Slavoj Zizek, "Why is Ophelia for Hamlet Phallus" (excerpts)
All forms of authority that exerted pressure on her (Ophelia) are now cancelled, not in the sense of liberation but in a much more terrifying sense of her Self transformed into a selfless space in which confused phantasmagorias circulate – something that Hegel, following the German mystic tradition, described in the following often-quoted passage:"The human being is this night, this empty nothing, that contains everything in its simplicity - an unending wealth of many representations, images, of which none belongs to him - or which are not present. This night, the interior of nature, that exists here - pure self - in phantasmagorical representations, is night all around it, in which here shoots a bloody head - there another white ghastly apparition, suddenly here before it, and just so disappears. One catches sight of this night when one looks human beings in the eye - into a night that becomes awful."---
...As for the obvious fact that in the Auslander video clip, blacks are portrayed in the mode of white racist clichés: of course, because Auslander is not about real Blacks but about Blacks as part of White racist fantasies – the point is to ruin these fantasies from within, displaying their disgusting ridiculousness.
This is what Rammstein does to totalitarian ideology: it de-semanticizes it and brings forward its obscene babble in its intrusive materiality. Does Rammstein's music not perfectly exemplify the distinction between sense and presence, the tension in a work of art between the hermeneutic dimension and the dimension of presence "this side of hermeneutics," a dimension which Lacan indicated by the term sinthom (formula-knot of jouissance) as opposed to symptom (bearer of meaning)? The identification with Rammstein is a direct over-identification with sinthoms which undermines ideological identification. We should not fear this direct over-identification – what we should fear is the articulation of this chaotic field of energy into a (Fascist) universe of meaning. No wonder Rammstein's music is violent, materially present, invading, and intrusive with its strong volume and deep vibrations – its materiality is in constant tension with its meaning, undermining it.
...or William Holman Hunt, "The Hireling Shepard"
Jesus (Good Shepard) vs. "The Church" (Hireling Shepard)
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