
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Thursday, April 18, 2024

From The New Yorker

Kyle Chayka, "The Internet’s New Favorite Philosopher"
Byung-Chul Han, in treatises such as “The Burnout Society” and his latest, “The Crisis of Narration,” diagnoses the frenetic aimlessness of the digital age.
“The power to change one’s life comes from a paragraph, a lone remark,” James Salter wrote in his 1975 novel, “Light Years.” An encounter with a single “slender” line of writing, as he put it, can send a reader spinning off on a new trajectory; her life becomes divided into a before and an after the moment of reading. For Kevin Maret, an undergraduate art student at the University of Idaho, that moment came while reading “In the Swarm: Digital Prospects,” a slim monograph by the philosopher Byung-Chul Han that was first published in English by M.I.T., in 2017. In May of 2023, while scrolling Instagram, Maret encountered a video gloss on Han’s work; Maret was intrigued enough that he borrowed “In the Swarm” from his university library. Han’s writing, polemical and aphoristic, spoke to Maret’s experience of growing up on social media, and crystallized for him the lack of control he felt regarding his relationship to the Internet. In a recent conversation, Maret pointed out a few of his favorite lines: “The occupants of the digital panopticon are not prisoners. Their element is illusory freedom. They feed the digital panopticon with information by exhibiting themselves and shining a light on every part of their lives.” He told me, of the book, “The first time I read it, I read it in two hours.”

Since then, Maret has kept “In the Swarm” out on library loan and carries it with him like a talisman. “I can put this in a jacket pocket if I walk down to the coffee shop or the field by my house,” he told me. He stocked up on other books by Han: “The Transparency Society,” “Saving Beauty,” and “The Agony of Eros,” which are all written in the same pamphletary format, somewhere between manifesto and essay, and mostly run under a hundred pages. Maret is part of a growing coterie of readers who have embraced Han as a kind of sage of the Internet era. Elizabeth Nakamura, a twentysomething art-gallery associate in San Francisco, had a similar conversion experience, during the early days of pandemic lockdown, after someone in a Discord chat suggested that she check out Han’s work. She downloaded “The Agony of Eros” from Libgen, a Web site that is known for pirated e-books. (She possesses Han’s books only in PDF form, like digital samizdat.) The monograph argues that the overexposure and self-aggrandizement encouraged by social media have killed the possibility of truly erotic experience, which requires an encounter with an other. “I’m like queening out reading this,” she told me, using Gen Z slang for effusive enjoyment—fangirling. “It’s a meme but not in the funny way—in the way that it’s sort of concise and easily disseminated. I can send this to my friends who aren’t as into reading to help them think about something,” she said. Like a Sartre for the age of screens, Han puts words to our prevailing condition of not-quite-hopeless digital despair.

Born in 1959 in South Korea, Han originally studied metallurgy in Seoul, to placate his parents, who wanted him to take up a practical discipline. When he was twenty-two, he moved to Germany; he pledged to continue his studies but switched to philosophy, with a focus on Martin Heidegger. In 1994, he got a Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg, and then began teaching phenomenology, aesthetics, and religion, eventually landing at Berlin University of the Arts. He has published steadily throughout the past two decades, but has shunned interviews and has rarely travelled outside of Germany. John Thompson, the director of Polity, an independent publisher in the United Kingdom that has put out fourteen of Han’s books since 2017, told me the demand for his work has grown largely by word of mouth. “There has been this grassroots reception of Byung-Chul Han that has driven the demand, and it’s not the conventional way of major review coverage,” he said. Thompson continued, “He’s like an engine. The ideas and the books are just flowing.”

Han’s breakout work was “The Burnout Society,” originally published in German, in 2010. Nearly a decade before the writer Anne Helen Petersen tackled “millennial burnout,” Han diagnosed what he called “the violence of positivity,” deriving from “overproduction, overachievement, and overcommunication.” We are so stimulated, chiefly by the Internet, that we paradoxically cannot feel or comprehend much of anything. One of the ironies of Han’s writing is that it travels easily through the very channels that he despairs of. By condensing his ideas into brief, unadorned sentences, Han flatters the reader into almost feeling as though she has thought the thoughts herself. “The Burnout Society” and Han’s other books now star in countless YouTube explainer videos and TikTok summaries. His ideas have particularly struck a chord with readers who deal in aesthetics—artists, curators, designers, and architects—even though Han has not quite been embraced by philosophy academe. (An essay in the Los Angeles Review of Books in 2017 cautiously labelled him “as good a candidate as any for philosopher of the moment.”) His work has been translated into more than a dozen languages. According to the Spanish newspaper El País, “The Burnout Society” has sold more than a hundred thousand copies across Latin America, Korea, Spain, and Italy. A museum director in Beijing told me, “The Chinese art world is obsessed with him.” Alberto Olmos, a well-known Spanish author and critic, described Han to me as a “wonderful DJ of philosophy,” spinning together references—Barthes, Baudrillard, Benjamin—in catchy new combinations. In 2023, in an interview with Dazed Korea, the K-pop star RM, from the band BTS, recommended “The Agony of Eros,” adding, “You might find yourself deeply frustrated because the book suggests that the love we are currently experiencing is not love.”

My own first encounter with Han was “Non-things,” which I found positioned prominently in the small-press section of an independent bookstore. I was drawn by its gnomic title and the postmodern collage on its cover: a photograph of skyscrapers seen from within a city, spliced with a photo of skyscrapers shot from above, turning the buildings into a geometric abstraction. In “Non-things,” Han argues that online we encounter a glut of information—i.e., non-things—that distracts us from having experiences with objects in the world: “The digital screen determines our experience of the world and shields us from reality.” The best way to read Han is similar to the best way of reading the Bible: flip through, find an evocative line, and proceed from there. Each sentence is a microcosm of the book, and each book is a microcosm of the œuvre, thus the reader need not delve too deep to get the point. “The smartphone is a mobile labour camp in which we voluntarily intern ourselves,” Han writes in “Non-things.” Spicy! It is a koan to meditate upon, and a description that immediately makes one hate oneself for staring at a screen. I kept reading because I felt like I had to, in case Han might be able to offer me some salvation.

Han’s latest book in English translation, “The Crisis of Narration,” was published in the U.S. earlier this month. (Like comic books, the volumes seem to roll out one extended, episodic narrative; all of the Polity editions have similar cover designs, forming a coherent visual brand.) The book is about the decline of “storytelling,” which in Han’s argument is an endangered mode of establishing meaning in an age dominated by the bullet points and edited clips of content that we consume online. The book builds upon the argument of “Non-things,” but, instead of lamenting a dearth of real-life objects, Han laments our ability to narrativize our “lived moments.” “For digital platforms, data are more valuable than narratives. They do not want narrative reflection.” Is this why my life as documented on Instagram doesn’t actually add up to a unified whole, despite all the time and labor I’ve invested into curating my account? Han’s concept of “information,” the opposite of narration, which requires a kind of non-data-driven capacity for imagination, has something in common with “content,” the catchall term that both describes and denatures twenty-first-century culture into so much undifferentiated mush. In “The Crisis of Narration,” Han writes, “In digital late modernity, we conceal the nakedness—the absence of meaning in our lives—by constantly posting, liking, and sharing. The noise of communication and information is supposed to ensure that life’s terrifying vacuity remains hidden.”

To that, the Internet-addled brain simply wants to respond: “Yas queen!!! Byung-Chul Han, run me over with a truck.” If you are a denizen of social media, to read Han is to feel both dragged and affirmed. His status as a kind of philosophy daddy to a younger generation is reinforced by the scant glimpses that readers get of his personal image. In photographs, he wears mainly shades of black, often with a broken-in but still elegant leather jacket and a thin scarf. His long hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and his skin glows like an influencer’s. His telegenic quality belies his isolation from the media ecosystem. He is not on social platforms; he told El País in a rare interview that he writes three sentences a day and spends most of his time caring for his plants and playing Bach and Schumann on the piano. His aura of offlineness—we craven online people might be tempted to call it a personal brand—seems to confirm that he has access to some wisdom that the rest of us lack.

Charles Pidgeon, a doctoral student in the University of Oxford’s English faculty, who studies literature about the Internet, described Han’s work as “kind of old-fashioned humanism: What are you taking from this? Something that should reorient your relationship to the world and to your own life.” But he added that Han’s digestible grand pronouncements don’t always hold up to close scrutiny. “There are a lot of things you can pick holes at,” Pidgeon told me. He pointed to “The Burnout Society” ’s argument that humanity has shifted from an “immunological society,” characterized by barriers, to a “neuronal society,” characterized by boundlessness and frictionless circulation. Of course, the covid pandemic signalled an extreme return to an immunologically organized world, which had not really gone away. “The kind of reductive clarity which is so important to how his writing functions is also part of the risk of it going very wrong,” Pidgeon said.

In “The Crisis of Narration” especially, Han runs the risk of speaking with too much curmudgeonly distance from his subject matter. He rightly observes “the present hype around narratives,” which might include the mania for “storytelling” in corporate marketing or the rampant popularity of ted talks. He argues that, though “stories” is a buzzword, we have lost a true, deeper capacity for narrative meaning-making. (Here he evokes the archetypal “fire around which humans gather to tell each other stories.”) He describes posting on social media as “pornographic self-presentation or self-promotion”—which is fair enough. There is little in his writing, however, to acknowledge that digital spaces can also produce meaningful experiences, an oversight that, at this point in the twenty-first century, seems almost quaint. We don’t read Han for a holistic orthodoxy; it’s hard to blame a sixty-something-year-old for not grasping TikTok’s paradoxical way of fostering both exploitative and emancipatory forms of expression. But he overlooks the way that social media enables self-narrativization, the construction and projection of a personal identity, with a freedom that was never possible in the top-down hierarchy of traditional media. For many people, the Internet is the new campfire.

One has to wonder what Han makes of the way that his own ideas have flourished in the Internet information economy, within the avalanche of non-things. When we read about the Internet, we so often crave an answer or a solution: Is a technology good or bad? How can we escape it? Han is not in the business of offering solutions or bullet-pointed life hacks, but online his writing can be readily turned into convenient, digestible lessons. (One TikTok caption: “Byung-Chul Han and self optimization #capitalism #marxism #therapy.”) Han’s books “critique excess digital consumption but are also compatible with it,” Pidgeon told me. They can be used as “another fashionable or modish set of thoughts to be pushed through S.E.O. and imbibed in little chunks by people,” he added. “That’s the real trap of it. You can never be outside of the system that you’re trying to talk about.” But Han’s ardent, almost brutalist style is also designed to speak for itself, and in that sense it resists digital culture’s way of forcing a person to stand in for his creative output. Part of Han’s revelation to readers is that they do not have to be a persona. If Han posted his own TikTok videos, most commenters would probably just ask what brand of leather jacket he was wearing. (Honestly, I want to know that, too.) Perhaps we should take his writing as an incitement to live our own offline lives instead. Until we put his ideas into practice, though, his writing offers an aspirational symbol to tote around, to flip through, to explain to our friends. As Maret, the University of Idaho student, put it, “The Han Hive is activated.”


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Thouti said...

@ -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew

Re "ignorance is bliss"...

Ignorance of lies and deceptions (=most mainstream news and establishment decrees) is bliss because exposing yourself to that is self-propagandization.

Ignorance of truths is not, or only temporarily or rarely, bliss because it is ultimately self-defeating .... https://johnmichaeldemarco.com/15-reasons-why-ignorance-is-not-bliss

The FALSE mantra of “ignorance is bliss”, promoted in the latter sense, is a product of a fake sick culture that has indoctrinated its “dumbed down” (therefore TRULY ignorant, therefore easy to control) people with many such manipulative slogans. Eg...

““We’re all in this together” is a tribal maxim. Even there, it’s a con, because the tribal leaders use it to enforce loyalty and submission. ... The unity of compliance.” --- Jon Rappoport, Investigative Journalist

You can find the proof that ignorance is hardly ever bliss (and if so only superficial temporary fake bliss), and how you get to buy into this lie (and other self-defeating lies), in the article “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” .... www.CovidTruthBeKnown.com (or https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html)

"Separate what you know from what you THINK you know." --- Unknown

“If 'ignorance is bliss' –there should be more happy people.” --- Unknown

"Ignorance is the bliss of dumb animals." --- Pete, from France

“Repeating what others say and think is not being awake. Humans have been sold many lies...God, Jesus, Democracy, Money, Education, etc. If you haven't explored your beliefs about life, then you are not awake.” --- E.J. Doyle, songwriter

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\But the corporate shareholder's/ investors pay zip for capital gains.
Do you know theory behind corporation???
It is like slave -- DO NOT own anything.
So... that is just some other people who do not like to pay taxes.
Well... like something new.

Yes, the theory is to ESCAPE taxes. The first corporation, the Catholic Church. Churches in the USA are "tax exempt".

Churches own nothing? No property? No buildings? No Popes with Vatican residences? Tax free? Islam had no "corporations" until mid 19th century. Just "mosques" and titheing.

Corporations are mini-socialisms that launder lower-taxed money to "stockholders" who pay even lower taxes on "capital gains" and "investment banks" who pay even less...

\\To keep the wage slaves in perpetual debt-slavery.
/Their own problem.
Let em find some Spartacus(Lenin?) to lead em. ;-PPPP
Into commie paradise. Where'd they'd be working for free. As slaves.
While forced to chant: "No! We are not slave! Slave -- not we!". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Hayek's "Road to Serfdom". Once you become a serf, you can no longer leave the land. You're tied (re-leggio/ religion) to it with a red velvet rope. Welcome to America.

\\ If the investors and money bundlers want to "invest" in Ukraine, let them use their OWN money instead of adding to the national debt. "Privatize gains/ publicize losses," I know!
/In case of war too? ;-P
Let it be "Everybody is for him/herself!". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Or... that'll be "Uncle Sam -- help us! Uncle Sam -- save us!"

Are we (America) at war? Like I said before, let the private interests use their OWN money. Let Lockheed Martin and Boeing lend/donate its' weapons (just not with money from the "pension trust" parts that pay my pensions) ;)

\\Call it for what it is: Ethics... not "religion". A cynical disguise for hiding class differences and struggle

...followed by different reference books.

So you prefer exoteric to esoteric knowledge? The common sense (kynicism) to more aristocratic/ cynical sense? Comedy to tragedy.

Why do you suppose my definition remains "hidden"? Because it must be given a distinction to make one credible and another "uncreduable", an absurd sky-deity to hide behind like a fetish totem. Ethics "good" religion "bad". Not only "bad", but "Evil".

Either religion IS ethics, or ethics IS religion. Because there are no sky gods. And, like the many "religions", there are more than one secular "good" (no universal values, just power-imposed laws).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\Ukraine has no racists?
/Do Ukraine have blakks??? ;-P
That's maybe EVERY country in the world was smuggling people from Africa... to work on plantations???

The same for "slavs" and "jews".

\\No oligarch's or corrupt officials, either.
/What is "oligarch"???
And what... every "corrupt official" is Nazi???

Read Plato's "Republic" to learn of "oligarchy". Then contrast it with monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. In other words, a "degraded" aristocracy. btw - ever hear of a timocracy? Kakistocracy (modern America)? ;)

\\Sell it to someone who's buying, St. Q.
/ I cannot (re)sell something what I not bought.
And I not buy manure. ;-P

Why not? "Money is like manure. It stinks when you pile it; it grows when you spread it"

The return from cows and sheep in cheese is worth much money every day in the season, without calves and lambs, and without the manure, which all return corn and fruit.
- Robert Grosseteste

\\Caesar never said what he did. When did the world discover the Nazi death lists? See you at the ICC in the Hague in a few, my friend. I'm sure the Russians will turn over the documents once they capture Kyiv, not that the "prosecutors" will ever do their jobs, though.
/So??? MH17 "never happened"???
Because Russians not provided their document????
And what courts and investigators and prosecutors are for???? To rubber-stamp sincere confession of murderers and burglars and rapers and all other people... which they ought to give of their own free will. Bu-ga-gah!!! %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

You make my points for me. Thankyou. btw - which Court has jurisdiction? The one at war with Russia? What impartial "appeals Court" do THEY have access to? (limits of law)

\\btw - How many Americans are on your "hit list" now? Can you please add me?
/WAT???? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The least you could do is put me on Biden's "drone kill list", since Ukraine doesn't have one... @@

\\...Like Americans @ Abu Ghraib, only its' more fun to torture/ humilate them. Jim Crowe laws for Ukrainian-Russians in the Donbass/Luhansk.

What, the KKK doesn't enjoy raping black women? I'm told that "its all pink on the inside." Where do you think German Jewish laws were modelled after?

\\You poke a bear, does he sit and take it?
/And white-headed eagle? ;-P
It turns and flying away... like some dumb sparrow. %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Will it be chased like Athena's owl by Odin's ravens?

\\You let us worry about that. Meddlers aren't welcome. And we'll be leaving your so-called "alliance" (Euro-suicide pact) soon enough if I have anything to say about it.
I only suspect that Pentagon is not on one page with you... in such story. ;-P

That's the problem. They aren't on one page with 99% of Americans not profitting from global corporatism and the future rape of Ukraine, either.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\It's not what "they" whine about that matters. It's who breaks them (sanctions).
Politics... it's all about talks... and making stances/poses. ;-P

...but especially, money.

\\...and that also AFFIRM mine, that WAR was the inevitable result.
/With such DEMN DUMB reaction to it. Like playing "nobody's home".
Or... continuing with childish "la-la-la, I don't here you...".
Yeah. It's self-fulfilling prophecy.
Many-many time confirmed... in ages.
The more you fear it -- the more surely it'll happen.
"Fear... is the killer of a mind..."

Its the rare general today who leads from the front. The others all are fearless b*stards who lack any skin-in-the-game but for their "careers" assurred by nodding idiot Presidents and the government bureaucrats who coddle them from beyond the corporate hedge fund J/K Street revolving doors. Think they REALLY care about Ukrainian freedom and democracy? The I, and not the R, in RICE?

\\But then WAR is what you argue for,
I just practicing historical meta-talking/meta-thinking.

Finding any coherence in it? ;)

\\It's time to start Round 12.
It's not even walk-in under sounds of music happened... and USA already throwed a towel. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

They do like hedging their (perimutuel) bets though. Hello GEORGIA! Is NATO expansion going to be a SUPERFECTA+ by the "House" bettors?

\\The sooner Israel's IDF cleans out Rafa, the better. Let the rockets only fall from Lebanon now. Ukraine is like Gaza. Teetering on the edge of a fall.
Would you bet something on that? ;-P

Sure. But I wouldn't know where or who to send their winnings to.

\\I'm pretty sure all the swans are white, now. At least in Ukraine. The window closes in January '25. Let's see if you can last that long.
/There's a long time... till that time. ;-P

Not for many Ukrainians (and Russians).

\\Holding them at the border? The Biden Admin is FLYING THEM IN trying to Blue-up the Red States. The question is, will the US last until Jan '25?
/Some traveling sparrows???
I mean REAL brutes. ;-P
Like Palestinian HAMASians, narco-cartels Latinoses, some smelly-hairy Russian gangsters, sneaky China Triades... to have your territory as port-a-franko. ;-P
Like Tortuga. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

My Venezuelan brothers will soon be taking Miami from the Cubans.

\\They do if they represent the very points du capitons that capture the illusion of "fixed meanings".
/That... looks like explaining Xs with Ys. Yawn.

Only if Y does not equal X. Which can be much less apparent with word definitions.

\\Yet still passing the Lindy test...
"Mother of idiots always preganant"(c)

In some regions more than others. ;0

\\Not exactly. You'll likely find yourselves in the commie "East" or in the DMZ. Cuz face it. Kyiv will never control HiMars again.

Russia will re-arm Ukraine? Maybe even build a drone factory for them?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\For the "Ukrainian Volk"... Putin demands "Unconditional Surrender"... so "surrender" is NOT an option.
\\Don't worry. Putin probably has a "final solution" for them. ;)
/Turning my argument back at me? What for?
To confirm me? ;-)

How should I know, has Ukraine even talked to Putin to receive terms? All just "fears in the minds" of both conscripts and volunteers. How's the CIA saying go, "Know-Like-Trust". I would add "FEAR-Know-Like-Trust" and thereby complete the F-"KLT" acronym.

\\You passed over the verses addressed to the princes of "Russian Eagles".
But why should I care.
If it was not addressed to me?

You would cede ALL the Sparrow's negotiating power to them?

\\\\\Their wives bear children resembling their fathers.
/Ha-ha-ha-ha... those fools. That dunno about chromosomes and DNA. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\...and yet weren't talking of that, merely observing phenomena.
/Like till the thinest structures of brain? ;-P
Which overwhelmed by mather's chromosomes... which makes em gays. Infertile. Impotents. ;-P
While still "resembling" their fathers...

And so we re-enter Plato's arguments on "names" from his "Cratylus".

Hector who was the "holder" of the city (men's name) vs "Scamandrius" (runs like a river) the Women's name for him.

It wasn't DNA that earned him those names. But "time". And "cult-ure". Acta non Verba.

So now we observe the "decadence" more readily apparent in American cult-ure. "The boy ain't like his old man."

\\...and ALL their predecessors. For they are the men in the arena.
/Assumed. I hope you'll forgive me, ignorance of their predecessors names.(though... I know em more, that I'd like too...)

It all started with George Washington, the American Cincinnatus. To American kids today he was nothing but a slave owner whose statues need tearing down. William Tell, we barely knew ye.

Like you (and Jesus) said, there are no prophets in one's home-town.

\\...and hubris suffers no fools.
/Like that poses problem to that fools... only to those who surround em. ;-P

Only if they hold/have power. ;)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

@ Thouti - I would never call Socrates ignorant... nor particularly blissful. He was married, after all. ;)

Thanks for the varied sources.

Anonymous said...

\\ Anonymous Thouti said...

You welcome! Brother in anonimity. ;-P

\\The FALSE mantra of “ignorance is bliss”

Those have many thoughts have many doubts... too???

If no, sorry, but you have NOT so many thought.

Bliss be with you, Ignoramus. ;-P

\\"Separate what you know from what you THINK you know." --- Unknown

Bu-ga-gah!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

But I know THE NAME of that Unknown.

That's... David Copperfield. Or that was Harry Goodinni? ;-P

\\“If 'ignorance is bliss' –there should be more happy people.” --- Unknown

Ignorant fools and idiots... are quite happy. If only anybody smart would NEVER appear...

Anonymous said...

Thanky-thanky for being flamboyant, Touti.

Even if for short time. And that's is ALL what you got. ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Somebody's touchy today... @@

Anonymous said...

\\Churches own nothing? No property? No buildings? No Popes with Vatican residences? Tax free? Islam had no "corporations" until mid 19th century. Just "mosques" and titheing.

Go catch em, Batman! ;-P

\\Hayek's "Road to Serfdom". Once you become a serf, you can no longer leave the land. You're tied (re-leggio/ religion) to it with a red velvet rope. Welcome to America.

That's why NEW techs needed.

To provide NEW scissors for cutting that ropes. ;-P

\\Are we (America) at war?

You are very observant, Chief Hawk Eye.

But that is not "never ever" situation.

But "not yet" situation.

Countdown has started.


\\So you prefer exoteric to esoteric knowledge? The common sense (kynicism) to more aristocratic/ cynical sense? Comedy to tragedy.

Everything is just inputs and outputs... for cybernetic. ;-)

\\The same for "slavs" and "jews".

Is it???

Are you proficient with measuring sculls, that much? ;-P

\\Read Plato's "Republic" to learn of "oligarchy".

Plato... Plato??? can't remember? Whozzat???

Is that that renowned Nobel prize winner in economy? Who know ins and outs of all modern inventions and social realities?

He also are prominent programmer, who knows how to wrap bitcoins around his finger.

And same time are neuro-scientist and cybernetics devising sentient robots.

THAT Plato? ;-PPPP

\\You make my points for me.

Sync yourself with up to date news.

That court (about MH17) have ended.

And now collection of retribution started.

\\The least you could do is put me on Biden's "drone kill list", since Ukraine doesn't have one... @@



I know thtat that is your inner joke.

\\What, the KKK doesn't enjoy raping black women? I'm told that "its all pink on the inside." Where do you think German Jewish laws were modelled after?


Yet one inner joke.

\\That's the problem. They aren't on one page with 99% of Americans not profitting from global corporatism and the future rape of Ukraine, either.


Well... you know why, already.

\\...but especially, money.


"...why they CAN do it, while I can't..." :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Means... if that'll be anyhow closer to a truth... there'd be NO politics... only finansists. ;-P

\\Its the rare general today who leads from the front.


But... nothing biggy. There'd be ENOUGH time... for NEW generals to grow.

\\ Think they REALLY care about Ukrainian freedom and democracy? The I, and not the R, in RICE?


Countdown has started.

Tik-tok! Tik-tok!

\\I just practicing historical meta-talking/meta-thinking.

\\Finding any coherence in it? ;)

Coherence of Reality with Reality?

Yeah... very hard thing to assure. Indeed.

\\Sure. But I wouldn't know where or who to send their winnings to.

Nothing biggy. I'll teach you how to use bitcoins in a jiffy. ;-P

\\Not for many Ukrainians (and Russians).

All humans mortal.

\\My Venezuelan brothers will soon be taking Miami from the Cubans.

Good for you.

But... better not brag about it so openly.

For NSA to not catch it in their nets. ;-P

\\Only if Y does not equal X. Which can be much less apparent with word definitions.


\\In some regions more than others. ;0

Somebody-somebody "listen to me, I'm expert" said it to you? ;-)

\\Russia will re-arm Ukraine? Maybe even build a drone factory for them?

Np... China will replenish that endless... well, not that much... fields of old rusty scraps???

Or... that'll be USA -- as faithful ally???

Anonymous said...

\\How should I know, has Ukraine even talked to Putin to receive terms? All just "fears in the minds" of both conscripts and volunteers. How's the CIA saying go, "Know-Like-Trust". I would add "FEAR-Know-Like-Trust" and thereby complete the F-"KLT" acronym.

Inner joke again?

\\And so we re-enter Plato's arguments on "names" from his "Cratylus".

If you say so...

\\It wasn't DNA that earned him those names. But "time". And "cult-ure". Acta non Verba.


Yet one explaining Xs with Ys.

\\It all started with George Washington, the American Cincinnatus. To American kids today he was nothing but a slave owner whose statues need tearing down. William Tell, we barely knew ye.


Wisdoms of Past... tend to grow imprecise and even outdated... with time.

\\Only if they hold/have power. ;)

You have never been beaten by a crowd, yes?

That's why you don't have such experience. And do not understand it.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\Churches own nothing? No property? No buildings? No Popes with Vatican residences? Tax free? Islam had no "corporations" until mid 19th century. Just "mosques" and titheing.
/Go catch em, Batman! ;-P

Naaah. Just change the tax laws.

\\Hayek's "Road to Serfdom". Once you become a serf, you can no longer leave the land. You're tied (re-leggio/ religion) to it with a red velvet rope. Welcome to America.
/That's why NEW techs needed.
To provide NEW scissors for cutting that ropes. ;-P

Is that how it ends in "To Kill a Dragon"?

\\Are we (America) at war?
/You are very observant, Chief Hawk Eye.
But that is not "never ever" situation.
But "not yet" situation.
Countdown has started.

...and we're flipping the board. :)

\\So you prefer exoteric to esoteric knowledge? The common sense (kynicism) to more aristocratic/ cynical sense? Comedy to tragedy.
/Everything is just inputs and outputs... for cybernetic. ;-)

But the 'Outputs' depend upon how they get "transformed" from 'Inputs'. That and the surrounding "Environmentals" (Scenarios) with feedback (& control) loops.

\\The same for "slavs" and "jews".
/Is it???
Are you proficient with measuring sculls, that much? ;-P

The jews were never slavs?

\\Read Plato's "Republic" to learn of "oligarchy".
/Plato... Plato??? can't remember? Whozzat???
Is that that renowned Nobel prize winner in economy? Who know ins and outs of all modern inventions and social realities?
He also are prominent programmer, who knows how to wrap bitcoins around his finger.
And same time are neuro-scientist and cybernetics devising sentient robots.
THAT Plato? ;-PPPP

No, the one who knows Lindy, and is good friends with him.

\\You make my points for me.
/Sync yourself with up to date news.
That court (about MH17) have ended.
And now collection of retribution started.

It must be a Moot Court. Or maybe one of Biden's...

\\The least you could do is put me on Biden's "drone kill list", since Ukraine doesn't have one... @@
I know thtat that is your inner joke.

Tell that to Dugin's daughter, Darya.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\What, the KKK doesn't enjoy raping black women? I'm told that "its all pink on the inside." Where do you think German Jewish laws were modelled after?
Yet one inner joke.

Women don't get raped on the Ukrainian front? They must be VERY ugly. Or maybe there are no real men there... ???

\\That's the problem. They aren't on one page with 99% of Americans not profitting from global corporatism and the future rape of Ukraine, either.
Well... you know why, already.

Unfortunately I spent the last 30 years working directly for them. So yes, I do.

\\...but especially, money.
"...why they CAN do it, while I can't..." :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Means... if that'll be anyhow closer to a truth... there'd be NO politics... only finansists. ;-P

Why not? Who do you think drafts our Laws now? The idiots in Congress? They no longer even bother submitting budgets under the regular Constitutional Order. They just pass "Continuing Resolutions" written by J/K Street lobbyists when the old budgets expire. Most have names like Pork-ulus or Porkulus XVI... and get coordinated by Legislative staffers and donors to the Members. lol!

\\Its the rare general today who leads from the front.
But... nothing biggy. There'd be ENOUGH time... for NEW generals to grow.

...and lose battles until they stop following orders from DC and the Pentagon.

\\ Think they REALLY care about Ukrainian freedom and democracy? The I, and not the R, in RICE?
Countdown has started.
Tik-tok! Tik-tok!

...meanwhile, another Ukrainian bites the dust.

\\I just practicing historical meta-talking/meta-thinking.
\\Finding any coherence in it? ;)
/Coherence of Reality with Reality?
Yeah... very hard thing to assure. Indeed.

That's because the winners write the histories, and they always leave out the most important parts. Their f*ck-ups.

\\Sure. But I wouldn't know where or who to send their winnings to.
/Nothing biggy. I'll teach you how to use bitcoins in a jiffy. ;-P

Better hurry and make it then. I hear that they'll soon be outlawing Bitcoins in favour of CBDCs... like "government script"... where you can only buy what's offered at the Post Exchange (PX)... and all "bets" will need to be sanctioned and go through DraftKings or FanDuel.

\\Not for many Ukrainians (and Russians).
/All humans mortal.

Some more than others. What's the average life expectancy now in Ukraine (69.65) compared to Japan (84.45) or Sweden (83.16). Your onlu consolation is that Russia's is lower (69.36). you guys have squandered 14 years...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\My Venezuelan brothers will soon be taking Miami from the Cubans.
/Good for you.
But... better not brag about it so openly.
For NSA to not catch it in their nets. ;-P

Why? They're undeportable now. Alea iacta est.

\\In some regions more than others. ;0
/Somebody-somebody "listen to me, I'm expert" said it to you? ;-)

Naaah. Personal experience of working with 'government experts'.

\\Russia will re-arm Ukraine? Maybe even build a drone factory for them?
/Np... China will replenish that endless... well, not that much... fields of old rusty scraps???
Or... that'll be USA -- as faithful ally???

We sure could use the work!

\\How should I know, has Ukraine even talked to Putin to receive terms? All just "fears in the minds" of both conscripts and volunteers. How's the CIA saying go, "Know-Like-Trust". I would add "FEAR-Know-Like-Trust" and thereby complete the F-"KLT" acronym.
/Inner joke again?

Only if you're CIA f'ing with me.

\\And so we re-enter Plato's arguments on "names" from his "Cratylus".
/If you say so...

I can only lead you to water, not make you drink.

\\It wasn't DNA that earned him those names. But "time". And "cult-ure". Acta non Verba.
Yet one explaining Xs with Ys.

Most paradoxes do.

\\It all started with George Washington, the American Cincinnatus. To American kids today he was nothing but a slave owner whose statues need tearing down. William Tell, we barely knew ye.
Wisdoms of Past... tend to grow imprecise and even outdated... with time.

Do they? How about UCMJ regulations regarding fraternization between officers and enlisted men? Outdated?

\\Only if they hold/have power. ;)
/You have never been beaten by a crowd, yes?
That's why you don't have such experience. And do not understand it.

No, I've only been mugged by a pack of Venezuelan teens who stole my bike from me when I was 10. I used to enjoy throwing water balloons at them from my house top though (@ Carnaval). I was always soaked, but every one of them that I hit was soaked for the very first time.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I call THAT "social justice". :)

Anonymous said...

\\Naaah. Just change the tax laws.

With exclusions for NGOs? ;-P

\\Is that how it ends in "To Kill a Dragon"?

That is fiction, and this is Real Life.

Is it your Hollywood happy-ending... if protagonist and his girl has put in grave?

\\...and we're flipping the board. :)

Yep. While hiding under the table... :-))))

\\But the 'Outputs' depend upon how they get "transformed" from 'Inputs'. That and the surrounding "Environmentals" (Scenarios) with feedback (& control) loops.


You gotcha basics.

\\The jews were never slavs?

When that giving em possibility to re-settle to Israel? ;-P

\\No, the one who knows Lindy, and is good friends with him.


On the graveyard of History?

\\It must be a Moot Court. Or maybe one of Biden's...

Don't like it? Make your own. ;-P

\\Tell that to Dugin's daughter, Darya.

Under different name and after plastic surgery... living somewhere in Maiami????

I think you have much bigger chance to talk with her. ;-P

\\Women don't get raped on the Ukrainian front?

Sync yourself with latest news.


\\Unfortunately I spent the last 30 years working directly for them. So yes, I do.

I got it. That you know all inner jokes. By heart.

\\Why not?

And you even asking???!!! %-)))))))

Thinking that job of politician is so sweet???


\\...and lose battles until they stop following orders from DC and the Pentagon.


Win in a pirric way. ;-P

\\...meanwhile, another Ukrainian bites the dust.

You don't care about dire chance of your fellow Ams to bite the dust. Radioactive one.

Why I should react to your "another Ukrainian bites the dust"???


You think I heard NOT ENOUGH of such howling...

\\That's because the winners write the histories, and they always leave out the most important parts. Their f*ck-ups.


Then all is simple -- USA need to be winners.

But... Oups... they scaredly hiding under nanny's many-many layers of self-deception skirts.

\\Some more than others. What's the average life expectancy now in Ukraine (69.65) compared to Japan (84.45) or Sweden (83.16). Your onlu consolation is that Russia's is lower (69.36). you guys have squandered 14 years...

Memento mori.

Anonymous said...

\\Why? They're undeportable now. Alea iacta est.

"Domestic terrorism", no?

\\Naaah. Personal experience of working with 'government experts'.

Like flyes and shit.

\\We sure could use the work!


\\\\And so we re-enter Plato's arguments on "names" from his "Cratylus".
/If you say so...

\\\I can only lead you to water, not make you drink.

Thank you, but no, thank you.

I prefer natural crystal clear one.

Not from some piss stream originating from a scrapyard/dumpfield. ;-P

For that... I have my chemical protection robe and tight test tubes.

Definitely will never try to test it with my mouth. ;-P

\\Most paradoxes do.

Paradoxes... it's just verbal knots. ;-P

And thought... not based on lingusitic.

\\Do they? How about UCMJ regulations regarding fraternization between officers and enlisted men? Outdated?

We'll see after next war-time draft. ;-P

\\ I was always soaked, but every one of them that I hit was soaked for the very first time.

Which teached em how it really good -- to be soaked wet in hot humid climate. ;-P

"Do not brawl with swines... you'd both be in mud... but swine -- like it"

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\Naaah. Just change the tax laws.
/With exclusions for NGOs? ;-P

No, a special 99% Meddling Do-Gooders tax.

\\Is that how it ends in "To Kill a Dragon"?
/That is fiction, and this is Real Life.
Is it your Hollywood happy-ending... if protagonist and his girl has put in grave?

No, that's a tragedy, where hero and girlfriend die for their virtuous beliefs due to some "fatal flaw"... like Coriolanus' love for his mother.

ps - Think Lancelot will have better luck 'freeing' the children once they witness his pending battle with the transmorgraphied Dragon? Their parents had been shuttered in their houses and unable to witness his former battle. But I suspect that they'll be as disinclined towards freedom as their parents until they gain the confidence of fighting and 'eventually' winning battles on their own.

\\...and we're flipping the board. :)
/Yep. While hiding under the table... :-))))

...creating some "ironic distance" for all.

\\But the 'Outputs' depend upon how they get "transformed" from 'Inputs'. That and the surrounding "Environmentals" (Scenarios) with feedback (& control) loops.
You gotcha basics.

...and a Master's degree from the University Discourse.

\\The jews were never slavs?
/When that giving em possibility to re-settle to Israel? ;-P

All it took was for the Great Powers to gtf out of the way.

\\No, the one who knows Lindy, and is good friends with him.
On the graveyard of History?

Most history isn't worth the paper its' printed on. Knowledge of which helps in the interpretation. As Walter Benjamin hinted, it's a backward facing bird (Angelus Novus), after all.

\\It must be a Moot Court. Or maybe one of Biden's...
/Don't like it? Make your own. ;-P

A new Orestes. I can hardly wait for the Euminides to get here!

\\Tell that to Dugin's daughter, Darya.
/Under different name and after plastic surgery... living somewhere in Maiami????
I think you have much bigger chance to talk with her. ;-P

And you would, too, if you ever stopped standing in a river in Egypt (De Nile). A "purloined letter" of prayer might do it.

\\Women don't get raped on the Ukrainian front?
/Sync yourself with latest news.

The Ukrainian Army is all "gay" & "trans"? We'll have to rewrite the stories of the Sacred Band, then.

\\Unfortunately I spent the last 30 years working directly for them. So yes, I do.
/I got it. That you know all inner jokes. By heart.

It comes from living on the edge of the inside (DC beltway). ;)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\Why not?
/And you even asking???!!! %-)))))))
Thinking that job of politician is so sweet???

Cocktails @ 6pm. Pretty sweet, anyways. No double book-keeping entries. Just 'anonymous' envelopes full of money to gather.

\\...and lose battles until they stop following orders from DC and the Pentagon.
Win in a pirric way. ;-P

...on their BEST days. You're about to experience one of their worst.

\\...meanwhile, another Ukrainian bites the dust.
/You don't care about dire chance of your fellow Ams to bite the dust. Radioactive one.
Why I should react to your "another Ukrainian bites the dust"???
You think I heard NOT ENOUGH of such howling...

The difference is that your people are actually dying now, and mine are not. I would think, therefore, that the "urgency" was more on your end to start taking action to save them. Even your American Neocon allies paying for your "sacrifices" and urging them on hide in DC chatrooms far, far away from all but "political" dangers. I am not THAT great a hypocrite. I am merely a voice from the edge of that inside, howling for you to save yourself. "mene, mene, tekel, parsin"

\\That's because the winners write the histories, and they always leave out the most important parts. Their f*ck-ups.
Then all is simple -- USA need to be winners.
But... Oups... they scaredly hiding under nanny's many-many layers of self-deception skirts.

I can hardly wait to read the classified "lessons learned" debrief written 10 years after the event and declassified 50 years later.

\\Some more than others. What's the average life expectancy now in Ukraine (69.65) compared to Japan (84.45) or Sweden (83.16). Your onlu consolation is that Russia's is lower (69.36). you guys have squandered 14 years...
/Memento mori.

Smoke em if you got 'em. You don't need to worry about lung cancer. You won't live that long.

\\Why? They're undeportable now. Alea iacta est.
"Domestic terrorism", no?

More "election fraud".

\\Naaah. Personal experience of working with 'government experts'.
/Like flyes and shit.

Highly compensated surplus salaried bourgeois flies... circling the sh*t... on the edge of the inside. Although technically, I no longer circle.

\\We sure could use the work!

Manufacturing. Most of ours is done in China.

\\\\And so we re-enter Plato's arguments on "names" from his "Cratylus".
/If you say so...
\\\I can only lead you to water, not make you drink.
/Thank you, but no, thank you.
I prefer natural crystal clear one.
Not from some piss stream originating from a scrapyard/dumpfield. ;-P
For that... I have my chemical protection robe and tight test tubes.
Definitely will never try to test it with my mouth. ;-P

"Your body, your choice" (as they say at abortion clinics).

\\Most paradoxes do.
/Paradoxes... it's just verbal knots. ;-P
And thought... not based on lingusitic.

Certainly not all of it. "Seeing" is believing. Confirmation of retro-constructed linguistics representing all sensory inputs.

\\Do they? How about UCMJ regulations regarding fraternization between officers and enlisted men? Outdated?
/We'll see after next war-time draft. ;-P

Best keep an eye out for the fraggers then.

\\ I was always soaked, but every one of them that I hit was soaked for the very first time.
/Which teached em how it really good -- to be soaked wet in hot humid climate. ;-P
"Do not brawl with swines... you'd both be in mud... but swine -- like it"

Yes we do. And never be tempted to grab and hug a tar baby either. ;)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Linguistics. What we learn from other people ordering each other about so that we can learn to order ourselves and others about.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but do we do it with amour de soi, or with amour propre? That's the real question. Republican? Or Democrat.

Anonymous said...

\\No, a special 99% Meddling Do-Gooders tax.

And NO TAXES zone for those who'd be watching out for "Meddling Do-Gooders" paying their taxes. ;-P

\\ps - Think Lancelot will have better luck 'freeing' the children once they witness his pending battle with the transmorgraphied Dragon?


You have no talent for aesopic language. ;-P

\\ But I suspect that they'll be as disinclined towards freedom as their parents until they gain the confidence of fighting and 'eventually' winning battles on their own.

Yeah... known effect. Children of drunkards... who became sober moralists.

Children of preachers -- atheists.

And etc...

For some that is mysticism and "unknown his paths".

For me... that's just...

Key Points on Mendel's Laws The law of segregation states that every individual possesses two alleles and only one allele is passed on to the offspring. The law of independent assortment states that the inheritance of one pair of genes is independent of inheritance of another pair.

Mendel's Laws of Inheritance - BYJU'S
https://byjus.com › Biology › Biology Article
Mendel's Laws of Inheritance - Mendel's Laws and Experiments

\\...creating some "ironic distance" for all.

No fun. :-(

And you are party-pooper. ;-P

\\Most history isn't worth the paper its' printed on.


\\A new Orestes. I can hardly wait for the Euminides to get here!

"My Name Is Nobody". ;-)

\\And you would, too, if you ever stopped standing in a river in Egypt (De Nile).

I'll better re-watch "Malavita"... yet one time.

\\Thinking that job of politician is so sweet???

\\Cocktails @ 6pm. Pretty sweet, anyways. No double book-keeping entries. Just 'anonymous' envelopes full of money to gather.

Oups! Don't know good Hollywood one... accidentally.

But... there is good series -- "Government".

\\...on their BEST days. You're about to experience one of their worst.

Koan "Horse"

\\The difference is that your people are actually dying now, and mine are not.

Are you sure?

In 2021, the death rate in the United States remained nearly unchanged at around 10.4 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants. Nevertheless, 2021 still represents a peak in the death rate in the United States. The crude death rate is the annual number of deaths in a given population, expressed per 1,000 people.

\\ I would think, therefore, that the "urgency" was more on your end to start taking action to save them.

Why Steve Jobs died??? While being f***g billioneire???

Not taking precautious measures.

\\ I am merely a voice from the edge of that inside, howling for you to save yourself. "mene, mene, tekel, parsin"

You... still... dunno... history of Ukraine...


\\I can hardly wait to read the classified "lessons learned" debrief written 10 years after the event and declassified 50 years later.

Then... start studing Mandarin. ;-P

Because "winners write history books".

\\Smoke em if you got 'em. You don't need to worry about lung cancer. You won't live that long.

Nobody knows that...

\\More "election fraud".

Yeah. Or that...

\\Best keep an eye out for the fraggers then.

Or self-shooting.


Anonymous said...

\\Republican? Or Democrat.

"Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend." ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\No, a special 99% Meddling Do-Gooders tax.
/And NO TAXES zone for those who'd be watching out for "Meddling Do-Gooders" paying their taxes. ;-P

Naaah. Everyone needs to pay taxes if they want to get a vote in things.

\\ps - Think Lancelot will have better luck 'freeing' the children once they witness his pending battle with the transmorgraphied Dragon?
You have no talent for aesopic language. ;-P

Apparently not. But then again, until the very end, Socrates knew better than to even try. He helped "birth" other's ideas, he didn't have any himself.

\\ But I suspect that they'll be as disinclined towards freedom as their parents until they gain the confidence of fighting and 'eventually' winning battles on their own.
/Yeah... known effect. Children of drunkards... who became sober moralists.
Children of preachers -- atheists.
And etc...
For some that is mysticism and "unknown his paths".
For me... that's just...
Key Points on Mendel's Laws The law of segregation states that every individual possesses two alleles and only one allele is passed on to the offspring. The law of independent assortment states that the inheritance of one pair of genes is independent of inheritance of another pair.
Mendel's Laws of Inheritance - BYJU'S
https://byjus.com › Biology › Biology Article
Mendel's Laws of Inheritance - Mendel's Laws and Experiments

They'd hang you for those ideas here. Just look what they did to Charles Murray for proposing that outcomes were 50% inherited, and 50% environmental. His co-Author (Hernstein) got off easy, by dying shortly after publication. @@

\\...creating some "ironic distance" for all.
/No fun. :-(
And you are party-pooper. ;-P

New Cold Wars can be fun, too. Just don't get forced into a settlement that requires you to formally relinquish all your lost territory. Oh THAT's right, you turned down THAT opportunity in the Fall of '22. *tsk-tsk*

\\Most history isn't worth the paper its' printed on.

Print the "myth".

\\A new Orestes. I can hardly wait for the Euminides to get here!
/"My Name Is Nobody". ;-)

The 7 Samurai.

\\And you would, too, if you ever stopped standing in a river in Egypt (De Nile).
/I'll better re-watch "Malavita"... yet one time.

DeNiro's a pussy.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\Thinking that job of politician is so sweet???
\\Cocktails @ 6pm. Pretty sweet, anyways. No double book-keeping entries. Just 'anonymous' envelopes full of money to gather.
/Oups! Don't know good Hollywood one... accidentally.
But... there is good series -- "Government".

The Regime? Watched it already.

\\...on their BEST days. You're about to experience one of their worst.
/Koan "Horse"


\\The difference is that your people are actually dying now, and mine are not.
/Are you sure?
In 2021, the death rate in the United States remained nearly unchanged at around 10.4 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants. Nevertheless, 2021 still represents a peak in the death rate in the United States. The crude death rate is the annual number of deaths in a given population, expressed per 1,000 people.


\\ I would think, therefore, that the "urgency" was more on your end to start taking action to save them.
/Why Steve Jobs died??? While being f***g billioneire???
Not taking precautious measures.

Pancreatic cancer isn't something you can take precautions for. And he lasted longer than most.

\\ I am merely a voice from the edge of that inside, howling for you to save yourself. "mene, mene, tekel, parsin"
/You... still... dunno... history of Ukraine...

That's okay, she doesn't have much of a history left anyway. :(

\\I can hardly wait to read the classified "lessons learned" debrief written 10 years after the event and declassified 50 years later.
/Then... start studing Mandarin. ;-P
Because "winners write history books".

Then I suppose that with those myths, that the story must end.

\\Smoke em if you got 'em. You don't need to worry about lung cancer. You won't live that long.
/Nobody knows that...

Your bookie probably does.

\\More "election fraud".
/Yeah. Or that...

Mail in voting... what can I say? All you need is a US address.

\\Best keep an eye out for the fraggers then.
/Or self-shooting.

There's alway's the "Klinger" approach, but these days, all it would get you is a promotion.

Anonymous said...

\\Naaah. Everyone needs to pay taxes if they want to get a vote in things.


Good advertising slogan.

But... it need to reduce population to lead poisoned idiots and drunkards... to be belived. AGAIN!!! ;-P

\\he didn't have any himself.

Does he? ;-P

\\They'd hang you for those ideas here.


\\New Cold Wars can be fun, too.

Before Cold War 2.0...

you need to win a Hot one. First!

and for that you need NEW techs...

\\Oh THAT's right, you turned down THAT opportunity in the Fall of '22. *tsk-tsk*

Would you stop abusing that dead horse??? ;-P

We are but a tiniest fleas... or even bacterias... on a kark of tiranosaur that assaulting diplodocus -- neither you nor I have ANY saying in what happening.

Which mean... that you recurrent and forced tryes to use "you" -- is utterly useless. ;-P

I will not react to it. And it will add nothing to your stance rhetorically.


Or... you want me to start using "continue-continue, ..." in response to it?

\\The 7 Samurai.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magnificent_Seven ;-P

\\DeNiro's a pussy.

Better be a pussy... than an asshole. OR ELSE ;-P

BTW -- https://linksforfree.com/ -- check it out. ;-P

\\The Regime? Watched it already.

This one

Yours... lame hollywood dramatisation.


\\\\...on their BEST days. You're about to experience one of their worst.
/Koan "Horse"



nobody like meditations.

Better just to sleep... even if "sleeping mind giving birth to a monster"


\\Pancreatic cancer isn't something you can take precautions for. And he lasted longer than most.

Oh... yeah???

Because it's some f***g "divine punishment"? ;-P

\\\\ I am merely a voice from the edge of that inside, howling for you to save yourself. "mene, mene, tekel, parsin"
/You... still... dunno... history of Ukraine...

\\That's okay, she doesn't have much of a history left anyway. :(


But Russian Empire, Soviet Union... Thousand Years Reich??? do??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Maybe USA plan to live longer? ;-P

\\Then I suppose that with those myths, that the story must end.

Ehm??? Mayan Calendar? ;-P

\\There's alway's the "Klinger" approach, but these days, all it would get you is a promotion.


BTW Der Spiegel talking about Moochel. ;-P

Do you think they trying to hint on something? ;-)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\Naaah. Everyone needs to pay taxes if they want to get a vote in things.
Good advertising slogan.
But... it need to reduce population to lead poisoned idiots and drunkards... to be belived. AGAIN!!! ;-P

They don't pay taxes (currently). They get subsidies. 50% of current Americans pay no taxes (are given "rebates" at tax collection time - Earned Income credits).

\\he didn't have any himself.
/Does he? ;-P

Only about the midwifery of ideas.

\\They'd hang you for those ideas here.

They'd call you a eugenecist.

\\New Cold Wars can be fun, too.
/Before Cold War 2.0...
you need to win a Hot one. First!
and for that you need NEW techs...

You sound like a neocon. I'm a paleocon. So "molon labe".

\\Oh THAT's right, you turned down THAT opportunity in the Fall of '22. *tsk-tsk*
/Would you stop abusing that dead horse??? ;-P
We are but a tiniest fleas... or even bacterias... on a kark of tiranosaur that assaulting diplodocus -- neither you nor I have ANY saying in what happening.
Which mean... that you recurrent and forced tryes to use "you" -- is utterly useless. ;-P
I will not react to it. And it will add nothing to your stance rhetorically.
Or... you want me to start using "continue-continue, ..." in response to it?

I'll pass. I think that both our positions are clear, and not likely to vary much.

\\The 7 Samurai.
/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magnificent_Seven ;-P

American re-makes of Japanese remakes. 7 against Thebes.

\\DeNiro's a pussy.
/Better be a pussy... than an asshole. OR ELSE ;-P

DeNiro's a lover, not a fighter. He only makes asshole noises.

/BTW -- https://linksforfree.com/ -- check it out. ;-P

Cool. But I'm an old dog. I hate learning new sites/ tricks. ;)

\\The Regime? Watched it already.
/This one
Yours... lame hollywood dramatisation.

I thought it was funny. Kinda like "The Great"

\\\\...on their BEST days. You're about to experience one of their worst.
/Koan "Horse"
nobody like meditations.
Better just to sleep... even if "sleeping mind giving birth to a monster"


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\Pancreatic cancer isn't something you can take precautions for. And he lasted longer than most.
/Oh... yeah???
Because it's some f***g "divine punishment"? ;-P

I'd have to ask my mom. She died of it @ age 49 (when I was 19). Back then, you lived a year at most at diagnosis. I think Jobs lived 3... so yeah, it's still a death sentence.

\\\\ I am merely a voice from the edge of that inside, howling for you to save yourself. "mene, mene, tekel, parsin"
/You... still... dunno... history of Ukraine...
\\That's okay, she doesn't have much of a history left anyway. :(
But Russian Empire, Soviet Union... Thousand Years Reich??? do??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Maybe USA plan to live longer? ;-P

Naaah. Even 300 will be 50 years too many.

\\Then I suppose that with those myths, that the story must end.
/Ehm??? Mayan Calendar? ;-P

Are we any smarter?

\\There's alway's the "Klinger" approach, but these days, all it would get you is a promotion.
BTW Der Spiegel talking about Moochel. ;-P
Do you think they trying to hint on something? ;-)

Only that they all know Biden can't win, and the Mooch is the most logical option (since Obama weaponized the original Deep State used by Biden). This August is the Democratic Party Convention. It'll be finalized there.

Anonymous said...

\\\\he didn't have any himself.
/Does he? ;-P

\\Only about the midwifery of ideas.

Personages in your texts... can do only what you'll write em to do. ;-P

\\You sound like a neocon. I'm a paleocon. So "molon labe".


\\I'll pass. I think that both our positions are clear, and not likely to vary much.


I have no money to waste on a ticket to USA.

And you will not bother yourself... to go elsewhere.

So... yeah, our positions will nit change. Much. ;-P

\\DeNiro's a lover, not a fighter. He only makes asshole noises.

Was not watching link?

\\Cool. But I'm an old dog. I hate learning new sites/ tricks. ;)


Stimulus needed. ;-P

\\I thought it was funny. Kinda like "The Great"

Yet. That's what it was created for.


Sure-thing way of control.

Over gullible USAians.

For em to UNlearn to seek for NEW information. To seek for Truth.


\\I'd have to ask my mom. She died of it @ age 49 (when I was 19). Back then, you lived a year at most at diagnosis. I think Jobs lived 3... so yeah, it's still a death sentence.

For billionaire???

How's Rothschild??? How's his new heart? ;-)

\\Are we any smarter?


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\\\he didn't have any himself.
/Does he? ;-P
\\Only about the midwifery of ideas.
Personages in your texts... can do only what you'll write em to do. ;-P

No wonder Odysseus found Achilles on Skyros.

\\I'll pass. I think that both our positions are clear, and not likely to vary much.
I have no money to waste on a ticket to USA.
And you will not bother yourself... to go elsewhere.
So... yeah, our positions will nit change. Much. ;-P

You're such a card. I do leave my couch to go to the toilet every now and again.

\\DeNiro's a lover, not a fighter. He only makes asshole noises.
/Was not watching link?

Sorry, missed em. I pasted into notepad and the links didn't follow.

ps - D*cks f*ck assholes, too. ;)

\\Cool. But I'm an old dog. I hate learning new sites/ tricks. ;)
Stimulus needed. ;-P

Torpedo's shock!

\\I thought it was funny. Kinda like "The Great"
/Yet. That's what it was created for.
Sure-thing way of control.
Over gullible USAians.
For em to UNlearn to seek for NEW information. To seek for Truth.

Catherine the Great DIDN'T f*ck a horse?

\\I'd have to ask my mom. She died of it @ age 49 (when I was 19). Back then, you lived a year at most at diagnosis. I think Jobs lived 3... so yeah, it's still a death sentence.
/For billionaire???
How's Rothschild??? How's his new heart? ;-)

A new heart cures pancreatic cancer? Who knew? Jobs should have known...

\\Are we any smarter?


Anonymous said...

Now TWO posts somehow disappeared. :-)))

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I restored items from the Spam filter.

Hey, I didn't write it.

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