The Castles (& Fleets) Are No Longer Safe or Defensible
Dropping the Dragon-Stone
“That the queen could see Gyges in the bedroom indicates that she possessed not only a power to make things invisible but also a corresponding power (as invisible spy) to make visible to herself things that were invisible to other people. Ptolemaeus Chennus writes that the eyes of "the wife of Candaules". . . had double pupils, and she was extremely sharp sighted, being the possessor of the dragon-stone. This is how she came to see Gyges as he passed through the door.” The dragon-stone has an opposite effect from the magic ring. In one case the talisman makes people invisible; in the other case, it makes people visible: taken together, their power makes things visible or invisible. This is the power of Platonic Gyges. It is also the power of the archetypal tyrant.”

Theodore Chasseriau, “Candaule, King of Lydia, Showing the Beauty of his Queen to his Confidant Gyges" (1850)
Drones - the West's response to the "poor man's atomic bomb". It's why Iran is a world leader in drone production.
I wonder why Iran's drone production numbers are so hush-hush? Na-a-a-a-a-h!
So, DragonMasters, Just How RADHard are YOUR drones?
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