“They saw their injured country's woe;
The flaming town, the wasted field;
Then rushed to meet the insulting foe;
They took the spear, - but left the shield.”
―Philip Freneau
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again?
//In his stories, did Lem ever attempt to tell a tale from the perspective of a man who wasn't a SciFi writer?
I see your question as very artifical.
What it should mean?
SciFi is part of our life, same as pulp fiction. Or drama plays. What should mean "does Euripid write something not as drama play writer?"
Well, yes, of course. Lem was prolific writer.
But most of it -- you must learn Polish, as it was never translated -- I suppose. (Heh, that's how big fan of him I am -- even dunno ALL what he did written)
Lem knew what "the Other" was. Something incomprehensible. And if we could eventually comprehend them, we soon uncomprehended them, and believed a "fiction" about them instead of the painful reality ("Provocation"). Why? Be-cause.
//Have you submitted a grant request? You can't get recognized for actions you fail to take. NASA works with foreign governments. Submit one to yours. Get an international Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between governments. NASA might give your project a free ride to Space or give you a partner to work with.
You saying that to a fellow that cannot escrow anything better then crappy mobile internet connection.
And things like Greencard or even more -- freaking ticket to a flight to USA -- merely a fantasy... :-/
//btw - That's very good job advice for meeting with experts from multiple specialized disciplines. Of course, philosophy is a "generalized" one. It's not narrow and deep and remaining in its' channel. It's shallow and wide, but tries to cover then entire river's surface.
There is separate problem -- every one of em use own language. And have own overview on problem.
But that is -- known issue.
Problem at hand -- I have no authority what so ever to collect am and order em to discuss my ideas...
a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area, "a financial expert".
Ever read Plato's "Ion". It's about a "rhapsode", a person has memorized and recites in public from memory Homer's "Iliad". Socrates asks him about several of Homer's characters and the "knowledge" that they exhibit (like Agamemnon, the polemarch). Could Ion do what Agamemnon does, lead an army? Of course says "Ion", he knows what Agamemnon does. Socrates tells Ion that his gift isn't one of expertise, and neither was Homer's. It was an "inspiration from the gods", not hard won knowledge forged from experience...
You, much like Ion, are "rhapsodic" about your idea. But then most "managers" and "investors" always begin that way. And so you must rhapsodize about it, and "inspire" them in the pursuit of the idea. Inspire managers and investors first. And then you must serve as the idea's "conductor". you don't have to be able to play all the instruments... you just need to follow the score. And if it hasn't been written first, compose the score. THAT is your job, rhapsode.
Nietzsche, "On the Future of Our educational Institutions"
"Now, on the other hand, assume that your musical sense has returned, and that your ears are opened. Look at the honest conductor at the head of the orchestra performing his duties in a dull, spiritless fashion: you no longer think of the comical aspect of the whole scene, you listen--but it seems to you that the spirit of tediousness spreads out from the honest conductor over all his companions. Now you see only torpidity and flabbiness, you hear only the trivial, the rhythmically inaccurate, and the melodiously trite. You see the orchestra only as an indifferent, ill-humoured, and even wearisome crowd of players.
"But set a genius--a real genius--in the midst of this crowd; and you instantly perceive something almost incredible. It is as if this genius, in his lightning transmigration, had entered into these mechanical, lifeless bodies, and as if only one demoniacal eye gleamed forth out of them all. Now look and listen--you can never listen enough! When you again observe the orchestra, now loftily storming, now fervently wailing, when you notice the quick tightening of every muscle and the rhythmical necessity of every gesture, then you too will feel what a pre-established harmony there is between leader and followers, and how in this hierarchy of spirits everything impels us towards the establishment of a like organisation. You can divine from my simile what I would understand by a true educational institution, and why I am very far from recognising one in the present type of university."
Indeed. You need to compose the "score"... and then "conduct the piece'. And it starts with a rhapsodic "elevator pitch"... for you will likely need MANY composers to develop a plan (score) that will bring all elements required to realize the objectives of that initial pitch to fruition.
Why do you think science in Europe stagnating. And Japan and Europe space agencies can do only as much as being subcontractors of Great and Prosperous NASA.
//Nietzsche, "On the Future of Our educational Institutions"
"Now, on the other hand, assume that your musical sense has returned, and that your ears are opened. Look at the honest conductor at the head of the orchestra performing his duties in a dull, spiritless fashion: you no longer think of the comical aspect of the whole scene, you listen--but it seems to you that the spirit of tediousness spreads out from the honest conductor over all his companions. Now you see only torpidity and flabbiness, you hear only the trivial, the rhythmically inaccurate, and the melodiously trite. You see the orchestra only as an indifferent, ill-humoured, and even wearisome crowd of players.
Obviously. That Niet-kun have met NO conductors in his life. And clearly dunno what it babblong about.
Can you escrow a stamp? Write the proposal and mail it to the Grant Application Section at the NSF. if it's good, they'll probably expedite you an H1-B Visa.
Feynman never studies dark matter/energy. What he did was provide a systemic way of looking at particle interactions (diagrams) universally applicable to Physics much like "math" is universally applicable to physics. For as Plato said in "Philebus"...in the scale of good: First in the scale is measure; the second place is assigned to symmetry; the third, to reason and wisdom; the fourth, to knowledge and true opinion; the fifth, to pure pleasures; and here the Muse says 'Enough.'
Feynman "universally" contributed to "measure" and "symmetry"...
Does it have to (apply directly). You want to swallow the whale. Nibble at a fish in the first tier, preferable in response to a specific grant being solicited. Then, build from there.
ps - F*ck the CIA. It's being "outsourced" as we speak. Trump/DOGE just offered buyouts to all CIA employees. Everything is being "privatized" (even NASA).
With your dreams, you'll need to go WAY outside your comfort zone. They're to big for timidity. As Plato's says in "Charmides"... Modesty is no virtue in a needy man.
There will come a time when there are no wars? Please. The best one can wish for is to persist in the world. And sacrificing Ukraine will allow Europe to 'persist' a while longer.
Every word contains the paradox of its' opposite. Not poor thinking, poor language used in thinking. Individual cells don't have that "problem". They don't use "language". They use "chemicals". They use "stress/ pain".
...our language depends upon "jouissance"... attaching either "joy" or "disgust" to a word like "democracy" or "freedom". We develop neural pathways that link thoughts to these "feelings". Septal nuclei... disgust pathways.
The septal nuclei are a group of nerve cells in the brain that are part of the limbic system. They are located in the anterior basal forebrain, near the midline of the cerebral hemispheres.
Function: Memory and learning: The septal nuclei are important for learning and memory, and are strongly connected to the hippocampus.
Motivation and appetite: The septal nuclei control the autonomic and somatomotor systems that regulate feeding, drinking, and sexual behavior.
Emotional behaviors: The septal nuclei are associated with fear and anxiety.
Structure: The septal nuclei are divided into four regions: lateral, medial, posterior, and ventral.
The lateral septal nucleus is the largest nucleus in the septum.
The medial septal complex contains at least five cell types.
Connections: The septal nuclei receive connections from the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, and thalamus.
The septal nuclei project to the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus and to the cortex, mostly to the orbital-frontal cortex. Research:
Septal nuclei have been understudied in humans, but recent research suggests they may be a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease.
Septal nuclei may also be involved in schizophrenia.
Receive signals from the "olfactory" system. Smells. Stinks. Rotten food... Disgusting....
One must learn how to "discriminate". Do you have "discri minating tastes? As the Sufi proverb about coffee goes..."He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not."
The right hemisphere is dominant for visual processing (3-D elements/ depth perception). The Left hemisphere is dominant for auditory processing (sound depth perception). Sound cues vision. Vision affirms and releases plans for future activity in the Right prefontal cortex and passes to Left PC (Attention/Consciousness).
Allosteric regulations are a natural example of control loops, such as feedback from downstream products or feedforward from upstream substrates. Long-range allostery is especially important in cell signaling.[3] Allosteric regulation is also particularly important in the cell's ability to adjust enzyme activity.
In biology, cell signaling (cell signalling in British English) is the process by which a cell interacts with itself, other cells, and the environment. Cell signaling is a fundamental property of all cellular life in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Typically, the signaling process involves three components: the signal, the receptor, and the effector.[citation needed]
In biology, signals are mostly chemical in nature, but can also be physical cues such as pressure, voltage, temperature, or light
Now there's some "collective intelligence" for you!
No, the point is that the problem you're "trying to solve" can't exist because computers can't "run forever". A human "knows" when to cut his losses and collapse the wave function with a "best guess". In other words, he sets a LIMIT on processing. You're trying to play a dialogue with absolutes (Plato, "Parmenides") "If One is Not, then NOTHING IS"!
He didn't need to. He knew the difference between the finite and the infinite (an absolute). He knew that we existed in a "mixed" universe.... but that only the "soul" (through processes of mind) had ever been exposed to absolutes.... and that they couldn't exist except as "soul" in "mind" in OUR universe.
//So what triggers the production of initiation (and retardation) factors for tRNA?
//What triggers the cell signalling in the allosteric regulation process.
You can google for it, read about it and enlight me -- yourself.;-p
Because, I am not allrounded specialist in that sphere.
//Allosteric regulations are a natural example of control loops, such as feedback from downstream products or feedforward from upstream substrates. Long-range allostery is especially important in cell signaling.[3] Allosteric regulation is also particularly important in the cell's ability to adjust enzyme activity.
I//n go, cell signaling (cell signalling in British English) is the process by which a cell interacts with itself, other cells, and the environment. Cell signaling is a fundamental property of all cellular life in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
//Typically, the signaling process involves three components: the signal, the receptor, and the effector.[citation needed]
//In biology, signals are mostly chemical in nature, but can also be physical cues such as pressure, voltage, temperature, or light
Now there's some "collective intelligence" for you!
In other words, he was well aware of the universe's "finitude" and the "nature" (nonexistent) of things outside it. "If one (uni) is not, then nothing is" - Plato "Parmenides".
While life does not technically "reverse" entropy, it appears to go against the natural tendency towards disorder by creating complex structures and organized systems within its environment, essentially acting as a "local pocket of order" by utilizing energy from its surroundings to maintain its low entropy state, which is why many scientists describe life as "fighting against entropy
//essentially acting as a "local pocket of order" by utilizing energy from its surroundings to maintain its low entropy state, which is why many scientists describe life as "fighting against entropy
It *actively* helping to INCREASE Entropy.
Like for example we people -- drilling for oil.
There is NO other natural mechanism to rise that diposites of order from under that mass of soil and minerals.
So, Nature invented US to accomplish that task. ;-p
//No, the point is that the problem you're "trying to solve" can't exist because computers can't "run forever".
Most of most important programs inside computer perform " infinite" loops.
Not in that sense that they ACTUALLY go through infinity of steps (how that could look like, even??? ;-p) But, set up to continue indefinitely (until there is electricity in your power outlet).
All non-schizoid brains that have begun to "organize" based upon language. Hemispheric dominance. Visual signal from left side shared across the corpus callosum to allow right side to "compare" and calculate depth (depth perception). Info then procedes up layers of meninges (built like a circuit board) for higher level processing. this minimizes the energy required (two sides doing the same processing). Audio higher processing gets processed on the Left side.
The "Lacanian Symbolic" order... the Symbolic Order is a concept in Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic theory that describes the realm of language, culture, and social norms that shape human experience. It's also known as the "big Other".
...the "concept" of a "mixed universe". or as Plato would have called it it his "Philebus" the distinction between "pure" and "impure" pleasures. Impure="mixed".
Life is a chemical System that uses energy to keep itself from reaching chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium is the situation in which chemicals no longer have a tendency to react over time.
Children are not a tabla rasa. They start with a sucking "boot program" A computer needs to be "plugged in" to an external power supply. It starts sucking energy the moment it gets plugged in.
Don't feel bad, I only got 30-40 pages into Critique of Pure reason before I switched to Schopenhauer's "World as Will and Representation". Kant's hard to read.
Puncture your external bodily membrane (skin) and watch your energy in the form of blood "drain away" and allow you to revert to a state of "chemical equilibrium" (non-life)? ;P
Instead of using energy from ocean thermal vents...
The anaerobic energy system is a metabolic pathway in the body that produces energy rapidly without the use of oxygen, primarily used for short bursts of high-intensity activity like sprinting, weightlifting, or jumping, and is often referred to as the "lactic acid system" due to the byproduct lactate produced during this process; it utilizes stored glucose to generate ATP quickly, but can only sustain activity for a limited time due to the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles.
Key points about the anaerobic energy system: No oxygen required:
Unlike the aerobic system, the anaerobic system does not require oxygen to produce energy.
Fast energy production: This system is designed to provide quick bursts of energy, making it ideal for short, intense activities.
Glycolysis process: The primary process involved in anaerobic energy production is glycolysis, where glucose is broken down to produce ATP.
Lactic acid buildup: A byproduct of anaerobic glycolysis is lactic acid, which accumulates in muscles during intense exercise and can cause muscle fatigue.
Components of the anaerobic system: ATP-PC system (alactic): This is the fastest anaerobic system, utilizing stored creatine phosphate to produce immediate energy for very short bursts.
Lactic acid system (glycolytic): This system provides energy for slightly longer durations by breaking down glucose into lactate.
Examples of activities that heavily rely on the anaerobic energy system: Sprinting, Weightlifting, Jumping, High-intensity interval training (HIIT), and Short bursts of activity in team sports like soccer or basketball.
Anaerobic Energy System: What It Is, Why It's Important for Cyclists, and ...
The anaerobic energy system, also called the lactic acid system, is the body's way of creating energy in the form of ATP quickly.
//In his stories, did Lem ever attempt to tell a tale from the perspective of a man who wasn't a SciFi writer?
I see your question as very artifical.
What it should mean?
SciFi is part of our life, same as pulp fiction. Or drama plays. What should mean "does Euripid write something not as drama play writer?"
Well, yes, of course. Lem was prolific writer.
But most of it -- you must learn Polish, as it was never translated -- I suppose. (Heh, that's how big fan of him I am -- even dunno ALL what he did written)
Not 'natural'?
Lem never wrote about things he was not an 'expert' in?
It wasn't Lem's "science" expertise that made him a worthy writer. It was his expertise in "the human condition".
Like Ursala LeGuin... 'Those Who Walk away from Omelas' as an example.
Lem knew what "the Other" was. Something incomprehensible. And if we could eventually comprehend them, we soon uncomprehended them, and believed a "fiction" about them instead of the painful reality ("Provocation"). Why? Be-cause.
//Lem never wrote about things he was not an 'expert' in?
And your definition of expert?
//Lem never wrote about things he was not an 'expert' in?
And what is 'expert'?
There was such mathematician -- Kolmogorov.
He gave definition of complexity. Very simple definition, indeed.
Like, imagine that you have a phonebook. Where number if different people written in.
It easely can contain hundreds of numbers. Collected through your lifetime.
Let's assume 1000 for the sake of example.
Is it big number? Is it complex, too much?
It depends.
If it stays silently in that phonebook. That book will not need to be big. Pocket suze would be enough. If you writed it in neatly.
But. I'll show you how complex it is.
With simple suggestion -- let you call to EACH ONE of thar list. And assign a meeting. Where'd you have merely a handshake with each one.
Easy? Simple? ;-p
And now imagine that you arranged same meeting BUT... each one of that phonebook bunch will be asked to have a handshake with each one on the list...
//Have you submitted a grant request? You can't get recognized for actions you fail to take. NASA works with foreign governments. Submit one to yours. Get an international Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between governments. NASA might give your project a free ride to Space or give you a partner to work with.
You saying that to a fellow that cannot escrow anything better then crappy mobile internet connection.
And things like Greencard or even more -- freaking ticket to a flight to USA -- merely a fantasy... :-/
//btw - That's very good job advice for meeting with experts from multiple specialized disciplines. Of course, philosophy is a "generalized" one. It's not narrow and deep and remaining in its' channel. It's shallow and wide, but tries to cover then entire river's surface.
There is separate problem -- every one of em use own language. And have own overview on problem.
But that is -- known issue.
Problem at hand -- I have no authority what so ever to collect am and order em to discuss my ideas...
So. First things -- first.
a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area, "a financial expert".
Ever read Plato's "Ion". It's about a "rhapsode", a person has memorized and recites in public from memory Homer's "Iliad". Socrates asks him about several of Homer's characters and the "knowledge" that they exhibit (like Agamemnon, the polemarch). Could Ion do what Agamemnon does, lead an army? Of course says "Ion", he knows what Agamemnon does. Socrates tells Ion that his gift isn't one of expertise, and neither was Homer's. It was an "inspiration from the gods", not hard won knowledge forged from experience...
You, much like Ion, are "rhapsodic" about your idea. But then most "managers" and "investors" always begin that way. And so you must rhapsodize about it, and "inspire" them in the pursuit of the idea. Inspire managers and investors first. And then you must serve as the idea's "conductor". you don't have to be able to play all the instruments... you just need to follow the score. And if it hasn't been written first, compose the score. THAT is your job, rhapsode.
Nietzsche, "On the Future of Our educational Institutions"
"Now, on the other hand, assume that your musical sense has returned, and that your ears are opened. Look at the honest conductor at the head of the orchestra performing his duties in a dull, spiritless fashion: you no longer think of the comical aspect of the whole scene, you listen--but it seems to you that the spirit of tediousness spreads out from the honest conductor over all his companions. Now you see only torpidity and flabbiness, you hear only the trivial, the rhythmically inaccurate, and the melodiously trite. You see the orchestra only as an indifferent, ill-humoured, and even wearisome crowd of players.
"But set a genius--a real genius--in the midst of this crowd; and you instantly perceive something almost incredible. It is as if this genius, in his lightning transmigration, had entered into these mechanical, lifeless bodies, and as if only one demoniacal eye gleamed forth out of them all. Now look and listen--you can never listen enough! When you again observe the orchestra, now loftily storming, now fervently wailing, when you notice the quick tightening of every muscle and the rhythmical necessity of every gesture, then you too will feel what a pre-established harmony there is between leader and followers, and how in this hierarchy of spirits everything impels us towards the establishment of a like organisation. You can divine from my simile what I would understand by a true educational institution, and why I am very far from recognising one in the present type of university."
Someone who can "write a book" about a particular field of knowledge. In today's world, those fields get narrower and deeper as time progresses.
Indeed. You need to compose the "score"... and then "conduct the piece'. And it starts with a rhapsodic "elevator pitch"... for you will likely need MANY composers to develop a plan (score) that will bring all elements required to realize the objectives of that initial pitch to fruition.
...and so far your "teaser" elevator pitch needs a lot of work.
Usually it takes the "form" of an unsolicited grant proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Although you'd be wiser to start in your own country and its' corresponding science foundation.
You keep trying to "swallow the whale".
It's what Life is about. ;-p
Every little cell trying to achieve something that is bigger than it can swallow. ;-p
//Although you'd be wiser to start in your own country and its' corresponding science foundation.
What makes you think that I *not* tryed that???
Try harder.
//...and so far your "teaser" elevator pitch needs a lot of work.
Recieve Bruce Lee smack again. ;-p
You made a mistake? Try again... differently.
No use. It rotted out to the roots.
And had have NO money for such endeavors anyway.
Why do you think science in Europe stagnating. And Japan and Europe space agencies can do only as much as being subcontractors of Great and Prosperous NASA.
Because that is game -- where size DO matters.
//Try again... differently.
I thought that that's exactly what I doing. ;-P
Well. There is ones who write broad overview books too.)))
Like Feinman.
That instead of describing his craft -- electrodynamics.
Made his lectures spanning ALL Physics.
Groked it not?
//a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area, "a financial expert".
That's two DIFFERENT persons.
One who have knowladge -- have NO power.
One who have power -- do not have need in knowladge. Usually.
//Nietzsche, "On the Future of Our educational Institutions"
"Now, on the other hand, assume that your musical sense has returned, and that your ears are opened. Look at the honest conductor at the head of the orchestra performing his duties in a dull, spiritless fashion: you no longer think of the comical aspect of the whole scene, you listen--but it seems to you that the spirit of tediousness spreads out from the honest conductor over all his companions. Now you see only torpidity and flabbiness, you hear only the trivial, the rhythmically inaccurate, and the melodiously trite. You see the orchestra only as an indifferent, ill-humoured, and even wearisome crowd of players.
Obviously. That Niet-kun have met NO conductors in his life. And clearly dunno what it babblong about.
I grok'd it. So write the algorithm.
He missed a few then.
It's taking too long. How many lifetimes will you need?
Fail again. Fail better.
Sounds like you need to sharpen your elbows... :P
Didn't take band/ orchestra in High School, huh? Worst music EVER! Not like this.
Practice, practice, practice. 10,000 hrs... is only the beginning.
Can you escrow a stamp? Write the proposal and mail it to the Grant Application Section at the NSF. if it's good, they'll probably expedite you an H1-B Visa.
With algorithms its all the same. Or even worse. ;-p
Go read about Turing's Machine.
Does my three tier project eligible for it?
Is there, ones who review that application much smarter then you, to understand the point.
Or... it will be thrown into recycle bin right away.
To you infirmation, I even have sent an application to CIA.
And what do you think?
Same as any other animal so far...
Practice without theoretical backbone -- risky and dangerous. ;-p
Not again... @@ ;p
Naah. I do not need to become an imbecile. Thank you, but no, thank you.;-p
Feynman never studies dark matter/energy. What he did was provide a systemic way of looking at particle interactions (diagrams) universally applicable to Physics much like "math" is universally applicable to physics. For as Plato said in "Philebus"...in the scale of good: First in the scale is measure; the second place is assigned to symmetry; the third, to reason and wisdom; the fourth, to knowledge and true opinion; the fifth, to pure pleasures; and here the Muse says 'Enough.'
Feynman "universally" contributed to "measure" and "symmetry"...
Does it have to (apply directly). You want to swallow the whale. Nibble at a fish in the first tier, preferable in response to a specific grant being solicited. Then, build from there.
ps - F*ck the CIA. It's being "outsourced" as we speak. Trump/DOGE just offered buyouts to all CIA employees. Everything is being "privatized" (even NASA).
Nibble, nibble, nibble!
With your dreams, you'll need to go WAY outside your comfort zone. They're to big for timidity. As Plato's says in "Charmides"... Modesty is no virtue in a needy man.
Try. Fail. Try again. Fail Again. Try again... but Fail better!
Daniel 5:5-31
"mene, mene, tekel, upharsin"
So? You know Turing's Principle? ;-p
So did Newton.
And Piphagoras.
That bustard.
Of that whale -- Reality.
And I am one.
A beggar. A vagabond. A bozo.
For Evolution.
While fore mere nibbler that sound "go die, sucker! bu-ga-gah".
Not a fan of digital physics. I prefer standard & quantum physics.
Climate models - disaster.
Hey, Plato started out as a Pythagorean....
That whale can't be eaten. It leaves a 'surplus' (matter).
Soon to be faced with a "Sophies Choice" (most likely). The powers that be having been giving their "provocation" (ala Lem).
Who told you that life would be fair? When the song stops you've got to find a seat.
Then... you cintradicting to yourself.
I refered to one about Problem of Turing Machine Stoping.
How it relates to 'digital physics' whatever it should mean -- you say.
Yeah. Idealism in and out...
That's... MY point.
That only way to tackle with it we have in our belt -- technology!
It's digital (runs a program). It's physics are virtual, ergo, fallible.
Really? It's a paradox? LOL! Maybe I should view the parallax... before the lamella flies off.
...or the strict Materialism of Ma-ma-ma-ma-MY Sharona!
The war will end soon... and not very favorably for Ukraine.
Well, you'd better invent that portal gun as soon as you can.
Cuz Pickle Q is kinda lame.
How does a Materialist define "consciousness", anyways?
Do you see the paradoxical problem?
The war... Third World War, barely even started.
And who cared. Or who cares now. That on premices of WW2 there was war in Spain? Or that WW2 officially started from war in Poland.
Do you know it? Do you care?
You will care only when ICBMs will start flying over YOUR head. And -- they will.
Cause? Inertia.
Inner contradiction -- not always paradox.
Most usually it is symptom of poor thinking.
Materialism are idealistic too.
Because it is product of our brain -- which is idealistic device.
There are MANY different kinds of programs...
So you CAN write one that solves the Turing Machine stopping paradox?
There will come a time when there are no wars? Please. The best one can wish for is to persist in the world. And sacrificing Ukraine will allow Europe to 'persist' a while longer.
Ukraine... not so much.
Idealistic? What are all those neurons for?
Every word contains the paradox of its' opposite. Not poor thinking, poor language used in thinking. Individual cells don't have that "problem". They don't use "language". They use "chemicals". They use "stress/ pain".
//There will come a time when there are no wars? Please.
World wars?
There was just too of em. Though, it was somewhat exaggerated naming.
Well, you just do not have it in your ancestral memory -- whole cities ruined to the ground.
//And sacrificing Ukraine will allow Europe to 'persist' a while longer.
In previous time it was Checkhoslovakia. And how much time it "bought", for Europe??? A year?
DNA --- is the same linear structure as text.
...our language depends upon "jouissance"... attaching either "joy" or "disgust" to a word like "democracy" or "freedom". We develop neural pathways that link thoughts to these "feelings". Septal nuclei... disgust pathways.
The septal nuclei are a group of nerve cells in the brain that are part of the limbic system. They are located in the anterior basal forebrain, near the midline of the cerebral hemispheres.
Memory and learning: The septal nuclei are important for learning and memory, and are strongly connected to the hippocampus.
Motivation and appetite: The septal nuclei control the autonomic and somatomotor systems that regulate feeding, drinking, and sexual behavior.
Emotional behaviors: The septal nuclei are associated with fear and anxiety.
The septal nuclei are divided into four regions: lateral, medial, posterior, and ventral.
The lateral septal nucleus is the largest nucleus in the septum.
The medial septal complex contains at least five cell types.
The septal nuclei receive connections from the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, and thalamus.
The septal nuclei project to the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus and to the cortex, mostly to the orbital-frontal cortex.
Septal nuclei have been understudied in humans, but recent research suggests they may be a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease.
Septal nuclei may also be involved in schizophrenia.
Receive signals from the "olfactory" system. Smells. Stinks. Rotten food... Disgusting....
DNA is code. But something has to "select" and "apply" it (as needed).
//Idealistic? What are all those neurons for?
Exactly for that?
What doing even each individual neuron -- collecting some signals through his dendrites. And then summarizing em to fire output.
What is that logically speaking -- if not an Inductive Reasoning -- base for idealism.
...and THAT something isn't DNA.
Just two? LOL! There are always wars. We never have whirled peas.
That "something" (tRNA exactly) are part of DNA too.
Go enlight yourself into that trivia you trying to talk about, will ya.
Or... do not enlight -- this way you'll entertain me with your feeble thinking.
.. more, MORE, MOOOARRR!!!
As you can see -- both a favorible for me.;-p
//Septal nuclei... disgust pathways.
And how they eat that blue cheese.
Or... solfstrioming.
Inductive reasoning (constructing big picture) is conducted mostly in the Right hemisphere. Deductive (considering small details), the Left.
There is wars. And there is WAAARS!!!
Why do you think people fighting regular wars.
And fear WWs... so much???
Why there was Cold War? Though USA and USSR have had EVERYTHING ready for 3rd one???
WHAT have stopped it?
One must learn how to "discriminate". Do you have "discri minating tastes? As the Sufi proverb about coffee goes..."He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not."
//So you CAN write one that solves the Turing Machine stopping paradox?
You said that you KNOW it.
//-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA JewFebruary 4, 2025 at 12:35 PM
I grok'd it.
So what?
You want me to start treating you as blatant liar?
The right hemisphere is dominant for visual processing (3-D elements/ depth perception). The Left hemisphere is dominant for auditory processing (sound depth perception). Sound cues vision. Vision affirms and releases plans for future activity in the Right prefontal cortex and passes to Left PC (Attention/Consciousness).
It's all about "crossing the corpus callosum".
I'm not a Turing Machine. Ever solve Xeno's paradox?
A machine (or program) that runs forever can't "run forever". Achilles racing a tortoise cannot be broken down into "infinite" distances.
Common sense... which exists in ever smaller quantities the bigger the wars become.
So what triggers the production of initiation (and retardation) factors for tRNA? What triggers the cell signalling in the allosteric regulation process.
Allosteric regulations are a natural example of control loops, such as feedback from downstream products or feedforward from upstream substrates. Long-range allostery is especially important in cell signaling.[3] Allosteric regulation is also particularly important in the cell's ability to adjust enzyme activity.
In biology, cell signaling (cell signalling in British English) is the process by which a cell interacts with itself, other cells, and the environment. Cell signaling is a fundamental property of all cellular life in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Typically, the signaling process involves three components: the signal, the receptor, and the effector.[citation needed]
In biology, signals are mostly chemical in nature, but can also be physical cues such as pressure, voltage, temperature, or light
Now there's some "collective intelligence" for you!
//I'm not a Turing Machine. Ever solve Xeno's paradox?
"Wisdom of the Past grow incorrect and even outdated, with time"© one wiseman ;-p
Of course, in times of Xeno we did not know that whole Universe are finite and have miserly 14(billions) years old.
That's not the point.
Main idea -- we CANNOT know results, before program got completed
Go read about people with split brain.
Well. Yawn.
No, the point is that the problem you're "trying to solve" can't exist because computers can't "run forever". A human "knows" when to cut his losses and collapse the wave function with a "best guess". In other words, he sets a LIMIT on processing. You're trying to play a dialogue with absolutes (Plato, "Parmenides") "If One is Not, then NOTHING IS"!
He didn't need to. He knew the difference between the finite and the infinite (an absolute). He knew that we existed in a "mixed" universe.... but that only the "soul" (through processes of mind) had ever been exposed to absolutes.... and that they couldn't exist except as "soul" in "mind" in OUR universe.
//So what triggers the production of initiation (and retardation) factors for tRNA?
//What triggers the cell signalling in the allosteric regulation process.
You can google for it, read about it and enlight me -- yourself.;-p
Because, I am not allrounded specialist in that sphere.
//Allosteric regulations are a natural example of control loops, such as feedback from downstream products or feedforward from upstream substrates. Long-range allostery is especially important in cell signaling.[3] Allosteric regulation is also particularly important in the cell's ability to adjust enzyme activity.
I//n go, cell signaling (cell signalling in British English) is the process by which a cell interacts with itself, other cells, and the environment. Cell signaling is a fundamental property of all cellular life in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
//Typically, the signaling process involves three components: the signal, the receptor, and the effector.[citation needed]
//In biology, signals are mostly chemical in nature, but can also be physical cues such as pressure, voltage, temperature, or light
Now there's some "collective intelligence" for you!
In other words, he was well aware of the universe's "finitude" and the "nature" (nonexistent) of things outside it. "If one (uni) is not, then nothing is" - Plato "Parmenides".
Parmenides is a dialogue of absolutes.
Not entropy. OTHER CELLS. Cells communicating and cooperating, some starting processes, others shutting them down.
Assemblies of cells... to higher and higher levels... to "organs". Not "organs without bodies" (Deleuze & Guattari)
Life is the "reverse" of entropy.
I have. The hemisphere are doing opposite things on opposite sides. Damage one side... then observe the resulting strange behaviours.
Read Patricia Churchland's book on Neurophilosophy.
...localized and temporary.
from Google AI:
While life does not technically "reverse" entropy, it appears to go against the natural tendency towards disorder by creating complex structures and organized systems within its environment, essentially acting as a "local pocket of order" by utilizing energy from its surroundings to maintain its low entropy state, which is why many scientists describe life as "fighting against entropy
//Life is the "reverse" of entropy.
Life DO EXIST because of it.
Like all inner cell chemistry possible only because of Brawn's Movments.
//from Google AI:
While life does not technically "reverse" entropy, it appears to go against the natural tendency towards disorder
That "google ai" just dunno modern physics (well, what modern... like from 80th of previous century.
Well, Google is not scientific project -- but commercial one.
And oriented at ordinary people from gray mass/crowd.
//essentially acting as a "local pocket of order" by utilizing energy from its surroundings to maintain its low entropy state, which is why many scientists describe life as "fighting against entropy
It *actively* helping to INCREASE Entropy.
Like for example we people -- drilling for oil.
There is NO other natural mechanism to rise that diposites of order from under that mass of soil and minerals.
So, Nature invented US to accomplish that task. ;-p
ubi nihil nihil
//He didn't need to. He knew the difference between the finite and the infinite (an absolute).
Did he differentiate between actual and potential infinity? ;-p
//No, the point is that the problem you're "trying to solve" can't exist because computers can't "run forever".
Most of most important programs inside computer perform " infinite" loops.
Not in that sense that they ACTUALLY go through infinity of steps (how that could look like, even??? ;-p)
But, set up to continue indefinitely (until there is electricity in your power outlet).
Actual Science VS Popular one.
Simplified and bastardised, so ordinary lasy and ignorant f... dudes, would got at least something.
Plus -- lame seeking of cheapnfame.
Like DiBi doing.
//I have. The hemisphere are doing opposite things on opposite sides. Damage one side... then observe the resulting strange behaviours.
Not children brains. ;-p
////I have. The hemisphere are doing opposite things on opposite sides. Damage one side... then observe the resulting strange behaviours.
Not children brains. ;-p
That's just like computer.
If it brand new -- trying to run random thing from it memory -- will fail, as there is nothing there.
But if it old, with lots of programs installed and memory nearly full -- OF COURSE yiu'd have "strange results".
But what is so strange in it?
Only thar people STILL are so stupid and ignorant to deem it strange.
Ubi nihil vales - "Wherein you have no power, therein you should not will"
//Not entropy. OTHER CELLS. Cells communicating and cooperating, some starting processes, others shutting them down.
It starts from ONE cell and ONE string of DNA.
All non-schizoid brains that have begun to "organize" based upon language. Hemispheric dominance. Visual signal from left side shared across the corpus callosum to allow right side to "compare" and calculate depth (depth perception). Info then procedes up layers of meninges (built like a circuit board) for higher level processing. this minimizes the energy required (two sides doing the same processing). Audio higher processing gets processed on the Left side.
The "Lacanian Symbolic" order... the Symbolic Order is a concept in Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic theory that describes the realm of language, culture, and social norms that shape human experience. It's also known as the "big Other".
No, they "time out".
...without drawing a useful 'conclusion" from having "timed out".
That's what a "mixed universe" does.
...the "concept" of a "mixed universe". or as Plato would have called it it his "Philebus" the distinction between "pure" and "impure" pleasures. Impure="mixed".
Water and wine "mixed" in a bowl for drinking at a Symposium. ;p
...only a woman (Lysistrata) would drink wine un-mixed. ;)
Life is a chemical System that uses energy to keep itself from reaching chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium is the situation in which chemicals no longer have a tendency to react over time.
....like Rust
Children are not a tabla rasa. They start with a sucking "boot program" A computer needs to be "plugged in" to an external power supply. It starts sucking energy the moment it gets plugged in.
Like Oxygen you trying to say?
It needs a "mother" to feed it. Cells need other cells to supply their needs. Humans need a planet to exploit and a sun to power.
Yawn. Dynamical Equilibrium.
...from two external LIVE sources.... but feel free to CRISPR one up should you feel ambitious.
...of course you'll need a LIVE cell to insert the CRISPR'd DNA into.
...and it'll be responding to comms from nearby cells.
That's correct.
...running DIFFERENT programs.
...at least until you can CRISPR/replace them as well.
Did you know that an Egg cell is surrounded by a bunch of other cells?
The egg cell, or ovum, is surrounded by the zona pellucida and the corona radiata.
Zona pellucida
A thick, transparent membrane that surrounds the egg cell
Also known as the egg coat
Made of glycoproteins and other macromolecules
Protects the egg and helps it be fertilized by sperm
Allows only one sperm to enter the egg during fertilization
Corona radiata
The outermost layer of cells that surrounds the zona pellucida
Nourishes the egg and helps it interact with its environment
Provides support for the egg cell
Gotta share electrons to fill up valence layer from somewhere before radiation decay can punch them all out? What's the half-life?
Yawn - cell wall/membrane. Mechanism for local conservation of energy.
Ho Hum... Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason" Vol. 2: "Critique of Practical Reason"; Vol. 3: "Critique of Judgment"
//Did you know that an Egg cell is surrounded by a bunch of other cells?
What doing Oxygen in our atmosphere? From where it came?
Well. Whatever.
That is not a news.
From Cambrian times.
Half a billion years.
From SAME string of genes.
Really? %)))
And you can provide correct meta-talk? Refs and citations?
...until the "mixing" (egg fertilization by sperm).
Comets. Meteors. H20. Volcanoes. SO2. oceans. plankton photosyntheis. CO2 Land photosynthesis Great oxygenization event.
Mind if I pierce yours with a few well aimed rounds or a sharp bayonet?
You can't Google "Kant's critiques" against Leibnitz (Monodology).
...lazy b*stard!
Don't feel bad, I only got 30-40 pages into Critique of Pure reason before I switched to Schopenhauer's "World as Will and Representation". Kant's hard to read.
That's not a news. From Cambrian period. Half a billion year. Lyndy! ;-p
//Great oxygenization event.
And why it happened? ;-)
I understood long ago -- there are MOAAARRR book then I can read(((((
Again trying to pretend that you have groked it?
So what?
Have it helped neurosurgians?
Or... can be used by devs of AI?
Can Feynman diagrams?
Puncture your external bodily membrane (skin) and watch your energy in the form of blood "drain away" and allow you to revert to a state of "chemical equilibrium" (non-life)? ;P
...so don't eat the cheesecake!
Anaerobic to Aerobic life forms which allowed the assembly of bigger "structures/ assemblies" of cellular life forms.
Instead of using energy from ocean thermal vents...
The anaerobic energy system is a metabolic pathway in the body that produces energy rapidly without the use of oxygen, primarily used for short bursts of high-intensity activity like sprinting, weightlifting, or jumping, and is often referred to as the "lactic acid system" due to the byproduct lactate produced during this process; it utilizes stored glucose to generate ATP quickly, but can only sustain activity for a limited time due to the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles.
Key points about the anaerobic energy system:
No oxygen required:
Unlike the aerobic system, the anaerobic system does not require oxygen to produce energy.
Fast energy production:
This system is designed to provide quick bursts of energy, making it ideal for short, intense activities.
Glycolysis process:
The primary process involved in anaerobic energy production is glycolysis, where glucose is broken down to produce ATP.
Lactic acid buildup:
A byproduct of anaerobic glycolysis is lactic acid, which accumulates in muscles during intense exercise and can cause muscle fatigue.
Components of the anaerobic system:
ATP-PC system (alactic): This is the fastest anaerobic system, utilizing stored creatine phosphate to produce immediate energy for very short bursts.
Lactic acid system (glycolytic): This system provides energy for slightly longer durations by breaking down glucose into lactate.
Examples of activities that heavily rely on the anaerobic energy system:
Sprinting, Weightlifting, Jumping, High-intensity interval training (HIIT), and Short bursts of activity in team sports like soccer or basketball.
Anaerobic Energy System: What It Is, Why It's Important for Cyclists, and ...
The anaerobic energy system, also called the lactic acid system, is the body's way of creating energy in the form of ATP quickly.
...blah, blah, blah...
Still BS.
Structure integrity.
It's common for every metter -- live and not.
Go pierce a statue, and it will "die"/shatter the same.
Free Oxygen was needed to sustain higher forms of life.
...assemblies of cell varieties.
Are they even relatef to how brain works???
Or what? You thought that I will start calling you a fool, for citing correct scientific knowlage? %)
Is code (an ordered symbolization) needed for computers to work?
No, you'll call me a fool (and you'd be right) no matter what knowledge I cited.
It's only "knowledge" if you can answer the "why" question.
btw - You think Einstein's "Theory of Everything" was complicated... @@
...and you that your paradox can transcend the problem and "emerge" from it.
...and I that they must be read in "order". You need Kant to grok where Schopenhauer's coming from. And Leibnitz to grok Kant.
That's why you must use "antifragile" materials or allow for the ship of Theseus to be constantly "repaired"... or better, repair itself.
A techie would put on a kevlar vest. But that wouldn't stop a bullet aimed at the head.
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