
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Monday, March 24, 2025

Zizekian Moments

Slavoj Zizek, "The Parallax of Lack and Surplus in Politics"

Excerpt from Slavoj Zizek video above:
Marx's vision of Communism remains all too much a vision of Capitalism without Capital, without Capitalism. Marx always speaks as if we have this incredible dynamic in Capitalism, but then at a certain stage of development, you drop the form of Capital, search for profit, and so on; and you will get uh self-propelled, even more crazy, wild expansion reproduction. I think precisely, and here I'm entering your topic of lack and access, I think that precisely, leaps as we are experiencing today, this will not happen. 
The greatest Hegelian Insight that we get is that something that may appear to be an obstacle to full development of a field is its' condition of possibility. So you take away the obstacle, and you lose, at the same time, what this was an obstacle to. 
Now we take an example, I apologize myself sincerely but I just don't have a better example, if it will sound slightly male chauvinist, no? It's an old story that I repeat again all the time. I was flirting, years ago with a lady. I will not tell you "where, who said, "The last lover who saw me naked told me that my body is perfect... just, it was "almost perfect", it would have been just better, if I were to lose just two pounds. And I told her immediately, "just don't do that." Because you need this imperfection to give birth to the fantasy, "My god, without that you would be perfect!" But if you take away the obstacle, she would just be bland, average, you lose it.

So, I will not lose time here, something along this, I think, happens with Marx, when he all the time says that "the form of Capital is the obstacle." Yes, but only in the form of this obstacle can the expanded self reproduction function.

...and What Am I For the Others?  

a consumer,  a footsoldier,  a voter, a taxpaying revenue source, an entrepreneur...?

Che Vuoi? 

...a free-entrepreneur of the self?

...the commodification of the Self!

Got a better idea (ie- LIMITED Commerce, NOT Capitalism) that doesn't lead to technofeudalism?

Speak Now or Forever Remain a Cloud-Serf!

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