Slavoj Žižek, "Why Gorbachev Failed" (August 31, 2022)
Mikhail Gorbachev’s biological death is his second death. Symbolically, he died with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. His role was a purely negative one, that of a vanishing mediator: He “tore down the Wall,” he set in motion the disappearance of the Communist system, and he is remembered and praised for allowing this disappearance to take place in a peaceful way. Gorbachev played his role honestly—so what went wrong? Why did peretstroika turn into katastroika?
An explanation might be found in the process of de-Stalinization launched by Khrushchev in 1956 and continued through the Gorbachev era. Khrushchev, who made his wager amid the last gasp of Communist ardor, began by rehabilitating the military leaders shot in 1937, such as “the Red Napoleon” Mikhail Tukhachevsky. Meanwhile, the last to be rehabilitated—already in the Gorbachev era, just before the collapse of the regime—was Nikolai Bukharin. This was a telling omen of the turn toward capitalism: The Bukharin who was rehabilitated was the one who, in the 1920s, had opposed forced collectivization and advocated the pact between workers and peasants (owners of their land) with the famous slogan “Get rich!”
More telling still, for those wishing to understand perestroika’s failure, is the one figure who was never rehabilitated, excluded by the Communists and anti-Communist Russian nationalists alike: namely, Trotsky, the “wandering Jew” of the 1917 Revolution, the true anti-Stalin, the arch-enemy, opposing the idea of “building socialism in one country” with his vision of a permanent revolution.
Why was this? After Khrushchev’s fall in 1964, a resigned cynicism prevailed in the Soviet Union, up until Gorbachev’s attempt at a more radical confrontation with the past. However, Lenin remained for Gorbachev until the end an immovable landmark, and Trotsky continued to be a non-person—for good reason. For Trotsky had issued a bitter warning. As Christopher Hitchens noted in a 2004 essay, “at the very end of his life, cut off in Mexico and aware of his own declining health, [Trotsky] admitted, after the outbreak of the Second World War, that the conflict might just end without a socialist revolution. In that event, the whole Marxist-Leninist project would have to be abandoned.”
Here is a passage from Trotsky’s last text:We would be compelled to acknowledge that [Stalinism] was rooted not in the backwardness of the country and not in the imperialist environment, but in the congenital incapacity of the proletariat to become a ruling class. Then it would be necessary to establish in retrospect that ... the present USSR was the precursor of a new and universal system of exploitation.Trotsky is clear here: One has to leave behind the very basic idea of the “proletarian power,” of the wretched of the earth able to organize alternate power. “In retrospect” means that this idea was from the very beginning doomed. This is the step Gorbachev wasn’t ready to make: When he lanced the slogans of glasnost and perestroika, he failed to see that he unleashed an avalanche that changed the world.
“Lenin remained for Gorbachev until the end an immovable landmark.”
With Deng Xiaoping’s reforms, the Chinese proceeded in a radically different, almost opposite, way. While at the level of the economy (and, up to a point, culture) what is usually understood as “Communism” was abandoned, and the gates were opened wide to Western-style “liberalization” (private property, profit-making, hedonist individualism, etc.), the Chinese party nevertheless maintained its ideologico-political hegemony—not in the sense of doctrinal orthodoxy (in the official discourse, the Confucian reference to the “Harmonious Society” practically replaced any reference to Communism), but in the sense of maintaining the unconditional political hegemony of the Communist Party as the only guarantor of China’s stability and prosperity. This required a close monitoring and regulation of the ideological discourse on Chinese history, especially the history of the last two centuries: The story endlessly varied by the state media and textbooks is one of China’s humiliation from the Opium Wars onwards, which ended only with the Communist victory in 1949, leading to the conclusion that to be patriotic is to support the rule of the party.
When history is given such a legitimizing role, of course, it can’t tolerate any substantial self-critique. The Chinese had learned the lesson of Gorbachev’s failure: Full recognition of the “founding crimes” will only bring the entire system down. Those crimes thus have to remain disavowed. True, some Maoist “excesses” and “errors” are denounced (the Great Leap Forward and the devastating famine that followed; the Cultural Revolution), and Deng’s assessment of Mao’s role (70 percent positive, 30 percent negative) is enshrined as the official formula. But this assessment functions as a formal conclusion that renders any further elaboration superfluous: Even if Mao was 30 percent bad, the full symbolic impact of this admission is neutralized, so he can continue to be celebrated as the founding father of the nation, his body in a mausoleum and his image on every banknote. We are dealing here with a clear case of fetishistic disavowal: Although we know very well that Mao made errors and caused immense suffering, his figure is kept magically untainted by these facts. In this way, the Chinese Communists can have their cake and eat it: The radical changes brought about by economic liberalization are combined with the continuation of the same party rule as before.
Gorbachev could pull off no such maneuver. The saddest story I know about Gorbachev is a rumor that circulated in Germany in 1990s—who knows if it is true, but se non è vero, è molto ben trovato:
On a visit to Berlin after he lost power, Gorbachev tried a surprise visit to Willy Brandt. However, when he (with his guards) approached Brandt’s house and rang a bell, Brandt refused to see him. Later, the ex-chancellor explained the snub to a friend: He never forgave Gorbachev for allowing the dissolution of the Communist bloc—not because Brandt was a secret believer in Soviet Communism, but because he was well aware that the disappearance of the Communist bloc would also entail the disappearance of Western Europe’s social-democratic welfare state.That is to say, Brandt knew that the capitalist system is ready to make considerable concessions to the workers and the poor only if there is a serious threat of an alternative, of a different mode of production that promises workers their rights. To retain its legitimacy, capitalism has to demonstrate how it works better even for the workers and the poor, and the moment this alternative vanishes, elites can proceed to dismantle the welfare state.
The ongoing global crisis clearly calls for radical social change. However, if we want to resuscitate the vision of a truly different Communism, it will have to be done on a totally different basis than the one imagined by Gorbachev (and Lenin).

\\Khrushchev, who made his wager amid the last gasp of Communist ardor, began by rehabilitating the military leaders shot in 1937, such as “the Red Napoleon” Mikhail Tukhachevsky. Meanwhile, the last to be rehabilitated—already in the Gorbachev era, just before the collapse of the regime—was Nikolai Bukharin. This was a telling omen of the turn toward capitalism: The Bukharin who was rehabilitated was the one who, in the 1920s, had opposed forced collectivization and advocated the pact between workers and peasants (owners of their land) with the famous slogan “Get rich!”
And NOT Lenin himself... that devised VERY FIRST Perestroika... called "New Economical Politics"? ;-P
Thank you, for yet one confirmation that he is crazy and stupid bum. ;-P
\\Trotsky, the “wandering Jew” of the 1917 Revolution, the true anti-Stalin, the arch-enemy, opposing the idea of “building socialism in one country” with his vision of a permanent revolution.
Oh, shit. And poor poor Stalin. Devised that plan of industrialisation and militarisation... not for reconquest of the World, under communists rule, with military might???
Ou, yes! %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\When he lanced the slogans of glasnost and perestroika, he failed to see that he unleashed an avalanche that changed the world.
That's just yet one stupid misconception.
When Gorbachev was asked "and what Perestroika do mean, what changes it propose?" answer was "Nothing. No changes at all".
Well... you SHOULD like Gorbi. Because his proposal is EXACTLY Lindy -- "let it all continue to be the same".
And how spectacularly it failed. ;-P
\\ Full recognition of the “founding crimes” will only bring the entire system down.
Economical decline was the reason.
\\Gorbachev could pull off no such maneuver.
Of course.
But NOT by that same reason as stated here.
USSR was USED all possibilities of Industrialisation... much much BEFORE it.
And suffered post-industrial problems -- Commies was TOTALLY BLIND... well, they was NOT blind, they talked about it, till no end (like disappearance of Aral sea).
They was TOTALLY INCAPABLE to do something.
Because of SUPER-centralised structure -- only secretary of the party, could make such decision.
And Gorbi... was INCAPABLE to do anything REVOLUTIONAL.
Because he was NOT from initial board of directors... he had NO idea why and how of inner wheels of it working... he was just a middle-level clerk... suddenly became CEO. (is there some movie, text, example in USA, of such cases??? I dunno about it)
\\However, if we want to resuscitate the vision of a truly different Communism, it will have to be done on a totally different basis than the one imagined by Gorbachev (and Lenin).
YET ONE commie revolution????
What a bloody shit travesty. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\I'd conclude from the above graph that it all started with the Oil Embargo in '73, STAGflation, and then kept going from there, not the USSR collapse circa '89-91.
Yet one time... I cite that fact.
you can double-check for yourself.
You, USA have produced 1.000.000 PC (Personal Computers) in 1980.
USSR produced "whoping" 100.000... through ALL 80th.
I think -- that is the key.
As economy -- it's SUM of all products produced and used.
So... if there TWO (for simplicity) economies.
Which have basicly SAME amount and types of products...
BUT, one have PLUS ONE more.
What it would mean? To a prices and economy as a whole? ;-)
Ehhh??? Do you know and understand Adam Smith enough, to solve that non-puzzle? ;-)
\\ Now we're "locked in" unless the recently emergent multipolar "NWO" works out.
It's just a return back to 19th century imperialism.
Not New, not World, non-order.
Just a DIRECT pretext to a NEW and this time REALLY Worldwide War.
Adam Smith isn't "Supply and Demand". It's "Division of Labour". The famous "pin factory". It's only "supply/demand" vis "wealth". Wealth is land ownership. And G_d only made so much land, and too customers in the market for it. ;)
And where I see the value of Zizek's notions is when I apply them to the US. And the centralization of decision making was the problem. They cock-block the small entrepeneur and limit his access to capital. And if he succeeds, they take his business (either buy or regulate him out). Centralization of production IS the problem. Corporatization IS the problem. BIG isn't always better. Too big to fail is stupidity/ over-efficiency. It's not sustainable.'s not anti-fragile.
//\\ Full recognition of the “founding crimes” will only bring the entire system down.
Economical decline was the reason.
And what is happening in USA with the 1619 Project? Trying to expose the US "founding crime" of slavery and divide/destroy the country. In 1619 we were a colony of a mercantilist power. In 1776 we got tired of their lame rules (Articles of Confederation/ Declaration of Independence). In 1786, we made a new start (US Constitution), and in 1885, another new start (end of civil war/ 13/14th amendments.) Then in 1945 Bretton Woods. Then again in 1964/5, the Civil Rights Act. And in the 1970, we went OFF the gold standard and began a new phase of global capitalism based upon the US dollar and free currency trading. And IMO, THAT is where everything went off the rails.
Bretton Woods may have been necessary to rebuild Europe, but we NEVER should have gone off the gold standard in the early 70s. At THAT point, there became no limit to US government stupidity and the economic warfare of the Cold War era.
And the disappearance of the USSR made US business/economic leaders spend like drunken sailors.
Throw in BS about "founding crimes" is a recipe for chaos. And that's where we are now.
There's a 3 hour James Lindsay YouTube on George Soros' Alchemy of Finance. Want to know where we are? I suggest you watch it.
Learn where the "economic system" and economy relate to other social systems.
Hypernormalisation told the story of what Putin uses in Russia to create chaos.
George Soros is the Vladislav Surkov of American politics.
The $$$ behind all Democratic Party politics.
...and the RINO global corporatist Never-Trumpers.
Soros isn't a communist. He's merely "Trotsky globalism adjacent".
\\Adam Smith isn't "Supply and Demand".
Yeah? And example of wool and wine in England and Spain... that is ALSO not his example? %-)
\\'s not anti-fragile.
Nothing is... in our mundane world.
\\They cock-block the small entrepeneur and limit his access to capital.
WRONG!!! (in Trump's voice)
Absence of NEW techs doing it. ;-)
What he'd do with that capital??? If there is NO new niches on the market. NO new products possible.
\\Centralization of production IS the problem. Corporatization IS the problem. BIG isn't always better. Too big to fail is stupidity/ over-efficiency. It's not sustainable.
Centralization -- is the natural thing.
Why you have only one brain? ;-)
It's... only decentralization tendencies NEED to exist too.
And that is possible... only with NEW techs.
Well... not only, other way -- it's wars.
But, wars lead to new techs anyway.
If you do not like it, do not want em -- new techs. Your enemy will make use of em.
And will eradicate you.
Like when turks eradicated Bisanyia. ;-P
\\And in the 1970, we went OFF the gold standard and began a new phase of global capitalism based upon the US dollar and free currency trading. And IMO, THAT is where everything went off the rails.
Cycles of overproduction and imperialism was better?
Well... I know, I know... you in USA just NOT suffered through it enough.
And therefore still think that you are lucky, somehow, and that thing that happen to everyone -- will not happen with you...
\\Throw in BS about "founding crimes" is a recipe for chaos. And that's where we are now.
I am from marxists upbringing.
Economical basis comes first. Ideologies and etc, is just superfluous addition.
And... I know it for sure -- life of mere worker in USSR... was not different much, from USA workers (that both discovered that first time, when that TV-bridge show happened)
And I presume... that was MUCH MoRE deadly.
To USSR propaganda myth about it being "saiged fortress". And that miserableness of Soviet workers, all mundane problems of life, like deficites and queues... which was proclaimed to be "fair payment"... for "protection" -- was all in and out lie.
\\There's a 3 hour James Lindsay YouTube on George Soros' Alchemy of Finance. Want to know where we are? I suggest you watch it.
I... yawn... do not believe in brilliants found in shit. ;-P
\\Learn where the "economic system" and economy relate to other social systems.
So what??? Marx's economical basis and political second floor... was disprooved???
When??? Bu whom???
By Zizek??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\George Soros is the Vladislav Surkov of American politics.
You mean Soros are miserly critter??? Non-important and banished from power clerk???
Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Soros isn't a communist. He's merely "Trotsky globalism adjacent".
Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Adam Smith isn't "Supply and Demand".
/Yeah? And example of wool and wine in England and Spain... that is ALSO not his example? %-)
Then maybe it (S&D) came before him. Wealth of Nations (1776) was largely a critique of mercantilism. I read it LONG ago... and the nations always try and get themselves out of trouble by printing money and debasing the currency (ie- go OFF the gold standard and print more paper). That's what we did in the 70's.
\\'s not anti-fragile.
/Nothing is... in our mundane world.
Evolution/Life is. Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger. Use or lose (muscles).
\\They cock-block the small entrepeneur and limit his access to capital.
/WRONG!!! (in Trump's voice)
Absence of NEW techs doing it. ;-)
What he'd do with that capital??? If there is NO new niches on the market. NO new products possible.
Wrong!! Adam Smith (economies of scale). A guy with a kitchen oven can't compete selling cookies (price) with a factory-scale cookie factory. THAT is the need for "capital" (or as Marx would say, the "means of production"). You got a tech for reversing economies of scale? Bethlehem Steel was ALL about economies of scale and "vertical integration". The company supplied EVERY product that went into building a ship, from plate steel to pumps and turbines. From the coal mines to make coke and coke gas to the iron ore from the mines. Bethlehem Steel (BethShip) controlled every step in producing that ship.
\\Centralization of production IS the problem. Corporatization IS the problem. BIG isn't always better. Too big to fail is stupidity/ over-efficiency. It's not sustainable.
/Centralization -- is the natural thing.
Why you have only one brain? ;-)
It's... only decentralization tendencies NEED to exist too.
And that is possible... only with NEW techs.
Well... not only, other way -- it's wars.
But, wars lead to new techs anyway.
If you do not like it, do not want em -- new techs. Your enemy will make use of em.
And will eradicate you.
Like when turks eradicated Bisanyia. ;-P
Centralization is for "efficiency". Decentralization in inefficient. Centralization is FRAGILE. Decentralization is ANTIFRAGILE. Put all you artillery shells in same place, and all it takes is one match to render you defenseless.
Why you have only one brain? ;-) I have two L/R hemispheres for redundancy. At NASA we had 3 redundant computers for human space flight projects (triple redundant)(more antifragile). Is it 'efficient"? No. Is it antifragile? Yes. Centralization is efficient (war time) but decentralization is less so (peace time).
\\And in the 1970, we went OFF the gold standard and began a new phase of global capitalism based upon the US dollar and free currency trading. And IMO, THAT is where everything went off the rails.
/Cycles of overproduction and imperialism was better?
Well... I know, I know... you in USA just NOT suffered through it enough.
And therefore still think that you are lucky, somehow, and that thing that happen to everyone -- will not happen with you...
That's what WWI/WWII lead us in to, alright. Over-production and imperialism. Time to get back to "small". To the Toffler's Third Wave dream of a factory in every garage. Anti-fragility married to perpetual innovation in a decentralized market with very little "mass production" and lots of unique custom products. Shanzhai (Mountain fortress) style manufacturing.
\\Throw in BS about "founding crimes" is a recipe for chaos. And that's where we are now.
I am from marxists upbringing.
Economical basis comes first. Ideologies and etc, is just superfluous addition.
Gotta live, gotta eat. But consumer products are just stand-ins for social relations by other means- Commodity fetish. Marx should have taught you THAT as well.
/And... I know it for sure -- life of mere worker in USSR... was not different much, from USA workers (that both discovered that first time, when that TV-bridge show happened)
And I presume... that was MUCH MoRE deadly.
To USSR propaganda myth about it being "saiged fortress". And that miserableness of Soviet workers, all mundane problems of life, like deficites and queues... which was proclaimed to be "fair payment"... for "protection" -- was all in and out lie.
There's may not have been much difference between "workers" here and there, but there was a HUGE difference in the structure of society from back in the 30's/ 40s to now. My mother's family were small farmers (grew 80 acres in the 1880s to over 400 acre farm by 1970s). My father's family were small merchants in 1880s, but in 1940's all went into military services and my GrFather retired to Florida. I sold the 15 acres I inherited from my mother for down payment on a house, and worked for "corporations" my whole life. We went from small business owners and small farmers to corp workers. The small businesses and farms are mostly gone now. We're all "proles" now (no longer bourgeoise). We no longer have "skin in the game" of capitalism. It's made us weak. And now we're starting to see the lies. Wages stagnated since the 1970s. And then in the 80s, all the industrial/ manufacturing jobs went to China. Unless you could "code", you were F*cked.
\\There's a 3 hour James Lindsay YouTube on George Soros' Alchemy of Finance. Want to know where we are? I suggest you watch it.
/I... yawn... do not believe in brilliants found in shit. ;-P
Your perogative. As for me, I don't think you can learn anything watching "I Love Lucy" re-reruns on TV. Like you, I watch YouTubes that allow me to know my enemy.
\\Learn where the "economic system" and economy relate to other social systems.
/So what??? Marx's economical basis and political second floor... was disprooved???
When??? Bu whom???
By Zizek??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Zizek's a Hegelian, Marxist, Lacanian. 3...that's 3... "ism's" in one. So not only do you get the "Reds", You get the "Red Diaper babies" and "Pink Diaper babies" all in one. :)
\\George Soros is the Vladislav Surkov of American politics.
/You mean Soros are miserly critter??? Non-important and banished from power clerk???
Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
With billions and Open Society Institutes in 120 countries. The Open Society Foundations include Open Society Institutes in New York, London, and Brussels as well as country and regional foundations active in more than 120 countries around the world.
\\Soros isn't a communist. He's merely "Trotsky globalism adjacent".
/Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I like Trump because he appreciates bourgeois business ownership. He's not one the college educated surplus salaried "elites". He's got skin in the game that not all "salary and bonus'".
Do you still think I inclined to praise... or loathe... your political choice? ;-P
Your choice -- your problem.
And I am not citizen of USA to have skin in this game.
\\ and the nations always try and get themselves out of trouble by printing money and debasing the currency (ie- go OFF the gold standard and print more paper). That's what we did in the 70's.
Wealth of nation is in products it produces, anyway.
Or what... you dunno, about that famous Adam Smith's motto?
So... England choose wool, instead of wine. And... became SO proficient with it.
That it allowed it to became top notch in WHOLE world -- became worldwide empire.
\\Evolution/Life is.
No. It isn't.
Mass extinctions.
\\Wrong!! Adam Smith (economies of scale). A guy with a kitchen oven can't compete selling cookies (price) with a factory-scale cookie factory.
And why he need to??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))
Let him make cookies with some secret ingridient(s) first. ;-P
Like with can,abiss. ;-)
Well, street dr.uu.g dealers... isn't they just like that small scale entrepreneurs you like so much? ;-)
\\You got a tech for reversing economies of scale?
What for???
Economy of scale -- it's source of our prosperity. Of our existence even.
Why i should be against it????
\\The company supplied EVERY product that went into building a ship, from plate steel to pumps and turbines. From the coal mines to make coke and coke gas to the iron ore from the mines. Bethlehem Steel (BethShip) controlled every step in producing that ship.
Yeah. Just like Gustav Eiffel... when he was making his bridges and his tower.
Why??? Because he is nasty capitalist? Or "Trotsky... something-something"???
There was just NO other way -- as there was NO of the shelf metal bars and other steel products.
I think, with that BethShip it something along that lines too.
\\Centralization is for "efficiency". Decentralization in inefficient. Centralization is FRAGILE. Decentralization is ANTIFRAGILE. Put all you artillery shells in same place, and all it takes is one match to render you defenseless.
It depends...
You know, homeostasis.
Tree need to have ONE big united trunk. But... same time it need to spread it's branches with many-many small leafs...
And you tried to say something about "dialectic" here???
While your ideas are TOTALLY anti-dialectic.
Well... not for the first time. Quite contrary -- very usual to ones who pondering "dialectic-dialectic-dialectic" and etc BS.
\\Why you have only one brain? ;-) I have two L/R hemispheres for redundancy.
And center of speach... in both??? For redundancy? ;-P
\\That's what WWI/WWII lead us in to, alright. Over-production and imperialism. Time to get back to "small".
All question is -- HOW????
And well, what you'd do, when that small AGAIN will grow into BIG???
Repeat that dethroning indefinitely?
How useless.
Like we have no other problems...
\\Shanzhai (Mountain fortress) style manufacturing.
And that "shanzai" is based on mass-production of BASIC products... like steel and plastics, and electronic components.
Well... you obviously know about that -- how/when Mao declared "decentralized" production of steel. ;-P
And how spectacularly it ended.
\\Marx should have taught you THAT as well.
I think... we talk about TWO different Marxs here.
\\There's may not have been much difference between "workers" here and there,
We can start from what BEDAZZLED Soviet people THAT time -- from comparation of prices. ;-P
That all that nifty goodies... like cars and tape recorders and... no, computers, they did not know about em... in the end of 80th.
\\ Wages stagnated since the 1970s. And then in the 80s, all the industrial/ manufacturing jobs went to China. Unless you could "code", you were F*cked.
Because no new techs.
\\/I... yawn... do not believe in brilliants found in shit. ;-P
\\Your perogative.
It just logically comes out of my stance as pragmatists. ;-)
Too low expanse/profits ratio. ;-P
\\As for me, I don't think you can learn anything watching "I Love Lucy" re-reruns on TV. Like you, I watch YouTubes that allow me to know my enemy.
\\Zizek's a Hegelian, Marxist, Lacanian. 3...that's 3... "ism's" in one. So not only do you get the "Reds", You get the "Red Diaper babies" and "Pink Diaper babies" all in one. :)
\\\\George Soros is the Vladislav Surkov of American politics.
/You mean Soros are miserly critter??? Non-important and banished from power clerk???
Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\With billions and Open Society Institutes in 120 countries. The Open Society Foundations include Open Society Institutes in New York, London, and Brussels as well as country and regional foundations active in more than 120 countries around the world.
That's it!
And WHERE something like this under brand of "Surkoff"????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))
\\\\Soros isn't a communist. He's merely "Trotsky globalism adjacent".
/Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Trotsky -- is just a miserly looser in a political fight.
There is NO "trotskists". And there is NO "trotskism". ;-P
Why such notions appeared in the first place? I thin Soviet Propaganda did it.
For obvious reason.
To fool gullible Westerners.
Still, it's what it did... all of the time.
\\\\You got a tech for reversing economies of scale?
\\What for???
\\Economy of scale -- it's source of our prosperity. Of our existence even.
Like that cyanobacteria... that produced initial amount of oxygen, for other critter to prosper on.
That must be... triarii. ;-P
See... how professionally they formed line. ;-P
/Do you still think I inclined to praise... or loathe... your political choice? ;-P
Your choice -- your problem.
And I am not citizen of USA to have skin in this game.
Praise? No. Understand based upon my bourgeois ideals? Maybe.
\\ and the nations always try and get themselves out of trouble by printing money and debasing the currency (ie- go OFF the gold standard and print more paper). That's what we did in the 70's.
Wealth of nation is in products it produces, anyway.
Or what... you dunno, about that famous Adam Smith's motto?
So... England choose wool, instead of wine. And... became SO proficient with it.
That it allowed it to became top notch in WHOLE world -- became worldwide empire.
‘The greatest improvement in the productive powers of labour, and the greater part of the skill, dexterity, and judgement with which it is any where directed, or applied, seem to have been the effects of the division of labour.’
Wealth of Nations, I:I, p.13.
'A man grows rich by employing a multitude of manufacturers: He grows poor, by maintaining a multitude of menial servants.'
Wealth of Nations, II:III, p.330.
Productive labour, efficiently and effectively divided. That is the "wool" industry.
\\Evolution/Life is.
/No. It isn't.
Mass extinctions.
Replaced by the "fittest" lifeforms with capacity to return/ restore (atavism) extinct features (genes/DNA). Antifragile.
\\Wrong!! Adam Smith (economies of scale). A guy with a kitchen oven can't compete selling cookies (price) with a factory-scale cookie factory.
/And why he need to??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))
Let him make cookies with some secret ingridient(s) first. ;-P
Like with can,abiss. ;-)
Well, street dr.uu.g dealers... isn't they just like that small scale entrepreneurs you like so much? ;-)
Like lacing my coke with fentanyl...
Drug dealers simply represent the black market for goods illegal for corporations to make. When sale of gas engines are banned, I'll open my garage. And when repairing gas engines becomes illegal, I'll do it on the black market.
\\You got a tech for reversing economies of scale?
/What for???
Economy of scale -- it's source of our prosperity. Of our existence even.
Why i should be against it????
Because increased scale always results in monopoly. And monopoly's are predatory. Meden agan.
\\The company supplied EVERY product that went into building a ship, from plate steel to pumps and turbines. From the coal mines to make coke and coke gas to the iron ore from the mines. Bethlehem Steel (BethShip) controlled every step in producing that ship.
/Yeah. Just like Gustav Eiffel... when he was making his bridges and his tower.
Why??? Because he is nasty capitalist? Or "Trotsky... something-something"???
There was just NO other way -- as there was NO of the shelf metal bars and other steel products.
I think, with that BethShip it something along that lines too.
I've got nothing against capitalism. It's monopoly capitalism that I object to. The kind that leads to this graph. At that point, capitalism is demonstrated to be predatory. A rising tide lifts only some boats. The capitalists.
\\Centralization is for "efficiency". Decentralization in inefficient. Centralization is FRAGILE. Decentralization is ANTIFRAGILE. Put all you artillery shells in same place, and all it takes is one match to render you defenseless.
/It depends...
You know, homeostasis.
Tree need to have ONE big united trunk. But... same time it need to spread it's branches with many-many small leafs...
And you tried to say something about "dialectic" here???
While your ideas are TOTALLY anti-dialectic.
Well... not for the first time. Quite contrary -- very usual to ones who pondering "dialectic-dialectic-dialectic" and etc BS.
Know what a Rhizome is? It's the anti-tree. there is no "trunk". Only branches/ roots. No "trunk" capturing all the carbon (money). And when the wind blows, they flex.
Corporations are struldbruggs. Tree trunks. They live forever, but are "fictional characters" that suck up all the capital and grow senile. They need to have their lives and sizes limited. Mere mortals (small/medium sized businesses) cannot compete with them. They are run by surplus salaried managers who profit handsomely themselves by impoverishing their workers. They don't even pay dividends to their investors. They hoard capital that seldom circulates so that they buy out competitors and vertically integrate and monopolize markets.
\\Why you have only one brain? ;-) I have two L/R hemispheres for redundancy.
And center of speach... in both??? For redundancy? ;-P
Center of speech is in the Left hemisphere because the Left hemisphere is dominant for sound processing. The Right Hemisphere is dominant for visual processing. I see, I see said the blind man. The right hemisphere processes sound, but doesn't compare cross-corpus callosum hemispheric data and integrate it like the Left side does. It simply passes the data over to the left hemisphere where the two signals (L/R) get compared and "differences" calculated to create a "stereo" effect and localize direction of the source. The right hemisphere performs similar calculations for visual processing. All data processing timing is synched via brain waves. Speech is merely one "app" in a multi-app system.
\\That's what WWI/WWII lead us in to, alright. Over-production and imperialism. Time to get back to "small".
/All question is -- HOW????
And well, what you'd do, when that small AGAIN will grow into BIG???
Repeat that dethroning indefinitely?
How useless.
Like we have no other problems...
During WWI/II, Europe sent all their money to us and we produced all the industrial arms and goods needed to win the war and recover. That lead to industrial over-capacity in US. So built washing machines and tractors instead of tanks after the war... boom in "consumer goods". Soon saturated domestic market, so exports also boomed.
And "How" is regulation. Small business set-asides. Know what an 8a firm is? Only don't limit to "minority-owned" firms. The loop-holes are too big (ie- ASRC). They're a HUGE firm, but qualify as small business 8a because every eskimo in Alaska has a subsidiary in his name under the ASRC corporate umbrella. It's all legal fictions to exploit loopholes and legislative preferential set-asides (aka krony capitalism). Once you grow too big, you no longer qualify to compete for 8a set-aside contracts.
\\Shanzhai (Mountain fortress) style manufacturing.
/And that "shanzai" is based on mass-production of BASIC products... like steel and plastics, and electronic components.
Standardized products.
Well... you obviously know about that -- how/when Mao declared "decentralized" production of steel. ;-P
/And how spectacularly it ended.
China is currently the worlds largest steel provider. And America now has many "boutique" electric arc furnace steel firms that survive by reprocessing that scrapped steel.
Today, steel is produced through one of three methods: 1) an Integrated Blast Furnace (BF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF), 2) an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), or 3) Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) with electric arc furnaces.
\\That's what WWI/WWII lead us in to, alright. Over-production and imperialism. Time to get back to "small".
/All question is -- HOW????
And well, what you'd do, when that small AGAIN will grow into BIG???
Repeat that dethroning indefinitely?
How useless.
Like we have no other problems...
During WWI/II, Europe sent all their money to us and we produced all the industrial arms and goods needed to win the war and recover. That lead to industrial over-capacity in US. So built washing machines and tractors instead of tanks after the war... boom in "consumer goods". Soon saturated domestic market, so exports also boomed.
And "How" is regulation. Small business set-asides. Know what an 8a firm is? Only don't limit to "minority-owned" firms. The loop-holes are too big (ie- ASRC). They're a HUGE firm, but qualify as small business 8a because every eskimo in Alaska has a subsidiary in his name under the ASRC corporate umbrella. It's all legal fictions to exploit loopholes and legislative preferential set-asides (aka krony capitalism). Once you grow too big, you no longer qualify to compete for 8a set-aside contracts.
\\Shanzhai (Mountain fortress) style manufacturing.
/And that "shanzai" is based on mass-production of BASIC products... like steel and plastics, and electronic components.
Standardized products.
Well... you obviously know about that -- how/when Mao declared "decentralized" production of steel. ;-P
/And how spectacularly it ended.
China is currently the worlds largest steel provider. And America now has many "boutique" electric arc furnace steel firms that survive by reprocessing that scrapped steel.
Today, steel is produced through one of three methods: 1) an Integrated Blast Furnace (BF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF), 2) an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), or 3) Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) with electric arc furnaces.
\\Marx should have taught you THAT as well.
/I think... we talk about TWO different Marxs here.
There was Marx, and then the Frankfurt School. Different flavours.
\\There's may not have been much difference between "workers" here and there,
/We can start from what BEDAZZLED Soviet people THAT time -- from comparation of prices. ;-P
That all that nifty goodies... like cars and tape recorders and... no, computers, they did not know about em... in the end of 80th.
Soviet industry was destroyed in WWII. USA's was massively overproducing to feed the Europe/N. Africa/ME/ Asian markets. We had monoplies on almost everything.
As for today's prices...
\\ Wages stagnated since the 1970s. And then in the 80s, all the industrial/ manufacturing jobs went to China. Unless you could "code", you were F*cked.
Because no new techs.
Techs for what? Cheaper jeans?
\\/I... yawn... do not believe in brilliants found in shit. ;-P
\\Your perogative.
It just logically comes out of my stance as pragmatists. ;-)
Too low expanse/profits ratio. ;-P
He does address our 1st world problems...
\\As for me, I don't think you can learn anything watching "I Love Lucy" re-reruns on TV. Like you, I watch YouTubes that allow me to know my enemy.
George Soros, not the Russian tinker-toy army.
\\Zizek's a Hegelian, Marxist, Lacanian. 3...that's 3... "ism's" in one. So not only do you get the "Reds", You get the "Red Diaper babies" and "Pink Diaper babies" all in one. :)
He's what used to be called a "Renaissance Man Philosopher"... a master of many -ologies. An idiot-savant of 1st world problems.
\\\\George Soros is the Vladislav Surkov of American politics.
/You mean Soros are miserly critter??? Non-important and banished from power clerk???
Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\With billions and Open Society Institutes in 120 countries. The Open Society Foundations include Open Society Institutes in New York, London, and Brussels as well as country and regional foundations active in more than 120 countries around the world.
That's it!
And WHERE something like this under brand of "Surkoff"????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))
\\\\Soros isn't a communist. He's merely "Trotsky globalism adjacent".
/Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
/Trotsky -- is just a miserly looser in a political fight.
There is NO "trotskists". And there is NO "trotskism". ;-P
Why such notions appeared in the first place? I thin Soviet Propaganda did it.
For obvious reason.
To fool gullible Westerners.
Still, it's what it did... all of the time.
I used to argue online with a lot of western Trotskyites. I even had a few special avatars, as a Naxalite, et al. ;)
\\\\You got a tech for reversing economies of scale?
\\What for???
\\Economy of scale -- it's source of our prosperity. Of our existence even.
Like that cyanobacteria... that produced initial amount of oxygen, for other critter to prosper on.
Who prospers, the workers (who must unionize to raise salries or win benefits)? Naaaah.
That must be... triarii. ;-P
See... how professionally they formed line. ;-P
Where'd they all come from? Like Jason's dragon's teeth soldiers they spring from the ground?
\\Praise? No. Understand based upon my bourgeois ideals? Maybe.
You want prol to understand burgeois? ;-P
\\Productive labour, efficiently and effectively divided. That is the "wool" industry.
You will be lecturing about division of labour a technologist with engineering eductation? ;-P
That's... even bigger then preaching to a choir.
\\Replaced by the "fittest" lifeforms with capacity to return/ restore (atavism) extinct features (genes/DNA). Antifragile.
That's just blow was not enough... to eradicate anything and everything.
Remember -- Life appeared on this third rock from the star... on its own.
And environment was... less then hospitable.
So... surviving through MUCH LESS mass extinction events -- is not that biggy, really.
It's like modern battlefield medicine... that can save lives of amputees in battle.
Surely it can cure mere scratch too.
if that life would be able to survive Sun becoming supernova -- that would be totally different.
But well... you know how to achieve it. Isn't it? ;-)
\\Because increased scale always results in monopoly. And monopoly's are predatory. Meden agan.
\\ It's monopoly capitalism that I object to.
Then... NEW tech(s) is you (only?) friends. ;-)
\\At that point, capitalism is demonstrated to be predatory. A rising tide lifts only some boats. The capitalists.
And tide of NEW techs... do rise ALL/everybody's boats. ;-)
\\They need to have their lives and sizes limited.
Every tree destined to die.
Either from wild wind... or from a woodcutter's axe.
Or... some tiny little fungus. ;-P
\\Speech is merely one "app" in a multi-app system.
But still... you used singular "system" here. ;-P
And that is... not an accident.
\\During WWI/II, Europe sent all their money to us and we produced all the industrial arms and goods needed to win the war and recover.
That... was fortunate.
But it will not be anymore. :-(((((((((
\\ So built washing machines and tractors instead of tanks after the war... boom in "consumer goods".
That's just because of your fortumate state -- being united market.
Europe is bigger... but it made of patchwork of jurisdictions and customs.
EU somehow was able to mitigate it.
And now... entering into war... that unity will be enforced further. ;-)
\\\\Shanzhai (Mountain fortress) style manufacturing.
/And that "shanzai" is based on mass-production of BASIC products... like steel and plastics, and electronic components.
\\Standardized products.
Which possible only with mass production.
And mass production -- means centralization.
Or... there is something wrong... in my calculations?
\\China is currently the worlds largest steel provider.
Soviet Union was bragging about being number one in it too... and where it is, now.
\\Today, steel is produced through one of three methods: 1) an Integrated Blast Furnace (BF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF), 2) an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), or 3) Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) with electric arc furnaces.
And all is outdated and energy hungry.
\\There was Marx, and then the Frankfurt School. Different flavours.
I'm technologist. Not economist.
\\Soviet industry was destroyed in WWII.
Was it???
And who and how produced all that tanks and planes, and bombs.
In amounts... that EVEN TODAY some leftovers used to bomb Ukraine???
Something do not add up here. %-)
And... how it relates with discussed question of soviets bewilderment from comparating "poor rotten West" workers... with their half-hungry "prosperity"????
\\Techs for what? Cheaper jeans?
Who knows??? ;-)
New techs. New products. New fashion. ;-P
\\He does address our 1st world problems...
So what???
It is not a big problem to point at glaring problems.
That's called -- populism. ;-P
Low-brow techs -- idiots use, to bedazzle cretins.
\\George Soros, not the Russian tinker-toy army.
That Soros is your enemy -- that looks TOO MUCH like Russian Propaganda talking point.
But... yawn.
That's not for the first time -- you on the West, seems like eternally subcepted to a viruses from East.
I have told you that story -- how anti-semitism of Nazis had origins from Russia???
Potiomkin's Villages Economy!!! %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\I used to argue online with a lot of western Trotskyites.
Yeah... mother of idiots -- always pregnant.
\\Who prospers, the workers (who must unionize to raise salries or win benefits)? Naaaah.
And who said that cyanobacteria was prospering?
\\Where'd they all come from? Like Jason's dragon's teeth soldiers they spring from the ground?
Millions of prols grown dirt poor and drowning in debts.
You just not keep track of news.
They rised "become soldier" entrance bonus from 200.000 rubles... to "whopping" 1.000.000.
Which is merely around 10.000$ -- that is how much that "triarii"... or "Jason's dragon's teeth soldiers" COSTS. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
And if you think "that's still are big digits, if multiply on thousands of subscripts needed".
You need to know about life-hack... there NO need to give that money. To everyone for at least. ;-p
Only PROMICE giving. Even with giving to em credit card... they will not be able to make use of... soon. Anyway.
\\Praise? No. Understand based upon my bourgeois ideals? Maybe.
/You want prol to understand burgeois? ;-P
Understand, then become.
\\Productive labour, efficiently and effectively divided. That is the "wool" industry.
You will be lecturing about division of labour a technologist with engineering eductation? ;-P
That's... even bigger then preaching to a choir.
What else could an engineer lecture about? Philosophy?
\\Replaced by the "fittest" lifeforms with capacity to return/ restore (atavism) extinct features (genes/DNA). Antifragile.
That's just blow was not enough... to eradicate anything and everything.
Remember -- Life appeared on this third rock from the star... on its own.
And environment was... less then hospitable.
So... surviving through MUCH LESS mass extinction events -- is not that biggy, really.
It's like modern battlefield medicine... that can save lives of amputees in battle.
Surely it can cure mere scratch too.
if that life would be able to survive Sun becoming supernova -- that would be totally different.
But well... you know how to achieve it. Isn't it? ;-)
Sure. Virus'... Welcome to Planet Covid-19.
\\Because increased scale always results in monopoly. And monopoly's are predatory. Meden agan.
Fine. Throw away Das Kapital.
Monopoly capital” is the term often used in Marxian political economy and by some non-Marxist analysts to designate the new form of capital, embodied in the modern giant corporation, that, beginning in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, displaced the small family firm as the dominant economic unit of the system, marking the end of the freely competitive stage of capitalism and the beginning of monopoly capitalism.
\\ It's monopoly capitalism that I object to.
/Then... NEW tech(s) is you (only?) friends. ;-)
New techs to do what? (See my most recent post w/Zeihan). Usher in the Jetson's Age of Galactic Consumerism?
\\At that point, capitalism is demonstrated to be predatory. A rising tide lifts only some boats. The capitalists.
And tide of NEW techs... do rise ALL/everybody's boats. ;-)
Until the day comes when the workers can no longer afford to buy the new tech, and go back to growing potatos and poaching game in Sherwood Forest. Me, I'll move to Gotham. ;)
\\They need to have their lives and sizes limited.
/Every tree destined to die.
Either from wild wind... or from a woodcutter's axe.
Or... some tiny little fungus. ;-P
...and every corporation? Or the 1st one?
\\Speech is merely one "app" in a multi-app system.
But still... you used singular "system" here. ;-P
And that is... not an accident.
A deafmute isn't an alive? Doesn't think? Lose one app, the system goes on, and "improves" in other areas. Redundancy. Antifragility.
\\During WWI/II, Europe sent all their money to us and we produced all the industrial arms and goods needed to win the war and recover.
/That... was fortunate.
But it will not be anymore. :-(((((((((
Nope. that's why the global economy needs to adjust, and not simply "expand" into Ukraine and Russia.
\\ So built washing machines and tractors instead of tanks after the war... boom in "consumer goods".
That's just because of your fortumate state -- being united market.
Exactly. One that doesn't need the "rest of the world" in order to bring prosperity to its' people.
/Europe is bigger... but it made of patchwork of jurisdictions and customs.
EU somehow was able to mitigate it.
And now... entering into war... that unity will be enforced further. ;-)
All because they want a "bigger market". One that includes all the former Soviet territories, but excludes Russia. They, too, want their "private club". Russia would bring the Energy to the table. Oh, but not "green" enough. 1st world values. Rich man's values. Stupid expensive values. GTFU.
\\\\Shanzhai (Mountain fortress) style manufacturing.
/And that "shanzai" is based on mass-production of BASIC products... like steel and plastics, and electronic components.
\\Standardized products.
Which possible only with mass production.
And mass production -- means centralization.
Or... there is something wrong... in my calculations?
How big does a steel company have to be? Doesn't it make sense to place the steel companies near to the iron ore? Near to the coal/ coke? Centralzed, but distributed. And not all being produced in the same way. Different qualities, just as their are different quality (by degree of miniaturization) electrical components. With "boutique" electric furnaces in regions NOT near the raw materials. Must all the steel plants belong to one company? Can't each have its' own owners?
\\China is currently the worlds largest steel provider.
/Soviet Union was bragging about being number one in it too... and where it is, now.
Enough to be self-sufficient, I bet.
\\Today, steel is produced through one of three methods: 1) an Integrated Blast Furnace (BF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF), 2) an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), or 3) Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) with electric arc furnaces.
And all is outdated and energy hungry.
That's what nuclear reactors are for. Tech for progress. Real progress. Higher and higher energy densities. Capture the "strong force".
\\There was Marx, and then the Frankfurt School. Different flavours.
I'm technologist. Not economist.
No, you a Materialist, not an Idealist.
\\Soviet industry was destroyed in WWII.
/Was it???
And who and how produced all that tanks and planes, and bombs.
In amounts... that EVEN TODAY some leftovers used to bomb Ukraine???
Something do not add up here. %-)
And... how it relates with discussed question of soviets bewilderment from comparating "poor rotten West" workers... with their half-hungry "prosperity"????
Why did so many of my former merchant mariners die delivering supplies to Murmansk? Yes, the Russians salvaged much of their productive machinery during the retreat, but then assembled them under "less than optimal" conditions. I've been to the Army Museam at APGEA. I've seen the "quality" of sand-cast tank turrents on former Soviet tanks. I've seen the "stamped" Ak-47 machine guns.
After WWII, Japan produced a lot of low quality stamped toys for sale in America. Everyone laughed... until the 1st Datsuns and Toyotas started showing up in the 1970s.... then came the Sony's and Samsung's (Korea). It took them decades to recover, with full access to financial capital.
\\Techs for what? Cheaper jeans?
/Who knows??? ;-)
New techs. New products. New fashion. ;-P
Do remeber paper shirts (1960's)... wear once, then throw away.
\\He does address our 1st world problems...
/So what???
It is not a big problem to point at glaring problems.
That's called -- populism. ;-P
Low-brow techs -- idiots use, to bedazzle cretins.
Funny. Our elites are too stupid to recognizes the stupidity of the PC nonsense. Zizek, however, doesn't.
\\George Soros, not the Russian tinker-toy army.
/That Soros is your enemy -- that looks TOO MUCH like Russian Propaganda talking point.
But... yawn.
That's not for the first time -- you on the West, seems like eternally subcepted to a viruses from East.
Yes, we even incorporated Marxism. @@
/I have told you that story -- how anti-semitism of Nazis had origins from Russia???
So where did American racism originate? Nazi's borrowed a lot of our Jim Crow laws, too. The Stars sewn on Jew's clothes were just "blackface" transported from the US South to Germany. The Nazi's needed the Jews. It's what "explained" why their society wasn't idealic. Like the Kulaks and Wreckers in the USSR. So the people wouldn't blame the "true" source of failure... their own governments.
Potiomkin's Villages Economy!!! %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
No, that's our so-called "Green" economy. An unforced error (baseball analogy) that creates "creative destruction" and "new tech solutions" like Hydrogen fuel. @@
\\I used to argue online with a lot of western Trotskyites.
/Yeah... mother of idiots -- always pregnant.
\\Who prospers, the workers (who must unionize to raise salries or win benefits)? /Naaaah.
And who said that cyanobacteria was prospering?
Maybe we should turn them lose on Mars. Rebuild the atmosphere.
\\Where'd they all come from? Like Jason's dragon's teeth soldiers they spring from the ground?
Millions of prols grown dirt poor and drowning in debts.
You prefer eugenics? Maybe you should join the Nazi Party.
Me, I'd give them a level regulatory playing field and see if they can make a go of it. Small farms. 3rd wave manufacturing. No predatory corporations using economies of scale to drive them out of business.
/You just not keep track of news.
They rised "become soldier" entrance bonus from 200.000 rubles... to "whopping" 1.000.000.
Which is merely around 10.000$ -- that is how much that "triarii"... or "Jason's dragon's teeth soldiers" COSTS. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hey, whatever works. It beats shanghaing new recruits off the streets of Kyiv or arresting and extraditing refugees back to the motherland for military service.
But like I said before, "whatever works".
And if you think "that's still are big digits, if multiply on thousands of subscripts needed".
/You need to know about life-hack... there NO need to give that money. To everyone for at least. ;-p
Only PROMICE giving. Even with giving to em credit card... they will not be able to make use of... soon. Anyway.
Revolutionary War recruits for the Continental Army got 500 acres of former "Indian Land" in Ohio. Officers got 1,000. Today, you get a GI Bill education subsidy, and a low interest rate VA loan for a house.
\\Understand, then become.
Prol to understand bourgeois? ;-P
\\What else could an engineer lecture about? Philosophy?
Well... I tried.
Or... I'm not enfineer enough to you. (shy)
\\Fine. Throw away Das Kapital.
Like it not on a garbage dump of history already...
\\New techs to do what?
To break the rules, of course. ;-)
\\Until the day comes when the workers can no longer afford to buy the new tech, and go back to growing potatos and poaching game in Sherwood Forest. Me, I'll move to Gotham. ;)
In a Virtual World.
Like in that "Ready Player One". Or that same "Matrix".
For big corps to make "batteries" out of you. ;-P
\\A deafmute isn't an alive?
And how many deaf/mute/blind survive among wild life?
\\Nope. that's why the global economy needs to adjust, and not simply "expand" into Ukraine and Russia.
Yeah... WW3 will do that adjustment... just fine.
With eliminating some puny population of North America. ;-P
\\Exactly. One that doesn't need the "rest of the world" in order to bring prosperity to its' people.
And you said that you have read and understood Adam Smith...
\\All because they want a "bigger market". One that includes all the former Soviet territories, but excludes Russia.
There's lots of resources. And still a lot of space for waste dumps. ;-P
Ah... I know, I know... not reading news feeds, again.
What happening in that RFia... just now? ;-P
\\How big does a steel company have to be? Doesn't it make sense to place the steel companies near to the iron ore? Near to the coal/ coke? Centralzed, but distributed.
Technology dictates all that.
Technology in a more general sense. ;-)
\\\\China is currently the worlds largest steel provider.
/Soviet Union was bragging about being number one in it too... and where it is, now.
\\Enough to be self-sufficient, I bet.
And now it PERFECTLY self-sufficient.
It needs NOTHING... because it NOT EXIST. ;-P
Perfectly MATCHed.
Bu-ga-gah! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Higher and higher energy densities. Capture the "strong force".
\\No, you a Materialist, not an Idealist.
Like that is some news.
Or big secret being just revealed.
\\ I've seen the "quality" of sand-cast tank turrents on former Soviet tanks. I've seen the "stamped" Ak-47 machine guns.
Isn't they was among winners anyway???
And then started waging ColdWar.
And now waging WW3.
Something do not add ups, biggly.
\\ It took them decades to recover, with full access to financial capital.
Because being bombed into the ground.
And who bombed mainland of RFia????
Only Ukrainians... now. With very little, very few.
So it would last for century. And giving time even to dumb stupid, to adapt.
And that is -- "SMART" strategy of USA -- to give to sworn deadly enemy a lot of time, to adapt and grow bigger, more eager, dangerous and full of false beliefs in own superiority.
\\Funny. Our elites are too stupid to recognizes the stupidity of the PC nonsense. Zizek, however, doesn't.
Sorry for reminding that. But I really are foreigner. And really do not have understanding of all your local tidbits.
\\Yes, we even incorporated Marxism. @@
Yeah... Populism is strong in you, USA. ;-P
\\So where did American racism originate?
Ehm??? Spaniards?
\\Like the Kulaks and Wreckers in the USSR. So the people wouldn't blame the "true" source of failure... their own governments.
You forgot to add plain and direct "enemies of the people". ;-P
\\No, that's our so-called "Green" economy.
Well... that "so-called "Green" economy"... still can show at least SOMETHING.
Just a this morning news from RFia to illustrate -- liliPut declared building "high-speed train line between Mos-cow and Peter".
And they grown SO accustomed, that that talking head without ANY second thought immediately reminded that "plan to build such line exist from 2014... was 'revived' in 2019... and now, it will be put into use FOR SURE-SURE-SURE".
And... it will be financed from PROSPERITY FUND to boot. ;-P
Great idea, isn't it???? To put money that could be used to make such line, into some finance stockpile.
INSTEAD of put it in use IMMEDIATELY -- to have boost of economy and profits, and generate lots of bond and stock and other tradable papers... which could be used to finance FURTHER advances and projects.
\\Maybe we should turn them lose on Mars. Rebuild the atmosphere.
You think you are smarter then Nature? ;-P
If she was not able to accomplish it -- you'd be able.
And without NEW tech(s) to boot? :-)))))
\\\\Where'd they all come from? Like Jason's dragon's teeth soldiers they spring from the ground?
Millions of prols grown dirt poor and drowning in debts.
\\You prefer eugenics? Maybe you should join the Nazi Party.
Antipode's talks again.
And what is it -- if not Nazi-tactics???
For wealthy to prosper. Making money on death.
While sending poor to a frontlines to die.
\\3rd wave manufacturing.
NEW tech(s).
Like one I proposed -- managing/herding artifical animals.
\\/You just not keep track of news.
They rised "become soldier" entrance bonus from 200.000 rubles... to "whopping" 1.000.000.
Which is merely around 10.000$ -- that is how much that "triarii"... or "Jason's dragon's teeth soldiers" COSTS. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Hey, whatever works.
Yeah. It works.
To eliminate "spare people": poor, prisoners, drug addicts and etc scum of society.
Only... by the way, it remodels ALL of society into such scumbags.
But who care -- it -- works!!! And that is all and only what matters.
Isn't it?
Bu-ga-gah!!! :-////
\\But like I said before, "whatever works".
Path to success.
Maybe USA need to adopt such a "success" on its turf too. ;-P
\\Revolutionary War recruits for the Continental Army got 500 acres of former "Indian Land" in Ohio. Officers got 1,000. Today, you get a GI Bill education subsidy, and a low interest rate VA loan for a house.
Loaned with REAL money.
Or... in rubles??? ;-P
Maybe... just maybe, USA need to adopt such a "success" too? ;-P
Bada BOOM! ;-P
Close on. ;-P
\\Understand, then become.
/Prol to understand bourgeois? ;-P
Put one of your nti-enlightenment "Revolutionary Vanguard" on the problem.
\\What else could an engineer lecture about? Philosophy?
Well... I tried.
Or... I'm not enfineer enough to you. (shy)
Please. I'm just a useless old person of no skills or value now. Narcisophist.
\\Fine. Throw away Das Kapital.
/Like it not on a garbage dump of history already...
There's still some gold in there. You just need to know where to look.
\\New techs to do what?
/To break the rules, of course. ;-)
I like that. Breaking rules. Just need to complete figuring out the universal (literally) assembly theory needed for your von Neumann Probe algorithms.:))))
\\Until the day comes when the workers can no longer afford to buy the new tech, and go back to growing potatos and poaching game in Sherwood Forest. Me, I'll move to Gotham. ;)
In a Virtual World.
Like in that "Ready Player One". Or that same "Matrix".
For big corps to make "batteries" out of you. ;-P
Sorry, can't answer. I've got to get back to the Loyalty Center and finish my shift. :(((
\\A deafmute isn't an alive?
/And how many deaf/mute/blind survive among wild life?
In the Dark Forest? You sure? Isn't THAT the only way to avoid the Berserkers and remain alive? ;P
\\Nope. that's why the global economy needs to adjust, and not simply "expand" into Ukraine and Russia.
/Yeah... WW3 will do that adjustment... just fine.
With eliminating some puny population of North America. ;-P
Ahhhh. Liebensraum! Get rid of those "nasty" Indians.
\\Exactly. One that doesn't need the "rest of the world" in order to bring prosperity to its' people.
/And you said that you have read and understood Adam Smith...
"If one survives, we ALL survive" (3 Body Problem - Can you tell I just finished Season 1 on Netflix?)
\\All because they want a "bigger market". One that includes all the former Soviet territories, but excludes Russia.
There's lots of resources. And still a lot of space for waste dumps. ;-P
Ah... I know, I know... not reading news feeds, again.
What happening in that RFia... just now? ;-P
Beats me. It's NMP. Ukraine isn't in NATO. Just those stupid atomic bomb repatriation accord "unwritten" promises/ guarantees. @@
\\How big does a steel company have to be? Doesn't it make sense to place the steel companies near to the iron ore? Near to the coal/ coke? Centralzed, but distributed.
Technology dictates all that.
Technology in a more general sense. ;-)
Maybe we should return to Bronze/Iron Age. Fire Pits in the dirt.
\\\\China is currently the worlds largest steel provider.
/Soviet Union was bragging about being number one in it too... and where it is, now.
\\Enough to be self-sufficient, I bet.
And now it PERFECTLY self-sufficient.
It needs NOTHING... because it NOT EXIST. ;-P
Perfectly MATCHed.
Bu-ga-gah! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What about the purple? Even You are on that one (Rest of CIS - light purple). It's not "Nothin'". Seems evenly matched with USA.
\\Higher and higher energy densities. Capture the "strong force".
Lazare Carnot wasn't a stupid man. He was an engineer.
\\No, you a Materialist, not an Idealist.
/Like that is some news.
Or big secret being just revealed.
When you roll in the dirt, don't forget to look up to the sky. ;)
\\ I've seen the "quality" of sand-cast tank turrents on former Soviet tanks. I've seen the "stamped" Ak-47 machine guns.
Isn't they was among winners anyway???
And then started waging ColdWar.
And now waging WW3.
Something do not add ups, biggly.
We got the smarter Germans. ;)
\\ It took them decades to recover, with full access to financial capital.
Because being bombed into the ground.
And who bombed mainland of RFia????
Only Ukrainians... now. With very little, very few.
So it would last for century. And giving time even to dumb stupid, to adapt.
And that is -- "SMART" strategy of USA -- to give to sworn deadly enemy a lot of time, to adapt and grow bigger, more eager, dangerous and full of false beliefs in own superiority.
It worked in Japan and Germany. But then we DID write their new Constitutions... to give them time to reap the benefits of cooperation rather than confrontation and learn (and for our society to become ever more corrupt and make fools of them).
\\Funny. Our elites are too stupid to recognizes the stupidity of the PC nonsense. Zizek, however, doesn't.
Sorry for reminding that. But I really are foreigner. And really do not have understanding of all your local tidbits.
\\Yes, we even incorporated Marxism. @@
/Yeah... Populism is strong in you, USA. ;-P
It started just after the Revolutionary War (1782 - Society of Cincinnatti). When we got rid of the "property" requirements for voting rights (1820/Jackson), then extended to former slaves (1865 Civil War) and even (gasp!) women (1920 Prohibition). Now the push is to let prison inmates and non-citizens to vote. @@
\\So where did American racism originate?
/Ehm??? Spaniards?
Yes, there a long tradition there. Especially the discrimination against Creole's by Spaniards passing down... Bolívar feared “pardocracia.” Like many other leading republican revolutionaries, Bolívar was from the creole elite—Spanish by blood, but born in the continent. The general disposition of his class was to maintain their privileges and prevent rule by the mixed races, the blacks, and the indigenous.
\\Like the Kulaks and Wreckers in the USSR. So the people wouldn't blame the "true" source of failure... their own governments.
/You forgot to add plain and direct "enemies of the people". ;-P
Yeah. That's a lot more blunt (and therefore 'true').
\\No, that's our so-called "Green" economy.
/Well... that "so-called "Green" economy"... still can show at least SOMETHING.
Just a this morning news from RFia to illustrate -- liliPut declared building "high-speed train line between Mos-cow and Peter".
And they grown SO accustomed, that that talking head without ANY second thought immediately reminded that "plan to build such line exist from 2014... was 'revived' in 2019... and now, it will be put into use FOR SURE-SURE-SURE".
And... it will be financed from PROSPERITY FUND to boot. ;-P
Great idea, isn't it???? To put money that could be used to make such line, into some finance stockpile.
INSTEAD of put it in use IMMEDIATELY -- to have boost of economy and profits, and generate lots of bond and stock and other tradable papers... which could be used to finance FURTHER advances and projects.
Low energy density solutions to high energy density problems. Progress NOT possible (Lazare Carnot).
California's "high speed trains to nowhere". San Francisco to Los Angeles with zig-zags and stops in every hick town along the way (defeating the "speed benefits" making the 400 mile "direct" distance double).
\\Maybe we should turn them lose on Mars. Rebuild the atmosphere.
/You think you are smarter then Nature? ;-P
If she was not able to accomplish it -- you'd be able.
And without NEW tech(s) to boot? :-)))))
Nature can call a cab? I've got existing ships to taxi the spores. But that would violate all those stupid Planetary Protection and Outer Space Treaties...
\\\\Where'd they all come from? Like Jason's dragon's teeth soldiers they spring from the ground?
Millions of prols grown dirt poor and drowning in debts.
Ah. Like Achilles' "Mermidons".
\\You prefer eugenics? Maybe you should join the Nazi Party.
/Antipode's talks again.
And what is it -- if not Nazi-tactics???
For wealthy to prosper. Making money on death.
While sending poor to a frontlines to die.
\\3rd wave manufacturing.
NEW tech(s).
Like one I proposed -- managing/herding artifical animals.
Invasive species? Built in "kill switch"? Or Animatronics?
\\/You just not keep track of news.
They rised "become soldier" entrance bonus from 200.000 rubles... to "whopping" 1.000.000.
Which is merely around 10.000$ -- that is how much that "triarii"... or "Jason's dragon's teeth soldiers" COSTS. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Hey, whatever works.
/Yeah. It works.
To eliminate "spare people": poor, prisoners, drug addicts and etc scum of society.
Only... by the way, it remodels ALL of society into such scumbags.
But who care -- it -- works!!! And that is all and only what matters.
Isn't it?
Bu-ga-gah!!! :-////
Achievement Society. All they need is another 'gig' for "Gig Economy". Got Uber? ;)
\\But like I said before, "whatever works".
Path to success.
Maybe USA need to adopt such a "success" on its turf too. ;-P
We pioneered the "all-volunteer" force. RICE principle for motivation and manipulation. Reward/ Ideology/ Coerce/ Ego. They all work. ;P
\\Revolutionary War recruits for the Continental Army got 500 acres of former "Indian Land" in Ohio. Officers got 1,000. Today, you get a GI Bill education subsidy, and a low interest rate VA loan for a house.
/Loaned with REAL money.
Or... in rubles??? ;-P
Maybe... just maybe, USA need to adopt such a "success" too? ;-P
Naaah. Use "real money" to "buy-down" the veteran's new housing interest rate points. If banks charging 7% interest, buy-down 2% points to 5% for a few thousand dollars up front. Leveraging the interest on the housing debt payment.
Bada BOOM! ;-P
Looks faked to me.
The Ukraine War did NOT take place. ;P
\\Put one of your nti-enlightenment "Revolutionary Vanguard" on the problem.
I even dunno what it mean...
\\Please. I'm just a useless old person of no skills or value now. Narcisophist.
Maybe I should be using (tongue in cheek) there instead. (shy)
\\There's still some gold in there. You just need to know where to look.
From time I tried to grok money making (birge trading)
"It all inside price".
What is gold ALREADY remain as common knowledge. (like that that USSR gone totally broke)
Even if without conscious connection to initial source.
\\I like that. Breaking rules. Just need to complete figuring out the universal (literally) assembly theory needed for your von Neumann Probe algorithms.:))))
I can save a lot of time to you -- there is none. ;-P
Just like Evolution main principle -- anything goes. ;-)
\\Ahhhh. Liebensraum! Get rid of those "nasty" Indians.
Turn back to Ol'Goo'Times.
Where there was NO New Worlds on the maps. ;-P
Both for Russia and China.
See... not you alone can play all out Conservative. ;-)
\\Beats me. It's NMP. Ukraine isn't in NATO. Just those stupid atomic bomb repatriation accord "unwritten" promises/ guarantees. @@
Well.. even JPMorgan bankster rises his voice in favour of it. ;-P
\\Maybe we should return to Bronze/Iron Age. Fire Pits in the dirt.
And raw materials from radioactive swamps once was big cities? ;-P
\\Lazare Carnot wasn't a stupid man. He was an engineer.
"Wisdoms of old time become imprecise and even outdated... with time".
\\When you roll in the dirt, don't forget to look up to the sky. ;)
Skies are material too. ;-P
And stink. (like that enormous gas clouds with SO2) ;-P
\\We got the smarter Germans. ;)
No. You not.
\\It worked in Japan and Germany. But then we DID write their new Constitutions... to give them time to reap the benefits of cooperation rather than confrontation and learn (and for our society to become ever more corrupt and make fools of them).
and totally lost that chance -- to make that with RFia.
Or... your government still believe that meanced meat can by screwed back out of meat-grinder in one piece?
\\Now the push is to let prison inmates and non-citizens to vote. @@
Choose your leader wisely. ;-P
\\Yeah. That's a lot more blunt (and therefore 'true').
Because it's in the peasants psyche. Us VS them.
Simpleminded as they are.
\\California's "high speed trains to nowhere". San Francisco to Los Angeles with zig-zags and stops in every hick town along the way (defeating the "speed benefits" making the 400 mile "direct" distance double).
Well... for at least they are present and working.
Did you know that story -- about Hitler idea of "imperial trains".
Imperial despots... they all alike. ;-P
Want to "Build Back Better"... and never succeed with it.
Bu-ga-gah! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\I've got existing ships to taxi the spores.
You think there not enough spores out there??? In space.
For all that millions of years???
\\Ah. Like Achilles' "Mermidons".
Or Leto's freemans.
You can call it that way.
Even if it totally opposite -- destruction of capital, instead of combining it.
\\Invasive species? Built in "kill switch"? Or Animatronics?
Anything goes (TM)
\\We pioneered the "all-volunteer" force. RICE principle for motivation and manipulation. Reward/ Ideology/ Coerce/ Ego. They all work. ;P
Why you fear "illegal aliens" then???
\\Looks faked to me.
(eyebrows up)
\\Bada BOOM! ;-P
\\Looks faked to me.
All of em???
That is know problem with soviet tanks design (tight inner space, crew sitting among cannon shells).
BTW... was you around, inside? "modern" soviet MBTs? ;-P
I mean... own experience, is better than thousand words... especially from some insignificant and annoying anonimous. ;-P
This too??? ;-P
\\Now the push is to let prison inmates and non-citizens to vote. @@
/Choose your leader wisely. ;-P
I believe I do. It's the others that seem to have different priorities. :(
\\California's "high speed trains to nowhere". San Francisco to Los Angeles with zig-zags and stops in every hick town along the way (defeating the "speed benefits" making the 400 mile "direct" distance double).
/Well... for at least they are present and working.
Did you know that story -- about Hitler idea of "imperial trains".
Imperial despots... they all alike. ;-P
Want to "Build Back Better"... and never succeed with it.
Bu-ga-gah! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Not exactly present and working... :((((
From January 2015 to December 2023, a total of $11.2 billion had been spent on the IOS – which has 119 miles (192 km) under active construction – and on upgrades to existing rail lines in the San Francisco Bay Area and Greater Los Angeles, where Phase 1 is planned to share tracks with conventional passenger trains. The Authority has not secured funding to connect the Central Valley section with either the Bay Area or Los Angeles, which would require crossing several major mountain passes. As of 2024, the entirety of Phase 1 was projected to cost $106.2 billion."
\\I've got existing ships to taxi the spores.
/You think there not enough spores out there??? In space.
For all that millions of years???
Not in "assembled" form. Need an environment to "assemble in" for a few billion years, and Mars may have "omitted" a few assembly steps once the planets core cooled (not enough gravity to hold atmosphere?).
\\Ah. Like Achilles' "Mermidons".
/Or Leto's freemans.
Leto's fremen "sprang from the Earth"? Like Cadmus' Spartoi @ Thebes, too?
You can call it that way.
Even if it totally opposite -- destruction of capital, instead of combining it.
\\Invasive species? Built in "kill switch"? Or Animatronics?
Anything goes (TM)
Made to customer order... ;)
\\We pioneered the "all-volunteer" force. RICE principle for motivation and manipulation. Reward/ Ideology/ Coerce/ Ego. They all work. ;P
/Why you fear "illegal aliens" then???
They keep labour costs too low. And we already have too many low IQ workers who could use better wages instead of sucking off the government welfare teat.
\\Looks faked to me.
/(eyebrows up)
\\Bada BOOM! ;-P
\\Looks faked to me.
/All of em???
That is know problem with soviet tanks design (tight inner space, crew sitting among cannon shells).
Hey, AI gets better every day. Jes' sayin'.
/BTW... was you around, inside? "modern" soviet MBTs? ;-P
I mean... own experience, is better than thousand words... especially from some insignificant and annoying anonimous. ;-P
Never had the privilege. I once guided an M-60 up and down all the ramps on a former Maersk Lines T-AK(X) RO-RO we converted at Sparrows Point, but never even saw inside it. Just had to check clearances.
This too??? ;-P
You tell me. CGI's gotten pretty good, too.
\\Not exactly present and working... :((((
That is... usual thing.
Only in theory "theory and practice are the same". ;-P
Am I, engineer... to you, another engineer, have to explain it.
\\(not enough gravity to hold atmosphere?).
And how sending spores would fix that?
\\They keep labour costs too low.
\\Hey, AI gets better every day. Jes' sayin'.
Nowadays "AI"... need some examples, to "learn" from. And... lots of em. (See... captcha... or what, that all images ALSO "AI generated"???)
\\Never had the privilege.
Seeing is believing.
\\You tell me. CGI's gotten pretty good, too.
And still need spending on the level of Avatar movie. ;-P
But... who will pay for this???
And what with that Starlinks that seems like Russians have? ;-)
This too are CGI??? ;-P
\\Not exactly present and working... :((((
/That is... usual thing.
Only in theory "theory and practice are the same". ;-P
Am I, engineer... to you, another engineer, have to explain it.
Not to me. ;)
\\(not enough gravity to hold atmosphere?).
/And how sending spores would fix that?
It won't. Mars' Magnetic field is dead, too, so solar wind can just blow any new atmosphere away, anyways (which is likely what happened).
btw - I helped write the Step II proposal for building the MAVEN spacecraft... but not the Science part (only management). I do know that we had planned to use the atmosphere for aerobraking... and had planned some "deep dips" into the atmosphere with the spacecraft prior to probe launch. Wasn't part of the final mission, just proposal writing so never found out what actually happened. I just remember the short launch window recurring every two years that drove the schedule.
\\Hey, AI gets better every day. Jes' sayin'.
/Nowadays "AI"... need some examples, to "learn" from. And... lots of em. (See... captcha... or what, that all images ALSO "AI generated"???)
Captcha sucks... jes' sayin'....
\\Never had the privilege.
Seeing is believing.
Tank crews should be midgets. Jes' sayin'.
\\You tell me. CGI's gotten pretty good, too.
/And still need spending on the level of Avatar movie. ;-P
/But... who will pay for this???
Talk to your CIA managers/handlers.
/And what with that Starlinks that seems like Russians have? ;-)
I'm unfamiliar with Russian space assets. I was in the space science sector, not the space defense sector.
/This too are CGI??? ;-P
If it was done well, I shouldn't be able to tell. Especially with degraded picture resolutions based upon tactical drone RF bandwidths. Are you frequency hopping, too?
\\btw - I helped write the Step II proposal for building the MAVEN spacecraft...
Hah... google added 3D-models for such an objects.
\\Captcha sucks... jes' sayin'....
Going under ones name and under account that could be banned anytime -- sucks even moar.
\\Tank crews should be midgets. Jes' sayin'.
Yeah. There was specific limits to a height of tankists.
\\Talk to your CIA managers/handlers.
\\I'm unfamiliar with Russian space assets. I was in the space science sector, not the space defense sector.
Ground terminal.
Elon swears he did not sent to RFia. And says... he cannot sore em out and hang up.
Only to me it smells as CIA set up? ;-P
To have enter into sworn enemy networks... through totally controlled own "purely commercial and independent" asset.
That could explain burrish Elon stance "Ukraine should submit to RFia".
What 5 minute of shame... costs in compare with National Security Helper secret badge? ;-)
\\If it was done well, I shouldn't be able to tell.
\\ Especially with degraded picture resolutions based upon tactical drone RF bandwidths.
FPV drones use analog TV signal... they say.
Do you remember that "snow" on TV tubes? ;-)
But John Gottman has proven that we don't have to do that at all. Since the 1980s, Gottman has brought more than three thousand married couples-just like Bill and Sue-into that small room in his "love lab" near the University of Washington campus. Each couple has been videotaped, and the results have been analyzed according to something Gottman dubbed SPAFF (for specific affect), a coding system that has twenty separate categories corresponding to every conceivable emotion that a married couple might express during a conversation. Disgust, for example, is 1, contempt is 2, anger is 7, defensiveness is 10, whining is 11, sadness is 12, stonewalling is 13, neutral is 14, and so on. Gottman has taught his staff how to read every emotional nuance in people's facial expressions and how to interpret seemingly ambiguous bits of dialogue. When they watch a marriage videotape, they assign a SPAFF code to every second of the couple's interaction, so that a fifteen-minute conflict discussion ends up being translated into a row of eighteen hundred numbers-nine hundred for the husband and nine hundred for the wife. The notation "7, 7, 14, 10, 11, 11," for instance, means that in one six-second stretch, one member of the couple was briefly angry, then neutral, had a moment of defensiveness, and then began whining. Then the data from the electrodes and sensors is factored in, so that the coders know, for example, when the husband's or the wife's heart was pounding or when his or her temperature was rising or when either of them was jiggling in his or her seat, and all of that information is fed into a complex equation.
Yeah... behaviorism. ;-P
Hah... google added 3D-models for such an objects.
Our presentations department at GSFC probably made them... or maybe LM Denver (prime).
\\I'm unfamiliar with Russian space assets. I was in the space science sector, not the space defense sector.
/Ground terminal.
Elon swears he did not sent to RFia. And says... he cannot sore em out and hang up.
Only to me it smells as CIA set up? ;-P
To have enter into sworn enemy networks... through totally controlled own "purely commercial and independent" asset.
That could explain burrish Elon stance "Ukraine should submit to RFia".
What 5 minute of shame... costs in compare with National Security Helper secret badge? ;-)
Backdoor Trojan into Russian network? Probably.
\\If it was done well, I shouldn't be able to tell.
What, you think the IC and SIGINT agencies would encode "Photshop" tags in the comm frame headers?
\\ Especially with degraded picture resolutions based upon tactical drone RF bandwidths.
/FPV drones use analog TV signal... they say.
Do you remember that "snow" on TV tubes? ;-)
Yep, when I was a kid, the TV Station in Caracas went off the air at midnight after showing the test pattern and playing the national anthem.
Yeah, my eldest son works for Zenimax (Elder Scrolls Online).
But John Gottman has proven that we don't have to do that at all. Since the 1980s, Gottman has brought more than three thousand married couples-just like Bill and Sue-into that small room in his "love lab" near the University of Washington campus. Each couple has been videotaped, and the results have been analyzed according to something Gottman dubbed SPAFF (for specific affect), a coding system that has twenty separate categories corresponding to every conceivable emotion that a married couple might express during a conversation. Disgust, for example, is 1, contempt is 2, anger is 7, defensiveness is 10, whining is 11, sadness is 12, stonewalling is 13, neutral is 14, and so on. Gottman has taught his staff how to read every emotional nuance in people's facial expressions and how to interpret seemingly ambiguous bits of dialogue. When they watch a marriage videotape, they assign a SPAFF code to every second of the couple's interaction, so that a fifteen-minute conflict discussion ends up being translated into a row of eighteen hundred numbers-nine hundred for the husband and nine hundred for the wife. The notation "7, 7, 14, 10, 11, 11," for instance, means that in one six-second stretch, one member of the couple was briefly angry, then neutral, had a moment of defensiveness, and then began whining. Then the data from the electrodes and sensors is factored in, so that the coders know, for example, when the husband's or the wife's heart was pounding or when his or her temperature was rising or when either of them was jiggling in his or her seat, and all of that information is fed into a complex equation.
Yeah... behaviorism. ;-P
Might as well have an AI analyze them. @@
Call me "old fashioned". I'd "listen" to them.
\\Backdoor Trojan into Russian network? Probably.
Trojan??? For what?
Naaaah. MITM (Man In The Middle).
Absolutely ideal variant for stealing and even controlling any kinds of information.
Or... Russian think they are smarter, and have better cryptography? :-)))))
Bu-ga-gah! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Analogy of Churchil's PLUS-ULTRA??? ;-P
One way to understand what Gottman is saying about marriages is to use the analogy of what people in the world of Morse code call a fist. Morse code is made up of dots and dashes, each of which has its own prescribed length. But no one ever replicates those prescribed lengths perfectly. When operators send a message-particularly using the old manual machines known as the straight key or the bug-they vary the spacing or stretch out the dots and dashes or combine dots and dashes and spaces in a particular rhythm. Morse code is like speech. Everyone has a different voice.
In the Second World War, the British assembled thousands of so-called interceptors-mostly women-whose job it was to tune in every day and night to the radio broadcasts of the various divisions of the German military.
Yeah, my current best friend did SIGINT for USAF/ NSA in Thailand. He could tell who was sending the code by the cadence.
\\Backdoor Trojan into Russian network? Probably.
/Trojan??? For what?
Naaaah. MITM (Man In The Middle).
Absolutely ideal variant for stealing and even controlling any kinds of information.
Or... Russian think they are smarter, and have better cryptography? :-)))))
Bu-ga-gah! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Quantum encoding defeats MITM... Coming soon: Lasercom. You can tell if there's a MITM. :)
Analogy of Churchil's PLUS-ULTRA??? ;-P
Got spin?
\\\Quantum encoding defeats MITM... Coming soon: Lasercom. You can tell if there's a MITM. :)
Yeah. And go say that Russians have it. ;-P
Because... they so great, they so wise... though, was forced to relay on Western gadgets.
Bu-ga-gah! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Got spin?
I know much cheaper and provedly working method. ;-P
Does it involve lemon juice? ;)
...or purloined letters?
I myself know only basics if cryptography...
Ditto here.
One-time pad
Wikipedia › O...
In cryptography, the one-time pad (OTP) is an encryption technique that cannot be cracked, but requires the use of a single-use pre-shared key that is ...
Almost on-line. ;-)
Like which book to use.
Nice attack.
Russia NEEDS Lend-Lease! And needs it ASAP! ;-P
RFia NEEDS your HELP!!! ;-P
Ah... care not... that's just CGI... no pork-dogs was harmed. ;-P
Want to know what the best attack is? The one that is averted.
For that... your enemy need to "think that you are close... when you are far away".
That "you are strong... when you are weak".
That "you are fully prepared... when you are idle".
But... USA did not mastered it. Bleh.
You playing it all totally opposite. ;-P
In time of "Operation Iron Dome"... you knew Sun Tzu smart ass.
Not... you only know loser Kant... it seems. ;-P
You expect us to act rationally and in our own self-interest? After having met Dervy?
Besides, I only represent the Analyst's Discourse, not the University Discourse. They're probably all in the secret US Embassy "Green Zone" in Kyiv ;)
You asking mere prol about such hairy stuff? ;-P
I know only how to send probes to other stars. ;-)
But... never the less, if you want an answer...
I'm a technologist. I have one. ;-)
...and it's yours to disclose or withhold at your pleasure. :)
Just matter of understanding.
Of what non-linearity is.
In simple terms. While linear solutions -- mean that to every input... output will be in predictable... or even precisely known range.
Be it math formula, computer program or physical process.
Non-linearity, works different -- outputs, can vary in much bigger extents. And even... loop back into becoming inputs...
And that... pretty much any sufficiantly complex processes out there.
And ALL and anything related to Life itself.
Because Life -- built on feedback loops.
Ps Do you known/remember about Reinolds numbers?
Definition. The Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces within a fluid that is subjected to relative internal movement due to different fluid velocities. A region where these forces change behavior is known as a boundary layer, such as the bounding surface in the interior of a pipe.
Reynolds number - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Reynolds_number
Reynolds Number
Reynolds Number: Definition, Equation, and Solved Problem
Reynolds number - Wikipedia
I used to use them to calculate pumping pressure (head) losses (when pipe sizing) in pipes due to friction/diameter of pipes using a BASIC program on an IBM AT PC.
I always thought of them as a collection of "fudge factors" observed experimentally.
\\I always thought of them as a collection of "fudge factors" observed experimentally.
Yeah... trespassing from platonic "beauty". %-)))
Naaaah. That's Nature... at its best. ;-P
Humanity, too :P
We are just a bunch of naked apes.
So, what was your cunning question again?
A search for 'rationality" and not just 'meaning'?
Let me get my gypsy to play you a song...
As Nietzsche remarked long ago...
It all mumbo-jumbo to me... sorry. :-(((
And... why I should analyze my dreams... instead of enjoying em?
What for?
To listen to somebody "believe me, I'm an expert"???
That it knows more then ME about MY dream(s)???
/And... why I should analyze my dreams... instead of enjoying em?
What for?
To uncover what your SuperEgo is withholding from you (Ego) through "repression". Otherwise, they're not really your dreams. They're the dreams (wish fulfillments) permitted and given to you by others from the trashcan.
...built upon remnants of memories of your mother and father's "ideals" (Ego ideals). Now be a good boy and clean your plate. And no, you'd better not try and f*ck your sister when I'm not looking (incest taboo). or is THAT something you can "dream' about? (Freud, "Totem and Taboo")
'Disgusted'? It all runs through the Septal Nuclei.
The septal nuclei is also interconnected with and shares a counterbalancing relationship with the amygdala particularly in regard to hypothalamic activity and emotional and sexual arousal (Andy & Stephan, 1968; Swanson & Cowan, 1979). For example, whereas the amygdala promotes indiscriminate contact seeking, and perhaps promiscuous sexual activity, the septal nuclei inhibits these tendencies thus assisting in the formation of selective and more enduring emotional attachments (Joseph, 1992a, 2009b)
\\To uncover what your SuperEgo is withholding from you (Ego) through "repression".
I AM... my superEgo. ;-P
Like it NOT obvious from our talks. ;-)
\\...built upon remnants of memories of your mother and father's "ideals" (Ego ideals).
Pft! :-)
\\ or is THAT something you can "dream' about? (Freud, "Totem and Taboo")
Somebodies "believe me, I'm an expert"... filling people's minds with their burrish trash.
Have you read "Are you joking Mr.Feynman"???
I've heard of it, but no, haven't read it.
And in political terms, Ego is the Government, and SuperEgo is the Party (ie Communist Party). The "stick" that punishes the members in Government who do not do what the Party tells them to do.
...ooooops. My SuperEgo just ordered me to the Gulag. :(
I should probably do a psychohistory on Feynman... like were done on Hitler, Bismarck and Petain.
As Dr, Jacques used to ask, "Why did Hitler invade Poland?" Because he hated his Mother, of course! ;)
\\And in political terms, Ego is the Government, and SuperEgo is the Party (ie Communist Party). The "stick" that punishes the members in Government who do not do what the Party tells them to do.
Pft! :-)
That is just a false dichotomy.
Do you need the torpedoes shock? You obviously think that you "know" something.
The formula of the Party-State, as the defining feature of twentieth-century Communism, thus needs to be complicated: there is always a gap between Party and State, corresponding to the gap between the Ego-Ideal (symbolic Law) and the Superego, for the Party remains the half-hidden obscene shadow which redoubles the State structure. There is here no distance, its organization embodying a fundamental distrust of the State organs and mechanisms, as if they need to be continually kept in check. A true twentieth-century-style Communist never fully accepts the State: there always has to be a vigilant agency outside of State control, with the power to intervene in the State's business.
- Slavoj Zizek, "Living in the End Time
It's not called a "party" for NO reasons.
"We saying Party... and we thinking Lenin. We thinking Lenin... and we saying Party". ;-P
Well... obviously that "Lenin"... is a wildcard there. ;-P
\\there is always a gap between Party and State
With MILLIONS of "party members"... with NO non-members EVER allowed to take ANY place... not in Government, but in lowest local state organization.
That Zizek... just a doddering fool.
\\corresponding to the gap between the Ego-Ideal (symbolic Law) and the Superego,
Delusional crackpot fool.
\\for the Party remains the half-hidden obscene shadow which redoubles the State structure.
Not double. Not shadow.
ONE and the SAME thing.
That's why it all broke so smouthly. Dissipated like a smoke on a wind.
that is about USSR... and I think related to China.
Other systems (like one in Iran)... they look like and maybe are ones that have that difference.
But... I have NO knowledge of it.
So, that might be just a Gel-Mann's Amnesia of mine. ;-P
\\There is here no distance, its organization embodying a fundamental distrust of the State organs and mechanisms, as if they need to be continually kept in check.
NOT state organs... Party itself.
What was that Purges for???
\\A true twentieth-century-style Communist never fully accepts the State: there always has to be a vigilant agency outside of State control, with the power to intervene in the State's business.
Well... do you know a theory of "stationary bandit"? ;-)
Well... obviously that "Lenin"... is a wildcard there. How so? Lenin was its' "jouissance". The Party was an outgrowth of Lenin, and the Government an outgrowth of the Party. If there wasn't a "policy" to deal with a government situation, how could the situation be dealt with? After Lenin, Stalin's "gut" for "jouissance" ran the Party, which ran the State.
stationary Band\it? The House. Fed Either through taxes or coins in the slot of a one-armed Vegas bandit.
The Party is Plato's "Nocturnal Council"
\\ The Party was an outgrowth of Lenin, and the Government an outgrowth of the Party.
Is Apple Corp an "outgrowth" of Jobs??? ;-P
And from what part of Jobs it gown out? %-))))))))))))))))))))))
\\stationary Band\it? The House. Fed Either through taxes or coins in the slot of a one-armed Vegas bandit.
\\The Party is Plato's "Nocturnal Council"
That's Politburo. ;-P
Party... that is laity.
And Politburo it's High Priests.
And "secretary" of Politburo is... "placeholder of a Holy One himself". ;-P
Is Apple Corp an "outgrowth" of Jobs??? ;-P
And from what part of Jobs it gown out? %-))))))))))))))))))))))
Yes. Woz's garage.
The politburo is merely a formalized "caucus" within the Party. Like the RNC or DNC. A standing "Committee".
\\The politburo is merely a formalized "caucus" within the Party. Like the RNC or DNC. A standing "Committee".
Any organization carry as "genes" that initial structure it was formed in the beginning.
Bolshevik's Party was formed as Criminal Organization. A bunch of thugs.
Then... some polishing was added to it. To shape it into religious-militaritistic "order".
Then... need to scale it up -- forced to take back most of that skilled bureaucrats from Old Empire... with creating on that base some self-reproduction practices to make new bureaucrats.
By the times of Gorbi... all that became even less than legend... merely a feirytales.
Legends -- CAN be base for a practical work. Feirytales -- not. Because -- nobody believe into feirytales as anything real.
Now... you can try to apply that wisdom to NASA. And USA. ;-)
\\Yes. Woz's garage.
Woz: No, Apple was not started in a garage
CNET › wo...
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says that the notion the great company started in a garage is "a bit of a myth."
In 1985, Wozniak left Apple and sold most of his stock. He remained an Apple employee and still received an annual salary. He returned to the University of California, Berkeley in 1986 to complete his degree in electrical engineering. He also started a number of other projects.
The Macintosh, the project that ended it all Wozniak was leading the project until 1981 when he sadly suffered a plane crash and had to stay away from Apple for 2 years, in which Jobs actually took over the project and was handling their newest device.
Why Did Steve Wozniak Leave Apple? | Mac O'Clock | - Medium
Medium › macoclock › why-did-steve-woz...
The Untold Story: Why Wozniak Left Apple › the-...
Q: Why did Steve Wozniak leave Apple in 1985? A: Wozniak left Apple due to frustration with the company's direction and the stifling of his ...
Legends. ;-P
While Woz was already intent on creating computers, Jobs wasn't so interested yet. He was far more interested about forming a company that would move the world forward. He just didn't see computers to be that vehicle. Thankfully, he was eventually won over and saw how computers would change and improve the life of Average Joe. He even became more eloquent than anyone else at trying to get that point across, as the history of Apple and its products would go on to prove.
The start was rocky and not as spectacular. The Apple I, according to Woz, sold only a hundred. The Apple II, just a few thousands. But the breakthrough came when they were able to design a spreadsheet program that turned what would take 10 years to do with pen and paper into just 30 minutes. Businessmen were sold on the promise, and a million Apple II were sold in five years. That was the first computer to ever reach that number, changing to course of personal computing forever.
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History isn't linear: It's more like a spiderweb than a progression of singular events through Points A, B, C, and so on. Take World War II. For a long time, historians have been trying to learn just how much America knew about what was going on in Nazi Germany, and a U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum project to document newspaper headlines of the era — and going back to the 1930s — makes it pretty clear that there were enough warning signs that "Why didn't the U.S. get involved sooner?" becomes an uncomfortable question.
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Every history class teaches that it was the attack on Pearl Harbor that finally got the U.S. involved, but here's the thing: Hitler and Nazi Germany declared war on the States before the U.S. government could issue their declaration. Hitler's play came four days after the attack on American soil, and as The Wall Street Journal explains, it came amid opinions vastly underestimating what the U.S. — relatively fresh out of the Great Depression — was capable of.
Why Hitler thought it was a good idea to kick the sleeping giant that was the U.S. is complicated, but let's look ahead a bit. He's not really known for his forward-thinking and his planning ahead, but surely, there must have been some plans in place for a Nazi victory ... right? What, exactly, did Hitler plan to do with the U.S. if he happened to win? That, too, is complicated.
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PS You know, I like answers that start from "it's complicated".
Because... they are closest to Truth. ;-)
Duffy says that the most likely answer is that Hitler intended to rule the world. He cites a 1927 letter from Rudolf Hess to the London-based Nazi Walter Hewel, in which Hess wrote of Hitler preaching: "[world peace] will be realizable only when one power, the racially best power, has attained complete and uncontested supremacy. That [power] can then provide a sort of world police," which seems to confirm there were plans for even America to fall under the jurisdiction of a global Nazi law enforcement agency.
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When LIFE magazine's John Cudahy spoke with Adolf Hitler in 1941, he asked about another worry America had regarding a Nazi victory. Even if the Nazis didn't sweep across the North American continent like they did the European one, there was still the possibility that they would dominate the global economy to the outright destruction of everyone else. Why? Cudahy explained — rather politely — that "a lower standard of living for workers in Germany and disciplinary methods imposed on German labor" would mean German output under the Nazi regime would be sky-high, profits would also be through the roof, and no one else would be able to compete.
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loss. Therefore, America wasn't a military might that needed to be contended with, but what historian and author James P. Duffy says was described as "Europe's greatest future rival," (via "Target America.") And that meant Hitler believed he could wrap up the war in Europe, take his sweet time building up a navy, and then deal with the U.S.
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Adolf Hitler famously wrote "Mein Kampf," but less famously, he wrote a second book, too, the very directly-named "Hitlers Zweites Buch," or "Hitler's Second Book." According to "Target America: Hitler's Plan to Attack the United States," the book was written in 1928 but not published until 1961. It outlined a series of three conflicts, and it wasn't until the third one that Hitler got around to the U.S.
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First, Hitler saw his Germany taking on France to regain what they had lost post-WWI. Then, he was going to head east and seize all the land — and agricultural resources — he needed from the Soviet Union. And then? On to America, which he wrote was a "real threat to German domination of the world."
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I've seen "Man in the High Castle". You should try it.
...and sorry, Woz's father's garage.... @@
...just like "Boos Tool" started up two doors down from my house, in Danny's father's garage.
According to The Guardian, Pilecki wasn't alone: representatives of the Jewish community also petitioned the US War Department, asking them to bomb Auschwitz and put an end to everything that was going on there. The US declined, citing a few reasons: they claimed it would require precision bombing they didn't have the capability of carrying out, that it was well beyond the maximum reach of their bombers anyway, air forces were needed elsewhere, and it posed too much of a danger to American troops. According to the Jewish Virtual Library, there was another reason: the guarantee of civilian casualties. The question came up again and again, and in 1944, the answer was still "No."
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The bomber mafia ran the show back then.
\\...and sorry, Woz's father's garage.... @@
Why not "in the Woz's lavuatory"?
Because of rules of legend making. ;-P
Maybe you should listen from people who were there.
I left the valley in '75 to go to college. I was there in the early days.
It is legend... even if it is truth. ;-P
Why anthropologists are so fond of ancient legends?
\\I've seen "Man in the High Castle". You should try it.
I have read the book. And was not impressed...
So what I could see new there? Adaptation to some modern agenda? Some LGBTQ+++ anti-nazi rezistance??? ;-P
The Trans 300...
Non-sequitur. ;-P
That 300... was Real Deal. ;-P
So was the Theban Scared Band.
Oh... those nasty Greeks. ;-P
Well... it looks like definite trait of being civilization. ;-P
Gender becomes more important than sex.
Meden agan!
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