Miss America is scrapping its swimsuit competition and will no longer judge contestants based on physical appearance, the organization announced Tuesday.
"We are no longer a pageant," Gretchen Carlson, the first former Miss America to be named chair of the Board of Trustees of the Miss America Organization, said on "GMA." "We are a competition."
In place of the swimsuit portion of the competition, Miss America contestants will now take part in a live interactive session with the judges, according to the organization.
The contestants from all 50 states and the District of Columbia will be asked to demonstrate their passion, intelligence and overall understanding of the job of Miss America.
The organization is also getting rid of the evening gown portion of the competition and instead asking contestants to wear attire that makes them feel confident, expresses their personal style and shows how they hope to advance the role of Miss America.
"We’ve heard from a lot of young women who say, ‘We’d love to be a part of your program but we don’t want to be out there in high heels and a swimsuit,’ so guess what, you don’t have to do that anymore," Carlson said. "Who doesn’t want to be empowered, learn leadership skills and pay for college and be able to show the world who you are as a person from the inside of your soul."
She continued, "That’s what we’re judging them on now."
In addition to being crowned Miss America in 1989, Carlson has more recently been an outspoken advocate for victims of sexual harassment and a champion of the #MeToo movement. In 2016, she settled a lawsuit against former Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, who stepped down from his role after mounting pressure from additional employees with similar accusations.
I could have never expected what would happen when I sued my former employer at Fox News for sexual harassment 22 months ago, but look what has happened," she said. "Thousands of women have been inspired to know that they can stand up and speak up and their voices will be heard."
Carlson added, "If I’ve been a beacon of hope to any woman in that process, it has been worth it."
The sweeping changes to Miss America aim to help the organization be more inclusive and empowering for all women. Carlson also said that she hopes the revamped competition will resonate more with young people.
"We are now open, inclusive and transparent and I want to inspire thousands of young people across this country to come and be a part of our program," she said. "We want you and we want to celebrate your accomplishments and your talents and then we want to hand you scholarships."
The Miss America organization courted controversy earlier this year when internal emails were released from the group's former CEO Sam Haskell. In the leaked emails, Haskell, who later resigned, and others were insulting the appearance, intellect and personal lives of former pageant winners, including Carlson.
Carlson is now part of an all-female leadership team at Miss America.
"This is a new beginning and change can sometimes be difficult but I know a lot about change," she said. "My life has worked in mysterious ways. I never thought I’d be the chairwoman of the Miss America Organization, but here I am and we’re moving it forward and we’re evolving in this cultural revolution."
The 2019 Miss America Competition airs live on ABC on Sunday, Sept. 9, at 9 p.m. EST.

That last image -- Gag!
At least the contest can finally become "culturally inclusive"... of course conducting the contest in english will likely bias the results. I hope they offer to translate for all contestants.
...and I hope that they don't make the contestants prove residency in the states they represent. It's time we all just started to #believe women.
Burka Baby, please be mine.
Shed your tent and be my Valentine.
Baby, Baby, baby, please let me in.
Drop that veil, c'mon let's sin.
Oh oh oh! Burka Baby, don't you torture me.
You know I want you bad, so let me see
What you got behind that heavy curtain.
Baby baby, through those slits you eyes are flirtin.'
If I can't have you, I'm just gonna die
You know you're gettin' hot, and so am I.
I can hear you hissin.‘ So, let’s start kissin.’
You just don't know what it is you're missin'
Burka Baby, we just hit the sky!
When we hit the ground, we’re gonna die.
Burka Baby,
}}}}}} SPLAT {{{{{{{
~ Ali Lujahd
Regarding the Daughters of FLDS
Fee Fie Fo Fum!
I smell the stench of a leftist bum.
Be he black or be he Commie
I'll send him crying to his Mommy.
Glory glory I get pissed
When I see an activist
Throwing out some grubby daughter
With the bathtub full of water
Just because she looked so plain
Prim, ill clad with unstyled mane
She was looked on as a child
Older lechers had defiled.
Had she been a raving beauty
Lib’rals would have felt a duty
To gild and then perfume her tub
And let her join their gen'man's club.
Then, someone's little girl at last
Would soon forget her dreary past.
Become a wild ecdysiast,
Living life as one big blast.
The Mormons’ shame she’d cared not for.
“Dear, Judge, I love to play the whore.
“The gen’men here are oh so nice;
“I just adore my life of vice.”
“Before I lived just like a nun
“Pregnant with a little one
“Serving all my family’s needs
“Enslaved to dull domestic deeds.”
“Sex was just another chore
“It really was an awful bore.
“Now you’ve shown me it is fun.
“To hell with living like a nun!”
“Thank you for my liberation
“It’s for me a graduation
“No more working night and day
“At night I now get paid to play.”
“Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
“I just love getting paid to play.
“Texas Raiders –– every one ––
“Give me pleasure by the ton.”
~ Betty Friedan's illegitimate daughter, Poopsie
__________ INEQUALITY __________
Today, there is no worse affliction
Than the curse of sex addiction.
Especially, if it's detected
From the hetero-male directed.
Apparently, now it’s AOK
To parade naked, if you're gay,
But dare to give a broad the eye,
And you'll soon be hung out to dry.
Gays in public squares may tarry
Shrieking for the right to marry,
But no more do men dare to flirt
With e'en a wretched piece of skirt.
Since men are free no more to play,
Do feminists hope they'll all turn gay?
~ Compus Mentus
Don't try to look pretty
That's passé and shitty.
Don't play the coquette
Be a martinet
Please don't ever smile
Ot dream of The Aisle
Don't strive to be slim
Remai[n tight-lipped and grim.
Be dour and curt
Don't groom, live in dirt.
Don't wash your hair
That just isn't fair
And remember though it may appall.
Halitosis beats no breath at all!
~ Gracie Gastritis
___ Is Turnabout Fair Play? ___
Was there ever a society
In all of human history
Where women were allowed to be
Free in promiscuity,
And a wife to many men?
Imagine then what life would be
If men were ignominiously
Kept in rude captivity on stud farms
Guarded by Lesbianic gendarmes
Like bulls held in a pen!
Is turnabout fair play,
Or only one misguided way
Of lousing up the day
By insisting things be equal?
God only knows for sure,
So we must then endure
Whatever status quo
Saddles us with woe,
Until He writes the sequel!
~ Notta Feminazi
Didn't Zeus send Pandora to mankind as a 'gift' as well...
Dat ol' fella Zeus he was one mean son-of-a-bitch, wasn't he?
Good thing Jesus took all that suffering upon himself!
Yes, but HIS sacrifice has been in vain, if WE fail to appreciate it's magnitude.
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