
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Cassandra on Instrumentarium Power: The Commodification of Personal Identity Information (PII)

Excerpt from the video:
...So this framing is really about uh the dehumanization the fact that that the treatment of people is not as people. The treatment is of people as raw materials, as something that's not human.

And she contrasts this with totalitarianism, where she says in totalitarianism they actually want you to feel fear of them. They actually care about you getting emotionally and intellectually on board with their political agenda. Totalitarians actually have this humano human relationship, and it's of course an abusive relationship in totalitarianism. But what she says with this other thing that we're in now, which she calls Instrumentarium power, she says actually the people who are extracting the behavior modification and the data from you, they don't actually care about you being in fear or your anxiety. It just so happens that if fear and anxiety are the most effective and optimized way of achieving what they need to get those people the real customers the behavior modification and the data they want, then fear will be used anxiety wil be used. But it's not really about the fear or anxiety. That's just a means to an end. I do believe, as she does, that our economic system is shifting under our feet.

Collecting PII to "personalize the App User's experience" is one Trojan Horse which enables the Technofeudal Lords to then sell that data to their 'Greek' Technofeudal Vassals in order to create the desired products sold under their digital schizoid proprietary marketplaces within the Apps... presenting their "buy" case at the precise moment that the cloud-serf is vulnerable to submitting to their induced schizoid purchase impulse.

The "Internet of Things" is another Trojan Horse which then enables others to "control" those internet attached things.  It gives both you, and others, Control over all things attached over the Internet.  So, if you don't make your payments, they can "shut them off".

On human tuning, herding, & conditioning through technology

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