
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Monday, July 29, 2024

Biological Origins

The ability to create complexity at scale.
Existence + Copying = Biology


Anonymous said...

Only in Russia... ;-p

Anonymous said...

Heh, yeah... important to add -- he was asking for some drugs. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

It was a nice store...

Anonymous said...

Yeah. By European standards. Yawn.

They bought it all(as they think), all goodies of Old World... and now loathing what remains.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Is that why they're selling pieces of the Eiffel Tower now?

Anonymous said...

Yeah... First World garbage into Third World luxuries.


Anonymous said...

Russia asks just that -- to return to be Third World.

And you nastily DENY em that... with not making radioactive swamp out of Mos-cow.


Anonymous said...

That is in your USA foreign policy???

To make excuses for NOT killing terrorists, today? Saying "That not us"???


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The Neocons will shortly be no longer in charge. The Terrorism-fighting military adventuring days will soon be over... permanently.

Anonymous said...

Wars of the future... is here. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Hah... but they ALREADY are... from word of that Blinken. ;-P

(or that was Blitzen ;-P one of WH Sants deers, Yo-ho-ho!)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Reminds me of cow tipping at midnight in Iowa....

Anonymous said...

F-16s in Ukraine... they say...

Do you believe em?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A few... but not nearly enough to make any difference.

Anonymous said...

You trying to win symbolically in a symbolic war...

it's like they say "to go with a knife to a gunfight".


Anonymous said...

6 Questions About DNA Answered
Important questions asked and answered, briefly.


Anonymous said...

Well... maybe you could ask your questions there -- https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/115473/why-try-to-explain-the-unexplainable

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I'm not really interested in the University Discourse anymore, Q. I'd rather listen to the birds, and imagine what they're talking about.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I think the US government is the one offering "symbolic F-16's"... hope for Pandora's Jar.

Anonymous said...

Well... having whole nest of em... would be more... effective. ;-p

Anonymous said...

Like I said anything else? Yawn.

And... Pandora's Box ALREADY open. And pests all over. Yawn.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

US-Russia prisoner exchange? what aren't they telling you?

Anonymous said...

Yet more that USA became sissy-pussy and there'd be MORE Americans caught for such "exchanges"??? In many MORE countries???

That Americans became fat turkeys?

Anonymous said...

And that Americans DO HAVE... negotiations with terrorists? Yawn.

Anonymous said...

NEW RedBaron... ;-P

Anonymous said...

Wise decision? ;-P

Anonymous said...

Hah... DiBi always was cretin. Yawn.

David Brin said...

Shagggz sorry, anyone who relies on "unbreakable encryption" and who especially trusts bitcoin is someone I would love to sell a bridge. Such folks are romantics... and clueless about things like Back Doors. Of which the NSA has more than you can possibly imagine.

To make unbreakable encryption is very easy, actually. Yawn.

It called "One-time notebook" encryption.

TWO parties just need to share dump of random numbers.

And then just perform simple XOR encryption over it.

And NOBODY would be able to dechifer it. EVER.

Because it would make a random BLOB indiscernible from any other BLOBs.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Whereas the Israeli's just kill you...

There are no hostages in Gaza. Just temporary gravesites.

Anonymous said...

Ho-ho-ho... it became lively... at DiBi's place.

And I cannot thrug feeling that that shaggz... is totally your type. ;-P

Do you lice NakedCap too? ;-P

Anonymous said...

\\ Blogger Larry Hart said...

Stonekettle on Threads.



What these cud chewing dipshits call the Deep State is simply continuity of government, the day-to-day normal operation of one of the largest and most complex governments in history, operated by career professionals most of whom are proud to keep the wheels turning and the gears lubricated.

Can you imagine if government was completely changed out every new administration? New people new procedures, it would be total and utter chaos.


Because We the People... CANNOT govern over themself... OH, SHiT!!! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

Anonymous said...

So??? Where's INVESTIGATION???!!!!!

There is no space for it to be problematic. TWO WEEKS should be ENOUGH.

But what I see... only such rumors:
The other aspect of the shooting which seemed obvious all along was that the communication broke down between the local law enforcement and the SS. I figured that the local enforcement was the snag but it's actually the converse. The county sniper team has gone to press and told their side of it. The local snipers followed protocol, saw the suspicious (gunman) and radioed what was going on to the SS detail, who failed to act on it until shots were fired.

And fervent tries to dismiss "that's just a scratch" by DEMN media.

What's going on???? %^)))

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

It's simple. The release of any further information would look bad on the Kamala Harris Campaign. Like the Hunter Biden laptop... all must be conceled under the cloak of Gyges.... NatSec umbrella.

Anonymous said...


\\Blogger Alfred Differ said...

Catfish 'n Cod,

Russia sees such as "subversion" because, in the Russian political memeplex, decision-making not under state influence should never exist.

I agree. On a board I used to frequent I met a guy who was over there 'teaching' Democracy. He and his friends despised Obama and Clinton for not doing more to help the people of Ukraine liberate themselves, so they figured they had to do it themselves. They didn't teach rebellion specifically, but teaching democracy and a sense of dignity was certainly going to wind up with the Russian puppets being ousted.

The guy I knew was very careful not to release his name and we all understood why. That an American could be over there teaching people they should be able to self-govern would be interpreted by Russia as America being over there teaching all that. There would be no distinction made.

The guy I knew likely wouldn't be happy with Ukraine's people dying in this war, but he would have argued this kind of war with Russia was a better outcome than remaining as a puppet state.

I've lost touch with him... and I'm fine with that. I think of him now and then, though, when people argue we can't affect the world except through our governments. Obviously we can. Well... barbarians can. He and his friends went over there and found fertile minds where liberty and dignity could grow. He's probably arguing they are fighting a just war... and I agree.

Anonymous said...

So... they will be pretending that nothing happened... next half a year???

And there is nothing Reps can do?

Or they are in one boat -- and will NOT be doing anything???

Anonymous said...

What can I say... in a DEMN funny country you are living.

Where crossing a street on a wrong color is makes you NAZI...

And try to kill political opponent... is merely "scratch on a ear... feigned".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nothing will happen before November's election. Then, either the NeoCon faction or the Natcon faction will have their way. Our National Security State isn't going anywhere either way. One wants Ukraine as its' vassal, one does not.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I suspect that the neocon faction will win though. The outcome of November's election won't be left to the whims of the "legal" American voters.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...the rest, Nazi's and earlobes, is all theatrics.