegradable plastic? but, how it'll be in sync with all our requirements?)
Second -- choose form.
O: Very simple -- Static Mechanics at your service. If you like, you can add some beautifiers... if they'll not overweight construction.
N: form? it is not constant at all. first -- it's moving thing. that consist of different materials -- so design must thoughtfully take into account that reality... and do not forget about limitations of technological process of production... and not forget about recycling.
Well... programmers will add couple more requirements to a pile, anyway. ;-P
/Third -- make use of it.
O: It -- stands. What you more you want of it? Well... you can use it as flag pole. And an antenna. And well... it looks good on a postcards. WHAT MORE ANYBODY can want of it?
N: It -- moving. Must be. Mobilis in mobile. but also it need to withstand all harsh reality (like shark trying to nibble at it). And "feed" itself... like from Sun light... but what if there is storm/night? And it need to PERFORM FUNCTION... another way it is useless.
and that function -- can be achieved ONLY while it'll work as a system... in co-operation with other systems... and with reserved space to work with future systems.
PS Is it concise enough?
Is it a tensegrity fish? Does it walk from Paris to Versailles on its'own and jump into the fountains?
Concise isn't the problem It needs to be entertaining. And more importantly, INSPIRING! Make people think... "I NEED that fish!"
\\More "All is poison, all is cure"... just don't take too much or it will be a poison.
That is saying of
The dose makes the poison
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki
It is credited to Paracelsus who expressed the classic toxicology maxim "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a ...
But that is... much more complicated than your version.
First. That is from Medicine -- people do not intake medicines often. And that -- only when need em.
Second. Paracelsus is a father of Medicine, yes, but he is father of Homeopathy...
While modern Medicine based on Allopathy... and despises former.
\\No excluded middles? It must be a beautiful site... can't I look at it and then go home (w/o drinking or crossing)? Like at Oxford? :)
Well... if you are going to a 5 star restaurants... just to barf it all out after that. ;-P
Or... maybe you just smelling it from afar... like some poor and miserly prol? ;-)
Without hope of tasting. Ever.
\\Is it a tensegrity fish? Does it walk from Paris to Versailles on its'own and jump into the fountains?
If you see a Market for such thing... ;-)
\\Concise isn't the problem It needs to be entertaining. And more importantly, INSPIRING! Make people think... "I NEED that fish!"
Was A-Bomb "inspiring"??? To whom how -- isn't it?
Want a story? Here it is.
A little bug sat down on my body. I almost was ready to slap it. But stopped myself -- it do not look like moscito, or something that want to bite me.
So. I spared it.
And it flyed up...
And now crawling by my monitor -- attracted by light and warmth, it seems.
Washing it's "hands". Twithing its antennas. Well... what bugs usually do.
Completing circle after circle.
Mushing back and forth.
Every move seen very good... on the white background of a webpage.
Perfect Stage... for such a Perfect Actor.
Performing desire of a Third... of a Big Other... oh, now it stopped and looking at this text... perhaps.
Screaming its WAT??? What do you want of me????!!!!
What will be with that bug further???
...to be continued. ;-)
\\More "All is poison, all is cure"... just don't take too much or it will be a poison.
/That is saying of
The dose makes the poison
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki
It is credited to Paracelsus who expressed the classic toxicology maxim "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a ...
/But that is... much more complicated than your version.
First. That is from Medicine -- people do not intake medicines often. And that -- only when need em.
Second. Paracelsus is a father of Medicine, yes, but he is father of Homeopathy...
While modern Medicine based on Allopathy... and despises former.
No, mine is a Universal Maxim that applies to ALL cases.
Temperance:Courage::Justice:Wisdom. Opposed Virtues.
\\No excluded middles? It must be a beautiful site... can't I look at it and then go home (w/o drinking or crossing)? Like at Oxford? :)
/Well... if you are going to a 5 star restaurants... just to barf it all out after that. ;-P
Or... maybe you just smelling it from afar... like some poor and miserly prol? ;-)
Without hope of tasting. Ever.
I'm good with that. Did you ever see "The Menu"?
\\Is it a tensegrity fish? Does it walk from Paris to Versailles on its'own and jump into the fountains?
/If you see a Market for such thing... ;-)
Who knows? I know people that will pay a guy to build a secret underground bunker... got PayPal/ GoFundMe?
\\Concise isn't the problem It needs to be entertaining. And more importantly, INSPIRING! Make people think... "I NEED that fish!"
/Was A-Bomb "inspiring"??? To whom how -- isn't it?
It was to people wanting to win WWII.
/Want a story? Here it is.
A little bug sat down on my body. I almost was ready to slap it. But stopped myself -- it do not look like moscito, or something that want to bite me.
So. I spared it.
And it flyed up...
And now crawling by my monitor -- attracted by light and warmth, it seems.
Washing it's "hands". Twithing its antennas. Well... what bugs usually do.
Completing circle after circle.
Mushing back and forth.
Every move seen very good... on the white background of a webpage.
Perfect Stage... for such a Perfect Actor.
Performing desire of a Third... of a Big Other... oh, now it stopped and looking at this text... perhaps.
Screaming its WAT??? What do you want of me????!!!!
A senscient fly? Sounds promising...
What will be with that bug further???
...to be continued. ;-)
Is it Gregor Samsa? Or...
\\No, mine is a Universal Maxim that applies to ALL cases.
Temperance:Courage::Justice:Wisdom. Opposed Virtues.
Nothing applyes to all cases.
Literally. ;-P
Like in math. Cathegory Theory -- operator that translate everything into itself.
Like 1 back into 1. 0 into 0. And whatever.
Viable mathematical operation. Required. For completness of theory.
But... utterly and obviously USELESS.
\\I'm good with that. Did you ever see "The Menu"?
I like french "Chief" more.
Comedy. With Jan Reno.
\\Who knows? I know people that will pay a guy to build a secret underground bunker... got PayPal/ GoFundMe?
Balance of costs do not add up. ;-P
Well... DiBi likes to muse about it too... maybe you should became his regular, still.
\\It was to people wanting to win WWII.
And name of then... few?
\\A senscient fly? Sounds promising...
Thinking cane... observed from outside.
European Scientific Journal
https://eujournal.org › esj › article › view
„A thinking cane“, –accurately expressed a French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Human is the most fragile nature's creation, which ...
\\No, mine is a Universal Maxim that applies to ALL cases.
Temperance:Courage::Justice:Wisdom. Opposed Virtues.
/Nothing applyes to all cases.
Literally. ;-P
Like in math. Cathegory Theory -- operator that translate everything into itself.
Like 1 back into 1. 0 into 0. And whatever.
Viable mathematical operation. Required. For completness of theory.
But... utterly and obviously USELESS.
Fine. Don't believe me. Like Plato said, "Virtue cannot be taught".
\\I'm good with that. Did you ever see "The Menu"?
/I like french "Chief" more.
Comedy. With Jan Reno.
Ah, "The Professional" was my favorite Jean Reno flick. Not a comedy. Action.
\\Who knows? I know people that will pay a guy to build a secret underground bunker... got PayPal/ GoFundMe?
/Balance of costs do not add up. ;-P
Well... DiBi likes to muse about it too... maybe you should became his regular, still.
No, I think I'm done playing to the "smartest" guy in the room all the time following the social protocols of "structure" defined by the division of labour. Don't do that. Please tell me to "Go F_ck Yourself!" at any time.
\\It was to people wanting to win WWII.
/And name of then... few?
No, most people.
\\A senscient fly? Sounds promising...
/Thinking cane... observed from outside.
European Scientific Journal
https://eujournal.org › esj › article › view
„A thinking cane“, –accurately expressed a French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Human is the most fragile nature's creation, which ...
Loved his "Pensees". I didn't read them all, just a few that mattered to me. Like this one.
The result of this confusion is that one affirms the essence of justice to be the authority of the legislator; another, the interest of the sovereign; another, present custom, and this is the most sure. Nothing, according to reason alone, is just in itself; all changes with time. CUSTOM CREATES THE WHOLE OF EQUITY, FOR THE SIMPLE REASON THAT IT IS ACCEPTED. IT IS THE MYSTICAL FOUNDATION OF ITS AUTHORITY; WHOEVER CARRIES IT BACK TO FIRST PRINCIPLES DESTROYS IT. NOTHING IS SO FAULTY AS THOSE LAWS WHICH CORRECT FAULTS. He who obeys them because they are just, obeys a justice which is imaginary, and not the essence of law; it is quite self-contained, it is law and nothing more. He who will examine its motive will find it so feeble and so trifling that if he be not accustomed to contemplate the wonders of human imagination, he will marvel that one century has gained for it so much pomp and reverence. The art of opposition and of revolution is to unsettle established customs, sounding them even to their source, to point out their want of authority and justice. We must, it is said, get back to the natural and fundamental laws of the State, which an unjust custom has abolished. It is a game certain to result in the loss of all; nothing will be just on the balance. Yet people readily lend their ear to such arguments. They shake off the yoke as soon as they recognise it; and the great profit by their ruin, and by that of these curious investigators of accepted customs. But from a contrary mistake men sometimes think they can justly do everything which is not without an example. THAT IS WHY THE WISEST OF LEGISLATORS SAID THAT IT WAS NECESSARY TO DECEIVE MEN FOR THEIR OWN GOOD; and another, a good politician, "Cum veritatem qua liberetur ignoret, expedit quod fallatur." Pascal, "Pensees" -
\\Fine. Don't believe me. Like Plato said, "Virtue cannot be taught".
Are you able to point to any fact?
Well... you subjective perception of Reality -- it is fact.
But... it is not transitive. And. There still NO tech for me to feel what you feel.
And as that... only laputa scientists method are usable -- pointing to real world things.
With hope that that image would stimulate imagination of counterpart in needed direction.
That is what Meta-Thinking is about. A way to transcend monkey screams and armpeats shiffing...
\\Ah, "The Professional" was my favorite Jean Reno flick. Not a comedy. Action.
I know it as "Leon" only.
And "the professional"... that is other french actor's brand -- Belmondo. ;-)
Same as "Ronin"... eternally will be Alen Delon. ;-P
And well... that was Emili Portman, not Reno's flick...
\\No, I think I'm done playing to the "smartest" guy in the room all the time following the social protocols of "structure" defined by the division of labour. Don't do that. Please tell me to "Go F_ck Yourself!" at any time.
In startup. Or Skunk workshop. Rules are up to you to define. ;-P
And they need to be different anyway.
You ignored that my story above.
But it was exactly to show THE DIFFERENCE.
Gustav Eiffel was able to do EVERYTHING by himself. Even manage production of metal bars.
While all his workers... was just a worker bees, ants... with own autonomy -- but without a say in a stated goal.
New Tech -- cannot be created like that. At every corner of it there need to be someone -- to make important decisions.
On it's own. Without consulting with Central Planning Committee. Or Great Genius. Or... whatever.
That New Tech IMPOSSIBLE any other way.
\\\\Concise isn't the problem It needs to be entertaining. And more importantly, INSPIRING! Make people think... "I NEED that fish!"
/Was A-Bomb "inspiring"??? To whom how -- isn't it?
\\\\It was to people wanting to win WWII.
/And name of then... few?
\\No, most people.
Do you confirm my claim with it?
Or I just dumbing down myself?
\\He who obeys them because they are just, obeys a justice which is imaginary, and not the essence of law; it is quite self-contained, it is law and nothing more.
Well... personage John Viril in DiBi's blog showing that ot have some more deapth then that. ;-)
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