Slavoj Zizek, "The Ukraine Safari"
Western leftists argue that Russia needs an “off-ramp” that will allow it to “save face” in Ukraine. But that logic cuts both ways: After Russian leaders’ latest nuclear threats, it is Ukraine and the West that can no longer compromise and still save face.
LJUBLJANA – I don’t usually write about cultural products from my own country, but I must make an exception for Slovenian filmmaker Miran Zupanič’s new documentary Sarajevo Safari, which details one of the most bizarre and pathological episodes of the 1992-96 siege of the Bosnian capital.
It is well known that Serb snipers in the hills surrounding the city would arbitrarily shoot residents on the streets below, and that select Serb allies (mostly Russians) were invited to fire some shots of their own. Yet now we learn that this opportunity was provided not only as a gesture of appreciation but also as a kind of tourist activity for paying customers. Through “safaris” organized by the Bosnian Serb Army, dozens of rich foreigners – mostly from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Italy, but also from Russia – paid top dollar for the chance to shoot at helpless civilians.
Consider the special form of subjectivity that such a safari would confer on the “hunter.” Though the victims were anonymous, this was no video game; the perverse thrill lay in the fact that it was real. And yet, by playing the “hunter,” these rich tourists, occupying a safe perch above the city, effectively excluded themselves from ordinary reality. For their targets, the stakes were life or death.
There is something perversely honest in this melding of reality and spectacle. After all, aren’t top politicians and corporate managers also engaged in a kind of safari? From their safe perch in the C-suite, executives often ruin many lives.
Dmitry Medvedev, a former Russian president who now serves as deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, recently imputed a similar logic to Western political leaders. Dismissing warnings by the US and NATO about the consequences of a Russian tactical nuclear strike, Medvedev argued that:
“[T]he security of Washington, London, Brussels is much more important for the North Atlantic Alliance than the fate of a dying Ukraine that no one needs. The supply of modern weapons is just a business for Western countries. Overseas and European demagogues are not going to perish in a nuclear apocalypse. Therefore, they will swallow the use of any weapon in the current conflict.”
Medvedev has also said that the Kremlin will “do everything” to prevent “hostile neighbors” like “Nazi Ukraine” from acquiring or hosting nuclear weapons, as this supposedly would pose an existential threat to the Russian state. But since it is Russia that is threatening Ukraine’s existence as a state, Medvedev’s logic dictates that Ukraine, too, should have arms – and even nuclear weapons – to achieve military parity.
Recall Putin’s own words this past June: “… there is no in-between, no intermediate state: either a country is sovereign, or it is a colony, no matter what the colonies are called.” Since he obviously views Ukraine as a Russian colony, the West should not treat Ukraine as though it agreed with him. That means rejecting the idea that Western powers should bypass Ukraine and broker a settlement with Russia.
Unfortunately, many Western leftists have been playing directly into Putin’s hands on this issue. Consider Harlan Ullman of the Atlantic Council, who writes: “Clemenceau observed that ‘war is too important to be left to the generals.’ In this case, is Ukraine too important to be left to Zelensky? The US needs a strategy with an off-ramp to seek an end to the violence and the war.”
Leftists from Noam Chomsky to Jeffrey Sachs (not to mention the many Russia apologists on the right) have adopted similar positions. After first insisting that Ukraine cannot win a war against Russia, they now imply that it should not win, because that would leave Putin cornered and therefore dangerous.
But if we had followed the peaceniks’ advice and not sent arms to Ukraine, that country would now be fully occupied, its subjugation accompanied by far greater atrocities than those found in Bucha, Izium, and many other places.
A far better stance has been adopted by the German Greens, who advocate not only full support for Ukraine but also structural reforms to accelerate the transition away from oil and gas, which in turn will steer humanity away from catastrophic climate change. The rest of the Western left has been on safari, refusing an intervention that will challenge its established way of life.
Peaceniks argue that Russia needs a victory or concession that will allow it to “save face.” But that logic cuts both ways. Following Medvedev and Putin’s nuclear threats, it is Ukraine and the West that can no longer compromise and still save face. Recall that Medvedev predicted that the West would refuse to respond militarily to a Russian nuclear strike because it is too cowardly and greedy to do so.
Here, we enter the domain of philosophy, because Putin and Medvedev’s words clearly echo Hegel’s master-slave dialectic. If two self-consciousnesses are engaged in a life-or-death struggle, there can be no winner, because one will die and the victor will no longer have another self-consciousness around who can recognize its own self-consciousness. The entire history of human culture rests on the original compromise by which someone becomes the servant that “averts its eyes” to prevent mutual assured destruction.
Medvedev and Putin presume that the decadent, hedonist West will avert its eyes. And that brings us back to the dynamic captured in Sarajevo Safari. Privileged elites feel as though they can intervene in the real world in strategic ways that entail no personal danger. But reality catches up with everyone eventually. When it does, we must not heed the advice of those concerned only with not provoking the beast in the valley
Yeah. Useful Putin's idiot.
Labouring hard to spread messages of Russian Propaganda.
\\But that logic cuts both ways. Following Medvedev and Putin’s nuclear threats, it is Ukraine and the West that can no longer compromise and still save face. Recall that Medvedev predicted that the West would refuse to respond militarily to a Russian nuclear strike because it is too cowardly and greedy to do so.
All is much more simple.
No phylosophy involved. All is basic psychology.
One we learn in kindergarden even. When one child takes toys from other.
Not to play with em. But to feel "power". Power to demand submission from others.
And that lesson we need to learn that early. Applys here.
If one agrees to demands of tsug/bully... one CONSTANTLY loses his position in society. And from now on will be forsed to submit to EVERY next demand.
And to fight back... will be MUCH HARDER and way more dangerous.
What happens with West today?
That is befitting to be called Uvalde Syndrome -- when bunch of law enforcers, fully equipped and trained to withstand criminals... still waiting in a backyard, hesitant and nearly frozen of fear... while some vigilanty need to do all job in their stead.
Well, expanded version of it. Where some conspirologist(s) can lie about it in totally contrary to evidances way... and stay unpunished, and even prosper on that hype.
That is nothing but moral disgrace of nowaday Western Civilization.
Disgrace that need to be fixed ASAP.
Because, the later it'll be done, then more blood and lifes it will cost.
That is Lesson of the History.
Third World War will be counting victims im BILLIONS.
You like YouTube it seems.
There is channel "privateer station"
With info directly from Ukraine.
Is that where you get your propaganda?
...and Zizek is hardly Putin's idiot. He's a DiEM25 diehard.
Sniper tourism? Sounds glampy. The real thrill is do-it-yourself infiltration and post-shot exfiltration.
//Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
Is that where you get your propaganda?
And you?
Do you not know that calling propaganda just a POV you do not like -- disingenious.
True, but most everyone says the same about my POV. I try and return the favour tit-4-tat (see your October 14, 2022 at 3:13 AM comment above). I may be living inside of Orwell's whale, but my telephone sometimes reaches and communicates messages outside of him.
The real thrill is do-it-yourself infiltration and post-shot exfiltration.
That's a sportsman, not a safari tourist.
Feel free to give you definition of Propaganda.
From my side, I'll allow myself to explain myself with metaphor here. ;-)
While ordinary info that is bare fruit from a tree. Ripen or green, or even rotten sometime. Delivered to you by ordinary means. Even in a form of an apple pie.
But propaganda... that is distyled juices of rotten fruits... which we call alcohol. ;-)
See what I mean? Or you too intoxicated with that juices, so you lost taste and cannot distinguish rotten fruit from a fresh on anymore? That would be pitty.
...and should I now offer the difference between a dialectician, a logician and a rhetorician? Dialectic can be, and often is, polemical.
...and propaganda is a form of rhetoric made in service of an ideology. So what is the ideology behind my rhetoric/ propaganda? Classical liberalism delivered with an exhortation to virtue. Propaganda? Now THAT is a word dripping in alcohol.
...and meant/ intended to be dismissive.
...like calling my argument "racist" or "paid for".
...something so morally repugnant that the ears cannot stand the sounds nor eyes survey the argument without experiencing complete and utter revulsion. Something not worthy of any consideration.
You say that what I say here is "Russian" propaganda. That is what the Democrats said about Trump. That he was a Russian agent. That he was Putin's pawn, who held "pee tapes" to blackmail him. And that Hillary lost the election because a Russian troll farm spent $200k on propaganda on Facebook and that this neutralized the billions she spent on advertising her candidacy.
\\Blogger Thersites said...
...and propaganda is a form of rhetoric made in service of an ideology.
That is called Narrative today.
But yeah... where is that Ukrainian Narrative you calling Propaganda???
That Ukrainians have right to save their lifes???
That is not self-evident to you? And symbolise some nasty narrative? Some dangerous ideology?
Whatever how you could placate it, it looks weird. To say it like that.
\\So what is the ideology behind my rhetoric/ propaganda?
*I* never claimed that I see *YOUR* propaganda in your words.
Just a talking point of Russian Propaganda... you seems like repeating unconsciously.
Really, when Russians say it, it is immediately transparent WHY they do it -- because that is benefitional to them in their eyes.
What is SO benefitial to *YOU* in repeating it... I dunno. :-)
\\Blogger Thersites said...
...and meant/ intended to be dismissive.
...like calling my argument "racist" or "paid for".
Oh... say it, that you treat people with political agenda, activists any different. Not dismissive. Not like a noisy bugs. ;-P
\\ Something not worthy of any consideration.
Let's see. There is people that scream they want you dead.
What conciderations you'd show to em? What benefit of a doubt?
They not just screaming. They throwing rockets at you, killing your neighbours, your family. And brag that will throw Nukes too.
Your conciderations? What level of benevolence you'd show to them??? :-)))
\\You say that what I say here is "Russian" propaganda.
Are you Zizek?
Or you inclined to take words said about other people as said to you?
Well, citing words of Russian leaders. Such as Medvedev.
That is spreading of their propaganda. Fair and square.
What's the problem with it?
Is there some error(s?) in what I just said???
troll mode: on ;-P
\\That is what the Democrats said about Trump. That he was a Russian agent.
"Agent"? Or "asset"? Well, public can be oblivious to a differnce. But it exist, and very big.
"Assets" can be manipulated EVEN without their consensual knowledge. Even WITHOUT them knowing it at all. ;-P
\\That he was Putin's pawn, who held "pee tapes" to blackmail him.
Who knows? Do you think that is REALLY that impossible?
\\ And that Hillary lost the election because a Russian troll farm spent $200k on propaganda on Facebook and that this neutralized the billions she spent on advertising her candidacy.
Is it Ok to you? If foreign country labouring THAT MUCH to influence your elections???
troll mode: off ;-P
Well... that is all said just for the sake of discussion.
You seems like very agitated about it (and I know why).
And I, while that is of no importance for me (remember: have no skin in your political games), I still interested into exploring it. ;-)
But yeah... where is that Ukrainian Narrative you calling Propaganda???
That Ukrainians have right to save their lifes???
That is not self-evident to you? And symbolise some nasty narrative? Some dangerous ideology?
Whatever how you could placate it, it looks weird. To say it like that.
So the Ukrainians did nothing to antagonize Russia... they are complete innocents. They didn't have a conflict in the Donbas after the Maidan "revolution".... they weren't shelling Russian speakers in the 'autonomous' regions with artillery, no one was dying.... the Azov battalions were right to break into houses and kill Russian speakers... to outlaw the speaking of the Russian language.
...they have no right to save their lives OR speak Russian???
\\So what is the ideology behind my rhetoric/ propaganda?
Really, when Russians say it, it is immediately transparent WHY they do it -- because that is benefitional to them in their eyes.
What is SO benefitial to *YOU* in repeating it... I dunno. :-)
I repeat the parts that I believe to be true. That Ukraine IS divided between former Russian speakers and Ukrainians much as Palestine/Israel was divided between Jews and Arabs. Is it "propaganda" to say that Palestinians BOTH have an ideology and a cause?
Oh... say it, that you treat people with political agenda, activists any different. Not dismissive. Not like a noisy bugs. ;-P
Indeed. These people should know better, should celebrate our nation's "diversity" of citizens and permit them their own "crazy" ideas and not try and "shame" them. I make fun of these "scolds" who fancy themselves Mrs. Grundy.
\\ Something not worthy of any consideration.
Let's see. There is people that scream they want you dead.
What conciderations you'd show to em? What benefit of a doubt?
They not just screaming. They throwing rockets at you, killing your neighbours, your family. And brag that will throw Nukes too.
Your conciderations? What level of benevolence you'd show to them??? :-)))
None. Are you now describing the people in the Donbas before February 2022?
So no one was dying in the Donbas before February of 2022 when Russia invaded? These are lies, Russian propaganda?
Well, citing words of Russian leaders. Such as Medvedev.
That is spreading of their propaganda. Fair and square.
What's the problem with it?
Is there some error(s?) in what I just said???
Medvedev never speaks the truth? He makes EVERYTHING up? He never has a valid point? It's ALL propaganda? Isn't he Deputy Chairman of Russia's Security Council? I didn't know he was also Propaganda Minister.
"Assets" can be manipulated EVEN without their consensual knowledge. Even WITHOUT them knowing it at all. ;-P
So what was Hunter Biden? Was he a Ukrainian "asset" or "agent". Paul Manafort? Joe Biden? In America, they put Paul Manafort in jail for failing to register as a Ukrainian "agent". But Hunter? Joe? Millions from Burisma... and not an agent/asset?
\\That he was Putin's pawn, who held "pee tapes" to blackmail him.
Who knows? Do you think that is REALLY that impossible?
Kompromat IS possible. But blackmailing Trump with them? lol! It would make him more popular. He likes to "grab them by the pussy" and the people admire hime for it. I admire him for it. Women are hypergamous, and to marry a "Trump", their goal.
\\ And that Hillary lost the election because a Russian troll farm spent $200k on propaganda on Facebook and that this neutralized the billions she spent on advertising her candidacy.
Is it Ok to you? If foreign country labouring THAT MUCH to influence your elections???
Foreign governments manipulate elections. We (America) picked your leaders after Maidan. That's okay with you? The UK interferes in our elections all the time. Just look at the "Steele dossier". Yes, you need to discourage the practice. But let's not pretend that it's not what "ALL countries do".
Well... that is all said just for the sake of discussion.
You seems like very agitated about it (and I know why).
And I, while that is of no importance for me (remember: have no skin in your political games), I still interested into exploring it. ;-)
It does make for more useful intelligence and propaganda. ;)
\\So the Ukrainians did nothing to antagonize Russia... they are complete innocents. They didn't have a conflict in the Donbas after the Maidan "revolution".... they weren't shelling Russian speakers in the 'autonomous' regions with artillery, no one was dying.... the Azov battalions were right to break into houses and kill Russian speakers... to outlaw the speaking of the Russian language.
\\...they have no right to save their lives OR speak Russian???
Well. That is exactly what I call Talking Points of Russian Propaganda.
And when I give to you refs to a source where all that narratives explained and thrown off... you call it Ukrainian Propaganda.
But you are not Russian. You have NO freaking reasons to support their cause.
Quite contrary. As their cause -- it's to destroy USA.
I say... Russian Propaganda working Damn Too Good.
And that intriguing me to no end -- why so?
For now I have that hypothesis. That post-USSR RFia adopted that much of USA habits and structures, so their bodies became compatible. So now, any virus that would spread through RFia... would spread through USA too.
How do it look like to you? ;-)
\\That Ukraine IS divided between former Russian speakers and Ukrainians much as Palestine/Israel was divided between Jews and Arabs. Is it "propaganda" to say that Palestinians BOTH have an ideology and a cause?
All palestinians? Or just some ideological groups inside em?
Groups whose fanatism and military/terroristic might ignited and supported from outside?
Other then that... any country have some divisive lines.
Would you like it, if in your country would be administered such a "friendly help" from outside??? Like giving to a Blacks gettos money and weapon to launch drone bombing against districts with Whities???
I think NO.
\\So no one was dying in the Donbas before February of 2022 when Russia invaded? These are lies, Russian propaganda?
Investigate yourself. Who died. And how. And why.
Because. If *I* would give to you such info, you'll dismiss it as "propaganda" again. Isn't it?
\\\\Well, citing words of Russian leaders. Such as Medvedev.
That is spreading of their propaganda. Fair and square.
\\Medvedev never speaks the truth?
And speaking the truth CANNOT be Propaganda? 8-)))
Are you THAT unsophisticated?
To not understand HOW even Truth can be subverted to suit foul cause.
Even though you reading that much of that ancient Greeks.
Who was "sophists" there?
And WHY their name became SO notorious? ;-)
And why all that famous phylosophers was opposing to them???
\\\\"Assets" can be manipulated EVEN without their consensual knowledge. Even WITHOUT them knowing it at all. ;-P
\\So what was Hunter Biden?
I dunno. And I don't f***g care. ;-P
That is your INNER political struggles.
Why it SHOULD be interesting to anybody from outside of USA???
If you'll give any viable reasons, I would try to recheck my position on it.
\\Kompromat IS possible. But blackmailing Trump with them? lol! It would make him more popular. He likes to "grab them by the pussy" and the people admire hime for it. I admire him for it. Women are hypergamous, and to marry a "Trump", their goal.
So. You mean there could not be a "kompromat" against him?
About somthing THAT damning, that HE'd try to hide at all cost.
What if he... gay. And all that demonstrated machismo is just to hide that fact??? (quite plausible, in hindsight)
And there on that tapes are records where he happily giving his back side to a... well, draw your picture here, my imagination failing me. :-)))
\\We (America) picked your leaders after Maidan. That's okay with you?
(homeric laughter)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I say... Russian Propaganda working Damn Too Good.
And that intriguing me to no end -- why so?
For now I have that hypothesis. That post-USSR RFia adopted that much of USA habits and structures, so their bodies became compatible. So now, any virus that would spread through RFia... would spread through USA too.
How do it look like to you? ;-)
Yes, they wanted to "join our club". We didn't let them. Now they hate us, again.
All palestinians? Or just some ideological groups inside em? Groups whose fanatism and military/terroristic might ignited and supported from outside?
Many Palestinians were "prevented" from emigrating (the Gaza "refugee camp"). They were "trapped" and forced to fight by the nations that would not "accept" the refugees. Nothing was preventing the Ukrainian Russians from leaving for Russia. Nothing was preventing the Ukrainians in the Donbas from leaving for Ukraine, either. So they voted in 2014. Guess what. Ukraine lost the vote. So now you get Civil War. A war of "choice". Fight it yourselves.
Other then that... any country have some divisive lines.
Would you like it, if in your country would be administered such a "friendly help" from outside??? Like giving to a Blacks gettos money and weapon to launch drone bombing against districts with Whities???
I think NO.
It would depend. Did they vote first? Did they "lose" the vote, or win it?
Investigate yourself. Who died. And how. And why.
Because. If *I* would give to you such info, you'll dismiss it as "propaganda" again. Isn't it?
That depends. If you explain it fairly and objectively, I might believe you.
And speaking the truth CANNOT be Propaganda? 8-)))
Are you THAT unsophisticated?
To not understand HOW even Truth can be subverted to suit foul cause.
Even though you reading that much of that ancient Greeks.
Who was "sophists" there?
And WHY their name became SO notorious? ;-)
And why all that famous phylosophers was opposing to them???
Ancient Greece had two famous historians, Herodotus and Thucydides. I do not believe Herodotus. I believe Thucydides. Both told the truth.
Philosophers are sophists. We love sophistry. But wisdom also has "context". What is your "context"? To the benefit of what/ which "power" does "the narative" serve?
Thucydides history was believable because it served no partisan power. It told of what the Athenians did, and why they did it. It explained what the Spartans did, and why they did it. It was a seemingly "impartial" history told without lionizing one side or the other. Ugly events on all sides were related. There were two "narratives" not one. A "dialectic" where neither side was always good or bad. Good and bad leaders on both sides.
Did Thucydides omit "ugly events"? Maybe. But it (History of the Peloponnesian War) reads pretty even-handed.
Why it (Hunter Biden) SHOULD be interesting to anybody from outside of USA???
If you'll give any viable reasons, I would try to recheck my position on it.
Just wanted to let you know the type of people in the US supporting you so you won't be shocked when they abandon you.
So. You mean there could not be a "kompromat" against him?
About somthing THAT damning, that HE'd try to hide at all cost.
What if he... gay. And all that demonstrated machismo is just to hide that fact??? (quite plausible, in hindsight)
And there on that tapes are records where he happily giving his back side to a... well, draw your picture here, my imagination failing me. :-)))
Trump is the messenger, not the message. As long as he sticks to the message, he could do gay porn and no would care.
The "message" is going out, globally. The Gillet Jeunes in France. The Brexiteers in Britain. AFD in Germany. The post-WWII era is OVER. It's time to adjust to new realities. New economic realities. New defense realities. NATO is a dinosaur. It is not going to "save Ukraine" from any Russian bears. The US is getting o-u-t. Europe's (sans the UK) is on its own.
\\We (America) picked your leaders after Maidan. That's okay with you?
(homeric laughter)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
...cuz it's NOT with me.
\\Yes, they wanted to "join our club". We didn't let them. Now they hate us, again.
Yeah. That looks like YOUR side propaganda.
\\Nothing was preventing the Ukrainian Russians from leaving for Russia.
No, the biggest barrier. No money.
They NOT needed in RFia... without land they living on.
And, once that land will be taken as in that "action buy" where they give you better price BUT, ONLY if you'd but shampoo+conditioner.
And after that... they not needed again.
That is interesting for me. Can you describe your feelings here. Even if you'd find nothing to ask\oppose to it.
About country/nation that DO NOT NEED own citizens.
Treats em as dispensable. Beyond any reasonable means.
\\Nothing was preventing the Ukrainians in the Donbas from leaving for Ukraine, either.
Ehm? What for? Donbass that is Ukraine.
That is like to say that "nothing was preventing Americans from leaving Texas".
Even though we know from history that some time ago it was mexican land, isn't it? ;-)
So, yeah... what if Mexic would start a war against you? Under premise of lands (and people?) once was mexican.
\\So they voted in 2014.
Who voted?
There was NO elections in 2014.
\\ Guess what. Ukraine lost the vote. So now you get Civil War. A war of "choice". Fight it yourselves.
If you, USA, will allow it. Will continue making long faces, while doing nothing to mitigate it.
There'd be WW3.
And you, USA, will be sitting ducks in it.
Do you like such perspectives?
\\It would depend. Did they vote first? Did they "lose" the vote, or win it?
Ehm... and who voted to allow ben Laden to down set of jumbojets on your cities???
I do not understand your point here. COMPLETELY.
Elaborate, please? What do you mean under this "vote" thing???
And how it corresponds with a choices of a small bunch of plotting terrorists, who decided to end their lifes with bigger BANG! as possible. ;-P
\\\\Investigate yourself. Who died. And how. And why.
Because. If *I* would give to you such info, you'll dismiss it as "propaganda" again. Isn't it?
\\That depends. If you explain it fairly and objectively, I might believe you.
Why should *I* care?
What's the point for me in trying to change your assesment of it?
I see none.
Zero benefits.
Even negative. As your delusions entertaining me, for at least. While we can keep dissing. And that could end, if we'd go serious about it.
\\Philosophers are sophists.
Something that you not lost, than you have it, isn't it?
You didn't lost horns.
That mean you HAVE horns. :-))))
Do you see ANY deep phylosophy behind this? ;-P
\\But wisdom also has "context".
Is it?
\\ What is your "context"? To the benefit of what/ which "power" does "the narative" serve?
That is only one of multitude of possible views. ;-)
Not very wise to boot.
\\Thucydides history was believable because it served no partisan power.
Or... you just do not know anything about whom he served. ;-)
Isn't that is wise move from their part, to make you believe in their phony propaganda. ;-P
Well... that is how Russians concockt their propaganda.
Targeting that USAians beleaf in "even-handedness". And exploiting it to the fooolest. :-))))
\\\\Why it (Hunter Biden) SHOULD be interesting to anybody from outside of USA???
If you'll give any viable reasons, I would try to recheck my position on it.
\\Just wanted to let you know the type of people in the US supporting you so you won't be shocked when they abandon you.
That is AGAIN Russian Propaganda messages. And even whole narrative (about H.B.) totally concockted by them. For a gulible auditory of USA. To all others it is just meaningless buzz. Or is transparent lie. And only in USA it keep existing as that ball bouncing against partisan walls. :-)))))
As planned.
I dunno, why you do not see it? Such a simple direct "qui bono?".(separate remark, I dunno... why you place periods INSIDE quites???)
You really are SO carefree. And gullible. Beyond understandable.
\\Trump is the messenger, not the message. As long as he sticks to the message, he could do gay porn and no would care.
That is make belive.
In what time and place it was NOT important -- how message would be packaged? :-)))
Especailally when it mere postcard. ;-P
\\The post-WWII era is OVER.
Yet another "end of the history" prophesy? ;-)
\\It's time to adjust to new realities.
As always.
\\ New economic realities.
Hmm? Ehm? New?
Not just another *predictable* economical cycle?
\\New defense realities.
Like for example?
\\ NATO is a dinosaur. It is not going to "save Ukraine" from any Russian bears.
Ehm? That was not its purpose.
But... if it'll llose it. It will be forced to perfom its duty. And to the fullest.
So, why not to try to solve the problem BEFORE it'll turn into extrime case?
Isn't that'd be wise?
\\ The US is getting o-u-t.
Out of mind? :-)
\\Europe's (sans the UK) is on its own.
Don't get it. What does it mean?
That is interesting for me. Can you describe your feelings here. Even if you'd find nothing to ask\oppose to it.
About country/nation that DO NOT NEED own citizens.
Treats em as dispensable. Beyond any reasonable means.
That's my point. The neo-liberal global economy creates 'consumers'. Almost half of American's don't pay taxes (earn nothing/ contribute nothing). They collect "welfare". They're "dispensable" and "disposable". And their numbers are growing. That's why I want to cut off foreign goods and make jobs for Americans and stop the welfare payments. Americans'll have to work to eat. The neoliberals want to give everyone a "guaranteed income" to "consume" with. 'F that. Work or Die.
Zizek, "The Rise of the Salried Bourgeoisie"
A consequence of the rise in productivity brought about by the exponentially growing impact of collective knowledge is a change in the role of unemployment. It is the very success of capitalism (greater efficiency, raised productivity etc) which produces unemployment, rendering more and more workers useless: what should be a blessing – less hard labour needed – becomes a curse. Or, to put it differently, the chance to be exploited in a long-term job is now experienced as a privilege. The world market, as Fredric Jameson has put it, is ‘a space in which everyone has once been a productive labourer, and in which labour has everywhere begun to price itself out of the system.’ In the ongoing process of capitalist globalisation, the category of the unemployed is no longer confined to Marx’s ‘reserve army of labour’; it also includes, as Jameson notes, ‘those massive populations around the world who have, as it were, “dropped out of history”, who have been deliberately excluded from the modernising projects of First World capitalism and written off as hopeless or terminal cases’: so-called failed states (Congo, Somalia), victims of famine or ecological disaster, those trapped by pseudo-archaic ‘ethnic hatreds’, objects of philanthropy and NGOs or targets of the war on terror. The category of the unemployed has thus expanded to encompass vast ranges of people, from the temporarily unemployed, the no longer employable and permanently unemployed, to the inhabitants of ghettos and slums (all those often dismissed by Marx himself as ‘lumpen-proletarians’), and finally to the whole populations and states excluded from the global capitalist process, like the blank spaces on ancient maps.
There was NO elections in 2014.
There was in 2022. The Donbas people couldn't help it that Ukraine didn't allow a vote.
There'd be WW3.
And you, USA, will be sitting ducks in it.
Do you like such perspectives?
What would we do with Russia? We've got enough land.
\\It would depend. Did they vote first? Did they "lose" the vote, or win it?...
I do not understand your point here. COMPLETELY.
Elaborate, please? What do you mean under this "vote" thing???
And how it corresponds with a choices of a small bunch of plotting terrorists, who decided to end their lifes with bigger BANG! as possible. ;-P
The 2014 Ukraine presidential election map clearly shows that it was no "small minority" who wanted to start shooting.
...Even negative. As your delusions entertaining me, for at least. While we can keep dissing. And that could end, if we'd go serious about it.
Could your mind ever be changed on the subject?
\\Philosophers are sophists.
Something that you not lost, than you have it, isn't it?
You didn't lost horns.
That mean you HAVE horns. :-))))
Do you see ANY deep phylosophy behind this? ;-P
\\But wisdom also has "context".
Is it?
Wisdoms are "opposing generalities". What are the "specific circumstances" from which to select your wisdom? One wisdom serves and outcome of "success", the other, of "failure".
Here's the point (Plato, "Laches")
SOCRATES: And the same science has to do with the same things in the future or at any time?
NICIAS: That is true.
SOCRATES: Then courage is not the science which is concerned with the fearful and hopeful, for they are future only; courage, like the other sciences, is concerned not only with good and evil of the future, but of the present and past, and of any time?
NICIAS: That, as I suppose, is true.
SOCRATES: Then the answer which you have given, Nicias, includes only a third part of courage; but our question extended to the whole nature of courage: and according to your view, that is, according to your present view, courage is not only the knowledge of the hopeful and the fearful, but seems to include nearly every good and evil without reference to time. What do you say to that alteration in your statement?
NICIAS: I agree, Socrates.
SOCRATES: But then, my dear friend, if a man knew all good and evil, and how they are, and have been, and will be produced, would he not be perfect, and wanting in no virtue, whether justice, or temperance, or holiness? He would possess them all, and he would know which were dangers and which were not, and guard against them whether they were supernatural or natural; and he would provide the good, as he would know how to deal both with gods or men.
NICIAS: I think, Socrates, that there is a great deal of truth in what you say.
SOCRATES: But then, Nicias, courage, according to this new definition of yours, instead of being a part of virtue only, will be all virtue?
NICIAS: It would seem so.
SOCRATES: But we were saying that courage is one of the parts of virtue?
NICIAS: Yes, that was what we were saying.
There are four parts to virtue (cardinal virutes)- wisdom:justice::temperance:courage
meden agan!
\\ What is your "context"? To the benefit of what/ which "power" does "the narative" serve?
That is only one of multitude of possible views. ;-)
Not very wise to boot.
Without "power" there can be no "wisdom". If Solomon were not the king, could he give a "just" judgement (justice) in the case of the two women/baby/"divide in half"? Without "power" there can be no "courage" either. To "act" (show courage) or "Don't act" (show temperance).
Solomon (Putin) chose to divide the baby (Ukraine) in half. If he suceeds, he's both "wise" and "just" and in the future people will applaud his "courage", and "temperance" for not having taken the whole. If he "fails" he was an intemperate and cowardly fool who perpetrated a grave injustice killing the baby. ;P
\\Thucydides history was believable because it served no partisan power.
Or... you just do not know anything about whom he served. ;-)
Isn't that is wise move from their part, to make you believe in their phony propaganda. ;-P
Well... that is how Russians concockt their propaganda.
Targeting that USAians beleaf in "even-handedness". And exploiting it to the fooolest. :-))))
Indeed, perhaps Ukraine should give the Russians a bit more credit in their proaganda... and make it more believable. But I knpw, Putin's "on the ropes" and can't last much longer!....
\\\\Why it (Hunter Biden) SHOULD be interesting to anybody from outside of USA???
If you'll give any viable reasons, I would try to recheck my position on it.
Ukraine has no problems with corruption? That's not what everyone was saying before Feb of '22... Corruption is a problem EVERYWHERE (thank's "globalism").
\\Just wanted to let you know the type of people in the US supporting you so you won't be shocked when they abandon you.
That is AGAIN Russian Propaganda messages. And even whole narrative (about H.B.) totally concockted by them. For a gulible auditory of USA. To all others it is just meaningless buzz. Or is transparent lie. And only in USA it keep existing as that ball bouncing against partisan walls. :-)))))
As planned.
I dunno, why you do not see it? Such a simple direct "qui bono?".(separate remark, I dunno... why you place periods INSIDE quites???)
You really are SO carefree. And gullible. Beyond understandable.
Do you know what Socrates' 1st principle was? It's better to suffer injustice than commit it.
\\Trump is the messenger, not the message. As long as he sticks to the message, he could do gay porn and no would care.
That is make belive.
In what time and place it was NOT important -- how message would be packaged? :-)))
Especailally when it mere postcard. ;-P
Trump's message is packaged perfectly for THIS time and place. Republicans no longer "go along to get along".
\\ New economic realities.
Hmm? Ehm? New?
Not just another *predictable* economical cycle?
This one's different.
\\New defense realities.
Like for example?
NATO sans America.
\\ NATO is a dinosaur. It is not going to "save Ukraine" from any Russian bears.
Ehm? That was not its purpose.
But... if it'll llose it. It will be forced to perfom its duty. And to the fullest.
So, why not to try to solve the problem BEFORE it'll turn into extrime case?
Isn't that'd be wise?
Americans will fight to defend America. We're done saving Europe from Europeans.
\\ The US is getting o-u-t.
Out of mind? :-)
Maybe. :)
\\Europe's (sans the UK) is on its own.
Don't get it. What does it mean?
America WILL leave NATO. But we'll always have a "special relationship" with the UK Commonwealth and now, Japan. One is the strategic "key" to Europe. The other "Asia". Staging grounds for the future day when America decides it needs some "liebensraum". ;P
\\\\Treats em as dispensable. Beyond any reasonable means.
\\That's my point.
But that was not MY point.
\\The neoliberals want to give everyone a "guaranteed income" to "consume" with. 'F that. Work or Die.
That's your problem.
I will only remark it with -- you will not have much votes to such a poitical program. ;-P
\\\\There was NO elections in 2014.
\\There was in 2022. The Donbas people couldn't help it that Ukraine didn't allow a vote.
State your point clearly, please.
Do you mean that democratic procedure of election is unimportant?
Can be substituted with military intervention?
Don't hesitate. I will not scold you for that, as libtard would.
But it would help with achieving understanding in a discussion.
Because for now, I don't get what you trying to say here. :-/
\\\\Do you like such perspectives?
\\What would we do with Russia? We've got enough land.
You managed with Germany and Japan.
Don't say to me that you are scared of the mere size of it. ;-P
\\The 2014 Ukraine presidential election map clearly shows that it was no "small minority" who wanted to start shooting.
Again. And what showed map of presidential election in USA?
Does it mean that whoever can invade North America and help "people who struggling from oppression" there???
What's your point, again?
Or... political correctness destroyed your ability to state your position clearly, that much? ;-P
\\Could your mind ever be changed on the subject?
I do not allow my mind to be rigid about anything in the first place. ;-P
\\Wisdoms are "opposing generalities". What are the "specific circumstances" from which to select your wisdom? One wisdom serves and outcome of "success", the other, of "failure".
That's why I said it -- Everything is Evolution. ;-)
\\There are four parts to virtue (cardinal virutes)- wisdom:justice::temperance:courage
That is just playig with words. (yawn)
\\Without "power" there can be no "wisdom".
So? Diogen was not a wiseman?
Or... what was his (secret?) power??? :-)))
\\Solomon (Putin) chose to divide the baby (Ukraine) in half. If he suceeds, he's both "wise" and "just" and in the future people will applaud his "courage", and "temperance" for not having taken the whole. If he "fails" he was an intemperate and cowardly fool who perpetrated a grave injustice killing the baby. ;P
Yeah. That is example of lame sophism.
Wouldn't you like to become one of Putin's propagandists?
They have good salary. And lots of perks and benefits. ;-P
You seems like quite capable and equipped for such role.
Wouldn't you be courageous to state your bets where your mouth is.
With Putin you would rise, but also with Putin you could perish too. ;-)
\\Indeed, perhaps Ukraine should give the Russians a bit more credit in their proaganda... and make it more believable.
Truth have no need to be MORE believable.
That is eternal problem of a LIE. Trying hard to be plausible.
\\\\\\Why it (Hunter Biden) SHOULD be interesting to anybody from outside of USA???
If you'll give any viable reasons, I would try to recheck my position on it.
\\Ukraine has no problems with corruption? That's not what everyone was saying before Feb of '22... Corruption is a problem EVERYWHERE (thank's "globalism").
And how it relates??? That is exactly the reason why I make such ubitous quotes -- so such discrepancies would be obviously visible. ;-P
\\Do you know what Socrates' 1st principle was? It's better to suffer injustice than commit it.
Yeah... that jews in Oswentsim furnaces... was wise. Or not? (yawn)
\\Trump's message is packaged perfectly for THIS time and place. Republicans no longer "go along to get along".
Like I care. (yawn)
Might I refer you to some libtards? So you could scare em with such your brazen blashemies?
Because, you know. I don't care enough. To show emotional response you visibly want to achieve with such rethoric.
\\\\Not just another *predictable* economical cycle?
\\This one's different.
They all differnt.
\\NATO sans America.
Car separate from its wheels???
Well, all "friends" of USA would only LIKE IT. :-))))))))
\\Americans will fight to defend America. We're done saving Europe from Europeans.
With both foot self-shooted out beforhand?
Again. "Freinds" of USA will be ONLY glad to see America self-handicaping itsel.
You can drown your fleets and dive all satelites and planes to boot.
And return back to mushkets. :-))))))))))))))))))
\\America WILL leave NATO.
USA it's NATO. NATO... it's USA.
So, what was your point, again?
\\ But we'll always have a "special relationship" with the UK Commonwealth and now, Japan. One is the strategic "key" to Europe. The other "Asia". Staging grounds for the future day when America decides it needs some "liebensraum". ;P
Are you aware that that is anno domini 2022 today.
Not 1922.
And of course not 1822.
\\\\Treats em as dispensable. Beyond any reasonable means.
\\That's my point.
But that was not MY point.
Your point was they were needed for their "land" and that compensation would come with conditions.
Life is tough. Russia does not invade the Donbas for it's land. It invades for the people who support "industry" and are most likely Russian immigrants from the "Soviet" days. I suggest you leave, and take the "token/ meagre compensations" they will offer, and move to another part of Ukraine and work for others until your can afford, once again, to purchase some land. That, or stay, and accept the Russians are your new masters. Either way matters not to me.
\\The neoliberals want to give everyone a "guaranteed income" to "consume" with. 'F that. Work or Die.
That's your problem.
I will only remark it with -- you will not have much votes to such a poitical program. ;-P
America is not a Democracy, we're a Republic. And the votes will be from "representatives" who will either vote their own interests or be bribed to vote as told.
\\\\There was NO elections in 2014.
\\There was in 2022. The Donbas people couldn't help it that Ukraine didn't allow a vote.
State your point clearly, please.
Do you mean that democratic procedure of election is unimportant?
Can be substituted with military intervention?
Don't hesitate. I will not scold you for that, as libtard would.
But it would help with achieving understanding in a discussion.
Because for now, I don't get what you trying to say here. :-/
The "majority" (>50%) of people of the Donbas region were migrant industrial workers who came in the Soviet days and settled down OR are their descendants. Yes, there are still descendants of Ukrainian land owners and agricultural workers, but they are no longer the "majority" (>50%). Votes determine governments. I may not like the outcome, but I accept them. And I may not like that foreigners were once permitted to settle in my country, but I will not "ethnically cleanse" it now to settle "past injustices". I accept them, as people with "equal" claims to my own. For no people are autocthonous (Achilles' Merimods who "sprang from the Earth). Ever read Rousseau's "Emile"?
Should you ever "regain" your lost territory, I suggest you have a vote. Then abide from its' outcome. Are you familiar with how the Swiss canton system works? Adopt it.
\\\\Do you like such perspectives?
\\What would we do with Russia? We've got enough land.
You managed with Germany and Japan.
Don't say to me that you are scared of the mere size of it. ;-P
Did we settle those countries (Germany/ Japan) like the British colonized/ settled North America? Are millions of Americans living in Japan out-breeding the local Japanese?
My uncle Hank was killed at Iwo Jima. His brother, my father, was part of US occupation forces, Japan, after the war. My family, before I was born, lived a few years in Japan... then left. Yes, we still have many "bases" in Okinawa, but the primary islands are essentially free of Americans/ "occupiers". Same with Germany. We do as the Greeks did. We build "citadels" within your captured cities with which we can crush/ control you until you can learn to become more "like us". Then we leave. Sometimes too soon. But we leave. We don't need you.
\\The 2014 Ukraine presidential election map clearly shows that it was no "small minority" who wanted to start shooting.
Again. And what showed map of presidential election in USA?
Does it mean that whoever can invade North America and help "people who struggling from oppression" there???
What's your point, again?
Or... political correctness destroyed your ability to state your position clearly, that much? ;-P
The map of elections in the USA shows that the people who benefit from "collective action" and the economies of scale that come from urban centers vote "Democrat" and that people who are self-reliant and who live in rural regions (like farmers) who gain little benefit from "collective activy" vote Republican. 80% of Ukraine's more urbanized voters, the dark spots, are concentrated in the Donbas/ Luhansk regions. The former Russians are "Democrats". The Ukrainian farmers, Republicans. It's not hard to fathom. The solution is Plato's "Magnesia" style land divisions. But then, THAT is a "utopia".
\\Could your mind ever be changed on the subject?
I do not allow my mind to be rigid about anything in the first place. ;-P
Then you are rara avis.
\\There are four parts to virtue (cardinal virutes)- wisdom:justice::temperance:courage
That is just playig with words. (yawn)
Pearls before swine...
\\Without "power" there can be no "wisdom".
So? Diogen was not a wiseman?
Or... what was his (secret?) power??? :-)))
He was a "kynic". Do you know what a "cynic" is? Today, there are two recognized varieties cynics/kynics. Today's regime "toadies" are considered "cynics". Those who benefit from the existing power structure, but who oppose it, are "kynics". Diogenes power came from the saying les non dupes errent. Now go suck my monkey balls!
\\Indeed, perhaps Ukraine should give the Russians a bit more credit in their proaganda... and make it more believable.
Truth have no need to be MORE believable.
That is eternal problem of a LIE. Trying hard to be plausible.
Lawyers don't argue the "truth" in Courts. Such is the power of "rhetoric".
\\\\\\Why it (Hunter Biden) SHOULD be interesting to anybody from outside of USA???
If you'll give any viable reasons, I would try to recheck my position on it.
\\Ukraine has no problems with corruption? That's not what everyone was saying before Feb of '22... Corruption is a problem EVERYWHERE (thank's "globalism").
And how it relates??? That is exactly the reason why I make such ubitous quotes -- so such discrepancies would be obviously visible. ;-P
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, was paid $ millions for getting his VP father to do favours for Burisma oligarchs. The support you are getting now from America from Joe Biden, is a continuation of Hunter "earning his salary" from his father's favour.
Yes, you benefit from it. I pay for it. We will work to get rid of this corruption in our government. Once we do, your Burisma oligarchs, and Ukraine, will be "on your own".
\\Do you know what Socrates' 1st principle was? It's better to suffer injustice than commit it.
Yeah... that jews in Oswentsim furnaces... was wise. Or not? (yawn)
Ask the Israeli PM.
\\Trump's message is packaged perfectly for THIS time and place. Republicans no longer "go along to get along".
Like I care. (yawn)
You'll care when the American aid to Ukraine stops coming.
Might I refer you to some libtards? So you could scare em with such your brazen blashemies?
Because, you know. I don't care enough. To show emotional response you visibly want to achieve with such rethoric.
Those "liberals" are your friends/ allies, not me. Unreliable allies. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
\\\\Not just another *predictable* economical cycle?
\\This one's different.
They all differnt.
You're not the one sitting on $10 trillion in unsold T-bills. WE are the world's economy. You need to be aware... this is unprecendented. This cannot last if ANY monetary policy "reality" still underpins the economy.
\\Americans will fight to defend America. We're done saving Europe from Europeans.
With both foot self-shooted out beforhand?
Again. "Freinds" of USA will be ONLY glad to see America self-handicaping itsel.
You can drown your fleets and dive all satelites and planes to boot.
And return back to mushkets. :-))))))))))))))))))
Then get happy!
\\ But we'll always have a "special relationship" with the UK Commonwealth and now, Japan. One is the strategic "key" to Europe. The other "Asia". Staging grounds for the future day when America decides it needs some "liebensraum". ;P
Are you aware that that is anno domini 2022 today.
Not 1922.
And of course not 1822.
In America, it's 1776. Sometimes we lose our way (like now), but we always return to it. The Federalist Papers said it best. "Avoid foreign entanglements."
\\\\Not just another *predictable* economical cycle?
\\This one's different.
They all differnt.
btw - Do you think that this is just some kind of uncanny coincidence?
\\btw - Do you think that this is just some kind of uncanny coincidence?
It sounds like you are novice to a politics.
Have you watched "Yes, prime-minister" for at least?
Or your "Madam Secretary" if you dispise those brits. ;-P
\\You're not the one sitting on $10 trillion in unsold T-bills. WE are the world's economy. You need to be aware... this is unprecendented.
Wadayatakbout? Everything is unprecedent. Every next second in this "best of possible worlds". ;-P
\\This cannot last if ANY monetary policy "reality" still underpins the economy.
"Monetary policy" that is fata-morgana of understanding.
Technologies -- that is Reality. ;-P
\\Those "liberals" are your friends/ allies, not me. Unreliable allies. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
That was not the point.
YOU want so much to have a grouchy bikering with libtard... but I am not one. And cannot play it to you.
\\You'll care when the American aid to Ukraine stops coming.
Yes. When war'll end.
\\\\Do you know what Socrates' 1st principle was? It's better to suffer injustice than commit it.
Yeah... that jews in Oswentsim furnaces... was wise. Or not? (yawn)
\\Ask the Israeli PM.
Israel itself is the answer. ONLY when you have own country, you can protect your folk.
\\Yes, you benefit from it. I pay for it. We will work to get rid of this corruption in our government. Once we do, your Burisma oligarchs, and Ukraine, will be "on your own".
\\Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, was paid $ millions for getting his VP father to do favours for Burisma oligarchs. The support you are getting now from America from Joe Biden, is a continuation of Hunter "earning his salary" from his father's favour.
Millions already? :-)))
AFAIK that was like 50.000$
But through way of a hype it inflated into millions. :-)))
Well, why you tryin to haunt ME with it? :-))))))))))))))
If you SO SURE -- go in court.
Make him pay. That nasty HiBi. The price of vingence. Bu-ga-gah!!!
\\Lawyers don't argue the "truth" in Courts. Such is the power of "rhetoric".
Do they win with rethoric alone?
\\He was a "kynic". Do you know what a "cynic" is? Today, there are two recognized varieties cynics/kynics. Today's regime "toadies" are considered "cynics". Those who benefit from the existing power structure, but who oppose it, are "kynics". Diogenes power came from the saying les non dupes errent. Now go suck my monkey balls!
I cannot find a reason to care 'bout it.(yawn)
\\\\There are four parts to virtue (cardinal virutes)- wisdom:justice::temperance:courage
That is just playig with words. (yawn)
\\Pearls before swine...
Well. That is you are claiming that Truth and Justice... that is merely means of rethoric.
You cannot be virtuous and unvirtuous simultaneously. ;-P
Saint and devil.
Fool and wiseman.
Bold and soft.
Do you know 'bout Rule of Explosion??? ;-)
\\\\Could your mind ever be changed on the subject?
\\\I do not allow my mind to be rigid about anything in the first place. ;-P
\\Then you are rara avis.
Yeah. I don't like it. But it seems its true. :-/
\\The map of elections in the USA shows that the people who benefit from "collective action" and the economies of scale that come from urban centers vote "Democrat" and that people who are self-reliant and who live in rural regions (like farmers) who gain little benefit from "collective activy" vote Republican.
Farmers? Self-reliant? Today?
What do you know about rising crops? ;-P
Well, you reconstruction is even more laughable than that of a libtards (they, AFAIK pondering division on nerds and dorks ;-P)
\\ 80% of Ukraine's more urbanized voters, the dark spots, are concentrated in the Donbas/ Luhansk regions. The former Russians are "Democrats". The Ukrainian farmers, Republicans. It's not hard to fathom.
Yeah. Only... that is unapplyable. Such direct analogy.
And you not even an expert. Are you? While you yourself admitted that you even do not know history of Ukraine. And do not care to.
\\ The solution is Plato's "Magnesia" style land divisions. But then, THAT is a "utopia".
And where ANY of ANY phylosopher "solutuion" was anything but utopia??? :-))))))
\\But we leave. We don't need you.
As well as ALL that wave after wave of emigrants from europe.
No need of von Braun, to make Rockets.
No need of Einstain, to make Bomb.
And many-many other... who you don't need.
And would be good without their fresh blood and flashy new ideas.
So you'd be just another latin-american country, with decadent half-blood "aristocracy" and coca-chuing letargic peasants. :-))))))))))))))))
On the ropes of imperialistic Europe.
If that is epithome of Republican Dream... then, well... I'll avoid using "honorifics"... fer nau. %-)
\\The "majority" (>50%) of people of the Donbas region were migrant industrial workers who came in the Soviet days and settled down OR are their descendants.
And you have had said that you do not know and do not care about history of Ukraine. ;-P
While you know such a non-obvious trivia.
Say? Do you know WHY they was needed/introduced? That migrants.
\\America is not a Democracy, we're a Republic.
It seems. I cannot omit it. That question.
(insinuatingly)Is it Democratic Republic? ;-P
\\And the votes will be from "representatives" who will either vote their own interests or be bribed to vote as told.
And you O.K. with it? And that is NOT co-co-co... corruption? ;-)
\\Life is tough. Russia does not invade the Donbas for it's land. It invades for the people who support "industry" and are most likely Russian immigrants from the "Soviet" days. I suggest you leave, and take the "token/ meagre compensations" they will offer, and move to another part of Ukraine and work for others until your can afford, once again, to purchase some land. That, or stay, and accept the Russians are your new masters. Either way matters not to me.
Would YOU accepted new masters? Or, you'll fight for your freedom?
\\Your point was they were needed for their "land" and that compensation would come with conditions.
If you'll continue to use strawmaning... it would be unpleasing for me, but I'd be forced to switch into that mode of discussion as it was with TC.
They was NOT needed. Ever. That is how it works.
They are like that Harkonens... for you to understand it through fictional analogy.
Well, even that not exactly true.
Harkonens was based on brutal force.
But Rusha was built on the moral of peasants. Where life of an individual doesn't matter. Only needs of collective.
All that tremices about "brave warriors of Downbass", "war for independence" -- that was in and ouit just a PLAY, for a gullible Westerners like you. Americans especially.
And you gobbled that hook in. Wholely. :-))))
Isn't Putin's Propaganda *IS* ingenious? ;-)
\btw - Do you think that this is just some kind of uncanny coincidence?
It sounds like you are novice to a politics.
Have you watched "Yes, prime-minister" for at least?
Or your "Madam Secretary" if you dispise those brits. ;-P
I'm more of a "House of Cards" kinda guy. ;P
\\You're not the one sitting on $10 trillion in unsold T-bills. WE are the world's economy. You need to be aware... this is unprecendented.
Wadayatakbout? Everything is unprecedent. Every next second in this "best of possible worlds". ;-P
\\This cannot last if ANY monetary policy "reality" still underpins the economy.
"Monetary policy" that is fata-morgana of understanding.
Technologies -- that is Reality. ;-P
...and societies or social capital don't matter either. @@
\\You'll care when the American aid to Ukraine stops coming.
Yes. When war'll end.
...and Putin's thugs execute you and your family.
\\Ask the Israeli PM.
Israel itself is the answer. ONLY when you have own country, you can protect your folk.
America isn't going to "gift" you a country like the Brits did Palestine.
\\Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, was paid $ millions...
Millions already? :-)))
AFAIK that was like 50.000$
But through way of a hype it inflated into millions. :-)))
$50k per month for how many years?
Well, why you tryin to haunt ME with it? :-))))))))))))))
If you SO SURE -- go in court.
Make him pay. That nasty HiBi. The price of vingence. Bu-ga-gah!!!
Because the war in Ukraine and the billions spent paying for it are just an extension of our government's corruption. And he will pay. Not today. Soon.
\\Lawyers don't argue the "truth" in Courts. Such is the power of "rhetoric".
Do they win with rethoric alone?
Does an innocent ever go to prison?
\\He was a "kynic". Do you know what a "cynic" is?...!
I cannot find a reason to care 'bout it.(yawn)
So you care nothing about "power"? That is why you'll always lose.
\\\\There are four parts to virtue (cardinal virutes)- wisdom:justice::temperance:courage
That is just playig with words. (yawn)
\\Pearls before swine...
Well. That is you are claiming that Truth and Justice... that is merely means of rethoric.
You cannot be virtuous and unvirtuous simultaneously. ;-P
Saint and devil.
Fool and wiseman.
Bold and soft.
We are all these things... forever "becoming". Heraclitus: You never step into the same river twice.
Do you know 'bout Rule of Explosion??? ;-)
Do tell...
\\The map of elections in the USA shows that the people who benefit from "collective action" and the economies of scale that come from urban centers vote "Democrat" and that people who are self-reliant and who live in rural regions (like farmers) who gain little benefit from "collective activy" vote Republican.
Farmers? Self-reliant? Today?
What do you know about rising crops? ;-P
My mother's family came from Iowa, Ostfries farmers who came to America in the 1870's. I spent my summers as a boy helping on my uncle's farms. They are "Centennial farms" now. Each between 400 and 800 acres.
Well, you reconstruction is even more laughable than that of a libtards (they, AFAIK pondering division on nerds and dorks ;-P)
My "wisdom" in this area is over 2,000 years old. Lindy makes terrible cheesecake, but pretty good predictions about the future.
\\ 80% of Ukraine's more urbanized voters, the dark spots, are concentrated in the Donbas/ Luhansk regions. The former Russians are "Democrats". The Ukrainian farmers, Republicans. It's not hard to fathom.
Yeah. Only... that is unapplyable. Such direct analogy.
And you not even an expert. Are you? While you yourself admitted that you even do not know history of Ukraine. And do not care to.
I can read maps and understand demographics.
\\But we leave. We don't need you.
As well as ALL that wave after wave of emigrants from europe.
No need of von Braun, to make Rockets...
Nope. People, we've got.
\\The "majority" (>50%) of people of the Donbas region were migrant industrial workers who came in the Soviet days and settled down OR are their descendants.
And you have had said that you do not know and do not care about history of Ukraine. ;-P
While you know such a non-obvious trivia.
Say? Do you know WHY they was needed/introduced? That migrants.
You really don't understand the basics of economics. Read Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" (1776). The date isn't an "uncanny" coincidence.
\\America is not a Democracy, we're a Republic.
It seems. I cannot omit it. That question.
(insinuatingly)Is it Democratic Republic? ;-P
We vote for "representatives" not "laws". We've been doing a worse and worse job in the "democratic" part of that process (voting for representatives). Too many "elite vanguards"... not enough "bourgeoisie".
\\And the votes will be from "representatives" who will either vote their own interests or be bribed to vote as told.
And you O.K. with it? And that is NOT co-co-co... corruption? ;-)
I cannot change human nature. I can only try and "stack the deck" with better "representatives".
\\Life is tough... I suggest you leave, and take the "token/ meagre compensations" they will offer, and move to another part of Ukraine and work for others until your can afford, once again, to purchase some land. That, or stay, and accept the Russians are your new masters. Either way matters not to me.
Would YOU accepted new masters? Or, you'll fight for your freedom?
In your case, I would leave. Your "new boss". He's the same as the "old boss". You want to live like a western European? Move to Western Europe.
\\Your point was they were needed for their "land" and that compensation would come with conditions.
They was NOT needed. Ever. That is how it works.
They are like that Harkonens... for you to understand it through fictional analogy.
Well, even that not exactly true.
Harkonens was based on brutal force.
But Rusha was built on the moral of peasants. Where life of an individual doesn't matter. Only needs of collective.
All that tremices about "brave warriors of Downbass", "war for independence" -- that was in and ouit just a PLAY, for a gullible Westerners like you. Americans especially.
And you gobbled that hook in. Wholely. :-))))
Isn't Putin's Propaganda *IS* ingenious? ;-)
They aren't coming to purge the kulaks and form new collective farms. They're going to need the kulaks. Lots of them.
\\I'm more of a "House of Cards" kinda guy. ;P
Not a netflix junky. ;-P
\\...and societies or social capital don't matter either. @@
Depends of what you want, isn't it?
Like you for example. If you'd like to have more commenters in your blog, wouldn't you find a way to achieve it? In gross numbers.
\\\\You'll care when the American aid to Ukraine stops coming.
\\\Yes. When war'll end.
\\...and Putin's thugs execute you and your family.
What's your point again?
That Putin's thugs could show mercy to a cowards?
\\America isn't going to "gift" you a country like the Brits did Palestine.
Go learn some history... of Israel, this rime. Would ya?
\\$50k per month for how many years?
If you do noy know such trivial things... what are we talking about here? :-)))
AFAIK that was one time paycheck. If was. If that was not mere "accomodation fee". You yourself, would you go to some distant place... without being paid for that?
\\Because the war in Ukraine and the billions spent paying for it are just an extension of our government's corruption. And he will pay. Not today. Soon.
Not my problem.
\\Does an innocent ever go to prison?
Didn't you knew it, that IN prison there only people wrongly sentenced reside. ;-P
\\So you care nothing about "power"? That is why you'll always lose.
There is games in which to lose is the best strategy. ;-P
(like in talks with TC)
\\We are all these things... forever "becoming". Heraclitus: You never step into the same river twice.
But we can remember. And introspect. And imagine. And make a rational choice. (well, few of us ;-P)
\\\\Do you know 'bout Rule of Explosion??? ;-)
\\Do tell...
Not likely. :-)
\\My "wisdom" in this area is over 2,000 years old. Lindy makes terrible cheesecake, but pretty good predictions about the future.
And what your wisdom saying about previous IceAge? ;-P
Or about next asteroid attack.
Or about... huh, I'll spare your feelings here. This time.
\\I can read maps and understand demographics.
And that is enough? :-)))
So, maybe you know why USSR break up happened, then?
\\\\No need of von Braun, to make Rockets...
\\Nope. People, we've got.
That is "action buy". You cannot have people without everything else.
\\\\The "majority" (>50%) of people of the Donbas region were migrant industrial workers who came in the Soviet days and settled down OR are their descendants.
And you have had said that you do not know and do not care about history of Ukraine. ;-P
While you know such a non-obvious trivia.
Say? Do you know WHY they was needed/introduced? That migrants.
\\You really don't understand the basics of economics. Read Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" (1776). The date isn't an "uncanny" coincidence.
How that relates?
There was war. There was famines. There was genocide.
And that was voluntaristic politic of Stalin to blend all nationalities into one "soviet people".
And you talking about Adam Smith.
\\We vote for "representatives" not "laws". We've been doing a worse and worse job in the "democratic" part of that process (voting for representatives). Too many "elite vanguards"... not enough "bourgeoisie".
Not my problem.
\\In your case, I would leave. Your "new boss". He's the same as the "old boss". You want to live like a western European? Move to Western Europe.
Only one little problem.
That "new boss" started this Crucade to have all Europe.
What? NATO will protect me there? But YOU declaring abandon of NATO.
So, you'll take ALL refugies from Western Europe on your turf?
And where we all go if that "new boss" will come after USA??? :-)))))
You are rediculous. Are you know it?
\\They aren't coming to purge the kulaks and form new collective farms. They're going to need the kulaks. Lots of them.
You know nothing about history of Rusha. ;-P
Like you for example. If you'd like to have more commenters in your blog, wouldn't you find a way to achieve it? In gross numbers.
Think porn would help? ;)
\\...and Putin's thugs execute you and your family.
What's your point again?
That Putin's thugs could show mercy to a cowards?
Why would they show mercy? They'll just kill.
\\America isn't going to "gift" you a country like the Brits did Palestine.
Go learn some history... of Israel, this rime. Would ya?
I give up, do we still send money to UNWRA and Israel?
\\$50k per month for how many years?
If you do noy know such trivial things... what are we talking about here? :-)))
AFAIK that was one time paycheck. If was. If that was not mere "accomodation fee". You yourself, would you go to some distant place... without being paid for that?
Then you didn't read the link.
\\Because the war in Ukraine and the billions spent paying for it are just an extension of our government's corruption. And he will pay. Not today. Soon.
Not my problem.
...until the checks stop coming. And they will soon stop. In two weeks we get our "appropriating agencies" back. You still have some neocon Republican friends, but they too will be less... and less. And in two years, the money stops completely. So sad for you. NOT.
\\Does an innocent ever go to prison?
Didn't you knew it, that IN prison there only people wrongly sentenced reside. ;-P
So rhetoric is now more powerful than truth. ;)
\\So you care nothing about "power"? That is why you'll always lose.
There is games in which to lose is the best strategy. ;-P
(like in talks with TC)
It wasn't a competition. An analyst can have more than one "patient". And sometime's, it pays to get a "consult". ;)
\\We are all these things... forever "becoming". Heraclitus: You never step into the same river twice.
But we can remember. And introspect. And imagine. And make a rational choice. (well, few of us ;-P)
We have very poor memories, are rarely introspective, and we are seldom "rational".
\\I can read maps and understand demographics.
And that is enough? :-)))
So, maybe you know why USSR break up happened, then?
Not enough computers to coordinate manufacturing like in today's China.
\\\\No need of von Braun, to make Rockets...
\\Nope. People, we've got.
That is "action buy". You cannot have people without everything else.
People (an excess of) are the problem. Oh, that right, you don't read Plato. Ever increasing "industrial "growth" is a modern myth.
\\\\The "majority" (>50%) of people of the Donbas region were migrant industrial workers who came in the Soviet days and settled down OR are their descendants.
And you have had said that you do not know and do not care about history of Ukraine. ;-P
While you know such a non-obvious trivia.
Say? Do you know WHY they was needed/introduced? That migrants.
Most likely a Stalinist 5 year plan. Also, you pit ethnicities against each other so that they won't join forces and usurp your control. At least, that's how they do it here.
\\You really don't understand the basics of economics. Read Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" (1776). The date isn't an "uncanny" coincidence.
How that relates?
There was war. There was famines. There was genocide.
And that was voluntaristic politic of Stalin to blend all nationalities into one "soviet people".
Yes, here we now call it "multiculturalism". "Diversity is a strength"... at least when you need to rule a post WWII "global empire".
And you talking about Adam Smith.
America became "great" long BEFORE WWI. We defeated the British Empire in 1782. And again in a re-match in 1812. Then defeated the remnants of the Spanish Empire is the 1890's after a civil war. All THAT was built upon the economics of Adam Smith as implemented by Benjamin Franklin, et al. The motto "Mind your Business" was on the Continental dollar. We "literally" became a "nation of shopkeepers" both before, and after the revolution.
\\We vote for "representatives" not "laws". We've been doing a worse and worse job in the "democratic" part of that process (voting for representatives). Too many "elite vanguards"... not enough "bourgeoisie".
Not my problem.
You'll be singing a different tune in two weeks when the new Congress washing in with a tidal wave mandate to stop f'ing around in Ukraine.
\\In your case, I would leave. Your "new boss". He's the same as the "old boss". You want to live like a western European? Move to Western Europe.
Only one little problem.
That "new boss" started this Crucade to have all Europe.
What? NATO will protect me there? But YOU declaring abandon of NATO.
So, you'll take ALL refugies from Western Europe on your turf?
And where we all go if that "new boss" will come after USA??? :-)))))
You are rediculous. Are you know it?
Actually, THAT is ridiculous. You shouldn't have turned the Russian Ukrainians into 2nd class citizens. Now, you pay. Hubris, say hello to Nemesis.
\\They aren't coming to purge the kulaks and form new collective farms. They're going to need the kulaks. Lots of them.
You know nothing about history of Rusha. ;-P
Yesterday isn't tomorrow.
\\Why would they show mercy? They'll just kill.
So? What is your point, again?
That stupid Ukrainians are that stupid to believe in USA as ally, and better go give up, to be killed right away?
Hmmm... what an interesting choice. So hard to choose, what to take.
\\Then you didn't read the link.
What for? "Do not hear fakes, do not say fakes, do not see fakes... do not spread fakes" ;-)
(is this allusion to a buddist principle need to be stated apparently?)
\\...until the checks stop coming.
Old news. It already in budget on year 2023.
And your Military-Industrial Complex have his view on that money. ;-P
So, what you would do with that? Reps starting playing peace-junky hippies?? "Make love not weapon" to them??? Bu-ga-gah! (SARCASM)
\\So rhetoric is now more powerful than truth. ;)
Yeah. If you are thoughts in clouds phylosopher, who can believe he is actually free, even while sitting in prison. ;-P
\\\\(like in talks with TC)
\\It wasn't a competition.
For me or for TC? ;-)
It's interesting to know your thought as a bystander.
\\We have very poor memories, are rarely introspective, and we are seldom "rational".
Yep. “Everyone complains of his memory, and no one complains of his judgment.” ― François de La Rochefoucauld
\\\\So, maybe you know why USSR break up happened, then?
\\Not enough computers to coordinate manufacturing like in today's China.
I was not enough persuasive with *Huerta* de Soto's book adverising.
Or I need to cite it here?
Explain in simple words?
What a bother. (yawn)
\\People (an excess of) are the problem. Oh, that right, you don't read Plato. Ever increasing "industrial "growth" is a modern myth.
I am technologist. I do know much more than Plato about industry. ;-P
\\\\Say? Do you know WHY they was needed/introduced? That migrants.
\\Most likely a Stalinist 5 year plan. Also, you pit ethnicities against each other so that they won't join forces and usurp your control. At least, that's how they do it here.
Yeah, so-o-aw superficial.
\\Yes, here we now call it "multiculturalism". "Diversity is a strength"... at least when you need to rule a post WWII "global empire".
Yes. That's easy to declare absence of jelly in a cafeteria as an attrocity of a level of Pol Pot. :-))))))
Such a sluggishly snobbish.
\\America became "great" long BEFORE WWI. We defeated the British Empire in 1782. And again in a re-match in 1812. Then defeated the remnants of the Spanish Empire is the 1890's after a civil war. All THAT was built upon the economics of Adam Smith as implemented by Benjamin Franklin, et al. The motto "Mind your Business" was on the Continental dollar. We "literally" became a "nation of shopkeepers" both before, and after the revolution.
Thank you for citing to me *your* propaganda in a such succint form.
Guess I need to note it somewhere.
Oh, on that stiker... oh, where is that previous one where I noted such a succint citing of Putin's Propaganda? How'd I remember what was written there now? Well, whatever.
\\You'll be singing a different tune in two weeks when the new Congress washing in with a tidal wave mandate to stop f'ing around in Ukraine.
\\Actually, THAT is ridiculous.
Elaborate, please... what THAT???
\\Yesterday isn't tomorrow.
Captain Obvious again?
\\Why would they show mercy? They'll just kill.
So? What is your point, again?
That stupid Ukrainians are that stupid to believe in USA as ally, and better go give up, to be killed right away?
Hmmm... what an interesting choice. So hard to choose, what to take.
Perhaps you should negotiate, whilst you still have some leverage (territory). Because if you keep listening to US State Deprtment Idiots like Victoria Nuland and ex-CIA cold-warriors, you'll surely lose everything. But hey, they paying all of Ukraine's government salaries now, so I doubt that any of your government officials are willing to risk them (at least until they get all their relatives on evacuation lists for when the Americans leave and while they sell off their remaining non-moveable properties for all they can ).
\\...until the checks stop coming.
Old news. It already in budget on year 2023.
And your Military-Industrial Complex have his view on that money. ;-P
So, what you would do with that? Reps starting playing peace-junky hippies?? "Make love not weapon" to them??? Bu-ga-gah! (SARCASM)
When global economies collapse, there are no winners. Not even those with defense contracts or items in the following fiscal year's federal budget.
\\So rhetoric is now more powerful than truth. ;)
Yeah. If you are thoughts in clouds phylosopher, who can believe he is actually free, even while sitting in prison. ;-P
...and yet a philosopher-king in his dreams.
\\\\(like in talks with TC)
\\It wasn't a competition.
For me or for TC? ;-)
It's interesting to know your thought as a bystander.
Either. I can tell you're both intelligent, but I already knew that about him.
\\\\So, maybe you know why USSR break up happened, then?
\\Not enough computers to coordinate manufacturing like in today's China.
I was not enough persuasive with *Huerta* de Soto's book adverising.
Or I need to cite it here?
Explain in simple words?
What a bother. (yawn)
I suppose you must. I'm a huge fan of anarcho-capitalism, but am not ignorant of the economic CyberSyn successes achieved by Allende, and now the "capitalists with Eastern values" of Singapore and China.
\\\\Say? Do you know WHY they was needed/introduced? That migrants.
\\Most likely a Stalinist 5 year plan. Also, you pit ethnicities against each other so that they won't join forces and usurp your control. At least, that's how they do it here.
Yeah, so-o-aw superficial.
Then elaborate.
\\Yes, here we now call it "multiculturalism". "Diversity is a strength"... at least when you need to rule a post WWII "global empire".
Yes. That's easy to declare absence of jelly in a cafeteria as an attrocity of a level of Pol Pot. :-))))))
Such a sluggishly snobbish.
I learned it from the MEBA Union, who get paid overtime rates for every hour that the peanut butter promised in their union contract isn't available at their shipboard dining table.
\\Actually, THAT is ridiculous.
Elaborate, please... what THAT???
Russia beating Europe, just because the US pulls out of NATO. Please. Germany alone? No, been there, done that. France alone? No, been there, done that. But Germany and France, et al? Russia wouldn't stand a chance.
\\Yesterday isn't tomorrow.
Captain Obvious again?
\\Perhaps you should negotiate, whilst you still have some leverage (territory)
Yes. Of course. How I could not come to that thought myself. What a stupid I am.
But wait.
When some thug shuts off your leg... will he negotiate with you about shuting off your other leg, or hand, or making nice round hole in your head???
THANK YOU!! GREAT ADVICE!!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))
(it reminds me that scene from first Die Hard... where that slick junky tryed to negotiate with terrorists... if you forgot -- rewatch it, great movie)
\\When global economies collapse, there are no winners.
I don't get it?
Oceans gonna evapourate?
Evil aliens rised from the deeps and started cosplaying pirates?
Or that is Davy Jones have risen from Hell??? :-))))
\\\\\\(like in talks with TC)
\\\\It wasn't a competition.
\\\For me or for TC? ;-)
\\\It's interesting to know your thought as a bystander.
\\Either. I can tell you're both intelligent, but I already knew that about him.
That he sees talks in the Web as competition?
That is not a problem at all.
Problem is... he cannot admit that he lost. And that is trait of a moron.
And how moron can be intelligent, that's intriguing, not.
Well, Truth in the eyes of beholder.
\\\\\\So, maybe you know why USSR break up happened, then?
\\\\\Not enough computers to coordinate manufacturing like in today's China.
\\\I was not enough persuasive with *Huerta* de Soto's book adverising.
\\\Or I need to cite it here?
\\\Explain in simple words?
\\I suppose you must.
Well. Basic idea. That economy rises from choices of an entrepreneurs.
In a general sense.
You and me are ones, when we going to buy something... or even just walking.
Like leisurely by the beach... and stumbled uppon some shell for example (or fish, of bottle with map of pirate's treasures, or etc).
THAT MOMENT that we decide "huh, that could cost some money" and "there somewhere could be one who'd buy it" and to "let's trade".
Such things cannot be predicted with ANY possible computer (except that one, OUR Matrix running on ;-) )
And as such -- no (global, you can plan inside your corp as much as you want) planning of economy works.
And socialism DO NOT work (tm) EXACTLY because it means SUPPRESSION of such "out of the system" behavior. Period.
\\Then elaborate.
You yourself admited that you do not know and do not want to know history of Ra'Sha. ;-P
Contradiction in terms here.
\\Russia beating Europe, just because the US pulls out of NATO. Please.
Who said beating?
Evapourating with Nukes... if they not submit to a Tzar VVP the Great...est ;-P
\\Perhaps you should negotiate, whilst you still have some leverage (territory)
THANK YOU!! GREAT ADVICE!!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))
A wise man learns to cuts his losses. He also learns other ones, like "Never try and catch a falling knife". I guess I still need to watch the "dead cat bounce"... but likely won't "buy" at it's apex (Ukraine, present day).
\\When global economies collapse, there are no winners.
I don't get it?
Oceans gonna evapourate?
Evil aliens rised from the deeps and started cosplaying pirates?
Or that is Davy Jones have risen from Hell??? :-))))
No, but electrons do get erased from bank ledgers.
\\\I was not enough persuasive with *Huerta* de Soto's book adverising.
\\\Or I need to cite it here?
\\\Explain in simple words?
\\I suppose you must.
Well. Basic idea. That economy rises from choices of an entrepreneurs.
In a general sense.
You and me are ones, when we going to buy something... or even just walking.
Like leisurely by the beach... and stumbled uppon some shell for example (or fish, of bottle with map of pirate's treasures, or etc).
THAT MOMENT that we decide "huh, that could cost some money" and "there somewhere could be one who'd buy it" and to "let's trade".
Such things cannot be predicted with ANY possible computer (except that one, OUR Matrix running on ;-) )
And as such -- no (global, you can plan inside your corp as much as you want) planning of economy works.
And socialism DO NOT work (tm) EXACTLY because it means SUPPRESSION of such "out of the system" behavior. Period.
Did you watch the CyberSyn video? Imagine that Gorbachev had done THAT instead of giving local managers more control back in '85. The USSR would still be here, today (Watch Episode 1 of Adam Curis' "TraumaZone"... posted here.)
You yourself admited that you do not know and do not want to know history of Ra'Sha. ;-P
Contradiction in terms here.
I just posted its' more "recent" history, since re-birth from USSR. You should watch it and tell me what isn't true.
\\Russia beating Europe, just because the US pulls out of NATO. Please.
Who said beating?
Evapourating with Nukes... if they not submit to a Tzar VVP the Great...est ;-P
So Russia wants NO trading partners, just nuke everyone? Who knew? They sounds like the juche North Koreans.
\\\\Perhaps you should negotiate, whilst you still have some leverage (territory)
THANK YOU!! GREAT ADVICE!!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))
\\A wise man learns to cuts his losses.
Let's Putin be that wise man... but he do not want. He playing crazy to elevate his demands in a situation when he have no (other?) leverage.
So, you think that motto "we do not negotiate with terrorists" of your USA government is dumb? They need ALWAYS negotiate? and NEED TO give to terrorists what they want???
Oh my, what a clever idea... not. :-))))))))))))
\\No, but electrons do get erased from bank ledgers.
So what?
\\Did you watch the CyberSyn video? Imagine that Gorbachev had done THAT
They tryed. Go read about Glushkov. ;-P
And that experiment fell on its face, spectacularly. When those who in power decided that they don't like it -- to lose the gripp on power. By redirecting it through some "electronic commie".
That's why all that CyberSyn ideas is bullshit -- and will fall on its face THE VERY SAME time when some higherup would decide that HE do not like it, that numbers clever algorithm spewing to him, and will direct coders to make "better" one. ;-P
\\instead of giving local managers more control back in '85.
What garbage sources you basing your claims on? :-)))
Totally contre-factual.
That "giving more control" was totally cosmetical and only on words.
True idea behind all that buzz called Pestroika (Rebuilding? Build Back Better? ;-P) was "let's make workers churn sweat harder... gladly and out of own free will this time, by making rules a bit laxed". Moronic, isn't it? ;-P
\\ The USSR would still be here, today (Watch Episode 1 of Adam Curis' "TraumaZone"... posted here.)
Commented... already. ;-)
\\So Russia wants NO trading partners, just nuke everyone? Who knew? They sounds like the juche North Koreans.
"juche" that is just "old good stalinism". (yawn)
But, for at least, you starting to comprehend something, or no?
That was said just for the sake of saying something?
\\A wise man learns to cuts his losses.
Let's Putin be that wise man... but he do not want. He playing crazy to elevate his demands in a situation when he have no (other?) leverage.
So, you think that motto "we do not negotiate with terrorists" of your USA government is dumb? They need ALWAYS negotiate? and NEED TO give to terrorists what they want???
Oh my, what a clever idea... not. :-))))))))))))
My government negotiates with terrorists all the time. And they're not very good at it.
\\No, but electrons do get erased from bank ledgers.
So what?
Modern "wealth" is an illusion. There is only "land" and "power".
\\Did you watch the CyberSyn video? Imagine that Gorbachev had done THAT
They tryed. Go read about Glushkov. ;-P
And that experiment fell on its face, spectacularly. When those who in power decided that they don't like it -- to lose the gripp on power. By redirecting it through some "electronic commie".
That's why all that CyberSyn ideas is bullshit -- and will fall on its face THE VERY SAME time when some higherup would decide that HE do not like it, that numbers clever algorithm spewing to him, and will direct coders to make "better" one. ;-P
"One of his great practical goals was the creation of the National Automated System for Computation and Information Processing (OGAS), consisting of a computer network to manage the allocation of resources and information among organizations in the national economy, which would represent a higher form of socialist planning than the extant centrally planned economy. This ambitious project was ahead of its time, first being proposed and modeled in 1962. It received opposition from many senior Communist Party leaders who felt the system threatened Party control of the economy.[2] By the early 1970s official interest in this system ended."
If what you say is true, please explain the Chinese success. Please explain their "social credit" system, while you're at it.
\\instead of giving local managers more control back in '85.
What garbage sources you basing your claims on? :-)))
Totally contre-factual.
That "giving more control" was totally cosmetical and only on words.
True idea behind all that buzz called Pestroika (Rebuilding? Build Back Better? ;-P) was "let's make workers churn sweat harder... gladly and out of own free will this time, by making rules a bit laxed". Moronic, isn't it? ;-P
The managers didn't loot the factories? Who knew? And Build Back Better isn't made to make the workers sweat. It's to put the oil and gas industries out of business with LOW energy density sources. The OPPOSITE of "progress". It's meant to DESTROY our economy.
\\ The USSR would still be here, today (Watch Episode 1 of Adam Curis' "TraumaZone"... posted here.)
Commented... already. ;-)
You mean "dismissed" already. Facts don't help your arguments.
\\So Russia wants NO trading partners, just nuke everyone? Who knew? They sounds like the juche North Koreans.
"juche" that is just "old good stalinism". (yawn)
But, for at least, you starting to comprehend something, or no?
That was said just for the sake of saying something?
It was sarcasm. Want to know what the American motto was in the nineteenth century? "Self Reliance". We were a nation of "pioneers". THAT is what made America great, not some Wall Street bankers.
\\My government negotiates with terrorists all the time. And they're not very good at it.
There is that difference between *negotiations*... and sending talking head with goal to pull terrorist to headshot by a sniper. ;-)
But well... I already commented about that. Uvalde Syndrom. :-(((
\\Modern "wealth" is an illusion. There is only "land" and "power".
So what?
Some say that life itself is mere illusion.
Elaborate, if you wanna have some more from me.
\\If what you say is true, please explain the Chinese success. Please explain their "social credit" system, while you're at it.
Ehm??? Billion and a half of docile and not picky workforce units? ;-P
\\The managers didn't loot the factories? Who knew?
They was looting em ALL the time. Even (or especially) in times of Stalin.
But, that is the same as with fleas and dogs. Healthy dog can accomodate lots of. But ill one, could die from that additional burden.
\\And Build Back Better isn't made to make the workers sweat. It's to put the oil and gas industries out of business with LOW energy density sources. The OPPOSITE of "progress". It's meant to DESTROY our economy.
Not my problem. ;-P
\\You mean "dismissed" already. Facts don't help your arguments.
That is blatantly untrue.
I was not empty-wordy as TC.
I made citation.
And (now) even explained it.
And ready to continue to answer to you thoughtful questions there.
So, your whinning about me "dismissed" something is unfair and disingenious.
\\If what you say is true, please explain the Chinese success. Please explain their "social credit" system, while you're at it.
Ehm??? Billion and a half of docile and not picky workforce units? ;-P
Then why'd they do so much better under the "3 represents" than before? They are still "communists". They have the 2nd largest economy on Earth, proving that "Communism works."
\\The managers didn't loot the factories? Who knew?
They was looting em ALL the time. Even (or especially) in times of Stalin.
But, that is the same as with fleas and dogs. Healthy dog can accomodate lots of. But ill one, could die from that additional burden.
Exactly. Ukraine is that last flea on the American economy.
\\And Build Back Better isn't made to make the workers sweat. It's to put the oil and gas industries out of business with LOW energy density sources. The OPPOSITE of "progress". It's meant to DESTROY our economy.
Not my problem. ;-P
And Ukraine will soon be (2 weeks), "Not my problem". That's when the fumigation of the dog begins.
\\You mean "dismissed" already. Facts don't help your arguments.
That is blatantly untrue.
I was not empty-wordy as TC.
I made citation.
And (now) even explained it.
And ready to continue to answer to you thoughtful questions there.
So, your whinning about me "dismissed" something is unfair and disingenious.
All you've done is complain about the inadequacy of the documentary without successfully challenging or contraverting a single fact presented in it. WHo's being disengenuous?
\\Then why'd they do so much better under the "3 represents" than before? They are still "communists". They have the 2nd largest economy on Earth, proving that "Communism works."
If you'd knew history of USSR, you'd knew answer to that dumb question yourself.
And that is -- Lenin's New Economical Politics.
And... you'd be scared. Because very next is Stalin's Preparations for a Total War Economical Politics was applyed.
And what do we see today? With very words of Xi himself spouted?
\\Exactly. Ukraine is that last flea on the American economy.
If you think so... :-))) that USA is an ill dog??? WTF???????
I am only glad that that is... Not My Problem.
\\And Ukraine will soon be (2 weeks), "Not my problem".
Please, be more specific. What do you mean? What is your sources? What is... all that about?
\\ That's when the fumigation of the dog begins.
Do you mean Dirty Bonb of Putin???
He scared of it himself.
Well. Still. If only he'd do something like that... and you/USA will not respond to it. Decisevly.
That will be REAL beginning of WW3.
And you/USA will be a first designated Target. As Britain was in WW2.
And there'd be NO ally, big and strong, and ready to back you up.
Guess russian and chinese military would show mercy to your people???
\\All you've done is complain about the inadequacy of the documentary without successfully challenging or contraverting a single fact presented in it. WHo's being disengenuous?
Is this sentence -->> ""In the 1990s, Russia embraced an extreme economics that led to chaos and corruption."" is THE FACT stated there?
I answered to it THERE (to not make double thread, please continue your debackles there too)
\Then why'd they do so much better under the "3 represents" than before? They are still "communists". They have the 2nd largest economy on Earth, proving that "Communism works."
If you'd knew history of USSR, you'd knew answer to that dumb question yourself.
And that is -- Lenin's New Economical Politics.
And... you'd be scared. Because very next is Stalin's Preparations for a Total War Economical Politics was applyed.
And what do we see today? With very words of Xi himself spouted?
\\Exactly. Ukraine is that last flea on the American economy.
If you think so... :-))) that USA is an ill dog??? WTF???????
I am only glad that that is... Not My Problem.
I can only conclude that you've lived under hyper-real economic conditions for so long that you no longer understand what economic realities look like.
\\And Ukraine will soon be (2 weeks), "Not my problem".
Please, be more specific. What do you mean? What is your sources? What is... all that about?
In two weeks America holds mid-term elections, and Congresss will be under the complete control of the Republican Party. Funding for continued Ukrainian "resistance" is about to get very VERY tight. Yes, you can still count on some Neocon Republicans to ally themselves with Biden... but there will be far fewer of them this time around. And those "progressive Democrats" who once supported Ukraine? lol! Say goodbye to them, they're about to rejoin the '68 anti-war movement as their "sugar daddy" Joe Biden can't guarantee to pay them off for their "continued support" anymore. Bernie Sanders will be forming a drum circle and become your worst nightmare.
\\ That's when the fumigation of the dog begins.
Do you mean Dirty Bonb of Putin???
He scared of it himself.
In three weeks nobody in DC will be returning Volodymyr Zelenskyy's phone calls.
Well. Still. If only he'd do something like that... and you/USA will not respond to it. Decisevly.
That will be REAL beginning of WW3.
And you/USA will be a first designated Target. As Britain was in WW2.
And there'd be NO ally, big and strong, and ready to back you up.
Guess russian and chinese military would show mercy to your people???
lol! Do remember the Hitler-Stalin Pact?
\\All you've done is complain about the inadequacy of the documentary without successfully challenging or contraverting a single fact presented in it. WHo's being disengenuous?
Is this sentence -->> ""In the 1990s, Russia embraced an extreme economics that led to chaos and corruption."" is THE FACT stated there?
I answered to it THERE (to not make double thread, please continue your debackles there too)
Then why was Gaidar fired? What oligarch's lost their ill-gotten gains?
\\I can only conclude that you've lived under hyper-real economic conditions for so long that you no longer understand what economic realities look like.
How it relates... to anything here?
\\In two weeks America holds mid-term elections, and Congresss will be under the complete control of the Republican Party. Funding for continued Ukrainian "resistance" is about to get very VERY tight.
Heh... Putin thinks the same. No, that's his ONLY hope... remaining. :-)))
Is it still O.K. with you, that YOUR enemy happy about it???
\\ Yes, you can still count on some Neocon Republicans to ally themselves with Biden... but there will be far fewer of them this time around. And those "progressive Democrats" who once supported Ukraine? lol! Say goodbye to them, they're about to rejoin the '68 anti-war movement as their "sugar daddy" Joe Biden can't guarantee to pay them off for their "continued support" anymore. Bernie Sanders will be forming a drum circle and become your worst nightmare.
Not My Problem.
Say. Why you keep trying to throw that shit at the wall, while you know that I am not your fellow Am and do not give a shit about your inner political struggles?
Trying to scare me with lines which would be blasphemious to your libtards? :-)))
That is not that kin of a tactics.
\\In three weeks nobody in DC will be returning Volodymyr Zelenskyy's phone calls.
So what?
Even if that'll be true. (though, there is Pentagon, and MIC, and who knows who more... oh, yes, gas traders)
\\\And there'd be NO ally, big and strong, and ready to back you up.
\\\Guess russian and chinese military would show mercy to your people???
\\lol! Do remember the Hitler-Stalin Pact?
Well, that's kinda interesting. How do you see it from afar? What was meaning of that pact? Of secret addendum to it, especially? ;-)
\\Then why was Gaidar fired?
And you do not have a clue? While you on your turf invented it -- to fire used politicians, to make steam go out into a whistle...
Anbd well, he was not Part of The System.
\\ What oligarch's lost their ill-gotten gains?
Ehm... you was bragging that you know latest history of RFia/post-USSR.
Khodorkovsky. ;-P
\\I can only conclude that you've lived under hyper-real economic conditions for so long that you no longer understand what economic realities look like.
How it relates... to anything here?
$10 trillion in unsold bonds is "nothing"? It's Russia entire GDP for 5.6 years.
\\In two weeks America holds mid-term elections, and Congresss will be under the complete control of the Republican Party. Funding for continued Ukrainian "resistance" is about to get very VERY tight.
Heh... Putin thinks the same. No, that's his ONLY hope... remaining. :-)))
Is it still O.K. with you, that YOUR enemy happy about it???
Russia is not MY enemy. He's yours.
\\ Yes, you can still count on some Neocon Republicans to ally themselves with Biden... but there will be far fewer of them this time around. And those "progressive Democrats" who once supported Ukraine? lol! Say goodbye to them, they're about to rejoin the '68 anti-war movement as their "sugar daddy" Joe Biden can't guarantee to pay them off for their "continued support" anymore. Bernie Sanders will be forming a drum circle and become your worst nightmare.
-Not My Problem.
Allies aren't you problem? I'm glad to hear you don't need us and won't miss us.
\\In three weeks nobody in DC will be returning Volodymyr Zelenskyy's phone calls.
So what?
Even if that'll be true. (though, there is Pentagon, and MIC, and who knows who more... oh, yes, gas traders)
lol! They won't risk their US contracts for Ukrainian pennies.
\\lol! Do remember the Hitler-Stalin Pact?
Well, that's kinda interesting. How do you see it from afar? What was meaning of that pact? Of secret addendum to it, especially? ;-)
...but what happened to Poland?
\\Then why was Gaidar fired?
And you do not have a clue? While you on your turf invented it -- to fire used politicians, to make steam go out into a whistle...
Anbd well, he was not Part of The System.
So the people LOVED his "un-extreme" capitalist reforms?
\\ What oligarch's lost their ill-gotten gains?
Ehm... you was bragging that you know latest history of RFia/post-USSR.
Khodorkovsky. ;-P
The oligarch now living in London with $500 million?
\\\\How it relates... to anything here?
\\$10 trillion in unsold bonds is "nothing"? It's Russia entire GDP for 5.6 years.
That was NOT my words. My question was "how it relates?"
To anything I ever said.
And I'll repeat it here.
HOW, just how this your comment relates to what I said???
\\Russia is not MY enemy. He's yours.
Well. You can think that Jack The Reaper is not your enemy. Until he'll decide to meet with you. Dark at night. In some secluded place.
Or... more opaque. Bin Laden was not your enemy... till 9/11, isn't it???
Well, they themself non-stop screaching about it -- that they fight with you, with your dominance, that this world would be better without... and etc.
So... yeah... I see it. ONLY next Pearl Harbor will be able to pull you out of your delusion, that you can play that game "I do not see evil... that must mean that Evil do not see me".
Because, and 9/11 with all preciseness showed ir... there'd be NO warnings. There'd be no attack of a distant outpost. There'd be NO lag of time to come to your sences and to buld up counter-attack.
\\Allies aren't you problem? I'm glad to hear you don't need us and won't miss us.
Well. It would be sad to see a Nuclear Wasteland... on a place of North America...
but you are right -- I would be able to contiue living without.
\\lol! They won't risk their US contracts for Ukrainian pennies.
Europe's market that is also "pennies" fer ya???
Hah... so where else you'd find such a big and wealthy market?
Inside USA? But for that you'd need to make your beggars millioneires with wellfare. ;-P
\\...but what happened to Poland?
And what happend to Poland?
\\So the people LOVED his "un-extreme" capitalist reforms?
What people?
Do you NOT GET IT still??? People do not decide ANYTHING in Mother Russia.
They, people, exist to feed and protect Rodina. Not vise versa.
Like a worker bees or ants destined to feed and protect their "queens". Even with their very lifes.
\\\\Khodorkovsky. ;-P
\\The oligarch now living in London with $500 million?
And you know what in his wallet? :-))) How?
Well. Can he be called oligarch with that miserly $500 millions???
\\\\How it relates... to anything here?
\\$10 trillion in unsold bonds is "nothing"? It's Russia entire GDP for 5.6 years.
That was NOT my words. My question was "how it relates?"
To anything I ever said.
And I'll repeat it here.
HOW, just how this your comment relates to what I said???
So you didn't say, "If you think so... :-))) that USA is an ill dog??? WTF???????"
\\Russia is not MY enemy. He's yours.
Well. You can think that Jack The Reaper is not your enemy. Until he'll decide to meet with you. Dark at night. In some secluded place.
Or... more opaque. Bin Laden was not your enemy... till 9/11, isn't it???
Well, they themself non-stop screaching about it -- that they fight with you, with your dominance, that this world would be better without... and etc.
So... yeah... I see it. ONLY next Pearl Harbor will be able to pull you out of your delusion, that you can play that game "I do not see evil... that must mean that Evil do not see me".
Because, and 9/11 with all preciseness showed ir... there'd be NO warnings. There'd be no attack of a distant outpost. There'd be NO lag of time to come to your sences and to buld up counter-attack.
I don't need to build up anything. I've got Moscow dialed in with ~2,800 nuclear warheads right now.
\\Allies aren't you problem? I'm glad to hear you don't need us and won't miss us.
Well. It would be sad to see a Nuclear Wasteland... on a place of North America...
but you are right -- I would be able to contiue living without.
Unless the winds blow South with presents from the American warheads...
\\lol! They won't risk their US contracts for Ukrainian pennies.
Europe's market that is also "pennies" fer ya???
Hah... so where else you'd find such a big and wealthy market?
Inside USA? But for that you'd need to make your beggars millioneires with wellfare. ;-P
That's the plan. :)
\\...but what happened to Poland?
And what happend to Poland?
It became German "liebensraum". :)
\\So the people LOVED his "un-extreme" capitalist reforms?
What people?
Do you NOT GET IT still??? People do not decide ANYTHING in Mother Russia.
They, people, exist to feed and protect Rodina. Not vise versa.
Like a worker bees or ants destined to feed and protect their "queens". Even with their very lifes.
So Yeltsin sacked him for no reasons? Did he fart in a Kremlin elevator with Yeltsin inside? Putin?
\\\\Khodorkovsky. ;-P
\\The oligarch now living in London with $500 million?
And you know what in his wallet? :-))) How?
I'm a Wiki genius.
Well. Can he be called oligarch with that miserly $500 millions???
What's the threshold? $1 billion? Or a "Get out of jail free" card from Putin?
\\So you didn't say, "If you think so... :-))) that USA is an ill dog??? WTF???????"
Am I wrong with understanding meaning of that "WTF" abbrev?
Relations between "USA is an ill dog" and "$10 trillions" still unclear to me. WTF???
\\I don't need to build up anything. I've got Moscow dialed in with ~2,800 nuclear warheads right now.
So? What stops you? As Moscow still looks O.K.
Isn't that that they presumably have couple thousands warheads more? ;-)
\\It became German "liebensraum". :)
And... for how long?
\\So Yeltsin sacked him for no reasons?
Who knows those Russian??? ;-P Their mysterious soul. And etc.
\\What's the threshold? $1 billion? Or a "Get out of jail free" card from Putin?
That's it.
He was still "oligarch" whike in jail??? WTF, man?
What definition of "oligarch" you are using?
\\I'm a Wiki genius.
And? Do you know that just anybody can edit it. And insert whatever fake info he like.
Especially about non-obvious matters.
\\So you didn't say, "If you think so... :-))) that USA is an ill dog??? WTF???????"
Am I wrong with understanding meaning of that "WTF" abbrev?
Relations between "USA is an ill dog" and "$10 trillions" still unclear to me. WTF???
USA is an ill dog with 10 trillion fleas. Ukraine want to add 1 trillion more. How many fleas does an ill dog need before they kill him?
\\I don't need to build up anything. I've got Moscow dialed in with ~2,800 nuclear warheads right now.
So? What stops you? As Moscow still looks O.K.
Isn't that that they presumably have couple thousands warheads more? ;-)
That's what Space Force and the USN is for. :)
\\It became German "liebensraum". :)
And... for how long?
Long enough to kill 6 million/20% of Poles.
\\So Yeltsin sacked him for no reasons?
Who knows those Russian??? ;-P Their mysterious soul. And etc.
He was drunk? lol!
\\What's the threshold? $1 billion? Or a "Get out of jail free" card from Putin?
That's it.
He was still "oligarch" whike in jail??? WTF, man?
What definition of "oligarch" you are using?
You don't think he "bought" his way out? I'm using the classical definition of oligarchy from Plato's "Republic". What definition do you use?
\\I'm a Wiki genius.
And? Do you know that just anybody can edit it. And insert whatever fake info he like.
Especially about non-obvious matters.
Yes they can and yes they do. But eventually, "Lindy" wins the editting games.
\\USA is an ill dog with 10 trillion fleas. Ukraine want to add 1 trillion more. How many fleas does an ill dog need before they kill him?
Not My Problem.
Why you so inclined to discuss your political problems with me, I don't get it???
\\That's what Space Force and the USN is for. :)
Your SDI (aka Star Wars) completed? No.
Then, what are you bragging about?
RFia have 140 millions inhabitants, and you have 300, isn't it?
And you value your asses much more than Putin value his.
Again. What lessons of 9/11 do you see that you successfully learned?
\\\\\\It became German "liebensraum". :)
\\\\And... for how long?
\\Long enough to kill 6 million/20% of Poles.
So what?
What's your point?
That there'd be less victims... is they would accept ultimatum?
Most of that 6 millions died in gettos and death camps. As planned.
\\You don't think he "bought" his way out?
With what??? :-))))
What leverage he had while being in jail???
I'll answer -- nothing.
That he was freed, that is result of Putin's benevolence only. Nothing what Khodorkovsky could do.
\\ I'm using the classical definition of oligarchy from Plato's "Republic". What definition do you use?
Then. It must be apparent to you that russian "oligarchs" is not oligarchs, but merely a favourites of Putin.
And in 90 they was newly rich... but they was UNSUCCESSFUL in their try to translate their newly gained capitals into power.
e.i. it transitioned from timocracy into tirany in one step.
By faking oligarchy and democracy steps. Through means of control on media and whole-through propaganda.
The same process that was in Germany in 30th.
Remember? Hitler was democrate/demagogue. ;-P
\\Yes they can and yes they do. But eventually, "Lindy" wins the editting games.
That Lindy works only on cementries. ;-P
\USA is an ill dog with 10 trillion fleas. Ukraine want to add 1 trillion more. How many fleas does an ill dog need before they kill him?
Not My Problem.
Why you so inclined to discuss your political problems with me, I don't get it???
So that you begin to understand that your problems with Russia are NOT my problem.
\\That's what Space Force and the USN is for. :)
Your SDI (aka Star Wars) completed? No.
Then, what are you bragging about?
RFia have 140 millions inhabitants, and you have 300, isn't it?
And you value your asses much more than Putin value his.
Again. What lessons of 9/11 do you see that you successfully learned?
You know how much of Star Wars has been deployed? Did you Google it at Jack's Magic Coffee Shop?
The lesson's of 9/11 are that the Intelligence Communities (ICs) of most nations aren't worth sh*t.... although I would give MOSAD gold stars for realism.
\\\\\\It became German "liebensraum". :)
\\\\And... for how long?
\\Long enough to kill 6 million/20% of Poles.
So what?
What's your point?
That there'd be less victims... is they would accept ultimatum?
Most of that 6 millions died in gettos and death camps. As planned.
Both Russia and US don't need liebensraum. We've both got plenty of room to grow. Russia doesn't need anything from Ukraine but a promise not discriminate against ethnic Russians and a promise not to stack NATO tanks on it's eastern border. If Ukrainians wan't to make the Russians in Donbass live under Jim Crow, let them defeat Russia on their own.
\\You don't think he "bought" his way out?
With what??? :-))))
What leverage he had while being in jail???
I'll answer -- nothing.
That he was freed, that is result of Putin's benevolence only. Nothing what Khodorkovsky could do.
Who owns Yukos now? Rosneft and Gazprom. Who control Gazprom? Putin. QED.
\\ I'm using the classical definition of oligarchy from Plato's "Republic". What definition do you use?
Then. It must be apparent to you that russian "oligarchs" is not oligarchs, but merely a favourites of Putin.
And in 90 they was newly rich... but they was UNSUCCESSFUL in their try to translate their newly gained capitals into power.
Do you know who Peisistratos was? Hippias/ Hipparchus? Pericles? Alcibiades?
The Council of the 400?
e.i. it transitioned from timocracy into tirany in one step.
By faking oligarchy and democracy steps. Through means of control on media and whole-through propaganda.
The same process that was in Germany in 30th.
Remember? Hitler was democrate/demagogue. ;-P
But the money stayed in the hands of the Krupps, Farber, and Siemens. Hitler, like Musolini, was a fascist. Government control of corporations. Like the US, today. Hindenburg's mistake was in believing that he could control Hitler.
\\Yes they can and yes they do. But eventually, "Lindy" wins the editting games.
That Lindy works only on cementries. ;-P
Is Franco still buried at the Valley of the Fallen? We'll see if he ever "returns". Think Dante ever return to Florence?
\\So that you begin to understand that your problems with Russia are NOT my problem.
Ukraine's problem with RFia that is USA's problem.
Which you, USA trying to shrug off on others.
That was your duty -- to denuclearize em.
As any true empire would do.
Vae victis.
But you are not one. You have no honor of one. So you are trying to postpone your duties. To play dumb. To bury your head in a sand. Shame on you. ;-P
There is big and nasty stimulus(in original sense of this word ;-)) Which would not allow you to slack off.
Or... there are lots of True Empires, who'd happiliy free you out of your such mizery. The way empires do. ;-)
Just ask.
\\Both Russia and US don't need liebensraum.
But both need a beachhead.
\\We've both got plenty of room to grow.
And tasty rich markets? With lots of people wanting to buy your stuff?
No. You not.
China soon will close own to you.
And if you'd postpone Europe -- where'd you be selling your shit?
And WHAT will be margins of profit?
\\Russia doesn't need anything from Ukraine but a promise not discriminate against ethnic Russians and a promise not to stack NATO tanks on it's eastern border.
Go read Putin's last December screed -- he wants ALL Europe. ALL market, ALL people, ALL treasures.
What he saying to you, and trying to push with his propaganda, that is not even a cunning machiavelism.
Just repeating word to word screed and tactic of Hitler. And even WITHOUT benefitial to you silverlining.
HE do not see a World for BOTH of you to exist.
Either Great Russia, or... nothing at all. THAT IS HIS HISTORICAL BET.
But you trying to pretend that you are not sitting before that table, not playing that pocker, do not hold that cards in your palm. :-))))))))))))))
That is... re-di-cu-lo-us.
Especially while your hand is obviously winning one.
\\ If Ukrainians wan't to make the Russians in Donbass live under Jim Crow, let them defeat Russia on their own.
And what would you do, if RFia would attack Baltics???
When China would attack Taiwan?
When... any other tyrants would go out off his hideouts... because World Policeman seems like stuck into Uvalde Syndrome of neglection of his duties.
\\Who owns Yukos now? Rosneft and Gazprom. Who control Gazprom? Putin. QED.
That's it. There's NO private property.
Anything caqn be taken out of anybody's posession. By a signal from VCHK. ;-P
Ad granted in same way. Asian way of "doing business". ;-)
Well, it was endemic for medieval Europe too.
\\Do you know who Peisistratos was? Hippias/ Hipparchus? Pericles? Alcibiades?
The Council of the 400?
Nopthing of this exist in RFia. Nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G.
Just go rewatch that "conference" where Putin declared current war.
Do you see there ANYONE resembling Alcibiades? Pericles? Peisistratos?
They are Persians. Not Greeks. ;-P
Go rewatch that 300 spartans flick. ;-P
\\But the money stayed in the hands of the Krupps, Farber, and Siemens.
Yeah... when allies started bombing out their factories... it was comforting to em, that they keeped their money... NOT.
\\Hitler, like Musolini, was a fascist. Government control of corporations. Like the US, today. Hindenburg's mistake was in believing that he could control Hitler.
Yep. Putin going in opposite direction. He took control over corps first. And now he franticly trying to build up fascism. :-)))
\\Is Franco still buried at the Valley of the Fallen? We'll see if he ever "returns". Think Dante ever return to Florence?
Isn't that Lindy means that what was buried -- staying in place, forever. Well, pharaohs would be despleased to know that it won't. ;-P
\\So that you begin to understand that your problems with Russia are NOT my problem.
Ukraine's problem with RFia that is USA's problem.
Which you, USA trying to shrug off on others.
That was your duty -- to denuclearize em.
As any true empire would do.
Vae victis.
But you are not one. You have no honor of one. So you are trying to postpone your duties. To play dumb. To bury your head in a sand. Shame on you. ;-P
There is big and nasty stimulus(in original sense of this word ;-)) Which would not allow you to slack off.
Or... there are lots of True Empires, who'd happiliy free you out of your such mizery. The way empires do. ;-)
Just ask.
Take it away! :)
\\Both Russia and US don't need liebensraum.
But both need a beachhead.
We have them. The UK and Japan.
\\We've both got plenty of room to grow.
And tasty rich markets? With lots of people wanting to buy your stuff?
No. You not.
China soon will close own to you.
And if you'd postpone Europe -- where'd you be selling your shit?
And WHAT will be margins of profit?
Ah, now you're begining to "get it". Perhap's you should now read Plato's "Hipparchus" and discover the true meaning of the word "profit". Something that makes you "sick" is NOT "profitable".
\\Russia doesn't need anything from Ukraine but a promise not discriminate against ethnic Russians and a promise not to stack NATO tanks on it's eastern border.
Go read Putin's last December screed -- he wants ALL Europe. ALL market, ALL people, ALL treasures.
What he saying to you, and trying to push with his propaganda, that is not even a cunning machiavelism.
Just repeating word to word screed and tactic of Hitler. And even WITHOUT benefitial to you silverlining.
HE do not see a World for BOTH of you to exist.
Either Great Russia, or... nothing at all. THAT IS HIS HISTORICAL BET.
But you trying to pretend that you are not sitting before that table, not playing that pocker, do not hold that cards in your palm. :-))))))))))))))
That is... re-di-cu-lo-us.
Especially while your hand is obviously winning one.
Russia can have it. Europe (sans UK) is on it own.
\\ If Ukrainians wan't to make the Russians in Donbass live under Jim Crow, let them defeat Russia on their own.
And what would you do, if RFia would attack Baltics???
When China would attack Taiwan?
When... any other tyrants would go out off his hideouts... because World Policeman seems like stuck into Uvalde Syndrome of neglection of his duties.
We will be leaving NATO. We have no security agreements with Taiwan. Your world's policeman is soon announcing his retirement.
\\Who owns Yukos now? Rosneft and Gazprom. Who control Gazprom? Putin. QED.
That's it. There's NO private property.
Anything caqn be taken out of anybody's posession. By a signal from VCHK. ;-P
Ad granted in same way. Asian way of "doing business". ;-)
Well, it was endemic for medieval Europe too.
That's what happens when everything becomes "too big to fail". You live in a world ruled by "mandarins".
\\Do you know who Peisistratos was? Hippias/ Hipparchus? Pericles? Alcibiades?
The Council of the 400?
Nopthing of this exist in RFia. Nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G.
Just go rewatch that "conference" where Putin declared current war.
Do you see there ANYONE resembling Alcibiades? Pericles? Peisistratos?
They are Persians. Not Greeks. ;-P
Go rewatch that 300 spartans flick. ;-P
Putin is Peisistratos. The Spartans are the old USSR. And did you ever read the Anabasis? Xenophon and the Spartans were mercenaries of Cyrus in a fight for control of Persia.
\\But the money stayed in the hands of the Krupps, Farber, and Siemens.
Yeah... when allies started bombing out their factories... it was comforting to em, that they keeped their money... NOT.
They're still millionaire/billionaires today.
\\Hitler, like Musolini, was a fascist. Government control of corporations. Like the US, today. Hindenburg's mistake was in believing that he could control Hitler.
Yep. Putin going in opposite direction. He took control over corps first. And now he franticly trying to build up fascism. :-)))
...and like most 'modern' rulers seem to forget, you can't sell Tesla's to unemployed people on social welfare.
\\Is Franco still buried at the Valley of the Fallen? We'll see if he ever "returns". Think Dante ever return to Florence?
Isn't that Lindy means that what was buried -- staying in place, forever. Well, pharaohs would be despleased to know that it won't. ;-P
Touche! All men's knowledge is proven an illusion.
\\We have them. The UK and Japan.
What in a word BEACHhead you do not understand?
And that BEACH need to be of some CONTINENT, not mere island. ;-P
\\Ah, now you're begining to "get it". Perhap's you should now read Plato's "Hipparchus" and discover the true meaning of the word "profit". Something that makes you "sick" is NOT "profitable".
That is not up to you to decide. You, loosy socialist. ;-P
That is power of mighty Supply and Demand duo. ;-)
\\Russia can have it. Europe (sans UK) is on it own.
Only in "action buy" with all your fleets sunk and all your nukes dismantled... so RFia would not "fear" you any more, and would not decide that that is just another "cunningness of anglo-saxons". ;-P
Are you ready for such a "sell out"? :-))))
\\We will be leaving NATO. We have no security agreements with Taiwan. Your world's policeman is soon announcing his retirement.
There is NO retirement for a policeman who throwed in jail way too many. ;-P
Go watch Rembo: Last blood. ;-)
\\That's what happens when everything becomes "too big to fail". You live in a world ruled by "mandarins".
\\Putin is Peisistratos.
While in power, he did not hesitate to confront the aristocracy and greatly reduce their privileges, confiscating their lands and giving them to the poor. Peisistratos funded many religious and artistic programs,[6] in order to improve the economy and spread the wealth more equally among the Athenian people.
WAT???? (homeric laughter))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\The Spartans are the old USSR.
Bull...Shit. :-))))))))))))))
old USSR it's Zergs, White Walkers, Red Dogs and Banderlog and Tabaquis...
\\And did you ever read the Anabasis? Xenophon and the Spartans were mercenaries of Cyrus in a fight for control of Persia.
So what?
Historical analogies cannot be played that direct and unhindered, unrestricted way as you do it here.
\\They're still millionaire/billionaires today.
Because of YOU.
Think they would be ones in Soviet Union??? :-)))))
\\...and like most 'modern' rulers seem to forget, you can't sell Tesla's to unemployed people on social welfare.
Non sequitur.
\\We have them. The UK and Japan.
What in a word BEACHhead you do not understand?
And that BEACH need to be of some CONTINENT, not mere island. ;-P
No, the island is the staging point for the invasion. Then, you can attack anywhere on the continent that has a beach. And your enemy must defend ALL of it. He must disperse his forces and fortify everywhere. Perhaps I should introduce you to my late uncle.
\\Ah, now you're begining to "get it". Perhap's you should now read Plato's "Hipparchus" and discover the true meaning of the word "profit". Something that makes you "sick" is NOT "profitable".
That is not up to you to decide. You, loosy socialist. ;-P
That is power of mighty Supply and Demand duo. ;-)
It's not? Then who? And Supply/Demand have little to do with profit unless they have reached an disequilibrium. I call that a positive disequilibrium (ratio >1), "unsold inventory/ stock" and a negative one (ratio <1) an opportunity to earn greater profits.
\\Russia can have it. Europe (sans UK) is on it own.
Only in "action buy" with all your fleets sunk and all your nukes dismantled... so RFia would not "fear" you any more, and would not decide that that is just another "cunningness of anglo-saxons". ;-P
Are you ready for such a "sell out"? :-))))
We have a saying here in America, "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ", as we are not our English cousins, perfidious Albion.
\\We will be leaving NATO. We have no security agreements with Taiwan. Your world's policeman is soon announcing his retirement.
There is NO retirement for a policeman who throwed in jail way too many. ;-P
Go watch Rembo: Last blood. ;-)
Then welcome to America, Ivan. As we say, "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ".
\\That's what happens when everything becomes "too big to fail". You live in a world ruled by "mandarins".
What happened to China in the past 1,000 years (before 1970's)?
\\Putin is Peisistratos.
While in power, he did not hesitate to confront the aristocracy and greatly reduce their privileges, confiscating their lands and giving them to the poor. Peisistratos funded many religious and artistic programs,[6] in order to improve the economy and spread the wealth more equally among the Athenian people.
WAT???? (homeric laughter))))))))))))))))))))))))
He stopped the pensions? He shut down the Moscow Metro? He cancelled the Bolshoi? He didn't confiscate Yukos Oil?
\\The Spartans are the old USSR.
Bull...Shit. :-))))))))))))))
old USSR it's Zergs, White Walkers, Red Dogs and Banderlog and Tabaquis...
Helots, Messinians, and Macedonians, Oh MY! What agoge did you graduate from? Will I see you at the syssitia/ pheiditia? I should make you my eromenos...
\\And did you ever read the Anabasis? Xenophon and the Spartans were mercenaries of Cyrus in a fight for control of Persia.
So what?
Historical analogies cannot be played that direct and unhindered, unrestricted way as you do it here.
Why not, you do it vis. Russia?
\\They're still millionaire/billionaires today.
Because of YOU.
Think they would be ones in Soviet Union??? :-)))))
Maybe not, but Russia is not the USSR anymore.
\\...and like most 'modern' rulers seem to forget, you can't sell Tesla's to unemployed people on social welfare.
Non sequitur.
You know people who are unemployed/ or on welfare, who have Tesla's?
For an economy to be prosperous, you need a large "Middle Class". My policy of "economic smallness" is to ensure that this class is not cheated out of its' inheritance by an allied Deep-State & corporate salaried bourgeoisie of "expert mandarins".
\\\\\\We have them. The UK and Japan.
\\\\What in a word BEACHhead you do not understand?
\\\\And that BEACH need to be of some CONTINENT, not mere island. ;-P
\\No, the island is the staging point for the invasion.
\\Then, you can attack anywhere on the continent that has a beach. And your enemy must defend ALL of it. He must disperse his forces and fortify everywhere. Perhaps I should introduce you to my late uncle.
WHY then your uncle stormed Normandy? And not some Bronholm???
I do not wanna scold you, as I did with TC. But, Your tryes to say something about it -- falling on their face, flatly.
History of WW2.
First you took island called Sycilia. Does it eleminated need to storm an Italy??? No.
Same with Okinava and mainland of Japan.
\\It's not? Then who? And Supply/Demand have little to do with profit
\\unless they have reached an disequilibrium. I call that a positive disequilibrium (ratio >1), "unsold inventory/ stock" and a negative one (ratio <1) an opportunity to earn greater profits.
How do you imagine to yourself EQUILIBRIUM of Supply and Demand?
That is possible ONLY when on the cementry -- nobody supply anything, but that is nothing biggy... as there nobody who wants anything. ;-P
\\We have a saying here in America, "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ", as we are not our English cousins, perfidious Albion.
So that all was just a taunt?
Misdirected. (yawn)
\\Then welcome to America, Ivan. As we say, "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ".
Why Spartans fought and died at Thermopylae, then???
While they could barricade on their land and chant bravely that "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ".(yawn)
\\What happened to China in the past 1,000 years (before 1970's)?
Why not "past 3000 years", or what do they claim as their history span nowaday? ;-P
\\He stopped the pensions?
Did you mean pittance here?
\\He shut down the Moscow Metro?
Ehm... and why he should??? Don't get it.
Is metro transport somehow luxurious in your eyes? Was you using it, ever?
\\He cancelled the Bolshoi?
Why he should?
\\He didn't confiscate Yukos Oil?
And to whom he gave it? ;-)
\\\\\\The Spartans are the old USSR.
\\\\Bull...Shit. :-))))))))))))))
\\\\old USSR it's Zergs, White Walkers, Red Dogs and Banderlog and Tabaquis...
\\Helots, Messinians, and Macedonians, Oh MY! What agoge did you graduate \\from? Will I see you at the syssitia/ pheiditia? I should make you my \\eromenos...
Well... they claim that they are Separate and Unique Civilization.
And even their genetics is unique. With additional chromosome. ;-P
So, you are free to come to their Holy Land. And realise your fantasies on a "kicha", under "shkonka"... but, I fear you'd be "petuh" to them. ;-P
Who knows... maybe you even get pregnant. From that mysterious Russians. ;-P (I hope I mirrored your mood... if you really want to do some advances -- please state it clearly, but do not wait for much, I am not into such things (yawn)
(am I politically correct enough? with my response, you know, we leave in a uncivilized shithole, and know mostly nothing about modern (or ancient) civilized shticks and still do it old boring hetero way only ;-P ))
\\Why not, you do it vis. Russia?
Please, be more specific.
Or... don't.
\\Maybe not, but Russia is not the USSR anymore.
And you are not british colony, isn'tit? ;-P
\\You know people who are unemployed/ or on welfare, who have Tesla's?
Please, state your position more clearly.
Because it is too fluid.
In one post you desire total isolation and destruction of globalism.
In other, ranting about welfare Teslas and so on.
Or don't state.
\\For an economy to be prosperous, you need a large "Middle Class".
High tide rises all boat (c) ;-)
\\My policy of "economic smallness" is to ensure that this class is not cheated out of its' inheritance by an allied Deep-State & corporate salaried bourgeoisie of "expert mandarins".
Go start Revolution, then. ;-P
And I hate to tell you, but just because the point goes over you head doesn't mean that it goes over all heads.
History of WW2.
First you took island called Sycilia. Does it eleminated need to storm an Italy??? No.
No, but how far is Sicily from the toe of Italy? How many trips can each supply boat make from the staging area to the landing site if 10 miles away, or 500 miles away? It's called "logistics".
Same with Okinava and mainland of Japan. Again, moving the logistics chain closer and closer to the invasion site. One needs a million supply ships to invade, the other, only one thousand.
\\It's not? Then who? And Supply/Demand have little to do with profit
Ever been to an auction? The supply is fixed. The demand creates higher prices for that scarce supply.
How do you imagine to yourself EQUILIBRIUM of Supply and Demand?
A fixed price and a sale at that price.
That is possible ONLY when on the cementry -- nobody supply anything, but that is nothing biggy... as there nobody who wants anything. ;-P
A ratio of 0/0 is not >=<1
\\We have a saying here in America, "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ", as we are not our English cousins, perfidious Albion.
So that all was just a taunt?
Misdirected. (yawn)
That doesn't mean that I shouldn't throw shade upon my English cousins. :)
\\Then welcome to America, Ivan. As we say, "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ".
Why Spartans fought and died at Thermopylae, then???
While they could barricade on their land and chant bravely that "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ".(yawn)
Because the Persian envoys disrespected them. They demanded a tribute of "Earth". They incited the Rage of Ares.
\\What happened to China in the past 1,000 years (before 1970's)?
Why not "past 3000 years", or what do they claim as their history span nowaday? ;-P
Because they became "economically stagnant" due to mandarin administration.
\\He stopped the pensions?
Did you mean pittance here?
Can you buy a Tesla with pittances?
\\He shut down the Moscow Metro?
Ehm... and why he should??? Don't get it.
Is metro transport somehow luxurious in your eyes? Was you using it, ever?
They don't have metro's in Harford County, where I live. I have to drive myself.
\\He cancelled the Bolshoi?
Why he should?
Is it a necessity or a luxury?
\\He didn't confiscate Yukos Oil?
And to whom he gave it? ;-)
Rosneft, the State owned oil company.
\\\\\\The Spartans are the old USSR.
\\\\Bull...Shit. :-))))))))))))))
Well... they claim that they are Separate and Unique Civilization.
And even their genetics is unique. With additional chromosome. ;-P
So, you are free to come to their Holy Land. And realise your fantasies on a "kicha", under "shkonka"... but, I fear you'd be "petuh" to them. ;-P
Who knows... maybe you even get pregnant. From that mysterious Russians. ;-P (I hope I mirrored your mood... if you really want to do some advances -- please state it clearly, but do not wait for much, I am not into such things (yawn)
(am I politically correct enough? with my response, you know, we leave in a uncivilized shithole, and know mostly nothing about modern (or ancient) civilized shticks and still do it old boring hetero way only ;-P ))
Yes, men get pregnant here in the West. Most of us now don't know what a woman is. It is a puzzlement. ;)
\\You know people who are unemployed/ or on welfare, who have Tesla's?
Please, state your position more clearly.
Because it is too fluid.
In one post you desire total isolation and destruction of globalism.
In other, ranting about welfare Teslas and so on.
Poor people cannot afford expensive luxuries. If you wish to sell Tesla's and million dollar properties, you need rich people with millions of dollars to buy them. Globalism impoverishes the people who were once "middle class" as they do not benefit from the economies of scale and/or aggregate efficiencies that allow them to directly compete with large corporations who contract out their labour costs to the cheapest source overseas and then undercut their prices. Millions of high paying American Union jobs went to China in the 80's/ 90's (Japan in the 70's/ 80's) and the only Americans who benefitted were Wall Street investors and Hedge Fund managers and the "surplus salried" American corporate CEO's making 1,000x the Union workers salary who got laid off and is now collecting welfare/ pittance.
\\My policy of "economic smallness" is to ensure that this class is not cheated out of its' inheritance by an allied Deep-State & corporate salaried bourgeoisie of "expert mandarins".
Go start Revolution, then. ;-P
I am. It's called "Trumpism".
Hmmmm... I screwed up the first few comments. Here they are...
WHY then your uncle stormed Normandy? And not some Bronholm???
He stormed Iwo Jima, not Normandy. But where were the German defenders instead of Normandy? Calais. Hitler had no idea which beach the allies would focus on. Like the Koreans at Inchon.
I do not wanna scold you, as I did with TC. But, Your tryes to say something about it -- falling on their face, flatly.
And I hate to tell you, but just because the point goes over you head doesn't mean that it goes over all heads.
\\He stormed Iwo Jima, not Normandy.
Thanks God, not Honshu.
\\And I hate to tell you, but just because the point goes over you head doesn't mean that it goes over all heads.
Captain Beyond Obvious?
\\No, but how far is Sicily from the toe of Italy? How many trips can each supply boat make from the staging area to the landing site if 10 miles away, or 500 miles away? It's called "logistics".
How many boats soviets needed to come from Stalingrad to Berlin?
Hitler from Ruhr to Dunkirk and then from Brest to Stalingrad?
That's it. ;-)
\\Ever been to an auction? The supply is fixed. The demand creates higher prices for that scarce supply.
In time of a war... demand have swords and guns and sneezes at prices. So what?
\\A fixed price and a sale at that price.
And WHO, and HOW will make price fixed? Under Capitalism.
\\A ratio of 0/0 is not >=<1
\\Because they became "economically stagnant" due to mandarin administration.
In all 3000 years? ;-)
\\\\\\He stopped the pensions?
\\\\Did you mean pittance here?
\\Can you buy a Tesla with pittances?
Russian pensioners can buy Tesla??? Wadayatakabt???
Well, some of em can. Pensioners from "siloviki". ;-P
\\\\\\He shut down the Moscow Metro?
\\\\Ehm... and why he should??? Don't get it.
\\\\Is metro transport somehow luxurious in your eyes? Was you using it, ever?
\\They don't have metro's in Harford County, where I live. I have to drive myself.
And you envy those who can? :-)
\\\\\\He cancelled the Bolshoi?
\\\\Why he should?
\\Is it a necessity or a luxury?
That is Symbol. Of state... err, imperial power.
Why he should?
\\\\\\He didn't confiscate Yukos Oil?
\\\\And to whom he gave it? ;-)
\\Rosneft, the State owned oil company.
So? What's your point? Again.
\\Yes, men get pregnant here in the West. Most of us now don't know what a woman is. It is a puzzlement. ;)
And recieve a prize.
Well, even Shvarz DID IT.
Anyway, NMP.
\\Poor people cannot afford expensive luxuries.
Why they'd need em in the first place?
And well... which exactly poor people. Where. And When, especially.
As, you know, modern bum/homeless, can afford MORE luxurious items THAN kings of the Past. ;-P
\\If you wish to sell Tesla's and million dollar properties, you need rich people with millions of dollars to buy them.
Isn't it Upside Down, to how Capitalism works?
\\Globalism impoverishes the people who were once "middle class" as they do not benefit from the economies of scale and/or aggregate efficiencies that allow them to directly compete with large corporations who contract out their labour costs to the cheapest source overseas and then undercut their prices.
And making rich many more people. Freeing em from hard and tedious labour. Giving to em free time and possibility to learn something new. More excited and perspective.
\\Millions of high paying American Union jobs went to China in the 80's/ 90's (Japan in the 70's/ 80's) and the only Americans who benefitted were Wall Street investors and Hedge Fund managers and the "surplus salried" American corporate CEO's making 1,000x the Union workers salary who got laid off and is now collecting welfare/ pittance.
\\\\Go start Revolution, then. ;-P
\\I am. It's called "Trumpism".
Revolution and revolutioner alike. ;-P
\\He stormed Iwo Jima, not Normandy.
Thanks God, not Honshu.
Okinawa was bad enough.
\\And I hate to tell you, but just because the point goes over you head doesn't mean that it goes over all heads.
Captain Beyond Obvious?
How many boats soviets needed to come from Stalingrad to Berlin?
Hitler from Ruhr to Dunkirk and then from Brest to Stalingrad?
That's it. ;-)
Where were Hitler's boats on D-Day? My favorite movie...
\\Ever been to an auction? The supply is fixed. The demand creates higher prices for that scarce supply.
In time of a war... demand have swords and guns and sneezes at prices. So what?
In times of war, those w/o "supply" are dead.
\\A fixed price and a sale at that price.
And WHO, and HOW will make price fixed? Under Capitalism.
Buyer and Seller, the moment quid meets pro quo.
\\Because they became "economically stagnant" due to mandarin administration.
In all 3000 years? ;-)
No, it works on/off for a while... until the nation runs out of "other people's money" earned from expansion and wars. But it really got started in about 600AD and really got big with the Song Dynasty around 1,000 AD. The aristocrats couldn't be bothered to "govern".
\\Can you buy a Tesla with pittances?
Russian pensioners can buy Tesla??? Wadayatakabt???
Well, some of em can. Pensioners from "siloviki". ;-P
Ah, those fortunate enough, like American CEOs and Congressional Representatives, to earn "surplus salaries" to begin with.
\\\\\\He shut down the Moscow Metro?
\\\\Ehm... and why he should??? Don't get it.
\\\\Is metro transport somehow luxurious in your eyes? Was you using it, ever?
\\They don't have metro's in Harford County, where I live. I have to drive myself.
And you envy those who can? :-)
I envy the residents of Manhattan. Who needs cars when everything is within 2 city blocks of a subway station? And have you ever tried to park a car in Manhattan? @@
\\\\\\He cancelled the Bolshoi?
\\\\Why he should?
\\Is it a necessity or a luxury?
That is Symbol. Of state... err, imperial power.
Why he should?
The people high up need reminders that Putin is in charge? Can't he just slap them and put more money into his Swiss bank account or gold plate the faucets at his Valdai dacha?
\\\\\\He didn't confiscate Yukos Oil?
\\\\And to whom he gave it? ;-)
\\Rosneft, the State owned oil company.
So? What's your point? Again.
Putin is the Swamp.
\\Yes, men get pregnant here in the West. Most of us now don't know what a woman is. It is a puzzlement. ;)
And recieve a prize.
Well, even Shvarz DID IT.
Anyway, NMP.
Evgeny Schwartz?
\\Poor people cannot afford expensive luxuries.
Why they'd need em in the first place?
And well... which exactly poor people. Where. And When, especially.
As, you know, modern bum/homeless, can afford MORE luxurious items THAN kings of the Past. ;-P
Why do rich people need them (because they can?)? The "accursed share" indeed.
\\If you wish to sell Tesla's and million dollar properties, you need rich people with millions of dollars to buy them.
Isn't it Upside Down, to how Capitalism works?
Donald Trump didn't get rich selling luxury Manhattan apartments to winos. He got rich selling them to Russian oligarchs. ;P
\\a) Globalism impoverishes the people who were once "middle class" as they do not benefit from the economies of scale and/or aggregate efficiencies that allow them to directly compete with large corporations who contract out their labour costs to the cheapest source overseas and then undercut their prices.
b) And making rich many more people. Freeing em from hard and tedious labour. Giving to em free time and possibility to learn something new. More excited and perspective.
...b) only if the products are produced and then 'exported' and then sold to undercut prices in market a).
Zero sum game, in a game designed NOT to be zero sum (capitalism). Socrate's city in a "fever" heat.
hesiod, "Works and Days"
[11] So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two. As for the one, a man would praise her when he came to understand her; but the other is blameworthy: and they are wholly different in nature. For one fosters evil war and battle, being cruel: her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men pay harsh Strife her honour due. But the other is the elder daughter of dark Night, and the son of Cronos who sits above and dwells in the aether, set her in the roots of the earth: and she is far kinder to men. She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbour, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbour vies with is neighbour as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men. And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of minstrel.
[25] Perses, lay up these things in your heart, and do not let that Strife who delights in mischief hold your heart back from work, while you peep and peer and listen to the wrangles of the court-house. Little concern has he with quarrels and courts who has not a year's victuals laid up betimes, even that which the earth bears, Demeter's grain. When you have got plenty of that, you can raise disputes and strive to get another's goods. But you shall have no second chance to deal so again: nay, let us settle our dispute here with true judgement divided our inheritance, but you seized the greater share and carried it off, greatly swelling the glory of our bribe-swallowing lords who love to judge such a cause as this. Fools! They know not how much more the half is than the whole, nor what great advantage there is in mallow and asphodel [poor man's fare].
\\Okinawa was bad enough.
Yap. QED.
\\In times of war, those w/o "supply" are dead.
Yap. We'll die without luxuries. ;-P
\\\\\\A fixed price and a sale at that price.
\\\\And WHO, and HOW will make price fixed? Under Capitalism.
\\Buyer and Seller, the moment quid meets pro quo.
Yap. Go say that to Europeans. Today. Especially to Germans. About gas prices. (deep and prolonged sarcastic laughing)
\\until the nation runs out of earned from expansion and wars.
Oh... I'm here. And all ears.
What "other people's money"? What "expansion"? And as result of what exactly "wars".
It was. In case of China.
(don't think 5 minute vid of abridged history would suffice... still, don't think such vid exist... but who knows)
\\The aristocrats couldn't be bothered to "govern".
Yep. That's why they needed "deep state"... out of eunuchs. :-)))))))
So, that is your "deeply secret crypto-reforms of Trump" is about????
Not surprising that Melania was dissatisfied. ROFL
And quite self-explaining.
\\\\\\That is Symbol. Of state... err, imperial power.
\\\\Why he should?
\\The people high up need reminders that Putin is in charge?
Yep. You don't know. Don't get it. What Empire is about.
\\Can't he just slap them and put more money into his Swiss bank account or gold plate the faucets at his Valdai dacha?
Overflowed already. (yawn)
Like that dollar bills in Pablo Escobar closet. ;-P
\\Putin is the Swamp.
Yep. And Khuilo. And many-many other things.
What's YOUR point?
\\Evgeny Schwartz?
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
\\Why do rich people need them (because they can?)? The "accursed share" indeed.
That... that you asking that, tells me that you are "poor". (handshake)
\\...b) only if the products are produced and then 'exported' and then sold to undercut prices in market a).
No. Nobody knows why. Actually. That is just that mystery of life. ;-P
\\Zero sum game, in a game designed NOT to be zero sum (capitalism). Socrate's city in a "fever" heat.
Not you too, Brut. :-((((
I already bored. Of that ad nauseam argument. From libtards.
\\until the nation runs out of earned from expansion and wars.
Oh... I'm here. And all ears.
What "other people's money"? What "expansion"? And as result of what exactly "wars".
It was. In case of China.
(don't think 5 minute vid of abridged history would suffice... still, don't think such vid exist... but who knows)
\\The aristocrats couldn't be bothered to "govern".
Yep. That's why they needed "deep state"... out of eunuchs. :-)))))))
So, that is your "deeply secret crypto-reforms of Trump" is about????
Not surprising that Melania was dissatisfied. ROFL
And quite self-explaining.
No, you don't quite get it. Ours is like the (2-consul diarchy; w/ 1 dictator only in war/ not in peace) Roman Republic BEFORE the Roman Empire (1-emperor). After 9-11, Bush allowed our praetorian Intelligence Community (IC) to "cross the Rubicon" into domestic politics (Trump-Russiagate).
\\Evgeny Schwartz?
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
He's certainly been pussy-whipped by that Kennedy girl.
\\Why do rich people need them (because they can?)? The "accursed share" indeed.
That... that you asking that, tells me that you are "poor". (handshake)
Poor? No. Salaried (not surplus-salaried) bourgeoisie. My former "best-friend" Andres is surplus-salaried bourgeoisie. We attended Academia la Castella together in Caracas in the 60's He "unfriended" me from Facebook once Trump got elected. He didn't like me embarrassing his business/ political friends with my radically progressive ideas.
\\Zero sum game, in a game designed NOT to be zero sum (capitalism). Socrate's city in a "fever" heat.
Not you too, Brut. :-((((
I already bored. Of that ad nauseam argument. From libtards.
Sorry, I'm a classical liberal. Meden Agan.
\\No, you don't quite get it. Ours is like the (2-consul diarchy; w/ 1 dictator only in war/ not in peace) Roman Republic BEFORE the Roman Empire (1-emperor). After 9-11, Bush allowed our praetorian Intelligence Community (IC) to "cross the Rubicon" into domestic politics (Trump-Russiagate).
Lame historical analogy and brazen propaganda.
What, they made Trump praise Putin too?
\\\\That... that you asking that, tells me that you are "poor". (handshake)
\\Poor? No.
And for whom I placed it in quotes??? :-)
Of course your are not poor literaly.
In our day and age it need to be clarified -- in what country, what strate.
\\Sorry, I'm a classical liberal. Meden Agan.
Classical? Who talking about zero sum something... anything???
Very short classics... game theory is relatively new discipline.
\\He "unfriended" me from Facebook once Trump got elected. He didn't like me embarrassing his business/ political friends with my radically progressive ideas.
See... benefit of my NMP? ;-)
I don't give damn about whom you vote for. ;-P
What, they made Trump praise Putin too?
And I am a traitor/ Putin's apologist because I don't cry for Ukraine?
\\\\That... that you asking that, tells me that you are "poor". (handshake)
\\Poor? No.
And for whom I placed it in quotes??? :-)
Of course your are not poor literaly.
In our day and age it need to be clarified -- in what country, what strate.
I accept the handshake... I'm not offended... just wanted to clarify.
\\Sorry, I'm a classical liberal. Meden Agan.
Classical? Who talking about zero sum something... anything???
Very short classics... game theory is relatively new discipline.
So I must stop reading books written after 300BC to be "classical"?
\\He "unfriended" me from Facebook once Trump got elected. He didn't like me embarrassing his business/ political friends with my radically progressive ideas.
See... benefit of my NMP? ;-)
I don't give damn about whom you vote for. ;-P
Some people need to live in echo chambers so as to feel good about themselves and to not disturb the bubbles they've created for themselves. I kept farting in their elevator by speaking ill of the unspeakable "unwritten" rules. I wasn't "on the team".
\\And I am a traitor/ Putin's apologist because I don't cry for Ukraine?
Why you take said about others on yourself?
Why you do not understand difference between state political figure and simple citizen?
Why you trying to compare uncompareble at all?
Why you strawmaning?
Rethorical questions, I presume. Sigh.
\\So I must stop reading books written after 300BC to be "classical"?
Theseus ship. ;-)
\\Some people need to live in echo chambers so as to feel good about themselves and to not disturb the bubbles they've created for themselves. I kept farting in their elevator by speaking ill of the unspeakable "unwritten" rules. I wasn't "on the team".
(wide green)
\\And I am a traitor/ Putin's apologist because I don't cry for Ukraine?
Why you take said about others on yourself?
Why you do not understand difference between state political figure and simple citizen?
Why you trying to compare uncompareble at all?
Why you strawmaning?
Rethorical questions, I presume. Sigh.
Yes rhetorical, as was mine.
\\So I must stop reading books written after 300BC to be "classical"?
Theseus ship. ;-)
It's rotting on the bottom of the Aegean. :(
\\Some people need to live in echo chambers so as to feel good about themselves and to not disturb the bubbles they've created for themselves. I kept farting in their elevator by speaking ill of the unspeakable "unwritten" rules. I wasn't "on the team".
(wide green)
I used to admire Deep State apparatchiks... no more. :(
\\Yes rhetorical, as was mine.
No. Your was evasive.
I maybe not profy in rethoric. Bur isn't it obvious?
\\I used to admire Deep State apparatchiks... no more. :(
Best cure of disillusionment -- do not allow to yourself to have illusions. ;-)
\\\What, they made Trump praise Putin too?
\\And I am a traitor/ Putin's apologist because I don't cry for Ukraine?
Why you take said about others on yourself?
Why you do not understand difference between state political figure and simple citizen?
Why you trying to compare uncompareble at all?
Why you strawmaning?
Rethorical questions, I presume. Sigh.
\\Yes rhetorical, as was mine.
No. Your was evasive.
I maybe not profy in rethoric. Bur isn't it obvious?
Trump doesn't "praise" Putin. He does, however, grant Putin some 'caritas' (benefit of the doubt) that others deny to Putin, like not calling him a "monster".
My comment was rhetorical, to point out the hypocrisy of the name callers. You think it was "evasive"? Then please, give an example of Trump's "praise", and let's determine if it was "praise" or simply an acknowledgement of facts by Trump.
\\I used to admire Deep State apparatchiks... no more. :(
Best cure of disillusionment -- do not allow to yourself to have illusions. ;-)
...or become a pessimist, like you? ;)
\\Trump doesn't "praise" Putin. He does, however, grant Putin some 'caritas' (benefit of the doubt) that others deny to Putin, like not calling him a "monster".
\\My comment was rhetorical, to point out the hypocrisy of the name callers. You think it was "evasive"? Then please, give an example of Trump's "praise", and let's determine if it was "praise" or simply an acknowledgement of facts by Trump.
Hah... politician that merely "acknowledging facts"... rara avis. :-))))
Well, NMP here.
\\...or become a pessimist, like you? ;)
They say that pessimist that is just an optimist, who are well-informed. ;-)
So? Dems will have Senate? ;-P
If their Plan B works!
It takes time to determine which votes not to count.
Ballots vs. votes.
\\It takes time to determine which votes not to count.
Isn't that what Reps do too?
I looking at it from a great distance, you know.
But even I know that word -- gerimangering? ;-)
Gerrymandering. Close. :)
Yap. Sorry. :-((
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